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Wf@Amazon Segway Arrives in OKCdZmzokc??8,?LVAL*] *z @ -  } j C 0  m Z G MR2.OrientationOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDefaultValueGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescription FormatCaptionInputMaskDecimalPlacesDefaultViewIMEModeIMESentenceModeK     U,ԋF%ڲ_jC$W.O@tblCommentsAd G1;j,ԋF%ڲ_jComment_IDvr@0,ԋF%ڲ_jJournal_ID~=kxKI,ԋF%ڲ_jName)1F1\k,ԋF%ڲ_jCountry(:F|4,ԋF%ڲ_jEMailvP#ƢPD(\u͠,ԋF%ڲ_jDate_stamp"V}!A\ 'n ,ԋF%ڲ_jComments&RLLOZMr,ԋF%ڲ_jIP ,ԋF%ڲ_j Name 5     m   ~=kxKI   EMail b     m   (:F|4  YComment_ID    Ad G1;jDate_stamp     Now() vP#ƢPD(\u͠  Comments        "V}!A\ 'n  Country      m   )1F1\k  Journal_ID      0  m vr@0 IP      m     ˰ E'MR2RecordLocksODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDOL  <    | U,ԋF%ڲ_j vT#@(tblCommentsvr@0,ԋF%ڲ_jNews_IDMR2( ReplicateProject MR20 Title AuthorCompanyF news  Bruce Surf-netMR2.AccessVersion Build* 08.50   LVALh  @ @ @       #ά(G &qtblCommentsά(1ZtblCommentstblComments:EtblNewstblNewsLVALQ+-MR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionIMEModeIMESentenceModeDecimalPlacesDefaultValue FormatGUID1    USLdFI'6^xI@tblConfiguration\9wDp4iSLdFI'6^Username_>A9SLdFI'6^Passwordi_'xLpWSLdFI'6^bg_colourPNBF==3MSLdFI'6^text_colour~x3{@D'SLdFI'6^text_typeݾA3cLmVٚ?mSLdFI'6^text_size 2AnJ.xSLdFI'6^links_colourMNBÐ,SLdFI'6^visited_links_colourM}zCs,#GSLdFI'6^active_links_colour^MfB+M*5SLdFI'6^table_colour N:KwWtc8SLdFI'6^table_border_colouru)"?I/32SSLdFI'6^table_title_colour&Z]Kͻ9\f9SLdFI'6^No_records_per_pageԃZL80$SLdFI'6^Message_char_noکIMgSLdFI'6^email_addresslOuSLdFI'6^email_notify￉|>_Ar08jSLdFI'6^mail_component3Nj> :SLdFI'6^mail_servert''@ME<@\SLdFI'6^Code' N/ SLdFI'6^Title_image:៉`LF/  SLdFI'6^Cookie5sH`ݠSLdFI'6^IP_blockingGp7LgoO%0*ZSLdFI'6^No_of_preview_items0VLU,QSLdFI'6^heading_text_sizeWOy2SLdFI'6^small_text_size  `ZoC ߊ"bg_colour       m       pˬTAѺtext_colour       m       {aGCS@links_colour       m       <HDͨhT.(visited_links_colour       m       03 ynA̢6?,&active_links_colour       m       X׉PLtable_colour       m       @!jJpMU,&table_border_colour       m       eBC)ٴ *$table_title_colour       m       y`䳕C L2/text_type       m       mA(2$Kpf }text_size       0   m PHͽUsername       m       a7RAAwPĪsPassword       m       wOL|nV٥d,&No_records_perLVAL_page       0   m yBG{J$Message_char_no       0   m *^1OAJKѲ*email_notify    True/False   j ClMf"mail_component       m       {22uHy~/g&mail_server       m       *HFLw8͖ email_address       m        SijElIMq"|Code    True/False   j PMrZ@Qa7Title_image       m       -ƣiݪMc'%΀ Cookie    True/False   j ǦY&F0S9^IP_blocking    True/False   j IfsfMk9@p,&No_of_preview_items       0   m _ _Bw YRQ("heading_text_size       0   m Mt3qcr$small_text_size       0   m vG@/9mWI\LVALnS  Y   Y Y  Y Y  Y  Y  Y  r Y s Y E Y a Y d Y 2Y  Y   Y  jY ConnectDatabaseDateCreateDateUpdate FlagsForeignNameIdLvLvExtraLvModule LvPropName OwnerParentIdRmtInfoLongRmtInfoShortTypeniYYIdParentIdName        MR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompression    UTA*C=,ʅPr_@tblSmutX4tN<ɹ2TA*C=,ʅPSmut BⷶKqETA*C=,ʅPWord_replaceZSmut      m  jWord_replace      m  MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionGUIDDefaultViewIMEModeIMESentenceMode=    Uw #J Ո$gz-O@tblJournal;I_-8M7Tzw #J Ո$Journal_ID6BRIFw #J Ո$Journal_titleF˫cw #J Ո$Journal_itemI9MOy'w #J Ո$Authorm#;IB Yb"w #J Ո$Author_email(RII- w #J Ո$Date_stampQ,|N~pMw #J Ո$Comments w #J Ո$ YJournal_ID     ;I_-8M7Tz Author       m  I9MOy'  Author_email       m  m#;IB Yb"  Date_stamp      Now()  (RII-  Journal_item        F˫c   Journal_title       m  6BRIF  Comments     True/False  j xGb߉S Y N00Y  Y <Y j Y  Y  Y jId LValueObjectGuidObjectNameProperty Valuejj01jjj02jjj03jYYYId$ObjectGuidProperty$ObjectNameProperty0_ @d`w`a`vfvufm`wjrpvijsvw`amfvov}v`bfvov}vrakfbwvov}vtxfujfvov}vufm`wjrpvijsvov}vdaHv1b @ /((((((((( ( ( ( ((((((((((((($(% () (* (+ (; 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At last, Myrna (the lady I mentioned in previous posts) got to glide. She loved it, and with her hip problems she needs one to enjoy her retirement.<br><br>Everyone had a good time as usual and it was a nice change of pace frAn abdetails soon...<br><br><br><br>
Everyone had a good time as usual and it was a nice change of pace from all the news that we are watching closely. I finished up the demos with some high speed gliding around the parking lot where 2 rows of cars were missing. The high speed turns are getting easier, but there should be a limit to the speed and angle one can turn.

Have a great weekend!I have not missed a day of gliding yet, so a 15 minute ride was the minimum for today. I tried holding the flashlight, but it shakes too much. Holding it up at my helmet seemed to work better. I have placed it under my belt on the right, but the handle bar gets in the way of a good forward beam.

Need to be careful of the corners when driving on the left. Our roads can be so empty, it seems strange when a car appears. I will be very happy to get more daylight when the time changes.There was a message on the answering machine at work today from a police captain requesting that I call the Oklahoma City Police Department.

I was left to wonder what restriction of Segway usage might occur. Could it be a comment about my recent visit? I had no clue of what to expect when I returned the call.

My fear of bad news turned into a smile when the captain said, "Can I arrange some media coverage of the state law concerning the Segway and get a demo?"

Arriving home, there was a slight rain, not enough to keep from gliding! I drove west and found a shortcut to Braum's Ice Cream. The street is a bit tricky to cross, but there was a button to push! It was my second visit to Braum's with the Segway. I got off after entering and driving the wheels across the door mat. I power assisted the unit to a table and placed my order. (No wetness on the floor.) After a yummy hamburger I mounted the HT, opened the door and glided home. A delightful way to end the day after work!Rained all night and day, but rain stopped at sunset so a glide was a must. I have not missed one day and that has helped me understand where the HT fits in with travel.

The lock arrived today! Only the bag remains on order.

So I started gliding east and north. Using the streets speed the travel time. I was at 23rd before I knew it! Gliding into Cheevers was a blast. I left the HT at the door until it was needed for demos. Several of the neighbors stopped in to enjoy their dinner. I enjoyed a single glass of wine.

After leaving, I thought of a stop at the Tower Club. More demos and a nice time chatting. The lack of a ramp was a bit of a frustration. The drive home included a stop with folks who waved from the porch and a driver who drove along asking questions. The 2 mile glide only dropped the power one bar.@  \I]~e@FrankUnited Statesftropea@aol.comCool!  N@@@@@@ @@   @ @ @ @ @@@@ @@@@  @   @@  @ @       @@@@@@ @@ @  @ qQiOQiQikJQiOQidiJQiOQidikJ QiOYMmIt warmed up nicely for a beautiful evening glide to two art galleries this evening. The IAO (Individual Artists of Oklahoma) gallery featured unusual art from Sharon McCoy & Byron Shen.<br><br>People chatting on the outside the IAO gallery encouraged me to glide right inside. I glided to the front desk and mentioned how the folks outside were telling me to glide in, but I said there was no problem locking it up at the lamp post. She asked, "do you need it?" With my negative response, she said to put it behind the counter - I could not have asked for a better parking spot!<br><br>While the art wasn't for me, I did understand it because of the detailed explanation next to it! I love when the artist is candid about the interAnothAnother great Lyric production, and the Segway got me theAnother great Lyric production, and the Segway got me there faster than clicking my heals together! Details soon...It warmed up nicely for a beautiful evening glide to two art galleries this evening. The IAO (Individual Artists of Oklahoma) gallery featured unusual art from Sharon McCoy & Byron Shen.

People chatting on the outside the IAO gallery encouraged me to glide right inside. I glided to the front desk and mentioned how the folks outside were telling me to glide in, but I said there was no problem locking it up at the lamp post. She asked, "do you need it?" With my negative response, she said to put it behind the counter - I could not have asked for a better parking spot!

While the art wasn't for me, I did understand it because of the detailed explanation next to it! I love when the artist is candid about the interpretation. Upon exiting, a few demos were given in front of the building next door. One thing I have learned from the Festival, the Segway should not be glided near art, because it attracts more attention that the art itself. That can affect sales and give negative response to the HT from the artists.

It was time for the Untitled Gallery's "Friday Night Faction." A quick glide of 3 minutes and I was there. Ring the bell in the back and Laura will answer and allow the Segway to be parked at the rear of the gallery - very safe location and again, away from the art. Laura always has a very though provoking evening, and tonight was no different. It was a live music, multimedia presentation and discussion of the work of folk artist, Howard Finster.

Both galleries featured art and topics of modern or folk art with a Biblical theme. A bit too far out for most, it does make you think. I enjoy things that are out of the ordinary, just like the Segway HT!t LVAL @ @    @   @@@ @ @ @      @ @ @     @   @    @ @ @ Y`fo^kYqQbQkk\`fo^kYqQbQkkQk]`fobYmYQk^`fobYmv_`foiQ``foiQ^va`foiYmYQkb`foiYmvc`fomJmYdbd`fomJmYdbke`fomQf`fomQOg`fomQih`fomQiki`fomQkj`fomYbUkblbJLY^YmYQkmbJLY^YmvnbJMMQkkYLY^YmYQkobJMMQkkYLY^YmvpbJMMQkkYL^QqbJMMoiJMYQkrbJMMoiJMvsbJMMoiJmQtbJMmYdbubJMmYdbkvbJMmYqJmQwbJMmYqJmQOxbJMmYqJmQkybJMmYqJmYbUzbJMmYqQ{bJMmYqYmYQk|bJMmYqYmv}bJOQhoJMYQk~bJOQhoJMvbJOQhoJmQbJOQhoJmQ^vbJO`YkkYLY^YmvbJO`YkkYL^QbJOqQimQbMQbJOqQimQbMQkbJOqQimQbMYQkbJOqQimQbMvbJOqQimQbmbJOqQimQbm^vbJOqYkJLY^YmYQkbJOqYkJLY^YmvbJOqYkJL^QbJ^YQbJLY^YmYQkbJ^YQbJLY^YmvbJ^YQbJThis was garden tour day! With 8 gardens to visit between 9 and 12 and a 10:30 start, I had to act fast. I arrived by car with the HT, bought a ticket, and glided to all the homes in 90 minutes. The Belle Isle Garden Tour is always friendly. With water and cookies served at the homes, it's a weight gainer too! I was able to give a demo to a family who has been considering an HT in their warehouse.<br><br>With the HT back in the trunk, it was a quick drive to Will Rogers Park and the Garden Exhibition Center. I parked far from the center, so I glided over with the Segway. The annual "Festival in the Park" is a flower show, plant and garden sale, seminars, dining, radio broadcasts and lots of This was garden tour day! With 8 gardens to visit between 9 and 12 and a 10:30 start, I had to act fast. I arrived by car with the HT, bought a ticket, and glided to all the homes in 90 minutes. The Belle Isle Garden Tour is always friendly. With water and cookies served at the homes, it's a weight gainer too! I was able to give a demo to a family who has been considering an HT in their warehouse.

With the HT back in the trunk, it was a quick drive to Will Rogers Park and the Garden Exhibition Center. I parked far from the center, so I glided over with the Segway. The annual "Festival in the Park" is a flower show, plant and garden sale, seminars, dining, radio broadcasts and lots of fun. I bought a ticket for another garden tour and had lunch. It was a surprise to see a favorite Oklahoma artist whos paintings adorn my home. Demos were given before gliding around the city park and the narrow and non-existent paths. Built over 50 years ago, the park has sidewalks that end, stairs without ramps, and challenges for any Segway user. I glided across the grass whenever necessary.

With the HT in the trunk, the rest of the day was spent driving to an additional 6 homes all over town. The Oklahoma Horticultural Society presents the Garden Tour for Connoisseurs each year. The gardens are as fantastic as the Segway HT. I took photos throughout the day of the glide and gardens! LVAL  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ) )  )  )  ) ) ))))))))The 100th day of gliding started normally. Load the HT into the car for the lunch glide at work. However, the normal day stopped there. Everyone stopped their cars when I was waiting to cross the roads on base with the HT. Normally they speed right by, but no matter how far I stayed away from the street, the cars stopped and waited.<br><br>The sky looked a bit threating when leaving work. My next stop was a "Live" Lawrence Welk Concert in Midwest City. 10 others from work attended. The sound was great and all the performers were fantastic.The 100th day of gliding started normally. Load the HT into the car for the lunch glide at work. However, the normal day stopped there. Everyone stopped their carOn Tuesday, June 10th, the 100th day of gliding started normally. Load the HT into the car for the lunch glide at work. However, the normal day stopped there. Everyone stopped their cars when I was waiting to cross the roads on base with the HT. Normally they speed right by, but no matter how far I stayed away from the street, the cars stopped and waited.<br><br>The sky looked a bit threating when leaving work. My next stop was a "Live" Lawrence Welk Concert in Midwest City. 10 others from work attended. The sound was great and all the performers wereOn Tuesday, June 10th, the 100th day of gliding started normally. Load the HT into the car for the lunch glide at work. However, the normal day stopped there. Everyone stopped their cars when I was waiting to cross the roads on base with the HT. Normally they speed right by, but no matter how far I stayed away from the street, the cars stopped and waited.

The sky looked a bit threating when leaving work. My next stop was a "Live" Lawrence Welk Concert in Midwest City. 10 others from work attended. The sound was great and all the performers were fantastic. Since the HT was in the car, I was planning on sharing it with the Welk stars.

It was raining when the concert was finished, but I did pull the Segway out of the car and Mary Lou, Dick Dale, and Ralna all enjoyed a glide on the Segway HT backstage. They all handled the Segway very well. They loved it! It was fun to let them experience it before they left for the evening.

Before putting the HT back into the car, I enjoyed gliding around in the rain, using the umbrella to keep from getting wet. With no wind, it worked perfectly. LVAL Friday night started one of the wildest weekends that Bricktown in downtown OKC has ever seen. The seventh annual Bricktown Oktoberfest started with great food and fun. Traveling by Segway to the event was extra special, as this is my favorite of the Bricktown celebrations. With fine German engineering as a common thought with the patrons, it wasn't long before someone asked to ride the Segway. Thank goodness I had eaten and enjoyed several fine German dark beers, as the demos continued for hours!<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><a href=" night started one of the wildest weekends that Bricktown in downtown OKC has ever seen. The seventh annual Bricktown Oktoberfest started with great food and fun. Traveling by Segway to the event was extra special, as this is my favorite of the Bricktown celebrations. With fine German engineering as a common thought with the patrons, it wasn't long before someone asked to ride the Segway. Thank goodness I had eaten and enjoyed several fine German dark beers, as the demos continued for hours!

Everyone was enjoying the excitement, and dozens of photos were taken including some of the proprietor and host of the event. The wild part of the weekend is tomorrow, when over 10,000 Harley Davidson riders will be arriving in Bricktown. Many were riding and enjoying the festive entertainment tonight, and of course, demos were given to those who wanted them. I must have broken the 500 rider mark tonight! I was kept so busy, that there was no time for more beverage - so the glide home was smooth and safe! The fun continues tomorrow, so get ready to enjoy the pictures soon! LVAL With over 10,000 Harley-Davidson riders in town, those that saw and rode the HT loved it! It was a blast in Bricktown Saturday afternoon as I glided to see thousands of Harleys lined up on each side of the road for about 1/2 mile! Additional motorcycle parking was created by closing major side roads and parking the bikes on the brick streets. Here is a link to the pictures and a local newspaper article explaining about the Bike Bash.<br><br>Photos: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Bike Bash article: <a href=" over 10,000 Harley-Davidson riders in town, those that saw and rode the HT loved it! It was a blast in Bricktown Saturday afternoon as I glided to see thousands of Harleys lined up on each side of the road for about 1/2 mile! Additional motorcycle parking was created by closing major side roads and parking the bikes on the brick streets. Here is a link to the pictures and a local newspaper article explaining about the Bike Bash.


Bike Bash article:

Many bikers asked questions and got a demo ride. The chamber of commerce was filming, and they got a video of me gliding hands free (I thought it was for a biker group.) Next was a return to Bricktown Oktoberfest for more food, drink, demos and photos. The place was getting packed when I left for a neighborhood party. After charging the HT, I glided over to the neighbors and gave some demos before calling it a night and returning home. With all the demos, the low power red light appeared for the first time in weeks.LLVAL7Ι#\In Chicago for Segway Fest and after parking the car, the Segway was removed and I glided to the reception. Unpacked the car by Segway too! Here are the details:<br><br>The driving was long but smooth. Traffic was normal in Chicago with minimum delay. Upon arrival I chose to self park so I could check in and get busy enjoying the Segway ASAP. Frank and his family were in the lobby and they said to meet them in a 3rd floor meeting area between 6 and 8. I glided there and enjoyed pizza and photos while chatting with about half of the Segway Chat gang. Others arrived later and we caught up with them in the bar or convention area.<br><br>I was concerned about needing to empty the car, so I decided to do it by Segway HT. I rode up the elevator and placed the bags over the handlebar before gliding to the room. Each trip required two elevator trips, one for parking and one for hotel. I did not use a regular suitcase, so the canvas and leather bag handles were able to be placed over the handlebars. The clohtes required a second trip and were carried over my right shoulder while moving with the Segway. It was a task, but one where I can see the use of a Segway to move bags and baggage in hotels.<br><br>Back to the reception, and everyone had gone! I got busy gliding all over to try to find everyone. Quickly gliding through the convention center and outside area, I found some of the folks looking at Lake Michican from the McCormick Convention Center. Soon I was back at the Hyatt and found Frank and the others at the hotel bar. Surprise, I got to meet Phillip (PT) and many others. We continued to arrive and then Brooster announced that he had ridden the iBot, so it was off to the convention center for that, but too late. I took lots of photos and glided around enjoying the displays.<br><br>We all left the convention area and returned to the Hyatt bar for food and refreshment. Demos were given, a lending of the Segway occurred, and the conversations were still active past 1 AM. LVAL I am sitting in the "NetWorks" bar at the Hyatt enjoying dinner and beverage and typing this into the computer. I am sitting next to Brooster and LadyBroo with Stan671 and his dad on the other side. More should be joining us soon (and they did!)<br><br>Gliding started early today with a comment made last night that news coverage would be started at 6:30 AM, so I showed up and only the news truck was there. It would be an hour or two before cameras were rolling, so I went back to bed for needed rest. All the walking in the hotel, going across the street to the convention and other travel is all done by Segway HT. The result is magical and amazing.<br><br>The major glide of the day was at lunch time. About 26 Segway Fest attendees glided across the street and through the Mc Cormick Convention CentI am sitting in the "NetWorks" bar at the Hyatt enjoying dinner and beverage and typing this into the computer. I am sitting next to Brooster and LadyBroo with Stan671 and his dad on the other side. More should be joining us soon (and they did!)

Gliding started early today with a comment made last night that news coverage would be started at 6:30 AM, so I showed up and only the news truck was there. It would be an hour or two before cameras were rolling, so I went back to bed for needed rest. All the walking in the hotel, going across the street to the convention and other travel is all done by Segway HT. The result is magical and amazing.

The major glide of the day was at lunch time. About 26 Segway Fest attendees glided across the street and through the Mc Cormick Convention Center and out to a ramp down to Lake Michigan on the other side. We had to dismount and duck under a barricade before arriving on a most wonderful bike and jogging trail. We enjoyed seeing the harbor, aquarium, and Field Museum locations with the City of Chicago as a backdrop on one side and the hazy/foggy view of Lake Michigan on the other side. Visibility was at least a mile, but with overcast - it wasn't the clear sharp day one would like.

Everyone glided perfectly and enjoyed the mini tour of the area. It will help us during our free day on Sunday to decide on some great locations to glide.

I was very honored when Frank showed the Park City Segway interview video during his presentation about Segway Chat. It has been a pleasure to give a bit back to the community that helps us all.s LVAL Gliding between the hotel and the convention center has been great. Today was a bit different with the hotel management wanting us to push the HT through the inside. We knew why later, there were thousands that arrived for other conventions. Still, with the walk and glide outside, getting to Segway Fest was much faster than walking alone.<br><br>For lunch, I decided to glide to Mc Donald's down the street. The glide was fun and easy. I sat wGliding between the hotel and the convention center has been great. Today was a bit different with the hotel management wanting us to push the HT through the inside. We knew why later, there were thousands that arrived for other conventions. Still, with the walk and glide outside, getting to Segway Fest was much faster than walking alone.

For lunch, I decided to glide to Mc Donald's down the street. The glide was fun and easy. I sat with the Reynolds family and enjoyed a couple of cheeseburgers. The HT was parked outside on the garden mulch next to the window. We were able to view our HT's at all times. Having a Segway made finding a place to eat a lot easier.

Tonight was the major event when Dean spoke to us at a banquet. It was a great speech and inspired us to establish a nationwide Segway organization. Six glides in all to and from the hotel were enjoyed today. LVAL N F\n(>Rh|=eSegway LLC ships thC@20020903171716193.212.164.48hhL0$3G@20020903171105193.212.164.11esegwayusersgroup @| 20021125200205200303221230382003031818060466.24.161.3066.67.2A beautiful Sunday morning was perfect for an extra long glide to "Jimmy's Egg," a great breakfast spot a few miles away. Classen started OK, but the sidewalks ended during the last mile. It took 30 minutes (minus the demos along the way.) Demos continued while waiting in line!<br><br>Jimmy's is a bit cramped, so I left the HT near the phone. The handle was visible from the counter, so it wasn't a problem to check on it. I placed the cable lock around the wheel to keep someone from wheeling it out wiA beautiful Sunday morning was perfect for an extra long glide to "Jimmy's Egg," a great breakfast spot a few miles away. Classen started OK, but the sidewalks ended during the last mile. It took 30 minutes (minus the demos along the way.) Demos continued while waiting in line!

Jimmy's is a bit cramped, so I left the HT near the phone. The handle was visible from the counter, so it wasn't a problem to check on it. I placed the cable lock around the wheel to keep someone from wheeling it out without making a scene.

Travel through Crown Heights was more difficult than most locations because the streets are narrow. There is just enough room for a parked car, my Segway, and a passing car! Demos in the park were an extra treat with a test of hill climbing.

The battery lasted while visitI glided three times around the It was 3 months ago that the SegwIt was 3 months ago that the Segway arrived.

Details soon...

Today was the first day of gliding to the health club. I am glad I took the advice of everyone who suggested to glide shorter distances before attempting the longer trips. It was much easier than I thought it would be because of the practice.

The railroad crossing worked on both sides of 10th street. 13th and 6th have sidewalk problems, so 10th is best. It was so strange to cross the interstate, the sound of the cars underneath is something you don't hear in the car.

The Segway was cabled to the chairs in the waiting area at the health center. The complex is so fantastic! I have been a member there about 2 years. The staff loved getting their demo and suggested that I return during noon time on a weekday to give the doctors a demo.

A stop at Java Daves on the way home un-did the workout, but it was fun and several more demos were enjoyed on the way home. I must have given over 100 demos after today.

I visited The Bicycle Store and saw all the lights. I knew there needed to be a better way to mount them, so I was inspired by Alan's post today and decided to visit Lowes to get parts. A clamp and j-box was purchased and the new clamp works great. I posted photos on SegwayChat. New lights are needed for better brightness at night.

 LVAL   n  4 J f|vr,D`xr)v@120020909193031129.42.208.139hhL0$3r(@12002090919204962.195.74.54ddL0$3r'@2002090911mogabog de6212048f6b4311ac0a3ff42124f71a65f6281495b7272bcb5fEach day I am choosing a new location (whenever possible) to glide to. This late afternoon adventure was the mile glide to Carl's Jr. Neighbors stopped me about a block away and one of them enjoyed a nice glide down the sidewalk. It is amazing how fast some pick up on the ease of gliding. It's neat that everyone can get it right with just a bit of practice.<br><br>The Carl's Jr store staff didn't care to glide, but a couple of customers did. They did well and were a little disappointed in the cost, but not too surprised.<br><br>Gliding home is easy because the residental streets are just a half block away. It's nice toEach day I am choosing a new location (whenever possible) to glide to. This late afternoon adventure was the mile glide to Carl's Jr. Neighbors stopped me about a block away and one of them enjoyed a nice glide down the sidewalk. It is amazing how fast some pick up on the ease of gliding. It's neat that everyone can get it right with just a bit of practice.

The Carl's Jr store staff didn't care to glide, but a couple of customers did. They did well and were a little disappointed in the cost, but not too surprised.

Gliding home is easy because the residental streets are just a half block away. It's nice to be able to get to so many locations without ever being on a busy street. While the two small flashlights I plan to replace give a nice glow to the Segway, the large rechargeable light I keep under my belt does a great job of lighting the way. It doubles as a night stick and the cell phone adds a measure of security along with the official looking helmet! The beauty of Oklahoma City is the friendliness of the people and relative safety in the area I am living.

(There is an thunder storm as I am typing this. The Segway is unplugged and the laptop is too! No hail to add to the car damage from a couple of weeks ago!)A beautiful Sunday morning was perfect for an extra long glide to "Jimmy's Egg," a great breakfast spot a few miles away. Classen started OK, but the sidewalks ended during the last mile. It took 30 minutes (minus the demos along the way.) Demos continued while waiting in line!

Jimmy's is a bit cramped, so I left the HT near the phone. The handle was visible from the counter, so it wasn't a problem to check on it. I placed the cable lock around the wheel to keep someone from wheeling it out without making a scene.

Travel through Crown Heights was more difficult than most locations because the streets are narrow. There is just enough room for a parked car, my Segway, and a passing car! Demos in the park were an extra treat with a test of hill climbing.

The battery lasted while visiting in Paseo plus a neighbor one block north. That was after demos at the Taco Bell parking lot. All in all, one very busy and delightful day that ended with about 70 degrees and less than 50% humidity.j LVAL~ ~~H c  rb\oSix lifts of the Segway today as the HT was transferred to the dentist, work and home again. The dentist and staff loved to see the HT and glide around the office. No experiments were attempted to see if teeth cleaning could be conducted while standing on the HT! It was lots of fun and the HIt was time for the first visit to a favorite local bakery with the Segway HT. I have driven to the location in the past before going to work. With a quick glide, waiting for signals, and no wait at the counter, the total trip took about 15 minutes!<br><br>I parked the HT as soon as entering the small bakery and stood in line, it definitely reduced the "need" to demo. I mentioned to the staff that it is electric. Last night one person thought it may be gas powered (I told them it wouldn't be brought inside if it was gas powered!) I also remove the helmet and glassesIt was time for the first visit to a favorite local bakery with the Segway HT. I have driven to the location in the past before going to work. With a quick glide, waiting for signals, and no wait at the counter, the total trip took about 15 minutes!

I parked the HT as soon as entering the small bakery and stood in line, it definitely reduced the "need" to demo. I mentioned to the staff that it is electric. Last night one person thought it may be gas powered (I told them it wouldn't be brought inside if it was gas powered!) I also remove the helmet and glasses and hang the helmet from the strap over the handle bar before entering. It makes for a much friendlier entry. One man saw me enter and thought the HT was great. He would buy one immediately if it was closer to $1000.

The square dozen donut box made it home perfectly inside a standard "t shirt" plastic bag. I announced that the donuts were "Segway delivered" when they were served at work.

With wind and a late rain in the evening, it was time to purchase a video camera rather than glide tonight. More fun ahead with the ability to capture the HT on video.This evening was the shortest glide to a very yummy dinner. Boulevard Cafeteria is nearby (and I have never walked there!) So a quick glide brought me right inside. The cafeteria is not busy after 6:30, so it was easy to glide up and make my choices while on the HT. It allowed all the staff to enjoy, although the questions from the diners (who are mostly in their senior years) were extensive. While moving the HT over to a table, one the the staff brought my dinner to me! A few demos were given and everyone was pleasant. I told the manager that I planned to park the HT at the coat rack area in the future, because it just causes too much excitement (and slows down a quick stop for dinner!) Parking it backwards with the kickstand up is best. It takes the same space as the depth of the coat rack!

I chatted with a police officer about the Segway and where it can be used. I mention how I consider myself a pedestrian and travel down the opposite side of the residental streets and use sidewalks whenever possible. He mentioned one important point to never tangle with a car, because you will always lose. I agree 100% with that statement!HLVAL5{-X6 P j  , D \Xl 2FZpSix lifts of the Segway today as the HT was transferred to the dentist, work and home again. The dentist and staff loved to see the HT and glide around the office. No experiments were attempted to see if teeth cleaning could be conducted while standing on the HT! It was lots of fun and the HT looked very much at home next to the x-ray machine!<br><br>Off to work, and a California visitor who gave me a ride in the simulator years ago got an extended ride today. He commented on how their family see the Segway at Disneyland, but cannot ride it. Craig looks forward to sharing the excitement with his family of riding using all three keys. He is the first guest of mine to glide at 12.5 mph. Craig was extremely impressed with the smooth action and the lack of dangerous movements that can occur with simulators.<br><br>Back at home plans were made to remove a tree that is lifting the fence. After reviewing the cost it was time to glide. With flashlight on the belt, I made some easy moves on street and sidewalk. A glide down to the local B&B was fun, but no one was enjoying the property. Oh, wow, the parking garage was nearby, and I quickly drove to the top third floor and loved the excitement of the steep ramp between ground level and the second floor. Returning home there was disintegrated sidewalks that were quite rough. Slowly and safely was the key. A beautiful 60 degrees at 35 % humidity made this glide extra special.<br><br>Before ending the evening I tried shifting my weight to the left foot tonight and sure enough, the Segway moved left! I tried it on various level and slanted surfaces and the effect was the same. You can actually "turn" the Segway a touch by shifting weight from one foot to the other. If you favor one foot, you will probably drift that direction. Keeping the Segway centered on the sidewalk with foot balance is a whole new concept for me and a new method to practice and enjoy. Always keep your hand on the steering control for additional correction.<br>LVALЀ " jH \ x  $8L`t*>RP1FP  200211301837222002113018372220021130185324198.81.27.10198.81.27.10PeterHolden     tjRWith 50 degree clear weather it was a perfect day to glide to the health club and the State Capital. The city completed new sidewalks and curb cuts from the medical buildings to the capital, it was a dreamy glide! A photo of the HT with our new capital dome in the background plus another photo by a solder statue made the trip more memorable. The glide back home on 13th did require some travel on grass, but it's one shortcut thaWith 50 degree clear weather it was a perfect day to glide to the health club and the State Capital. The city completed new sidewalks and curb cuts from the medical buildings to the capital, it was a dreamy glide! A photo of the HT with our new capital dome in the background plus another photo by a solder statue made the trip more memorable. The glide back home on 13th did require some travel on grass, but it's one shortcut that works well. Hopefully the city will sidewalk 13th soon, it would be nicer than 10th.

A historic preservation meeting in the evening allowed another check of the lighting. Taco Bell for dinner and demo glides at the meeting added fun to the event. Tomorrow will be the 4th week anniversary of owning a Segway. I used it more this past week than any other time! It is a wonderful method to travel throughout the downtown area.It was a bit cold tonight, about 40 degrees, but that did not stop me from taking a glide around the block. But it wasn't far to keep going and tonight I stopped at McDonald's. Glided right inside and the manager talked to me for about 10 minutes about the Segway. No one wanted to try it, until I was outside and one customer enjoyed several minutes of glide time in the parking lot.

The safety glasses are critical. Branches were in several locations. The sidewalks were wonderful. With no wind, it was a nice glide with the ski jacket and the silly looking but important orange reflective vest.It was time for the first visit to a favorite local bakery with the Segway HT. I have driven to the location in the past before going to work. With a quick glide, waiting for signals, and no wait at the counter, the total trip took about 15 minutes!

I parked the HT as soon as entering the small bakery and stood in line, it definitely reduced the "need" to demo. I mentioned to the staff that it is electric. The other night one person thought it may be gas powered (I told them it wouldn't be brought inside if it was gas powered!) I also remove the helmet and glasses and hang the helmet from the strap over the handle bar before entering. It makes for a much friendlier entry. One man saw me enter and thought the HT was great. He would buy one immediately if it was closer to $1000.

The square dozen donut box made it home perfectly inside a standard "t shirt" plastic bag. I announced that the donuts were "Segway delivered" when they were served at work.

With wind and a late rain in the evening, it was time to purchase a video camera rather than glide tonight. More fun ahead with the ability to capture the HT on video.LVAL t    ><:V.D\v">\z 7C3GWr00scholarships for robotics membersd@_200210282131242002102821312464.12.96.46FV{{00Chairmans Awardd @_2002102806345720021028063457204.38.47.131pdFUK3 00Why 6-LeEarly morning muffins sounded great, so a quick glide to a muffin place nearby was a tasty treat. The weather has been ideal, so not gliding is out of the question!<br><br>At work a serious faced manager approached me about the recent glides in the parking lot. He asked if I could charge a donation for the glides to help the March of Dimes fund raiser!<br><br>The new lights worked perfectly to light the glide to BPlans to enjoy breakfast were cut short when a local eatery in an old IHOP didn't open until lunch time. Buying a dozen donuts from Brown's was the the solution before driving to work.<br><br>70 degrees with 60% humidity at 7Plans to enjoy breakfast were cut short when a local eatery in an old IHOP didn't open until lunch time. Buying a dozen donuts from Brown's was the the solution before driving to work.

70 degrees with 60% humidity at 7 pm was perfect glide weather to enjoy a lovely dinner at Cheever's Cafe. All these food stops are costing some dough, but how yummy to be visiting places I have not eaten at in years. The HT helps you rediscover your downtown!Early morning muffins sounded great, so a quick glide to a muffin place nearby was a tasty treat. The weather has been ideal, so not gliding is out of the question!

At work a serious faced manager approached me about the recent glides in the parking lot. He asked if I could charge a donation for the glides to help the March of Dimes fund raiser!

The new lights worked perfectly to light the glide to Bricktown. The HT looked so friendly standing up next to the trolley car in The Spaghetti Warehouse. A few employees enjoyed demos on the old floors right in the restaurant! Outside the demos ran non-stop for about an hour. More demos at Maker's brought the total to about 125 so far! One gentleman wants me to bring the Segway to Texas in July for a big balloon fest. Segway LLC will be there with a couple of HT's and will be selling units on site!!!This morning's glide was a surprise. To pay the alarm permit at the police station required dragging the HT up a single flight of stairs. At the OKC payment building, the utilities bill would have required going down stairs! These buildings were "grandfathered" in, so no ramps or elevators. I pulled into the drive thru for the utility payment. The staff wanted a demo while they sat behind their glass window. I drove around and explained the features. What fun.

At the police station the lady who takes the payments gliding around on the second floor. I tried to demo the HT to the police captain who called over a week ago. He was not in, but several others got their demo.

The weather is so fantastic that gliding is ultra perfect. A stop at the donut shop was the "icing on the cake."uLVAL , D X L n 8  id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"n 00Happy New Year From The Founders@200301020048342002123103493124.148.86.104Fm.0 I just e-mailed the SF of SAN!! =)*@~200301030324122002123102184324.126.194.13420021231022503"Fll00Wheels AND TIRES ! @}2002123103320020021230215127172.194.26.157vjFThe other day management at work asked me to combine the demos on the Segway with a request for March of Dimes donations. I call it "Glide to Give" for the March of Dimes!<br><br>At $2 for a 5 minute glide, we raised $31 today. Some gave $5 for their 5 minutes. It also allows longer glides for bigger donations! With several free glide sessions in the past, this is helping those who wanted to glide, but didn't want to ask. I purchased a neThe other day management at work asked me to combine the demos on the Segway with a request for March of Dimes donations. I call it "Glide to Give" for the March of Dimes!

At $2 for a 5 minute glide, we raised $31 today. Some gave $5 for their 5 minutes. It also allows longer glides for bigger donations! With several free glide sessions in the past, this is helping those who wanted to glide, but didn't want to ask. I purchased a new adjustable Schwinn adult helmet if anyone wanted to use one. No takers on the helmet!

Another nice touch are photos. Management asked security if photos could be taken of the those gliding and if there were any restrictions on aiming the camera. No problems and the pictures look great!

Whenever the Segway is removed from the car at home, it allows me to take a quick spin aroung the block. A nice treat at the end of the day!I couldn't help but think of the Segway being a horseless coach as magical as the pumpkin coach while enjoying Cinderella tonight at the Civic Center Music Hall. A thunderstorm was passing through while gliding from the house, but no rain! A number of vehicles were heading toward the theater and wanted me to go first at the signals, but I don't like to cross the streets while vehicles are ready to enter the intersection. I waved them on and yelled, "Go, go." I wanted to hurry them up so I would not get caught in the rain (I stayed dry.)

I checked at the front office when arriving and they called the manager to put the HT in the coat room again. When I left, the manager (now trained from the last visit) got another "demo" by riding the Segway around the carpeted and terrazzo lobby areas. I am a bit concerned that the Broadway show manager may not be so amused. I shared with him how the Segway will help theater groups set up their stages faster! A hands free glide was impressive to him.

On the way home I took a different street. Curb cuts the entire way, but too much construction that leaves small stones on the surface. Thank goodness I traveled slower, as one should not be going too fast unless the surface is good. The new light is almost perfect!U LVALe N @     58;>ADQU[aWith the extra daylight an evening glide is much safer. I decided to visit Byron's tonight and get feedback on shopping with the HT. With temps in the 40's, a jacket was a must. I used a DirecTV bag from CES and put the nylon handles over the top and in front of the shaft. The bag rides high using that technique. The glide over was the same as Carl's Jr with one more street crossing. I removed the helmet, gloves and glasses before entering.<br><br>Gliding inside, I stopped and chatted with the owner and/or manager. We have talked before about my ZcoiL shoes, so they know me (I shop there about once a month.) They asked lots of questions about the Segway and said to drive it through the store rather than leaving it near the front counter. I showed them the empty bag before entering and after removing product at the register. The checWith the extra daylight an evening glide is much safer. I decided to visit Byron's tonight and get feedback on shopping with the HT. With temps in the 40's, a jacket was a must. I used a DirecTV bag from CES and put the nylon handles over the top and in front of the shaft. The bag rides high using that technique. The glide over was the same as Carl's Jr with one more street crossing. I removed the helmet, gloves and glasses before entering.

Gliding inside, I stopped and chatted with the owner and/or manager. We have talked before about my ZcoiL shoes, so they know me (I shop there about once a month.) They asked lots of questions about the Segway and said to drive it through the store rather than leaving it near the front counter. I showed them the empty bag before entering and after removing product at the register. The checkout lines are narrow so the Segway rider has to use a separate single exit lane.

The two wine bottles and one Jack Daniels fit nicely in a horizontal position after being individually wrapped in paper. I showed my receipts because of the special exit lane. I glided across the 4 lane street from the exit door and safely glided on sidewalks and residental streets on the way home. The bottles hit the control shaft a bit when gliding up one inch sidewalk rises. The slight shaking of wine may be ok, but carbonated beverages could be a problem!

After arriving home I called Byron's to let them know that the Segway is insured. They appreciated the information, as I forgot to mention it to them. This simple step could make the difference between acceptance and refusal when shopping inside with the HT.

As PT says, Cheers!LVALISaturday March 29th was one of more unusual days with the Segway. It started with setting up a new digital video camera and taking movies of my loading and unloading the HT in and out of the car. Next stop, Edmond to get a haircut. I left the Segway in the car to check out lights at The Bicycle Store so of course demos were given to those getting a haircut! The owner of the shop had a difficult time with bucking, it was so bad that the Segway ran into my shin! I was worried that the hair on the floor would cause slippage, but he just stepped off and mounted the Segway again.<br><br>Since I was in downtown Edmond, it was time for a glide. Everyone looked as I glided down the sidewalks to Taco Bueno. A Big Old Burrito was enjoyed while chatting with some folks from the area. Another stop at the barber shop for a few more demos before the HT was loaded back into the car.<br><br>At last, The Bicycle Store to shop for lights. No one who worked the store was interested in riding, however I did find a great "Light & Motion" helmet light that works perfectly on the control shaft with the battery mounted as well. The owner of the store said that Segway was their competition. I mentioned that we needed lights, air pumps, tire gauges, bright reflective outfits and other accessories so they should look forward to more Segways appearing in the metro.<br><br>I arrived back home in time for the mounting of the light and a quick charge to the Segway. I used 2 of the 2" clamps to mount the battery to the control shaft. The light mounts on top with the velcro. It worked great during the most unusual glide so far.<br><br>8 pm, just 30 minutes before the "Pops" Jennifer Holliday concert at the Civic Center Music Hall would start. Gliding to the music hall is one of the most critical uses of the Segway. Parking is normally 5 to 8 dollars. The light worked great as I glided with ski jacket, gloves and ear muffs in just 10 minutes! It was about 42 degrees and projected to freeze by morning. As I approached the music hall, tLVALJhe parking lot attendant was amazed. Patrons were asking questions, all were very excited to see someone glide right inside. I went over to the coat check area - closed. I then asked one of the greeters, and they called management. The coat check area was unlocked and I rolled the HT inside to be safely locked away until after the concert! At intermission I chatted with some of the officials who said they would have to figure where to put all the Segway HT's in the future (I told them not to worry right now!) They commented how their latest problem was how to deal with phones that take pictures! (No photos allowed!)<br><br>After the concert I picked up the HT from the coat check, then the demos started. First the manager who helped me and then taking it outside where a half dozen folks glided around with one person taking home movies! What fun, but oh so cold. It was time to glide over to Bricktown. The glide was so quick it was hard to believe. In the car you have to wind around the one way streets and blocked boulevards. The HT just "flew" straight through! A quick stop at BAR was a wasted trip. Some enjoyed demos, but the manager who wanted me to stop by didn't have the time of day to say hi. Oh well, his loss because "Maker's" rolled out the red carpet! I felt like being in a "Fraser" segment, because there I was with free drink! They had me leave the HT at the front door where everyone could see it. Everyone was so pleasant, and the entertainment is enjoyable as well.<br><br>It was about 12:30 when I left, but that was just the beginning of demos in the hallway that leads to "Maker's." About a dozen people stood on the platform and glided around on the brick surface. Everyone loved it and one person said I should work for their company! I appreciate the complement. An hour later I headed back to BAR, but by now the police had blocked the streets to get the people out of Bricktown. I was able to glide right past the signs to check on all the action.<br><br>2 am and Bricktown was closing, but not un LVAL~ 4 0 H \ x  $8L`t*>RP@x20020906201154193.212.164.48hhL0$3H@x20020906200444193.212.164.48hhL0$3$/@w20020906190841193.212.164.48hhL0$37/P@w20020906190401193.212.164.48hhL0$3+<@w2002090619013862.195.74.54ddL0$32/@v20020906185449193.212.164.48hhL0$3+/H@v20020906185153193.212.164.48hhL0$3H/@v20020906184332193.212.164.48hhL0$3P/$@u20020906183433193.212.164.48hhL0$3Q/@u20020906182651193.212.164.48hhL0$3K/@u20020906182155193.212.164.48hhL0$3T/@t20020906180911193.212.164.48hhL0$3W/0@t20020906180126193.212.164.48hhL0$3_@20020906175129216.97.192.253hhL0$3S/@s20020906175120193.212.164.48hhL0$3Y/B@s20020906174320193.212.164.48hhL0$3Z/.@s20020906173545193.212.164.48hhL0$3_))@r2002090617130467.33.42.1120020906171458~bL0$?^P@r2002090616351124.86.4.71``L0$3_/N@o20020906160408193.212.16ntil I was stopped by the police!!! For the next hour police cars stopped and more officers appeared to ask questions about the Segway and enjoy demos! One of the officers got his camera and started taking pictures of other officers on the HT! They would love to use Segway HT's instead of their bicycles! (Maybe the bike store should be concerned after all.)<br><br>There was plenty of power for the fastest glide home possible. At 34 degrees I was happy to be well clothed. With almost no cars on the road, the glide was almost non-stop. My flashlight worked well since I did not have enough time to charge the new mounted light fully.<br><br>The day was a success. Bricktown has no problems with the HT and the police want them for their own use! I continue to be amazed at the ease and joy of gliding throughout the metro area!LVAL9 ub7 D ` v   :Vp40Lfsize="1" face="Verdana,#1B@n2003021001144224.148.86.104ffL0$3"1 @L200302100114344.43.248.127ddL0$3!1(@L200302100113074.43.248.127ddL0$3 1@n200302101Oherpos  20030102201236200304030941162003040409472268.47.209.23768.47.209.237   With an additional hour of sunlight, a quick glide was a treat after the slowness of yesterday's glide. After traveling several blocks, I met a lady who was walking her dog. Her child kept the dog calm while a demo was enjoyed. She was so happy! With cold weather returning, it was time to glide home.<br><br>Last Saturday I was able to give my name and phone to folks who passed the info to John M. who also owns aWith an additional hour of sunlight, a quick glide was a treat after the slowness of yesterday's glide. After traveling several blocks, I met a lady who was walking her dog. Her child kept the dog calm while a demo was enjoyed. She was so happy! With cold weather returning, it was time to glide home.

Last Saturday I was able to give my name and phone to folks who passed the info to John M. who also owns a Segway. He called tonight and we chatted for about 15 minutes exchanging our adventures with the Segway. He should be stopping by soon to show me the new lift he is installing to get his Segway into the trunk of the car. John is 92 and may be the oldest owner of a Segway HT.

John also mentioned that 4 other HT's were delivered in the metro area 3 weeks ago. It will be fun to meet them as time "glides" on.I arrived bright and early for the "Red Bud Classic" this morning with hopes to glide in the 10 mile bike run. "Sorry, no motorized vehicles," was the answer, so it turned into demo time for at least 40 folks over the next 4 hours as the bikers returned from the 10, 33, 50 mile and 100k events. Everyone was so positive about their experience and appreciated the excellent engineering of the Segway HT. From the younger riders to the tallest riders to date, there was an variety of riders. The handle bar was set from the lowest to highest settings! One lady was amazing, she took off and started leaning into her turns. She was so daring, that she ran into the curb and just stepped forward onto the lawn, not a scratch on the HT or her!

After a ride on my 10 speed a couple of weeks ago I was told how wonderful the recumbant bicycle is for comfort. I got to ride one today and it is an amazing experience. Looks like a "Harley" bike! While it is a joy to sit on, the legs may get a bit tired! Time for more workouts!

The topper of this great day was meeting friends of another Oklahoma City Segway owner. I gave them my name, phone and email so he can contact me. The gentleman who stopped his car a few weeks ago to mention his soon HT arrival will hopefully call so I can share how the city is welcoming the Segway! Demos to security before gliding to a wonderful lunch nearby was a extra treat.(LVALа <( @ P b t ,Hdzn  size="1" face="Verdana, AriOver 5 weeks since shipping and I had not glided to the market! The glide was about the same as Braum's, but a demo to a couple of construction workers who are restoring a home in Mesta Park was a quick stop on this Wednesday evening.<br><br>Homeland's plastic basket fit wonderfully over the handle bar. The bottom of the basket hits the control shaft and keeps it in place. A great solution for shopping! I glided sloAn early morning glide to Homeland Supermarket to buy bake goods for The March of Dimes fund raiser at work had a dual purpose. I glided over and stepped off to talk with the manager about the previous day and found out the concern of night before. Employee riding is the issue. These stores have several types of wheeled devices (including the sit down shopping cart) and they are not to ride them. I explained that only a minute of balancAn early morning glide to Homeland Supermarket to buy bake goods for The March of Dimes fund raiser at work had a dual purpose. I glided over and stepped off to talk with the manager about the previous day and found out the concern of night before. Employee riding is the issue. These stores have several types of wheeled devices (including the sit down shopping cart) and they are not to ride them. I explained that only a minute of balancing was the demo and assured him no riding was done. Two general managers were in the store and no one even blinked at the Segway! The store manager asked a few questions, including cost. It was always a calm conversation between all parties. I glided over for bake goods, checked out on the HT and proceeded home on a beautiful weather day. The evening was spent cleaning the house and clothes that have been collecting with all the gliding!Over 5 weeks since shipping and I had not glided to the market! The glide was about the same as Braum's, but a demo to a couple of construction workers who are restoring a home in Mesta Park was a quick stop on this Wednesday evening.

Homeland's plastic basket fit wonderfully over the handle bar. The bottom of the basket hits the control shaft and keeps it in place. A great solution for shopping! I glided slowly down each of the aisles on the red key. A pleasant employee stopped me near the dairy section and asked several questions. I gave him a quick demo; big mistake. A lady who may have been the night manager yelled at him, "What are you doing?" He was embarrassed and there was sudden silence from the lady who may have been embarrassed about the tone of her voice. Just last night I wrote to not give demos in the store, and this was a perfect reason not to. They may have been waiting for him up front and my question answering plus demo could have delayed him. What ever the reason, no one said anything negative other than her first comment.

Travel through the market was perfect and checkout was a breeze.

The plastic bags of produce and orange juice traveled well back to the house. The evening was young, so some additional gliding across the neighborhood and a repeat demo for a residence finished another unique day.LVAL)[Imagine 7 hours of gliding on the black key and always staying well below the speed limiter! It took place on Sunday April 6th at Frontier City, a member of the Six Flags family of water and theme parks. Six Flags, Inc. maintains corporate offices in New York City and Oklahoma City. Those OKC corporate offices are right next door to Frontier City!<br><br><br><br>I purchased at ticket from a co-worker to attend during a yearly event called "Make Promises Happen" that occurs during regular operating hours. People who have special needs and their friends and family are able to enjoy the park at a wonderful $6 fee (normally $27.99.) The park opened at 12 pm and I arrived at 12:30. Two guests who parked next to me asked about the Segway and I gave them a quick demo since my plan was to give NO demos in the park. I mounted the Segway, drove S L O W L Y to the gate and after giving my ticket, glided right in! The staff recognized the Segway and commented about it throughout the day. Guests knew about it as well. The major question was: 1. Where can I get that? ( and 2. How much? (under 5,000.) I stopped to get my photo taken by Frontier City staff after entering that I was able to purchase later in the day.<br><br>First stop, a fabulous Silver Dollar Cinnamon Roll. I came to glide and dine rather than park and ride! I took extensive photos of the experience and talked with countless people answering questions. Weather became perfect after a cool morning. I only parked the Segway during the Stunt Show. It was left running nearby during stops for lunch and the bathroom. Two private demos were given (one in a deserted ice cream parlor and another to the employee from the photo booth who had heard that I gave someone a demo in the parking lot!!!)<br><br>I glided up ramps and into queue lines to test how the HT easily moved through these endless cattle drives! It appears that the lines were at least 30 inches wide. The HT moves easily around the tightest corneLVALOMonday - Day 7<br>Posted-Mar 10 2003: 11:40:08 PM <br><br>I didn't follow Segway's advice about night gliding and my light did not light up the branches above me tonight. Thank God I had just stopped to rise up from a curb so I was going real slow. Bang, a small tree branch hit my right eye. No visible or sight damage, just some slight redness in the white of the eye. No pain, only a slight difference in feeling. Talked to the eye doctor tonight and explained everything. He will see me at 7:30 in the morning. <br><br>It was a sidewalk I had not glided before, another dumb idea! Looking down at the sidewalk doesn't help with the trees. I am very fortunate it wasn't worse and hope that my experience will help others. <br><br>So, with clear safety glasses in the drawer instead of on my head, I give you this warning. <br><br>Remember the eye protection day and night on sidewalks with trees! <br><br>About 15 were given demos at work today!<br><br>Tuesday - Day 8<br>Posted-Mar 11 2003: 9:19:35 PM <br><br>I am happy to report that the eye doctor (who I see for iritis on occasion) saw no damage this morning. The eye still felt funny throughout the day, but has improved greatly since the incident. I was very lucky, and this afternoon I rode with an pair of clear safety goggles from work. I will search for a better quality pair, but they look much better than the black framed safety glasses that I used when working the Disneyland Shooting Gallery back in the '70's (they used real lead ammo and it would occasionally fly back at us.) <br><br>Posted-Mar 11 2003: 9:38:18 PM <br><br>I am using the red key full time now. I slow into turns and practice the lean. Leaning is so critical for natural safe turns at higher speeds. Slow down and enjoy the turn rather than pushing yourself to do them fast. Just like skiing, stay in control at all times! <br><br>Today I went halfway to the health club. I was happy it only took 8 minutes on sidewalk and the return was 7 minutes using some roads. NLVALPot bad for almost a mile to that halfway point. Lots of curbs to go down/up plus one signal crossing. <br><br>Wednesday - Day 9<br>Posted-Mar 13 2003: 12:17:09 AM <br><br>I had one more milestone tonight. I glided by City Church and there were a bunch of teens outside on the steep steps. About a dozen wanted to glide! I was just amazed at how quickly they were moving the HT perfectly. Hardly an oscillation and a couple hit top speed forward and reverse in just a minute. They were turning wonderfully as well. While they were not shocked at the price, they do look forward to the days when the Segway will be available for much less! <br><br>Just as computers and cell phones are second nature to the younger set, the Segway will fit into society the same way. <br><br>Thursday - Day 10<br>Posted-Mar 14 2003: 12:08:24 AM <br><br>Today's visit to the police department was an education in state/city government. I was told by one policeman that certain state law does not automatically apply in Oklahoma City because the city existed before statehood and a "grandfather clause" allows local government to have input on the state decision. (I am paraphrasing what he said, but you get the idea.) <br><br>I was told by several in the police department to visit the City Attorney's office and show them the state law because they determine what the police department should do in regard with the Segway. Demos were given to both the police staff and various city officials. Everyone was extremely pleasant and happy to see the HT. They wanted to know all the details and I shared the various web site addresses where they could get more information and see the HT in action. (The police mentioned the airport as the number one use for an HT. City government would like them for travel between buildings.) <br><br>After officially reviewing the state law with their own records, the Chief Prosecutor was extremely helpful to provide a letter for me to show to any Oklahoma City Police officer that summarizes the stLVALQate statutes by number and gives me "the legal right to use this vehicle on city streets, sidewalks, bikeways and walking trails." I was very happy to get the letter. In addition, she will be presenting a video presentation to the police officers to show them the Segway and explain its legal use. <br><br>Because the Chief Prosecutor has told officers to stop the users of other scooters that have been a problem, it was good to visit city government today to prevent being stopped by an officer tomorrow! <br><br>The visit today confirmed the need for Segway owners to check with local government and give them the opportunity to help their officers with current information that will make life more pleasant for everyone. <br><br>Friday - Day 11<br>Brought the HT to work and gave demos in the parking lot. Shopped at Sam's Club after work but did not bring the HT into the store.<br><br>Posted-Mar 14 2003: 10:04:13 PM <br><br>Last weekend, Tom the bike rider wondered how the police would react to seeing the Segway in Bricktown our "Disneyland" of entertainment! With a ball park, arena, convention center, night spots and dining, we even have a canal with site seeing boats. Parking can be a mess, especially since they are building a "Bass Pro Shop" and "Sonic Drive In" headquarters building where the overflow parking lots were located. <br><br> <br><br>Saturday afternoon features the big St. Patricks Day parade and Monday is the "green eggs and ham" breakfast and all day concert. There are always big doings in Bricktown, and they have been negative with the motorcycle bikers and anyone on wheels (except the cars that pay up to $8 for parking (extremely pricey for OKC.) So, wish me luck (and say a prayer if you are so inclined) as my letter will be at the ready if necessary! It should be great fun! <br><br>Saturday - Day 12<br>UPDATE: Here are the photos! (90 entries, 21 photos!) <br><br>With 70 degree, 50% humidity weatLVALRher, it was a perfect day to be gliding. The HT photos are at the end of the photo page. I gave about 25 demos and answered countless questions for about 5 hours! Many parade participants (including the Governor) pointed at my riding the Segway while taking the photos. It was great fun and the no police problems in Bricktown. The parade organizer caught up with me and wants me to be IN future parades in OKC and other nearby cities. What fun! <br><br>All the parade photos were taken from the HT. I was able to slowly glide down the sidewalk about a half a mile during the entire parade and take photos from various locations. Checking out the HT was as much fun as the parade for many! <br><br>Sunday - Day 13<br>Posted-Mar 16 2003: 8:51:18 PM <br><br>It is critical that Segway riders avoid small round stones that are used for natural driveways or paths. I was traveling slowly across the driveway, but a layer of stones had spilled over onto the sidewalk. <br><br>The Segway HT suddenly turned right (note the skid,) I safely jumped off as the HT wildly spun its tires and tilted back. I held onto the handle and pressed the red mode button to stop the HT tires from spinning. I had just finished a demo and fortunately would not let the rider cross the driveway. <br><br>You can sample how dangerous the stones are by sliding your shoe across the sidewalk. The stones will spin under your shoe. <br><br>It was a good demo of what to avoid. I never felt out of control because it is natural to step off in such a situation, but as I held onto the HT, the wheels kept spinning. It happened so fast that I pressed the mode button before the HT would have stopped on its own. The driveway stones did not slide during the shoe test, only the single layer of stones on the sidewalk. It was not a situation one would find in a well maintained neighborhood! <br><br>Being able to share this unique situation helps everyone. <br><br>Posted-Mar 16 2003: 11:32:27 PM <br><br>I have uploaded additional photos from the LVALSSt. Patrick's Day weekend. Check out for some interesting demos. I would have liked to take pictures of everyone, but it just isn't always practical. When I did today, an amazing thing happened. Suddenly the HT was zooming up a highly slanted drive and onto the rough surfaces. Round and down, across the broken sidewalk and up though a new lawn area to the hose! I was calling out safety tips faster than the video! The expert motorcyclist handled the Segway like a champion and loved every minute of it! <br><br>Finding a perfect roofing job with EcoStar material was a plus. It will cost over $20,000 to replace my leaky roof. I may never have found this superior roofing contractor had I not bought the Segway! <br><br>Meeting folks from the Paseo area has been a blast. Normally we just drive through to the artist areas. The idea of walking is just too far. With the Segway there are stops along the way to share the excitement with everyone who asks. I met some of the nicest people who have one thing in common with our historic "upscale" homes. We are all restoring the houses and neighborhoods to a wonderful condition. <br><br>Monday - Day 14<br>Posted-Mar 18 2003: 01:49:17 AM <br><br>The final chapter for the St. Patrick's Day was an early morning visit to Bricktown to get some free "green eggs and ham!" I saw on our CBS-TV affiliate that KISS-FM was doing a live radio show (the very popular Jack & Ron Morning Show,) so I put a cassette in the recorder to catch the audio if I was interviewed. Yes! I was interviewed. Here are the links to pictures: <br><br> <br><br>Now here is where it gets a bit tough! I have uploaded the 7 minute interview. You can download/play by clicking the following link and then clicking the download arrow. The file is 1.2 mb, so plan accordingly. <br><br> <br><br>It works automatically with XP on the PC if you f LVALv have QuickTime installed. (If Safari doesn't find the page on a Mac use Internet Explorer instead and open the file at the desktop.) The file is an AIFF audio file, so rename with a .aif extension if you have an unique system. I hope it works for you. <br><br>The interview was lots of fun and taught me to not walk away (even when excused by the radio hosts) until all the comments were corrected! (ie: Absolutely NO double riding allowed!!!) <br><br>On the way home a car stopped in my path. The man driving lowered his window and said, "I'm getting mine on Thursday!" I mentioned, so hopefully we will catch up with each other to glide in the downtown area or at Lake Hefner.LVALm0UI'm sitting in the Hyatt hotel lobby typing this after loading the Segway into the car for the trip back. This was checkout day, and since I needed to be on the street by 10 AM, I only had 15 minutes to checkout and get the clothes to the car! I decided to try something fun. Since I had about 7 canvas bags of stuff and clothes on hangers, I placed the bags on the Segway platform so the sensors would be depressed. They fit fine, plus the clothes are attached to special hanger devices for the car. I hooked those to the handle bar and draped the clothes behind the bags. This allowed the unit to balance almost perfectly with just a touch of forward movement. I was ready to leave the room and try it out. Sure enough, I was able to gently push the Segway HT to the elevator, across the lobby areas, and into the parking lot elevator. I had a big smile on my face as a new way to use the Segway was discovered to save time and money. With the stuff in the trunk, I was ready to glide and made it in time!<br><br>We all gathered for our last Chicago Segway Fest glide in the front of the Mc Cormick Center entrance. Brooster and GlideMaster led the individual groups as we glided through the large glass building to Lake Michigan. As we all met on the deck of the raised patio, a few rain drops fell. We soon were gliding under the rail and over towards a monument for the fallen fire fighters and paramedics who have given their lives to save property and lives. We then glided past Soldier Field, Adler Planetarium, Shed Aquarium and the Field Museum. The rain was falling harder, but nothing that bothered anyone! Soon we all met at Buckingham Fountain where our fellow seggers from the other hotel all met for our last group shot. I purchased a Chicago style hot dog (at last!) and returned for the photo under a large tree that protected us from the rain. We chatted and Brooster gave us a final farewell speech. We then glided toward the fountain, and I took pictures as each person or group glided in a different direction. Won8 LVALH derful friends were now departing in each direction of the compass. I didn't think I would get emotional, but with the rain falling - moist eyes were certainly not noticed.<br><br>Our group of six returned back to the Hyatt hotel using the same route as the other day. We were all a bit wet, but our clothes dried quickly in the dry air of the convention center. I put the Segway into the car and packed the bags around it. Back in the lobby, I brought the computer to type this. I chatted with the concierge and then sat to type. Others were leaving as I typed and it was more fond farewells and remembering the quality of the event. It's been a great day of gliding and the memories of Segway Fest 2003 will be with us for ever. LVAL Posted - Tuesday, Sep 02 2003 : 11:51:43 PM<br><br>Back at work after Segway Fest. What a better way to start the work week by bringing the new 11.0 software updated Segway for a ride on the trails to Burger King for lunch. What a pleasure to go up a curb with minimum growling from the power base. The day was cool and overcast, a nice change from the heat of summer.<br><br>This evening I decided to glidPosted - Tuesday, Sep 02 2003 : 11:51:43 PM

Back at work after Segway Fest. What a better way to start the work week by bringing the new 11.0 software updated Segway for a ride on the trails to Burger King for lunch. What a pleasure to go up a curb with minimum growling from the power base. The day was cool and overcast, a nice change from the heat of summer.

This evening I decided to glide in the neighborhood and ended up at Cheever's to enjoy a dessert. Coconut covered flash fried New York style cheesecake, imagine! It was a nice treat before giving a demo.

On the way home the light dimmed to almost nothing. I hadn't charged it in Chicago and I used it a bit last night during the wreck on the freeway (delayed 3 hours getting home.) It will get a good charge before tomorrow's glide.LVALdkFXPosted - Wednesday, Sep 03 2003 : 10:58:46 PM<br><br>It was 6 months ago to the day that the Segway arrived. What a better way to celebrate than glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for the Members' preview of "Americans in Paris 1850-1910." The art is as beautiful as the glide, especially in our cooler weather. Classic piano filled the hall as patrons enjoyed talking while enjoying a beverage or snack. I wheeled the Segway into the building and headed for the coat room where Seggy is locked up securely. There are always several who ask questions while enjoying the ambiance of the museum.<br><br>After viewing the spectacular exhibit, the sunset was extra colorful. Time for a glide through the downtown streets to get a better view. In just minutes I was gliding on the Bricktown streets. Back on the sidewalks next to the ballpark, I headed for a view of "Outdoor World," our new Bass Pro Shop still under construction. With the signs on the building, no one can miss what's coming.<br><br>A pleasant glide around the front of the ballpark brought me over to one of the many parking areas. I enjoyed a lengthy conversation with June, a lady in her 70's (but looks like late 50's!) She has been a parking lot attendant for years and she gladly took my offer for a demo ride. About 30 minutes passed as we continued to chat and other demos were given to those passing by. One man had a left arm amputation just below the shoulder. I had him cross his right arm over to steer with the left hand grip. He did ok, but afterwards I tried and found it a bit easier to keep my hand straight. There is a definite need for controls on the right for those who need it. Perhaps a special order control shaft could have sensors on both sides and the grips could be easily switched when the unit is sold.<br><br>June got on the HT a couple more times and then asked for my phone number because she wanted help to purchase a Segway! She is a most interesting lady who currently owns about 10 cars and has owned about 400 in her lifetime! LVAL She thinks the Segway is great and wants one! (Could my name tag left on from the museum preview given a more friendly appeal? Who knows!)<br><br>We said our lengthy good byes and I departed for home with the joy that someone else could soon be enjoying the wonderful Segway HT.; LVALK Cocktails on the Skyline at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was extra special with our FOX 25 television station present, but it wasn't on video. Last night they told us to be present at 5 PM. Ok, I thought we would be on camera, so with the day free due to a power failure at work, I decided to glide down early. There were only give away prizeCocktails on the Skyline at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was extra special with our FOX 25 television station present, but it wasn't on video. Last night they told us to be present at 5 PM. Ok, I thought we would be on camera, so with the day free due to a power failure at work, I decided to glide down early. There were only give away prizes from FOX, no cameras. So, no need to glide early! Anyway, it was a nice day for a glide and Cocktails on the Skyline was just as nice place as any to glide to!

Lots of conversation about Segway Fest and the iBot wheel chair occurred. Now it's back to finish posting the Segway Fest photos after a power outage at work provided a day off.q LVAL It was an excellent morning to return to the auto repair to pick up the car. Using the HT makes this task simple. The road has a major bump that I must slow down for. I only encountered a few cars during most of the glide. Using the rear view mirror on the helmet allows for safe "hiding" in a driveway when a car approaches from the rear. I used the red flasher light for safety.<br><br>Tonight I drove to the State Fair to discuss where I can sIt was an excellent morning to return to the auto repair to pick up the car. Using the HT makes this task simple. The road has a major bump that I must slow down for. I only encountered a few cars during most of the glide. Using the rear view mirror on the helmet allows for safe "hiding" in a driveway when a car approaches from the rear. I used the red flasher light for safety.

Tonight I drove to the State Fair to discuss where I can store the HT when visiting. I wish I had the HT to circle the fairgrounds to get tickets. They were out of "season passes" at one location. Fair personnel and management mentioned I could store the HT at the "Safety Center." It should be safe, police are everywhere. One of them asked, "Where's your Segway, I never see you without the Segway!" The Safety Center is where disruptive fair goers are held in before being transferred to the city jail.LVAL  |He general infkfQIEMLoss Of Power@v!2003032323283220030Hey I am David Krumwiede and another member of team 93. I am a sophmore at Appleton East and this will be my second year on the team. I will be doing computer animation again this year. I really injoy participating in FIRST and I hope everyone has a good year.Antagony - well, accordingrs. I did not wait, because I did not ride, but it does rethink the entire ride queue design with Segway in mind. Currently you would park your HT outside the attraction and stand in line with everyone else. But IF you could glide in line to the ride load area, park in a special place, then get back on the Segway after the ride, wouldn't that be great? Don't hold your breath! However on this day I could have ridden up the exit ramp on many attractions and gotten on the ride from there!<br><br>The park is built on a hilly area that is never flat. Up and down you go, and while it is easy to reach the far end of the park, it's all uphill from there to get back to the exit. I successfully glided over the most unusual slants and surface materials. Some areas did not have ramps, but small curbs instead. Frontier City is exremely friendly to the Segway with both employees and ride path conditions.<br><br>Staying until the park closed at 8 pm was a treat on the first day of Daylight Savings Time. The day was a complete success, however I do have some tips.<br><br>1. Always use the black key. Any travel over 3 mph could be noticed as "too fast" and you may be asked to leave.<br><br>2. Never give demos on a theme park day. My two parking lot demos resulted in an employee wanting one. How would park management react if an employee was riding while working. Just say "not in the park."<br><br>3. Standing still on the HT isn't as restful as sitting. Get off occasionally and enjoy rest time while your HT is parked near by.<br><br>Photos will be posted as "Frontier City Theme Park" at the web site.LVAL v < H j  Z |8H0\L@6>                                                                              [standardized to 1.7% (2.5 mg) withanolides and 1.5% (2.2 mg) alkaloids]Ashwagandha Root Extract <i>(Withania somnifera)</i>[provides 20%-28% (180-252With temps in the 80's, it was a perfect day to join our co-workers for the annual Easter egg hunt. I took the Segway to ride in the country. Large angular gravel, dirt, grass, leaves, twigs, steep hills, and tree stumps level with the ground made for interesting gliding. My first ride up the grassy hill was slow, but later in the day I was "flying" up the hill. A couple of demos were given on the grassy surface. I felt like I was on an ATV most of the time. OWith temps in the 80's, it was a perfect day to join our co-workers for the annual Easter egg hunt. I took the Segway to ride in the country. Large angular gravel, dirt, grass, leaves, twigs, steep hills, and tree stumps level with the ground made for interesting gliding. My first ride up the grassy hill was slow, but later in the day I was "flying" up the hill. A couple of demos were given on the grassy surface. I felt like I was on an ATV most of the time. Others mentioned "ATV" as well. One conclusion: country riding is a blast. Anyone considering an HT and has an acre or two of land to ride on will have fun. The larger the acreage, the more utility. It was a great afternoon.

The "Easter bunny" mounted the HT, but too much bucking and wheel spinning in the large rocky area caused the bunny to hop off.

At 6 pm a quick glide from home to Arby's was a treat. With only one hot dog at lunch, I was hungry!Friday has become "Glide 2 Give" day at work. Demos for the March of Dimes have been fun. Just look what our employee news wrote: "...charging $2 for a five-minute lunchtime ride on an emplyees's futuristic motorized vehicle called the 'segway.'" Taking pictures of each person on the HT has been extra work, but everyone loves it.

I kept the Segway in the car when attending a benefit for Habitat for Humanity. Afterwards I pulled into the parking garage and decided to glide to Bricktown. Only about 4" of space existed between my helmet and the ceiling beams of the garage! The canal is now full of water and the sight seeing boats are in operation. I glided right down next to the canal and boats, amazing reactions. The trail along the canal is very nice, but due to construction, I could only go 1/4 the way. While I was looking at the construction fence, the captain of one of the boats announced, "There is one of our cities finest!" That helmet sure makes me look like a policeman! The helmet touched the overpass, so lower your head at the canal!

Back at the ballpark area it was demo time. For two hours people kept asking questions and I would let them ride. About 180 demos have been given so far! It was getting late. I checked Maker's, but it was too noisy. Bricktown Brewery was a nice stop and I got some food too. I was able to ride in and park the HT on an upper level. Everyone loved seeing the Segway.

Going back to the car, the red light came on when climbing the parking garage. Plenty of power left to make it! Two more lifts and the Segway was back at home charging.
LVALaL u^On Sunday afternoon, the temps were in the 80's, perfect for a glide around Lake Hefner. See for the photos! The first 8 pictures are from previous day.<br><br>Lake Hefner Trails is a short 10 minute drive from downtown. The trail around the lake is about 9.5 miles. While no motor vehicles are allowed, the Segway is legal! The glide started about 1 pm after a demo for someone from work who happened to be driving by when I was unloading the Segway!<br><br>The golfers yelled out their approval of the Segway and I shouted back that a golf bag is needed. Soon I was enjoying views of the lake and giving more demos. Demos reduced battery power and pushing the HT would be the result. I moved some of the trash cans in the sidewalk lane, but eventually moved to the parking lane for gliding. The north side of the trails used an existing two lane road converted to one way car lane and a narrow bike lane for counter clockwise travel plus a wide parking lane that doubles as a bike lane. The glide was quick, until arriving at the bikers parking lot.<br><br>Demos, demos, demos, but lots of fun for everyone. With the HT in power assist mode, an inline skater enjoyed an exciting ride, especially when moving backwards. Someone took a short movie, so hopefully that will be posted in the future. Seeing a junked scooter in the trash reminded me how important it is to buy quality!<br><br>With separate bike and pedestrian lanes, the question is - what to glide on. Of course the bike lane makes more sense, but it is nice to know that the pedestrian lane would be legal where the bike lanes end. Before ending the glide, stop by one of the three restaurants for a great lunch. Ask to plug in to complete the ride! Bahama Breeze, Redrock Cafe, and Pearls feature fine food with water front locations.<br><br>I didn't have time to eat, so the batteries got a bit low with all the demos. Soon I was pushing the HT to recharge. About 3 walks were required with the restful glide betweLVALV q baB_F Z n ~  (8RPl"vz216.20!.@2003020502253468.96.77.50bbL0$3L.nn  200211161528412002111615284166.149.54.9066.149.54.90henry  th\\\\\ZP8   .."%1 Walter  200211161000082003031909211820030319093034208.224.4.201208.224.4.56WalterdeRooy ~fLL0<<"  200211151923282002111522425124.117.110.18124.117.110.181KonradPilz zzzzzrfJ...88"  200211150756112002111507561120021115080707209.178.183.16209.178.183.16Darlene  x\@@$(("  20021114205738200211142057382002111421045164.12.97.764.12.97.7  vj^^^^^\ZF22(("  20021114190134200304042216202003032622543624.71.223.14324.71.223.143raymogibsonSafty first Friends second tjP66,," abi470robo@hotmail.comqueenabi200211en the walking. I was able to glide the rest of the way to the car by 4 pm. A great three hour experience that truly was a Sunday treat.LVAL  `I finally took some close up pictures of my "Light and Motion" headlight. I will post those pictures in the near future. That task done, it was time to glide!<br><br>What started off as a simple glide for fun ended up being one of the longest. I decided to glide to an art gallery on the east side of the tracks near Bricktown. I then traveled over the 6th street freeway overpass on the south side and ended up at the newly built Research Park. These medical research buildings have wonderful curved walks that surround the complex. No cars to hassle, just clear walks in perfect condition. That done, it was time to ride through the 6th street "tunnel" under the railroad track. No problems at all. Experience on the HT results in easy travel on surfaces thought to be difficult at first. With such a good time under way, why not Bricktown? I glided past the ballpark and checked the canal site that I missed on Friday. Sure enough, there was a hidden opening to the Bricktown Canal walks.<br><br>The Bricktown Canal is over a mile in length with sidewalks and trails that dip and climb to bridges, stages, sitting areas and stretches of walkway next to the canal. Some of the turns are very sharp, yet the HT moved easily through it all. Additional construction required a power assist walk, but I was able to travel to the end of the canal. There was no path to the river walk area, when that is completed it will be a Segway owner's dream glide! It will be wonderful to take photos of this wonderful place and share the excitement.<br><br>Gliding to Mickey Mantle's across from the ballpark, a trolley driver stopped and ran out for a demo. He appreciate finally getting to step on, as he was too busy two weeks ago. After the one demo and answering questions, I decide to stop at Maker's and enjoy a beverage. A couple from Dallas started asking questions when they saw me enter. About 20 minutes later I joined them at their table. We talked for more than 30 minutes and they picked up my tab, how thoughtful! They both deserved  LVAL 6~ ( $ B Ddd|d| $>X. WoV0 @20030208151735162.83.139.7ddL0$3U0@2003020814551524.148.86.1041;1; glidester @ 200212282304322003040916401020030319210612     Florida phil@keeler.netavatars/glidester.jpg.x^B@$64"%1:waxpack  20021227095534200212271023442002122709583466.176.85.6766.176.85.67Jared     pXX< 20"%19tobiadk  2002122619380720021226194044213.237.45.216213.237.45.216tobiastols r@   single xnR66620"%18Bpam  pamelagotcher198309182 pgotcher1946200212261736282003041420443920030414203834 Z@   Single NicevilleFL pam@gotcher.usavatars/pam.jpgT66trV:*("%17)tak aeb7b5fd42b905aathe deluxe demo with multiple rides. We exchanged email addresses for further questions and sharing of information.<br><br>Demos continued non-stop with some security officers enjoying the last ride. I proceeded home and did have 3 short walks again to charge up the battery! It worked better to get off when the red light appeared, rather than waiting for stick shake. It was easier to start pushing and charging, rather than waiting and waiting to get it back in charge mode. The ride/walk home was about 20 minutes, so I only walked about 6 minutes total! With a slight breeze at 70 degrees it was perfect night gliding weather!LVALZY bA major problem with narrow doorways occurred today when I got stuck in a door! I had glided inside Brown's Bakery three times before, but someone was holding the door open and that made all the difference. The space to enter is 26", so you must watch what you are doing. I was looking at the person rather than the wheels! What happened was unreal.<br><br>I was entering the right side of a dual door that swings towards me on the right. The left tire touched the left door that was closed. Suddenly the HT moved left, forward and BANG a major sound occurred. The left door edge was jammed against the platform with the fender OUTSIDE. The left handle grip was trapped INSIDE against the glass. My left arm hit the door edge violently about 3" from the wrist (it is still sore, but no cuts.) The HT was still in balance mode, so I had to climb off and power down to release the HT from the stuck position. It was a total surprise, as I was creeping forward from a complete stop.<br><br>Now for details. The 30" doors only allow a 26" entry space. The bakery was originally a curved roof Safeway market, so the doors are an old standard not used in new buildings. No damage to the door occurred. The left fender is OK. Abrasion from the edge of the metal door frame occurred to the silver and gray painted metal at the edge of the white refector at the front of the platform. Store personnel had their normal happy responses and one customer mentioned that if the guy who helped me open the door was involved, it wasn't unusual for something to go wrong. <br><br>The learning lession of this event is this: 26" is too close for slow safe entry unless you are watching your wheels at all times. Tell people who want to help in such situations that it is better if they stand away from the door. Park the HT outside or carefully push it in with the HT off or in power assist.<br><br>The above could occur with any size entry if you get too close to the vertical object on the left or right side. Be careful to stay away from objects that  LVAL ^,R" Z & p <  m Z G 8wjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjg(h(0f(f(jMSysAccountsx'x'/$8O@$8O@MSysAccessXML34MR2KeepLocal  T|||<<<<<<<: @ F]`T#@F]`T#@tblNewstblComments3FFFFFFFFFFD #tsS#@S#@tblSmut3@.<<<0000000. @Y}9S#@md|-O@tblJournal3@.BBB66666664 @qr+O@+O@tblConfiguration3,Q+NNNBBBBBBB@ @O[S#@I/O@tblComments3q@*DDD88888886 @ ܹV#@<br>I called Segway for touch-up paint. They have had requests, but no paint is available at this time and they suggested to call again in a month. (Please call them if you want paint, more requests will give them reason to make a touch-up kit available.) All their parts arrive already painted, so they are not setup to create a kit at this time. Their current suggestion was to contact auto body paint company or try to match with existing colors. If anyone has found existing standard colors that match, please post your findings!<br><br>Another option would be for Segway to make the lower rubber bumper extend across the entire horizonal surface with additonal industrial Velcro. Replacing a full width bumper would return the Segway to new condition without painting.LVALI Iq8 T  p 7 S  Y 2Y  M_NAMEMember_idca" id="q rr@V2002111817484368.20.I have stayed home so much in the last year that I didn't enjoy Thursday nights at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Tonight was the night, and event no longer exists! <br><br>I glided inside and immediately dismounted and turned the HT off. I needed to renew my membership and asked questions about the missing event. Not enough interest in the entertainment and open bar. So, I decided to stay and enjoy the Ottoman art eThe calls continued to the base environment folks and base safety. All green lights for Segway use on the trail system except for one more call to base recreation. Hopefully I will glide to lunch on Earth Day!<br><br>The lunch time demos were more relaxed today with three riders. The temps were warm and pleasant. In preparation for the trails, I took the Segway over to the trail and glided a short distance down each side. Some of the gliThe calls continued to the base environment folks and base safety. All green lights for Segway use on the trail system except for one more call to base recreation. Hopefully I will glide to lunch on Earth Day!

The lunch time demos were more relaxed today with three riders. The temps were warm and pleasant. In preparation for the trails, I took the Segway over to the trail and glided a short distance down each side. Some of the glide is just spectacular and I look forward to enjoying the foliage.

An art discussion was held just north of Bricktown. I parked the HT at the rear of the gallery in the coat rack area. A separate ramp at the back of the building can be used if necessary. The art was interesting to say the least! 70 degree temps meant a perfect no jacket evening. I gave three demos after the event on the sidewalk. About 200 have now glided on my HT.An inside glide in the morning after taking simulated crash photos with my pocket door was a fun way to start the day.

With temps back in the 60's and only a breeze, it was a perfect evening to try the new sidewalks on 10th Street west of home. The city removed houses on the north side of the street, so the sidewalks have no driveways! Very fast glide times are possible, and I was ordering a hamburger at Del Rancho in about 15 minutes. This was the most westerly trip so far. No demos tonight, but everyone loved seeing the Segway. The breeze was at my back on the way back. I traveled at top speed and only slowed for the curb cuts while crossing the streets. (The nearby Miller tour is in May, and I will check the map if gliding the distance is possible.)

At home the wind had removed small branches from the sycamore trees. I used the HT to travel around the sidewalks and collect branches, then zoom them back to the trash containers. Parking the Segway electronically while skimming leaves off the pool works well. The icing on the cake was taking the broom and sweeping while on the HT. Drivers must have thought I was crazy, but it worked! It sure makes yard work a bit more fun.LVALvH^eToday at work I called the Environmental staff and they said it would be ok to use the HT on the trails, but to check with one other person. No answer, so I will try again tomorrow. I also let an Earth Day staffer that I would be willing to show the HT next week.<br><br>I have stayed home so much in the last year that I didn't enjoy Thursday nights at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Tonight was the night, and surprise, the event no longer exists! <br><br>I glided inside and immediately dismounted and turned the HT off. I needed to renew my membership and asked questions about the missing event. Not enough interest in the entertainment and open bar. So, I decided to stay and enjoy the Ottoman art exhibit. I rolled the HT with power off into the coat room, locked it, and then was told by the security officer that I would have to leave it outside. We chatted awhile and I told him I could park it at the bike rack outside (a large stainless steel U holder.) He asked about the price, and then replied that at $5000, how much was a the cost of a wheel He said he was sorry, but it was his job and had to have me to roll it outside. I unlocked the unit in the coat room and wheeled it out, he then said it was OK to leave it in the coat room! Apparently he had made a call or was told that others that the coat room storage was fine. He took my name and phone number so the museum could call me back. I returned the HT to the coat room and I locked it up again.<br><br>When trying to enjoy the exhibit, the first 5 minutes was spent answering questions about the HT to the staff! I mentioned how I had given about 190 demos. Finally I got in the mood for the exhibit and enjoyed learning a lot more than the preview that I attended about 3 months ago. The cafe was open until 10, but I skipped it so they could lock up the museum without worrying about the HT. As I left, the staff member who asked the questions in the exhibit said, "Can I be 191." I responded, "We will have to glide outside!" The demo was a success and I dro LVAL r E L E:~@MY63Lipo-Gen™MetagenicsComprehensive Lipotropic Formula *@@Two tablets at mealtime.oocW3''D LY62Licorice Plus®MetagenicsHerbal Adaptogen Complex *:@@#@vvvvvvjj^R6**i KY61L-Carnitine with ChromiumMetagenicsNutrients Involved in Fat Metabolism * @'@}}}}}}qqee=11` SY6Bio-Zyme™MetagenicsSelect Proteolytic Enzymes@'@R@ qqqqqeYYMM1%%DIY59Juicy Fruit-C™MetagenicsDelicious and Tangy Chewable Vitamin C@One or more tablets daily.ll``8,,d HY58Intrinsi B12/Folate™MetagenicsB12 and Folate with Intrinsic Factor%@One or more tablets daily.ppdd>22D EY57Inflavonoid Intensive Care®MetagenicsFor Relief of Minor Pain *Patent Pending[@]@{_C77i DY56Inflavonoid®MetagenicsFor Relief of Minor Pain *@S@hhhhhh\\PP4((d CY55Thymic-Synergy™MetagenicsThymus Glandular with A, C, Zinc and MoreH@@One tablet twice daily.O@||pd9--DBY54Hemagenics™MetagenicsNutritional Support for Red Blood Cell Formation *d@m@One tablet twice daily.@ui5))dAY53Hepatacin™MetagenicsAyurvedic Liver Formula^@.@eeeeeeYYMM4((e @Y52Gluco-Factors™MetagenicsNutrients to Support Glucose Metabolism *H@7@Two or more tablets daily.{{oc8,,D ?Y51Ginkgo-RoseOx™MetagenicsHerbal Support for Healthy Brain Function *7@@4@}}qeve by the cafe and got a bunch of interested looks as I switched to the red key. I noticed that the cafe has a revolving door and a regular one about 30 feet away. That locked regular door would be a great Segway storage area for the cafe.<br><br>Gliding up to the memorial, a family asked some questions. I suggested that the demo should be done in the post office parking lot. We did and had a pleasant time chatting about the Segway. Another person had a quick demo before I glided north in the wonderful 60 degree temps. While gliding, three bicycle riders started asking questions while we all on the one way street! I moved to the right and passed them a bit with the 12 mph speed. It was lots of fun and everyone stayed out of each others way. We parted as I headed home.LVAL"<hhEaster Sunday! After watching Charles Stanley's Easter message on "In Touch," it was time to get ready to glide. Co-workers invited me to the Renaissance Hotel in downtown OKC. This was a perfect place to glide and I made the trip in a record 12 minutes including checking the Segway into baggage/coat storage at the hotel. It is the easiest, fastest, and most secure storage solution. It's like indoor valet service for your HT. Makes you feel elegant too! (A $2 tip when exiting was appreciated while handing the baggage ticket to the bell person.)<br><br>The Easter brunch was perfect, with several from work enjoying the feast with their families. Ice sculptures, live harp music, fountains and waterfalls nearby, and a multiple stations of chefs to offer personal service made this event extra special. I took photos as usual. After leaving the hotel we walked to a large cement area next door. I demoed the HT to one entire family whos older son wanted to glide. The younger son was 40 pounds, so I positioned the center of the heel of his shoes on the back sensors and held onto the handle bar during his mini glide. No weight issue, but the chance is risky. I am extra careful for the few who get to glide under these conditions. The parents were taking movies the entire time. I was happy that the demos were not on hotel property.<br><br>Perfect Easter weather with temps in the upper 60's and humidity about 40% made the temptation to visit the Bricktown canal a must. It was the first daytime glide of the canal and I enjoyed stopping at several places to take photos. One must be careful when gliding because there are no railings and the canal is about 4 feet deep. It's no place for demos! As I proceeded to the end of the canal, security was everywhere. The new sculptures were in place heading into the canal. Horses rearing up as if to forge across the canal during the land run of 1889. There will be 45 figures total when it is completed for the centennial in 2007. For more information see: http://www.channeloklahoLVALU _  @@ @ Brought the Segway to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt this morning. It was loads of fun taking pictures and eating cookies, Krispy Kreme Donuts and drinking lemonade! A couple of folks got demos and the kids were told they had to be 100 pounds. McDonald's should start a new campaign to get kids to the correct weight fast! Those pictures are posted on the web in the neighborhood location.<br><br>While tornado warnings were in effect in the region, the weather here was perfect for Pops night at the OKC Philharmonic. I was approaching the Civic Center Music Hall on the street. There were people walking diagonally from the parking lots. There was plenty of room in front of the mass and I said, "Excuse me" and glided straight down the left lane of the one way street. While I was safe, one guy said, "You'll get a ticket!" When gliding on empty streets and sidewalks for a mile, it's tricky to "shift gears" and slow to the crawl that folks expect.<br><br>I walked the HT into the main hall, and again was assisted to get the coat room unlocked to store the Segway. The concernt was amazing! Neil Sedaka sang his original hits with the Philharmonic. Then he did the new stuff, and it was so emotional, I was wiping tears from my face. He has put words to classical music! He got 5 standing ovations. A perfect evening ended with 3 demo glides outside at the front of the hall. It was now in the low 50's, but guests wait until I leave so they can see the Segway. With demos ended, a quick bite at Bricktown was in order.<br><br>After 11 pm most cafes are closed. Hooters stays open until 1 am, so that was the place. I walked the HT in, but drove it out after 3 of the Hooters girls stood up and rode. One almost hit a post, but the event was nearly flawless. One more demo in the hallway and it was time to glide down the road. A fast cool ride home was faster than usual with empty streets. A neat way to enter Easter day.LVAL  8 N b v  " 8Vn,&@X co U0 u`@2003041215373268.129.76.121ffL0$3 U~M_@2003041215353324.80.167.177ffL0$3 Uasb@20030412153345206.170.162.185jjL0$3 U0th8@2003041215311564.91.13.7``L0$3 Ua @ w2003041215242266.167.138.149hhL0$3 Unk@2003041215232166.167.138.149hhL0$3 U@2003041215173265.101.48.1220030412152241dL0$? <br><br>I talked to several visitors, rode with a family on bikes, answered question to canal staff, and had security tell me that they had gotten a call that it was OK for me to glide anywhere in the Bricktown area. The rollerblade and mini scooter folks are not so fortunate, they are forbidden to enjoy the Bricktown walks. I enjoyed taking many HT pictures in neat locations. I even stood behind a NEWS 9 camera man who was filming the canal boats with the land run horse drawn wagon into the canal. These larger than life statues are going to be popular with the visitors and residents of the city.<br><br>Returning to Reno St, I stopped by the SBC Bricktown Ballpark and chatted with a ticket taker and manager. They will be able to store the HT inside during a baseball game or other event. I plan to visit soon.<br><br>After a demo and photos, I heard my name called out. It was the same folks I saw at the Red Bud Classic! We chatted with them and his father who was in a wheelchair. They know the 92 year old who owns an HT and uses it in one of the downtown buildings. He will have his lift completed soon, so I hope to get photos of that.<br><br>Power was running low, so I headed home and avoided the speed limiter to make the power last. No pushing required today, the entire day was a success. There was enough time to vacuum the winter dirt out of the pool in preparation for summer. With The Ten Commandments on TV tonight, it was a beautiful end of a great Easter Sunday! LVAL   B F n v $Lhdd 0NnDuring the wait for the Segway HT I drove by the walking trails at work each day. I dreamed of the day I could glide across Tinker AFB on the Segway HT. It seemed a natural, but it was not to be, until today - Earth Day 2003!<br><br>As some of you have read in previous posts and blogs, I asked Base Safety a couple of months ago, but the answer was, "No motorized vehicles." While it was disappointing, I said that I would contact the individual departments later.<br><br>When a manager saw gas powered "Tiger Trucks" on the trails, he said to me, "Mark, you should be able to glide, call them!" Environment said that the trucks were forbidden, but they consiDuring the wait for the Segway HT I drove by the walking trails at work each day. I dreamed of the day I could glide across Tinker AFB on the Segway HT. It seemed a natural, but it was not to be, until today - Earth Day 2003!

As some of you have read in previous posts and blogs, I asked Base Safety a couple of months ago, but the answer was, "No motorized vehicles." While it was disappointing, I said that I would contact the individual departments later.

When a manager saw gas powered "Tiger Trucks" on the trails, he said to me, "Mark, you should be able to glide, call them!" Environment said that the trucks were forbidden, but they consider the Segway like a bicycle. Base Safety said to call Base Recreation, since they run the trails. I did, and the answer was, "Give us a demo and you can glide!"

Demo day was this morning, and I traveled across the base on the Segway HT for the first time this afternoon! Photos (with a smudge on the lens) are at:

Calling and checking back with the authorities paid off. The glide is great and so much fun. There are many more trails not shown in the photos, I will try them in the future! An appliance permit is still needed to charge the HT at work, but it's all downhill from here!Great news! I talked to base recreation on Monday and they have agreed that I can ride the base trails! One condition, that I bring the HT over and let them have a demo! My personal "Earth Day" will be to glide to lunch and not use the car.

At lunch I attended the dedication for the first 5 sculptures from the set of 45 to be finished over the next 4 years at Bricktown. I said howdy to the Mayor and mentioned my Segway. Took lots of photos with the digital and film cameras.

I glided to the SBC Bricktown Ballpark tonight and upgraded a free voucher for $2. Got to sit directly behind home plate in the second row. I asked the lady taking tickets where to park the HT. I glided inside the stadium and over towards the Guest Services area. I saw an usher and had her take my photo. A policeman walked by and mentioned something about not gliding all around the stadium. I mentioned that I was going to park it in Guest Services and he said that most people are not as considerate and careful. The security guy at Guest Services opened the door, and I left it with them after the medical guy got his demo.

The game ended with our Oklahoma City Redhawks winning 9 to 4. The glide was quick, until the security guy with one of the car dealers wanted to chat. Before leaving, another gentleman was given a demo. It was a very good day!LVAL  @ X n 0JD@Zpfont size=During the wait for the Segway HT I would drive by the walking trails at work each day. I dreamed of the day I could glide across Tinker AFB on those trails! It seemed a natural, but it was not to be, until today - Earth Day 2003!<br><br>As some of you have read in previous posts and blogs, I asked Base Safety a couple of months ago, but the answerIt's "Festival of the Arts" time in Oklahoma City; that means rain and today was the day. I drove the car from work to enjoy the food and buy art. An empty trunk was handy to haul art today so the Segway can be used to visit the festival tomorrow. Can you imagine hanging an art piece around the handle bars! Rain was heavy at times, that means no lines for the fantastic food choices. The large umbrella keeps me dry.<br><br>I mentioned the Segway to several of the volunteers. One man askIt's "Festival of the Arts" time in Oklahoma City; that means rain and today was the day. I drove the car from work to enjoy the food and buy art. An empty trunk was handy to haul art today so the Segway can be used to visit the festival tomorrow. Can you imagine hanging an art piece around the handle bars! Rain was heavy at times, that means no lines for the fantastic food choices. The large umbrella keeps me dry.

I mentioned the Segway to several of the volunteers. One man asked as many question as if the Segway was right in front of him. Interest levels are high.

After returning home I got the HT out and enjoyed gliding round the block and through the nearby neighborhood in the then slight mist. The 3 pieces of outdoor art were carried from the car trunk to the garden by using the Segway! Lighting started firing up, so it was time to get the HT inside. With tires dripping, I left it on the vinyl floor rather than riding it across the hardwood floors.During the wait for the Segway HT I would drive by the walking trails at work each day. I dreamed of the day I could glide across Tinker AFB on those trails! It seemed a natural, but it was not to be, until today - Earth Day 2003!

As some of you have read in previous posts and blogs, I asked Base Safety a couple of months ago, but the answer was, "No motorized vehicles." While it was disappointing, I told them that I would contact the individual departments later.

When a manager saw gas powered "Tiger Trucks" on the trails he said to me, "Mark, you should be able to glide, call them!" Environment said that the trucks were forbidden, but they consider the Segway like a bicycle. Base Safety said to call Base Recreation, since they run the trails. I did, and the answer was, "Give us a demo and you can glide!"

Demo day was this morning, and I traveled across the base on the Segway HT for the first time this afternoon! Photos (with a smudge on the lens) are at:

Calling and checking back with the authorities paid off. The glide is great and so much fun. There are many more trails not shown in the photos, I will try them in the future! An appliance permit is still needed to charge the HT at work, but it's all downhill from here! LVAL / j  & < Vh|p,0T E8@h2003031807015968.1.63.67``L0$3%E8@F2003031806541368.1.63.67``L0$3E88@h2003031806495568.1.63.6720030318065028|`L0$?EWz@h2003031802492864.81.35.191ddL0$31wRAG1247652f06c782c9932f79ff872295249376e62ac6484cb79a33984863427ce054barag@sonyguy.comUSA 200211240507452003042509535820030424101124 video boating Ft. LauderdaleFlorida rag@sonyguy.comavatars/lighthouse.gif|PP200"jhL0 00"%1DBruceWrightfd1b2dEvery Friday during April I have been giving demos at work for The March of Dimes fundraiser. After todays demos I decided to try the Urban Greenway trails in the east direction. It was a unique collection of climbs and dips along ponds, a lake, foliage, camp ground, but no sidewalks to the south food locations! Since I am not to glide on base roads, I wasn't able to glide over to the sandwich shop. After 3 miles, I started to travel to the Burger King, but the battery was at half due to all the hills! I decide to go back and save the battery for the evening glide.<br><br>After work I parked the car downtown and glided a short distance to The Festival of the Arts. More food wasEvery Friday during April I have been giving demos at work for The March of Dimes fundraiser. After todays demos I decided to try the Urban Greenway trails in the east direction. It was a unique collection of climbs and dips along ponds, a lake, foliage, camp ground, but no sidewalks to the south food locations! Since I am not to glide on base roads, I wasn't able to glide over to the sandwich shop. After 3 miles, I started to travel to the Burger King, but the battery was at half due to all the hills! I decide to go back and save the battery for the evening glide.

After work I parked the car downtown and glided a short distance to The Festival of the Arts. More food was enjoyed and one beer. The crowds were surrounding the HT during much of the evening. I was amazed at how natural everyone avoided it and just walked by as if the Segway wasn't there. Since food is the major importance, the HT was a background object and was not the center of attention. Later in the art area I saw my dentist and his family. The man who got a demo in the car lot was there with his family too! With all the people, you always run into someone you know at the Festival.

A demo in the high rise parking lot before going home was a perfect before returning home for a short glide around the sidewalk at the house. Conserving power paid off with full glide enjoyment.RLVALM f ( B V j  (F/Ieyght now. Dean K5@ 20 UM_yD2003041211211165.101.48.12ddL0$3 Un @2003041210510864.105.208.209hhL0$3 Uui@2003041210435924.45.243.165ffTonights challenge was fitting in a wine glide between the first ever OKC PBS HD Rudy Maxa travel log ending at 7 and the President's speech from the Abraham Lincoln at 8. The glide went fast and smooth. Byron's owner/manager wanted to step on and did it while in red key mode with 3 wine bottles in the temporTonights challenge was fitting in a wine glide between the first ever OKC PBS HD Rudy Maxa travel log ending at 7 and the President's speech from the Abraham Lincoln at 8. The glide went fast and smooth. Byron's owner/manager wanted to step on and did it while in red key mode with 3 wine bottles in the temporary canvas bag at the front of the HT. He didn't buck the HT at all (and he did not turn it!) Everyone had more questions than the last time I visited the store. They allow me to glide in the aisles to shop. I showed them my insurance card to reassure them! The glide home was smooth and in time for the speech.Perfect weather equaled long lines of cars trying to park for the annual Festival of the Arts in Oklahoma City. I glided there this afternoon and enjoyed more food and art as before. There were more questions than ever. Neighbors, previous demo people whos picture I took, and many of the staff greeted me as I glided through the mass of humanity. I enjoyed a few food items and one beer. I was only going to spend a couple of hours, but was there for about 5 hours. I enjoyed a bit of fast grass hill riding after some ladies wanted to see me climb the hill. Throughout the entire festival not one person was physically touched by the Segway HT. Strollers are a much LARGER problem!

I am absolutely amazed at how you can proceed into a large mass of people and not have a problem. Gliding into a Tokyo subway could be a issue, but there is no hassle at the Festival of the Arts!Tonight I glided to the annual Festival of the Arts, THE best outdoor food event where no wine is served! Because it's a public event, you gotta enjoy the 3.2 beer while you scan the paintings, sculpture and windscapes. It's always fun, and the Segway HT fits in with all the strollers, police on bikes, and massive crowds that come to eat and be entertained!

I switched to the black key before entering the crowded food area. This helps, because the Segway feels different - and that reminds you to go slow. You end up just standing on the platform and not moving an inch while talking, eating, and waiting for folks to move out of the way. While a few looked concerned, I calmly glided around buying food from several booths. I needed to talk to friends in the management building, so there was no time for beer tonight.

Gliding up to the information tent took about 30 minutes because of all the questions. It was a different group than Bricktown. Lots of excited people and they loved seeing me demo the HT going up a steep grassy slope. The curbs are huge, so you only want to go up or down them as few times as possible. Two officials got a demo in a corner of the property. I told them and others that I did not want to give any demos on festival grounds. Too many people and expensive art! It was lots of fun and I ended the evening with a fried twinkie and a cool glide home!LVAL T Y s  55Since I didn't rise up early enough to glide to the health club, it was time to lift the Segway HT into the car trunk and take it to work. What fun to zoom across the parking lot into the lab area where the Segway is stored. At lunch, I don the helmet, sun glasses, and hop on board for the 2 mile ride to the Burger King on base. The trails are wonderful and change a bit each day. Surface is paved with some small gravel here and there. I go so fast that the shaft keeps touching me. A extra leanSince I didn't rise up early enough to glide to the health club, it was time to lift the Segway HT into the car trunk and take it to work. What fun to zoom across the parking lot into the lab area where the Segway is stored. At lunch, I don the helmet, sun glasses, and hop on board for the 2 mile ride to the Burger King on base. The trails are wonderful and change a bit each day. Surface is paved with some small gravel here and there. I go so fast that the shaft keeps touching me. A extra lean forward gives a spurt of speed, a concern for safe operation if I continued at that rate.

After lunch, a short 3 minute glide west from the turn signal was an extra treat. I have now glided on most of the trail system. This 3 minute trail ride allows access to the Tinker AFB driving range and golf course.

A short glide around the home allowed me to pick up the papers and other stuff that blows into the area. The Segway allows me to enjoy a luxury yard vehicle for such activities!A return to Brown's Bakery on Tuesday morning worked great. I cabled the HT to the outside on the security bars. Quick on, quick off. More folks in the bakery were interesting in seeing me glide today than on any day after I glided inside the bakery!

Did a quick glide around the house tonight after reading a post about starting with the electric cord connected. All worked fine, but it seems the HT is louder in the house now. The lack of tire squeal may be the reason.Today was the first convention center activity, and it required an early glide just after 7 AM. The residental half mile glide to the east took only 3 minutes because there wasn't a car to be seen!

Watching for right and left turn cars was the biggest challenge. I would start out while the left turn car would start moving. Safety first; back to the curb to try again. The total trip time was 12 minutes, traveling by car would be very similar when adding the park and walk time. I loved the feel of the hard nubby carpet at the newly rebuilt convention center. An elevator was found and took me standing on the HT directly to the registration table. I dismounted to register and then remounted to glide to the sponsor tables. I started to pour an orange juice, and was immediately assisted by wait staff. So unnecessary, but the luxury was appreciated.

While there was standing room only at today's launch event, Helena from the Dallas Microsoft marketing team asked that the HT be placed in the back corner of the meeting room - so about 100 saw it roll around the refreshment and sponsor tables for about 10 minutes. I did appreciate Microsoft's suggestion, it was a good parking location since the nearby coat room was closed. Many asked how I liked the HT.

The glide home was uneventful, except for a nice discussion of electric vehicles with a Mercedes dealer while at the curb (they sell the GEM.) Selecting the right vehicle is a matter of carefully deciding how far you travel and how many people and/or how much cargo you need to carry.gLVALG GGV  @  @ @@ @@ @  @@   @  @   @@  @@ @@@  Whenever a special event occurs at night, an early morning glide is scheduled to enjoy segging every day. Tonight our PBS station OETA had a 50th anniversary dinner with everyone from the Governor on down. It was a blast with an HDTV premiere and no Segway discussion!<br><br>I glided to Brown's BakeWhenever a special event occurs at night, an early morning glide is scheduled to enjoy segging every day. Tonight our PBS station OETA had a 50th anniversary dinner with everyone from the Governor on down. It was a blast with an HDTV premiere and no Segway discussion!

I glided to Brown's Bakery for a dozen donuts in the AM so I could attend the PM event. Once again, cabling the control shaft to the security bars worked like a charm. Fast and easy, a lot easier than gliding inside. One mosquito half way up the arm indicates that the bugs may be flying inside the clothing during the glide!With perfect 80 degree temps lowering to about 72 and low humidity it was a magical glide night. The Paseo area was closed, but I saw a Cinco De Mayo poster and thought, "Bricktown." Off I glided to Chelino's right on the canal. Several people asked questions while I waited for a table. The couple next to me were extremely friendly and we chatted about the Segway and Oklahoma City. Dinner was perfect with the live Mexican music on the patio that overlooks the canal. A great Cinco de Mayo while the Segway was cabled to the railing next to the table.

I gave several demos at the convention center and chatted with a gentleman who rides his bike in Bricktown. Gliding home was dreamy with the weather. I chatted with a neighbor and then segged over to the Tower Club. Closed. A glide back home was done before power ran out. It was one of the longest glides and very memorable.

It was a warm day with humidity in the morning and 18% dryness in the afternoon! I decided to stay in and test mount the new Segway bag. There are so many compartments that it takes awhile to check it out. The place for wrenches is great. I tried cameras, phones, sun glasses, helmet and 3 wine bottles (not all at the same time!) Very flexible. The downside is that the bag rides high and cuts down the view of the pavement. A plus is the hidden plush compartment for sun glasses!

After working in the yard and showering, it was time for a visit to Carls Jr. 4 demos were given to residents before eating. I locked the Segway outside on the vertical picket of the railing. All went smooth on the streets. Hardly a car to be found on the roads.After four Friday fund raisers for the March of Dimes using the Segway at work, it was time for some fun. Tonight I glided from home to the Myriad Gardens for the annual pasta party. I glided around, gave one employee a demo, enjoyed great pasta, and parked the HT in balance mode on a grassy area.

Afterwards I took an elevator down to the stage level. The Segway was parked in the aisle. Soon, someone told me that props would be "driving" through, so I moved to the second level. The various companies entertained, and the theme of "driving" was perfect for the Segway. Unfortunately, no one said I should have joined the tee shirt competition on stage with the Segway. I did spin in circles on the second level, but it wasn't noticed as it would have been on stage. Oh well, maybe next year we will enter the skit competition.

Got back home in time to quickly drive the car to see the new iPod. That will be a great Segway accessory.LVAL 5 pGliding at 6:15 am on Sunday morning, I got to the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.starting point a few minutes before the runners started the 26.2 mile single loop course. Usually I am awakened on marathon day by the TV helicopters flying overhead. Today the Segway HT allowed me to view the runners from many downtown locations. I have posted pictures at:<br><br><br><br>Gliding to Lincoln Avenue about a mile east provided a great view the majority of runners. Spinning the HT got their attention, as some mentioned it to me later in the race when standing on the HT in my neighborhood. One officer wanted a demo after the runners left that area. Seeing the Kid's Marathon and Memorial Walk was an unexpected surprise while gliding west.<br><br>I positioned myself a few miles from the end of the race to view the runners as they traveled through our neighborhood. Gliding from one area to another allowed multiple cheering locations. At one point, the TV cameras did catch my glide behind the runners and it was aired. After a safety power shut down due to low battery, I parked the Segway on the sidewalk. Countless runners saw the HT and wanted to borrow it with a couple of miles to go! My response was, "The battery is low." They would respond, "My battery is low too!" No negative comments at any time! It was a great marathon.<br><br>After a 4 hour charge, a 3 mile round trip glide to enjoy a some more food items at the Festival of the Arts was accomplished with only one bar down on the display. Photos of the Segway at the Festival are at:<br><br><br><br>One negative comment occurred today at the Festival near an art booth. An artist approached me and asked me to move, as the public asking questions was decreasing sales of art! I told him that I wished everyone would not ask so many questions, but some art dealers thought my mention of a $5000 price tag helps make their art seem more affordable! I also ment LVAL Z T Y s  55Ic}#97 to Bedford! Left St. Louis at 8:30 am, went to Mancheste| F@s2003031811593663.226.26.131ffL0$3 F0@t20030318112447205.188.209.52003031811341rhtufts  20021126104905200212051248252002112615585720.137.22.5020.137.22.50RussellTufts     rZBB& 20"%1cheesemike  rainfrst8817985012mrblinux@hotmail.commrblinux20021125202204200211252022042002112520241168.83.210.2868.83.210.28         hL<86"%1jsegwayusersgroup @ 20021125200205200304112114582003033120301366.24.161.3066.67.240.126DrewRossman     drewrossman@mac.comNNN(&$"  vZ><:86*DB"%1 TLane  20021125125819200304021128232002121813314324.145.254.15924.145.191.138     rjgro8d3491hp528deu12z64n51f143b~bFF*.,"  200211250554562002112505545668.0.56.14668.0.56.146  ioned that I did not want to do anything that would harm sales, and I left the area (since I wasn't finding any more art to purchase anyway!) I mentioned the comment to Festival officials who are good friends so they would come to the HT's defense if questioned. They mentioned that this kind of thing occurs with the guests comparing stroller features! Just look how many strollers are in the photos!LVALmrSrThis is the kind of day you wish for. Thousands running for a good cause and able to enjoying the Segway HT at it's best. Gliding alongside the March of Dimes walk, I was able to take pictures of my co-workers who had pledges to run. Spinning and gliding at our checkpoint brought the theme "Driving towards a healthy future for America's babies" to a successful conclusion.<br><br>As you have read in previous entries, today was the end of a month long series of demo events at work where co-workers would donate $2 for a 5 minute glide. Photos were taken of each demo and posted in a company location on my web pages. With last nights party, the walk was a question on what I should do with the Segway. Since battery life has been an issue, I decided to glide from home to our checkpoint (only a half mile away.) Photos were taken, then I glided to the start/finish line where co-workers were setting up food tables at the spectacular Myriad Gardens designed by IM Pei. The group photo was taken with the Segway in the picture.<br><br>Before the walk, the rules were announced. No rollerblades, bicycles or scooters. Since I had not signed up to walk, this was not an issue. My goal was to take photos, so I glided on sidewalks while the walk took place on the street. No problems and the ability to speed forward to catch up with the front runners was a joy.<br><br>One mini error occurred. The sidewalks were gone on the west side of Lincoln Terrace. I was on grass when I suddenly noticed that the right tire would sink into about an 8 inch deep dip. After slowing down and entering the hole slowly the Segway tilted and reacted as expected. I stepped off the back and held on while the HT spun it's wheels. I shouted to some walkers who saw it and mentioned that they witnessed a very unique event.<br><br>With battery life at 2 bars, I stayed with our employees at the final checkpoint and spun and glided for all to see. Over 100 photos were taken (but I won't post them all!) I had enough power to glide home and then drove the LVAL0 @         @ @  @ @@@@ @  @ @ @@@ @@ @ @ @   @ @@   @@       @@@ WdkfYmJL^v 9dkfYmJ^ :dkfYmJ^YmYQk ;dkfYmJ^Ymv dkfYmJ^YxQ ?dkfYmJ^YxQO @dkfYmJ^YxQk AdkfYmJ^YxYbU BdkfYmJ^k CdkfYmYJ DdkfdOJi EdkfdOJik Fdkm GdkmJUQ HdkmJUQk IdkmQO JdkmQ^ KdkmQ^QO LdkmQ^Qi MdkmQ^Qik NdkmQ^YbU OdkmQ^iYQk PdkmQ^iv QdkmQ^k RdkmQkk SdkmQkkQO TdkmQkkQk UdkmQkkYbU VdkmY^Q WdkmY^Q^v XdkmY^Qk YdkmY^YmYQk ZdkmY^Ymv [dkmYbU \dkm^Qi ]dkm^Qik ^dkm^v _dkmk `dm admLQO bdmLQOk cdmL^ddO ddmL^ddOk edmLdu fdmLduQk gdmMJ\Q hdmMJ\Qk idmMW jdmMWQO kdmMWQk ldmMWYbU mdmMWfdm ndmMWfdmk odmOdU pdmOdUUQO qdmOdUUYbU rdmOdUk sdmQ^ tdmQ^YQi udmQ^YQik vdmQ^`Jb wdmQ^`Qb xdmQ^k ydmSddm zdmSddmQO {dmSddmYbU |dmSddmk }dmWQJO ~dmWQJOQO dmWQJOQO^v dmWQJOQObQkk dmWQJOQObQkkQk dmWQJOk dmWdokQ dmWdokQk dm^v dmbQkk dmbQkkQk dmfiQkk dmfiQkkQO dmfiQkkQk dmfiQkkYbU dmidO dmidOk dmk dmkWdm dmkWdmk dmkfoi dmkfoik dmmQO dmmQi dmmQkm dmmYbU dmmYkW doOJW doOJWk dobO dobOQO dobOQi dobOQik dobOYbU dobOk doi doiU^Jkk doiU^JkkQk doiY doiYk doi^v doik dokQ dokQLdJm dokQLdJmk dokQLdv dokQLdvk dokQLiQJ\ dokQLiQJ\k dokQLid\Qb dokQM^QJb dokQM^QJbQO dokQM^QJbYbU dokQM^QJbYbUk dokQM^QJbk dokQO dokQS^YQk dokQS^v dokQSo^ dokQSo^k dokQWd^O dokQWd^OQi dokQWd^OQik dokQWd^Ok dokQ\QQfQi dokQ\QQfQik dokQ\QQfYbU dokQ^ dokQ^QO dokQ^YbU dokQ^^QO dokQ^^YbU dokQ^k dokQ`JYO dokQ`JYOk dokQ`Jb dokQ`JmQ dokQ`JmQk dokQ`Qb dokQi dokQik dokQk dokQmdf dokQmdfk dokQsJiQk dokQsJi`YbU dokQsJi`YbUk dokQsYSQ dokQsYSQ^YbQkk dokQsYSQ^YbQkkQk dokQsYSQ^v dokQsYSQiYQk dokQsYSQiv dokQsYqQk dokQsdi\ dokQsdi\k dokYbU dokYbUk !dqQ "dqQ^ #dqQ^QO $dqQ^YbU %dqQ^^QO &dqQ^^YbU 'dqQ^k (dqQi )dqQiQO *dqQiQi +dqQiQik ,dqQiYbU -dqQik .ds /dsLQYm 0dsOJW 1dsOJWk 2dsOYQ 3dsOYQk 4dsOv 5dsQ 6dsQk 7dsQqQi 8dsS 9dsSS :dsSSk ;dsSk ds\ ?ds\QO @ds\YbU Ads\k Bds^ Cds^QO Dds^Qi Eds^Qik Fds^Qm Gds^Qmk Hds^YbU Ids^k Jdsk Kdv LdvOQb MdvOQbQO NdvOQbYbU OdvOQbk Pdv^Q Qdv^Qk Rdvk SmcoJiJMWQ ToJiJMWQk UoJiJMWd VoJiJMWdk WoL XoLLYQk YoLLoL ZoLLoLk [oLLv \oLMJf ]oLMJfk ^oLiYk _oLiYkQk `oLk aoM\ boM\^Q coM\^QLQiiYQk doM\^QLQiiv eoM\^Qk foM\k goM\kmQi hoM\kmQiQO ioM\kmQiYbU joM\kmQik koOO^Q loOO^QO moOO^Qi noOO^Qik ooOO^Qk poOO^YbU qoQ roQO soQ^Qkk toQk uoSS voSSQO woSSYQi xoSSYQkm yoSSY^v zoSSYbU {oSSYkW |oSSk }oSSv ~oU oUQ oUQ^v oUQbQkk oUQbQkkQk oUQdok car to Myriad Gardens for lunch and more photos. It was a fun day and a successful use of the Segway.&6lz3 e  V i * Q  u ( T >_GS q*Kg(  ri^u@Mantel at Bricktown@mzokc66/#?q Gt@Long wait at Cheevers @mzokc881%?p )t@Taco Bell Snack @mzokc22+?oXʝt@Shartel Boulevard Development Authority@mzokcJJC7?nP~t@Balmy Braum's Burger Glide@mzokc==6*?m{]t@Times are changing!9@mzokc66/#?l=t@Nichols Hills Garden Tour;@mzokc<<5)?k5t@Bricktown Blues FestivalG@mzokc;;4(?j}fs@Balmy Bricktown Glide and Dine@mzokcAA:.?is@Cheevers and Tower Clubn@mzokc::3'?h@սs@Tinker and Neighborhood Glide@mzokc@@9-?gs@More dough for the doughnuts@mzokc??8,?fpSs@Final Mission OKC EveningF@mzokc<<5)?eCXs@Healthy Glide and Mission Overflow@mzokcEE>2?d `?s@Mission glide and BricktownD@mzokc>>7+?cu<s@Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham_@mzokcJJC7?b r@Demo, Dining and Denied@mzokc::3'?a ̢r@Stars in the rain]@:mzokc44-!?`r@Bump before bakery buy@mzokc992&?_$\r@Gliding to the Health Club@mzokc==6*?^R&r@Garden tours and city park glides|@9mzokcDD=1?]_r@Untitled Gallery Glide@8mzokc992&?\@=r@Dodging the rain at work@mzokc;;4(?[;6r@Fine Dining at Lotus5mzokc770$?ZNq@3 month celebration dinner@mzokc==6*?Y-1q@Lots of Dough@mzokc00)?Xq@Seggy gets a wash and glidem@mzokc>>7+?Wܤq@Saturday bonfire glide in the countryg mzokcHHA5?V0q@Friday Night Glide0@mzokc55."?UV?_q@Stealth Glide`@mzokc00)?T)?q@Glide to Iron Starr Urban BBQ>@mzokc@@9-?S q@Quick snack at Braum's@|mzokc992&?R֮p@Paseo Arts Festival Photos&@mzokc==6*?Q p@CHOF and Paseo Arts Festival~@|mzokc??8,?Pp@Gliding at Penn Square Mall*lmzokc>>7+?Op@Seggy's got a brand new bag!)@{mzokc??8,?NLGp@Cool glide at work@{mzokc55."?Map@Cheevers Dining:@{mzokc22+?Lt?p@American Flag Glide at Ford Center}cmzokcEE>2?KLR-p@A Glide in the Wind@zmzokc66/#?J4 o@Miller Home Tour and Concert in the ParkW@zmzokcKKD8?IBpo@Neighborhood Glide/@zmzokc55."?Ho@Newcomers Party@zmzokc22+?Gh:b_o@Donuts and Broadway@ymzokc66/#?F@Ղo@Carnegie art and liquor tax@ tmzokc>>7+?E[o@Glide to Vote@ymzokc00)?DR"?o@Fantastic Weather!@ymzokc55."?C$o@Dry Demos continue to Taco Bell@ymzokcBB;/?B2_7:n@Crown Heights Home Tour^u:wmzokc::3'?A$n@Triple Treat Glide (Tinker, Sams, Eckerd)wqmzokcLLE9?@CpH˻n@Tornado and Segway Glidep@tmzokc;;4(??/|n@Dinner glide to Paseo and GalileoB@tmzokcDD=1?>|n@Bakery Glide to hear the Governor@tmzokcDD=1?=_n@Cinco De Mayo Glide@nmzokc66/#?LVAL f fff$ $ʴ  @This was a most unusual day. House cleanup and Wednesday night, and time for the Member's preview of "An International Legacy: Selections from Carnegie Museum of Art" at our OKC Museum of Art. The glide was great, the hors d'oeuvres were almost gone in 30 minutes, and the art was modern!<br><br>Ok, so how to salvage the event. The Museum Cafe of course! Fantastic food and great atmosphere. The manager took off before he got his desired demo, but I will glide there again soon. Other museum officials Wednesday night, and time for the Member's preview of "An International Legacy: Selections from Carnegie Museum of Art" at our OKC Museum of Art. The glide was great, the hors d'oeuvres were almost gone in 30 minutes, and the art was modern!

Ok, so how to salvage the event. The Museum Cafe of course! Fantastic food and great atmosphere. The manager took off before he got his desired demo, but I will glide there again soon. Other museum officials were there and finally got to see me with the Segway. Now that I manually roll it in and out of the coat room, everyone is happy.

A quick gilde to Bricktown to visit Makers and give demos was a nice way to end the day. The shock was seeing a $1.71 tax added to a $7.25 drink cost. There is an additional 12% liquor tax on top of our sales tax. Most establishments add it in to the cost of the drink. Something to watch for when visiting Oklahoma City.With a humid, hot day today, I decided to glide tonight after work. Not until a tornado passed through Tinker AFB and many cities. The nearby GM plant has a lot of visible damage. Our workplace is OK.

There were no power outages at home. The Segway checked out fine during a short glide in the house. Power surges are always a concern, but I do have a surge protector that I use during charging.

With 15 minutes before the governor was to speak on TV, I segged to the Braums for a hamburger. Yum. I got back in time to hear most of the speech. Gliding everyday continues between the rain drops and tornadoes.This evening I glided to the Paseo art district to enjoy patio dining. Very popular, Galileo is neat place to talk about any subject and enjoy food, entertainment and poetry on Wednesday night. I stayed outside and enjoyed a "white" pizza (no tomato sauce) and glass of wine. While waiting, I gave about 10 demos on the street and nearby driveway. A very diverse group that included a unicyclist. Everyone enjoyed the HT and handled the rough surfaces just fine.

A Paseo couple called out at me on the way home. I turned back and enjoyed a great conversation. They wrote down information for the local Gazette that is published weekly. They will be viewing the web pages soon. Meeting new neighbors in our surrounding communities is always fun and brings us closer together. I plan to return to Paseo during the art festival.Whenever a special event occurs at night, an early morning glide is scheduled to enjoy segging every day. Tonight our PBS station OETA had a 50th anniversary dinner with everyone from the Governor on down. It was a blast with an HDTV premiere and a bit of Segway discussion with Debbie Blackburn our state representative.

I glided to Brown's Bakery for a dozen donuts in the AM so I could attend the PM event. Once again, cabling the control shaft to the security bars worked like a charm. Fast and easy, a lot easier than gliding inside. One mosquito bite half way up the left arm indicates that the bugs may be flying inside the clothing during the glide!LVAL:wvvThis was a day for gliding, beautiful weather, five homes on tour, and no tornadoes! The Crown Heights - Edgemere Heights 2003 Home and Garden Tour is like a 3 dimensional Architectual Digest! The homes are among the most beautifully decorated in the metro.<br><br>Earlier I purchased a helmet/sunglass rear view mirror (plus slime) at The Bicycle Store. Tornado damage created some detours during the car travel through Edmond for a haircut. I was glad to get back home in time for the tour.<br><br>A two mile glide was completed in just 15 minutes. The rear view mirror helped while gliding on the empty streets. I parked the HT at a gray lamp post at each tour location and used the cable lock with multiple twists around the control shaft. It's so easy for great neighborhoods and short visits. I was a bit concerned when the post was two homes away, but it was always visible from the tour home. One ticket seller said to park it next to them, but I mentioned that these historical homes are so perfect that a Segway should be out of direct view next to the home. They appreciated the thoughfulness.<br><br>Gliding between homes was magical. No getting in the car between homes, you become one with the community when walking or gliding. I took the helmet into the home and would carry it with the closed strap. Sunglasses and the tour book were able to be carried inside the helmet. Between homes, I put the tour book behind my back between the shirt and pants - worked fine on the way home too.<br><br>The tour took 2 hours and no refreshments were served. On the way home I stopped at a newly rebuilt dining location, Iron Starr to get a beverage. I left the HT outside while I checked where I could put it. A great out of the way place by the door was perfect. The staff was very accomodating and wanted it inside. I walked it in unpowered due to the 26 inch opening like the bakery. To my surprise, they were serving beverages for tour guests! I had a cookie too. Lots of questions were answered including one from a city poliv LVAL   @@ @@@@@  @  @@@@@@   @  @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @  @ @  @@ @@@@@ @    @@ @@@  @@@@@ @  @m`QkQk'`QkYk'd'dJO'dJOSYkW'dJOSYkWQk'dJOS^Ju'dJOS^JuQk'dJOYQO'dJOYQk'dJOYkW'dJO^Qkk'dJO^Y\Q'dJOk'dJOkmdd^'dJOkmdd^k'dJOv'dJOvYbU'dJOvYkW'dJOvYk`'dJOvYk`k'dJkm'dJkmQO'dJkmQi'dJkmQik'dJkmYQi'dJkmYQkm'dJkmYbU'dJkmk'dJkmv'dLJMMd'dLJMMdQk'dLJMMdk'dLYQk'dLdUUJb'dLdUUJbQO'dLdUUJbYbU'dLdUUJbk'dLv'dLvk'dMMJmJ'dMMJmJk'dMMJmQ'dMWQi'dMWQiQO'dMWQiYbU'dMWQik'dMd^dUYQk(dMd^dUv(dMkYb(dMkYbk(dO(dOJv(dOJvk(dOOYQk(dOO^Q(dOO^QO( dOO^Qi( dOO^Qik( dOO^Qk( dOO^YbU( dOOv(dOYQk(dOk(dOv(dQ(dQMJf(dQMJfk(dQO(dQWd^O(dQWd^Ok(dQYbU(dQ^Qkk(dQ^Y\Q(dQbJY^(dQbJY^QO(dQbJY^YbU(dQbJY^k(dQfYQMQ(dQfYQMQk( dQf^JmQ(!dQf^JmQk("dQk(#dQkWdQ($dQkWdQk(%dSS(&dSSQQ('dSSQQk((dSSYQk()dSSk(*dSSv(+dSm(,dSmk(-dSo(.dSok(/dU(0dUJ(1dUJQ(2dUJQO(3dUJk(4dUJmQ(5dUJmQO(6dUQmWQi(7dUQmWQibQkk(8dUQmWQibQkkQk(9dUUQO(:dUUQiYQk(;dUUQiv(dUU^QO(?dUU^Qi(@dUU^Qik(AdUU^Qk(BdUU^YbU(CdUk(DdUoQ(EdUoQk(FdY^(GdY^Q(HdY^QO(IdY^Qi(JdY^Qik(KdY^Qk(LdY^Qm(MdY^QmQO(NdY^QmYbU(OdY^QmiYQk(PdY^Qmiv(QdY^Qmk(RdY^QmmQ(SdY^QmmQk(TdY^So^(UdY^YbU(VdY^k(WdY^kd`Q(XdY^sdib(YdYm(ZdYmQO([dYmYbU(\dYmk(]d\Jv(^d\Jvk(_d\Q(`d\Qb(ad\QbQO(bd\QbYbU(cd\QbYk`(dd\QbYk`k(ed\Qbk(fd\Qk(gd\d^dUYQk(hd\d^dUv(id\dbd`J(jd\dbd`Jk(kd^J(ld^Jb(md^JbQ(nd^JbQk(od^Jbk(pd^Jk(qd^LddmW(rd^LddmWk(sd^O(td^Q(ud^QO(vd^QOd(wd^QOdk(xd^QiJL^Q(yd^QiJL^v(zd^QiJbMQ({d^QiJbMQk(|d^QiJbm(}d^QiJmQ(~d^QiJmQO(d^QiJmQk(d^QiJmYbU(d^QiJmYdb(d^QiJmYdbk(d^Qk(d^YOYb(d^YOYbQ(d^YOYbQk(d^YOYbk(d^YbU(d^^(d^^JUQ(d^^JUQk(d^^LJi(d^^LJik(d^^LddmW(d^^LddmWk(d^^QO(d^^Qi(d^^Qik(d^^UJmQ(d^^UJmQk(d^^YbU(d^^`Jb(d^^`Qb(d^^k(d^^sJv(d^^sJvk(d^o(d^oJmQ(d^oJmQk(d^oceman who asked how much the Segway was. I enjoyed the stay and look forward to a urban BBQ there in the future.<br><br>I tried to get home by 7 PM, but I ran a bit late. Someone called out a question from the car and I stopped to chat. A very interested gentleman who had tried the HT at Tinker AFB. Lots of questions were answered including the discovery that he communicates with our company on the government side. I mentioned the ability to glide on the trails at work. It was a pleasure to end the day with many positive conversations and a glide in cooler weather.LVALqxLots of fun gliding today. With an early 5:45 am start time at work, I took the Segway for a lunch time glide on the trails. It was about 84 degrees with 55% humidity. While it was warm, the gentle breeze created by the 12 mph glide made me feel comfortable in the sun. I decided to extend the glide after lunch by gliding down to the RV park by the lake at Tinker. I asked a lady if she was there during yesterdays tornado. "Yes, it came by those trees and it was a way too close!" I could see the GM plant in the distance with its damage. It was a bit unreal that I could glide to damage areas and the pieces of insulation on the path was the reality of the situation.<br><br>After work, I drove to the nearby Sam's Club. It was about 90 degrees, so I decided to remove the HT from the trunk and glided inside. The trek across the parking lot was a breeze with the Segway. My Sam's card wasn't working in the gas pumps (yes, they sell gas!) so I stopped at the customer counter to get a new one. All the staff spoke loudly how they wanted an HT! I decide to shop and test my ability to pull or push a shopping cart for the first time!<br><br>Pulling a shopping cart was uncomfortable as I had to crouch down to grab the front of the cart. The cart would bind against objects as well. It was much better to push the cart with the right hand (at the center of the supermarket handle.) I could stop very quickly. It does require a strong wrist and arm plus it helps to have an excellent operating cart. I didn't fill the cart up, so I have no idea how much more difficult it would be to move when full. The best solution would be to have a remote steering control so you could keep both hands on the cart! Leaving the cart and segging to obtain product is easy and a break from pushing the cart every minute. Checkout was perfect and I moved the cart to the car with the HT. After loading the HT back into the trunk, I placed the merchandise next to the HT and headed home.<br><br>One last project was to get a Mother's Day card at Ecker" LVAL2 vLots of fun gliding today. With an early 5:45 am start time at work, I took the Segway for a lunch time glide on the trails. It was about 84 degrees with 55% humidity. While it was warm, the gentle breeze created by the 12 mph glide made me feel comfortable in the sun. I decided to extend the glide after lunch by gliding down to the RV park by the lake at Tinker. I asked a lady if she was there during yesterdays tornado. "Yes, it came by those trees and it was a way too close!" I could see the GM plant in the distance with its damage. It was a bit unreal that I could glide to damage areas and the pieces of insulation on the path was the reality of the situation.<br><br>After work, I drove to the nearby Sam's Club. It was about 90 degrees, so I decided to remove the HT from the trunk and glided inside. The trek across the parking lot was a breeze with the Segway. My Sam's card wasn't working in the gas pumps (yes, they sell gas!) so I stopped at the customer counter to get a new one. All the staff spoke loudly how they wanted an HT! I decide to shop and test my ability to pull or push a shopping cart for the first time!<br><br>Pulling was uncomfortable as I had to crouch down to grab the front of the cart. The cart would bind against objects as well. It was much better to pd Drug. An SUV stopped and a man got out to say he never saw one before. Soon another SUV pulled along side and the driver asked several questions. The post office is next door to Eckerd, I was hoping to mail a card there but I missed the last pickup. Oh well, I glided into Eckerd anyway and found a great card. Not a negative word was said about the Segway. Other customers (plus one policeman) made no comment either. It was normal and natural segging at it's best! A quick glide home to charge and get the card addressed for a drive to the main post office concluded a great day (after picking up twigs on the lawn with the Segway.) Three great glides on one charge; A wonderful day of gliding to get back to "normal living" in Oklahoma!CLVAL ; ;D D11ccƀ@  @  @ @   @@ @ @     @   @   @ @@@@@ @Wednesday night, and time for the Member's preview of "An International Legacy: Selections from Carnegie Museum of Art" at our OKC Museum of Art. The glide was great, the hors d'oeuvres were almost gone in 30 minutes, and the art was modern!<br><br>Ok, so how to salvage the event. The Museum Cafe of course! Fantastic food and great atmosphere. The manager took off before he got his desired demo, but I will glide there again soon. Other museum ofWith the threat of rain tonight, I decided to glide forOnce a year the neighborhood has a party for the new owners. Tonight was the night, buOnce a year the neighborhood has a party for the new owners. Tonight was the night, but I will refrain from posting until I am ready to type. Have a nice weekend.

MarkWith the threat of rain tonight, I decided to glide for donuts before work. The rain never arrived this evening, so I enjoyed the last glide of the 2002-2003 Broadway season to the OKC Civic Center Music Hall. After Robert Dubac's "The male intellect: an oxymoron?" I gave several demos to staff and patrons. The mid 70 temps were a joy, but clouds covered the lunar eclipse as the rain clouds slowly move across the state for a forecast of early morning rain.One of the many county elections held during the year occurred today. A perfect place to glide is the polling place with curb cut, motion sensor doors that slide open from the center, and one level inside. It's the St. Lukes Methodist Church, our polling place. I parked it against an interior brick wall about 6 feet from the sign-in table. Several mentioned they had never seen a Segway before. Running a bit late, I did not offer demos today. Now the only question left is, will our sales tax rise due to the election results?What a day! Perfect temps and humidity made this day special. I took the Segway to work and glided to BK on base for lunch. After returning home the balmy temps made gliding around the neighborhood a must. The sunset was a dream and the historic homes were the perfect foreground view. Gliding slow to enjoy the architecture was wonderful. Gave one demo to a neighbor who loved it. He could use it for a downtown commute, but he doesn't want to give up the car. When the price drops, he can have both!This was a most unusual day. House cleanup and home tour took most of the day, so a quick glide to Taco Bell was planned. Over two hours later I arrived home.

It started innocently, gliding at the next block a neighbor called out to me and I stopped. They were having a party and a couple of the folks wanted to see the Segway work. I showed them how it works with the red key, then I asked if anyone wanted to try it. 45 minutes later about 15 had their demos. No one offered a beverage during the entire time! Next time I will ask for beverage first! They applauded when I drove away, I do think it was applause of thanks!

Almost at the Taco Bell a motorcyclist wanted information. After his demo, the neighbors got theirs too. While eating my fast food, a young couple asked questions inside. By this time I had eaten, so demos for them were a joy. Add 20 demos to the list, I am now up to at least 245! The moral of today: Eat first, demo after.LVAL Another great day to glide to two great events. The MillWith a cold front arriving at dThe Dixie Chicks concert was tonight, and I glided around with an American flag to show my patriotism. ChannThe Dixie Chicks concert was tonight, and I glided around with an American flag to show my patriotism. Channel 9 news said I filed a protest request (it was really an activity permit.)

Details and video soon...With a cold front arriving at dinner time, a quick glide was in order. Boulevard Cafeteria was a perfect place and this time the HT was parked under the coat rack. I did not lock it up, so I was a bit concerned during the wait in line. Next time I will stretch the cable lock from the handle bar to the hanger rod.

Outside, a demo was given and I chatted about the Segway to a gentleman sitting on the brick fence. Heavy winds on the way home reminded me of the Lake Hefner glide. Great fun!Another great day to glide to two great events. The Miller Neighbor hosts "Miller in May" each year. This home tour is lots of fun in a great community. The glide was 2.8 miles one way, so only a few demos were given so I would have enough power to return. Finding a parking spot was a bit more difficult than Crown Heights. A fence or wall was the norm rather than the street lights. Many loved seeing the HT. The glide back was quick, only 15 minutes. I am making great time on the streets and sidewalks (10th street is a new sidewalk and is one of the best.)

With 4 bars remaining, I plugged in for 20 minutes before gliding to the Overholster Mansion for St. Lukes Concert in the Park and Ice Cream Social. With about 150 in attendance, we enjoyed great music from a dixieland band. With a long line for ice cream, I glided to the Taco Bell, had a snack, gave a demo, and glided back in time for the last of the ice cream! A few more demos were enjoyed at the end of the concert. There was just enough power for picking up sticks on the lawn before putting Seggy in the charging room for the night.Company picnic today at Frontier City, but Seggy stayed home. I did glide around the neighborhood upon my return. About 5 demos were given and enjoyed. Motorcyclists in the distance yelled out, "Look, a Segway!" A slow glide on the sidewalk allowed perfect home viewing without street traffic worries.Rain, tornadoes, wind, and sun, we had it all on Friday as storms centered around OKC. All cleared out just in time for the annual cocktail party to welcome new residents held outside at one of the larger homes in the community. Food, fun, drink and meeting new neighbors are key at this special event.

I glided on the Segway to the party with just a touch of rain occurring upon arrival. I parked under the covered patio, but while signing a name tag I spotted the partially opened garage as a perfect parking place. Rolling the HT next to the children's toys and "parking" it there was perfect (too bad I forgot to take a picture!)

While the normal length of this event is 3 hours, our wonderful hosts had enough food, drink and stamina to keep everyone entertained for 6 hours! Many asked questions about the Segway, as they have seen me glide through the community for almost 11 weeks. One gentleman was keenly interested in my thoughts on how successful this device would be, ("give it time" was my response.) Several demos were enjoyed as guests were starting to leave around 9 pm. It was one of the best welcoming events and I was able to glide safely home after taking many pictures as I normally do at these spectacular functions.LVAL   @Tonight was the first glide with the new 12.0 bag. I was going to Byrons for wine so the new bag would be perfect. It was easy to shop and place the items into the bag and leave it open. I showed the empty bag upon entering and at the counter. Everything was normal until...<br><br>On the ride home, the handle bars would slowly wobble from side to side after riding on non-level surfaces. The normal quick wobble that is feedback to your hands became a sloppy slow shake. This did not happen with the temporary bags that were allowed to swing and fit lower on the handlebar/control shaft. It wasn't a problem, but it did feel funny. I won't be carrying heavyTonight was the first glide with the new 12.0 bag. I was going to Byrons for wine so the new bag would be perfect. It was easy to shop and place the items into the bag and leave it open. I showed the empty bag upon entering and at the counter. Everything was normal until...

On the ride home, the handle bars would slowly wobble from side to side after riding on non-level surfaces. The normal quick wobble that is feedback to your hands became a sloppy slow shake. This did not happen with the temporary bags that were allowed to swing and fit lower on the handlebar/control shaft. It wasn't a problem, but it did feel funny. I won't be carrying heavy things very often in the new bag.

Upon arriving home, the new bag was removed with such ease, it was amazing. That is the major plus! It will be super at schools and any location you need quick access on and off. I glided again without the bag to compare the feel. No problems. The bag with 3 bottles in it is just a bit too heavy for my taste.

I saw some neighbors in the yard, and after a few minutes conversation, most all enjoyed demos. One person started mowing grass, so with tinnitus - I had to cover my ears and then leave before any more damage to my hearing could be done! The short glide today was just right before the 3 day weekend!With the recent cold front and cloudy weather, the glide at work today was cool and calm. There were many questions to answer at Burger King, as folks wondered about the Segway. A quick glide to the Post Office and back to work made a long day more fun.

A few times around the block at home helped located the sound of drums. It sounded from across the street, instead it was several homes away! The HT made it easy to pin point.After a busy day explaining about the Segway video to many at work on Wednesday, it was time to glide to Cheevers for a great dinner. What seemed like a long glide at first, is now just a quick jaunt. I was planning on dining outside, but having the HT visible from the street was not the best idea!

Great wine, food and hosts/hostesses. Discussing the problems with channel 9 was a great topic. During the glide home, I started gliding with a walking couple. I followed them block after block with the light guiding there way. It was a nice way to end the day. LVAL ˂ xiXF3"~nZE3   z g V D 1  y g T = )   t ` N < ,  v ` L 9 '  w d P ? ,   tbO=+n\K8$xeQC1 |aQ@1 ubQ@. p[K9'ybL5"massacres massacred massacre massachusettsmassa massmasques masquers masqueradingmasqueradesmasqueradersmasqueradermasqueradedmasquerademasquer masque masons masonry masonries masoning masonic masoned mason masochistsmasochisticmasochist masochismsmasochism masks Memorial Day Monday, and the weather was the best ever for the Paseo Arts Festival. With the crowded conditions at noon, I was answering questions about the Segway at a fevered pace. I needed rest! Locking up the Segway at Gallieo was a blessing. Free to walk and enjoy art allowed several hours of shopping and talking.<br /><br /><a href="http://homepMemorial Day Monday, and the weather was the best ever for the Paseo Arts Festival. With the crowded conditions at noon, I was answering questions about the Segway at a fevered pacWhen time is short, the Segway HT helped speed up the clock with a fast glide to Braum's forWhen time is short, the Segway HT helped speed up the clock with a fast glide to Braum's for a delicious hamburger! Fast in, short order, fast out! With perfect weather it was quick fun!Memorial Day Monday, and the weather was the best ever for the Paseo Arts Festival. With the crowded conditions at noon, I was answering questions about the Segway at a fevered pace. I needed rest! Locking up the Segway at Gallieo was a blessing. Free to walk and enjoy art allowed several hours of shopping and talking.

Paseo is a meeting of neighbors and aWhen time is short, the Segway HT helped speed up the clock with a fast glide to Braum's for a delicious hamburger! Fast in, short order, fast out! With perfect weather it was quick fun!On Sunday I decided to attend the Cowboy Hall of Fame Cowboy Cookout. The event of chuckwagon cooking was a step back in time. You would NEVER want to take the HT to an event like this. Period events set before the motor age should be respected for what they are. Seggy stayed home for this one.

In the evening I glided to the long awaited Paseo Arts Festival. Local neighbors stopped to chat about the Segway as I glided by. At Paseo, ear plugs were required for the rock bands that play outdoors. I chatted with over a hundred people as I glided around looking at art and enjoying some food. A demos was given to an artist who took off into the crowds while I walked near. I appreciated her spunky spirit and her love of the Segway. Later on, some guests got a demo near the north side of Paseo. I returned to the concert area and gave the police demos. Everyone loved the HT. The Segway breaks down barriers like nothing else. It's interesting how the HT breaks the ice with the motorcycle folks. Shining the HT's light on their bikes allows for detailed study of the those magnificence machines.

The 3 day event will end tomorrow.LVALc~With the Dixie Chicks concert occurring tonight, I felt that some patriotism was in order. I applied and got an activity permit with the city to show the American flag on the Segway. Attaching the rolled flag and pole to the control shaft with 3 bungee cords worked well while traveling. It was easy to use the same cords to mount the pole against the shaft for the flag that flew above.<br><br>I glided for about 2 hours on the blocked street in front of the Ford Center, a 20,000+ arena. Crowds entered on both sides and police were everywhere. I would glide from end to end occasionally so everyone saw the Segway with the American flag. No negative comments and everyone was having a great time. One radio station had a huge flag draped behind their audio equipment at the far end of the street while they handed out small American flags. I glided in circles as they said, "There's Evil Knievel." I soon left that area and did not return (as it wasn't where the crowds were.)<br><br>At one point a policeman approached. "They want your picture, come on over!" Two lovely fans posed with me standing on the Segway while another took the photo. Returning to the street, the channel 9 (CBS locally owned station) news interviewed me and I was very specific that I was there to show my patriotism and was not there as a protest. The police were aware of my activity permit and I continued to answer questions about the Segway.<br><br>With the fans inside the arena, I glided to Bricktown and ate at Zio's Italian Restaurant. Afterwards a foreign gentleman and his daughter ran outside to ask questions. At one point, he jumped on board without asking, and the HT was on the red key. His instant demo went ok, but upon returning to Zio's, he slowly hit a park bench. No damage and he was fine since he stepped off as it tapped into the bench. He seemed satisfied that he had reached the limits of the Segway for that evening!<br><br>On the way home after dark I glided past the Ford Center on the 'closed" street again. I saw the ChannelLVALmL^[doibJ^' 4 video van and decided to take a second look. I turned left and surprise, a police car was coming toward me! I moved out of the way with plenty of room, but my immediate reaction was, "I could have been the first to be hit by a police car!" After a quick look at the video van from the outside, I glided up to the police car. They said, "We are so sorry." I responded, "Nothing like that has happened, I am always so careful." I mentioned to another officer (who had glided on the HT weeks ago) that it was a good learning lesson, never trust a blocked off street to be free of traffic.<br><br>I ran low on power half way home and immediately took it slow so I could view the 10:00 news. A short generating push was all it took to charge enough to creep into the driveway. I put videotape into the recorder and taped the channel 9 newscast. The reporter seemed pleased to "twist" my activity permit into a protest request. Oh well, it's just a bit of training for the real protests when we have to fight for our rights to glide when necessary. LVAL  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ) )  )  )  ) ) ))))))))))))))))) )!) ")!#)"$)#%)$&)%')&()'))(*))+)*,)+-),.)-/).0)/1)02)13)24)3It was about 86 degrees this evening, a perfect time to test how refreshed one arrives during the heat. It's about a couple of miles to Iron Starr Urban BBQ. As I arrived a gentleman was leaving and said he was a personal friend of Dean Kamen and had been using an HT for the last two years! He mentioned it was only used indoors. He went on to mention an associate that had a nasty spill on his after riding over sweet gum spike balls that fall from the tree. Broken wrist and other bones plus long term problems did not sound good. He sIt was about 86 degrees this evening, a perfect time to test how refreshed one arrives during the heat. It's about a couple of miles to Iron Starr Urban BBQ. As I arrived a gentleman was leaving and said he was a personal friend of Dean Kamen and had been using an HT for the last two years! He mentioned it was only used indoors. He went on to mention an associate that had a nasty spill on his after riding over sweet gum spike balls that fall from the tree. Broken wrist and other bones plus long term problems did not sound good. He said to be careful. (I am glad there are improvements that have allowed me to hit those spike balls without a problem.) He took my photo for his Segway photo album.

I parked the HT inside and enjoyed a great dinner and beverage. There are a lot of local folks in the place and everyone is friendly. A few demos were given on the way out. Traffic on the roads is so light, that very few sidewalks were necessary.

I stopped and chatted with patio diners at another night spot on the way home. Lots of questions, comments and fun!Memorial Day Monday, and the weather was the best ever for the Paseo Arts Festival. With the crowded conditions at noon, I was answering questions about the Segway at a fevered pace. I needed rest! Locking up the Segway at Gallieo was a blessing. Free to walk and enjoy art allowed several hours of shopping and talking.

Paseo is a meeting of neighbors and artists. It's the closest thing to a family gathering with food and discussion. 6 hours flew by and I gave some demos to both artists and guests. It was a great way to spend a vacation day.

Just before leaving I was talking to a bike rider that I met a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly a car zoomed by a few feet from us. He mentioned how cars do that all the time. It was a wakeup call about staying alert at all times. This happened after barricades were removed from the closed street. Just like Ford Center, cars can appear suddenly!LVALlWhen Frank announced the 1000th registered member on Saturday, May 24th, I posted, "...the best is yet to come!" Ironically, Saturday was one of those days, my first visit to THE MALL.<br><br>Several days ago I received a call from the Police Public Information Office. The captain wanted to schedule glide time when off duty. At last, he was going to get the demo I had promised in the past. The place, Penn Square Mall, our most fashionable and upscale mall several miles north of the downtown area. He planned to review the state law on EPAMD's with mall management as well.<br><br>The officers quickly advanced through black, yellow and red keys with perfection and speed. Mall security took movies during the black key demos. It was a perfect demonstration of the Segway HT before gliding inside.<br><br><br><br>I stopped at Customer Service to give demos to those behind the counter while mall security looked on. Everyone loved the Segway HT and enjoyed how well it works. All positive comments!<br><br>First store, GODIVA Chocolatier! The lady at the counter said she saw me on the news while her assistant went to the concert and saw me gliding outside. She waved an American flag during the "Soldier" number. We enjoyed friendly and fun conversation<br><br>Where to next? The Sharper Image made sense, as the HT would fit right in! The staff loved riding it and they had Segway smiles. We concluded that the store should have a Segway charging station for those who need to park their HT while shopping.<br><br>Time for food, so I rode the elevator up to the second floor. Gliding over to the food court, the Sweis's manager wanted a demo. His was the last demo requested by mall staff that evening. I did not give demos to any of the shoppers, although several asked.<br><br>I checked if the HT was wider than the mall escalator as shown in the picture. Thank goodness, it was. NEVER ride an HT on an escalator. Don't even think of trying it. <br><br>However, at Foleys, LVAL M</UL><BR><BR><B><FONT color=blue>Friday, February 14, 2003</FONT></B> <UL> <LI><BR>Today I was on the road.. (feels like I've been driving forever, but only since Wednesday) - Had training for a new computer system at work on Thursday in Tampa, took my Segway to show it off to a friend of mine who was doing the training. Ended up doing 4 demo rides during lunch, another 2 after the meeting, then drove to Orlando, where my brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew demo'd it, and then down to Viera (Viero?) Beach where a friend, her husband, the across-the-street-neighbor who was just taking his trash out and who came running over to see it and ride it, and then he went back inside and got his father (in his 60's) to come out and demo it. <BR><BR>Then on the way back home, I went through Celebration. I wanted to see what the new bag looked like in person. I threatened in a private email to run through the stre even think of trying it. <br><br>However, at FoleysI decided to get OFF the HT and like stairs, push it onto the down escalator or pull it onto the up escalator. While it worked, it requires a strong grip on the center handlebar during the entire process. I cannot recommend it due to the possibility of an escalator emergency stop. Do not attempt it unless you are experienced with manually pulling it up a flight of steps. Use the elevator, even if you must glide some distance to it.<br><br>And it bears repeating: NEVER ride an HT on an escalator. The Segway warning is: EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.<br><br>While most aisles of the mall stores are wide enough, there are some so narrow you cannot glide down them. Keep the wheels away from all solid objects. The tires must be able to keep moving. Be extra careful in the crystal and china department.<br><br>While gliding, I found a unique store that features other electric wheeled devices. This store should soon have a walled location. There is no question, Penn Square Mall appears to be very Segway friendly. May the friendliness continue for all to enjoy. LVAL  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ) )  )  )  ) ) ))))))))))))))))) )!) ")!#)"$)#%)$&)%')&()'))(*It was open house at work today, a special time when families can visit where we work. It's a rare occasion, especially when we get to view the incredible aircraft we support. A perfect time to haul the HT out of the car and glide about for the families to see the Segway.<br><br>The highlight was gliding across the grass to the tarmac and view the aircraft. Gliding around it three times slowly while families were allowed to view it close up. A photo was taken of each group, and mine was with the Segway HT. With no other cameras allowed, I will be forIt was open house at work today, a special time when families can visit where we work. It's a rare occasion, especially when we get to view the incredible aircraft we support. A perfect time to haul the HT out of the car and glide about for the families to see the Segway.

The highlight was gliding across the grass to the tarmac and view the aircraft. Gliding around it three times slowly while families were allowed to view it close up. A photo was taken of each group, and mine was with the Segway HT. With no other cameras allowed, I will be fortunate to post one good picture soon.

Giving demos helped pass the wait time. A surprise was one pilot running towards me for his demo and mentioning his college class project on marketing the Segway HT. The tarmac surface was so smooth, it was magical. That bright concrete did reflect the sun like snow, so a bit of sunburn occurred. Thank goodness I use spf 45, it helped until the heat of the day.

Just when you think it can't get better, a day like this occurs. Truly, the best is yet to come! (And Billy Graham is coming to OKC in June!)It was about 86 degrees this evening, a perfect time to test how refreshed one arrives during the heat. It's about a couple of miles to Iron Starr Urban BBQ. As I arrived a gentleman was leaving and said he was a personal friend of Dean Kamen and had been using an HT for the last two years! He mentioned it was only used indoors. He went on to mention an associate that had a nasty spill on his after riding over sweet gum spike balls that fall from the tree. Broken wrist, knee and other bones plus long term problems did not sound good. He said to be careful. (I am glad there are improvements that have allowed me to hit those spike balls without a problem.) He took my photo for his Segway photo album.

I parked the HT inside and enjoyed a great dinner and beverage. There are a lot of local folks in the place and everyone is friendly. A few demos were given on the way out. Traffic on the roads is so light, that very few sidewalks were necessary.

I stopped and chatted with patio diners at another night spot on the way home. Lots of questions, comments and fun!\LVAL pp @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ) )  )  )  ) ) ))))))))))))))))) )!) ")!#)"$)#%)$&)%')&()'))(*It was open house at work today, a special time when families can visit where we work. It's a rare occasion, especially when we get to view the incredible aircraft we support. A perfect time to haul the HT out of the car and glide about for the families to see the Segway.<br><br>ThWith temps hitting 100 and still sunburned from yesterday, it was time for a night glide. At 9 PM it was 86 degrees, and BrSaturday night on May 31st I got to bring the Segway out to the country again, but this time on a 30+ acre parcel with fellow employees enjoySaturday night on May 31st I got to bring the Segway out to the country again, but this time on a 30+ acre parcel with fellow employees enjoying an evening of food, fun and fire (a bonfire!)

It's late, so I will continue writing details and maybe post a photo or two tomorrow.With temps hitting 100 and still sunburned from yesterday, it was time for a night glide. At 9 PM it was 86 degrees, and Bricktown sounded good. First stop, Untitled Gallery to chat with the folks leaving the Friday Night Faction. I need to put their events down on my calendar.

Chelinos Mexican Food, yum, yum. A margarita cost more than the combo taco, enchilada, tamale and tostada plate! Thats our liquor tax! Atmosphere was pleasant, except for a few envy comments. The iron railing was perfect to lean the Segway against.

The glide back was smooth until stopped by a man with a cart of US Mail containers! Sure enough, he was closing a historic building where a party was scheduled tonight. He wants me to stop over in the daytime. Temps were still in the 80's when I arrived home. Great glide!It was open house at work today, a special time when families can visit where we work. It's a rare occasion, especially when we get to view the incredible aircraft we support. A perfect time to haul the HT out of the car and glide about for the families to see the Segway.

The highlight was gliding across the grass to the tarmac and view the aircraft. I glided around it three times slowly while families were viewing it close up. A photo was taken of each group, and mine was with the Segway HT. With no other cameras allowed, I will be fortunate to post one good picture soon.

Giving demos while in line helped pass the time. A surprise was one pilot running towards me for his demo and mentioning his college class project about marketing the Segway HT. The tarmac surface was so smooth, it was magical. That bright concrete did reflect the sun like snow, so a bit of sunburn occurred. Thank goodness I use spf 45, it helped until the heat of the day.

Just when you think it can't get better, a day like this occurs. Truly, the best is yet to come! (And Billy Graham is coming to OKC in June!)LVALg t<P>Saturday night on May 31st I brought the Segway out to the country again, but this time on a 30+ acre parcel with fellow employees enjoying an evening of food, fun and fire (a bonfire!) Arriving about 7 PM, there was just enough time to enjoy the countryside. Since cows graze the land, cow patties needed to be avoided, especially if fresh. This was not a problem and the air was fresh and clean (great cool weather as well.) The pastoral settings with large trees is a treat, especially with the full leafy growth on the trees and the green grass. The Segway climbed the hills without incident.</P> <P>There were many types of surface to travel on, only the very soft sandy soil was a problem during a climb. Packed gravel, harden mud tracks, grass with sticks, soft level soil, and pastoral grassy fields were great with the regular tires. The terrain was bumpy, so stopping the HT and letting it self balance was easy.</P> <P>About 10 demos were given to our employees. They had no problems with the unusual bumpy surface. I provided an adjustable helmet from Schwinn and everyone used it except one. With dusk approaching, demos were no longer requested.</P> <P>Time to light the bonfire, and what a blaze! The cooler weather from the cold front gave just enough cool to enjoy the fire. I found that slowly spinning the HT provided even heat to the body. Folks said I looked like I was spinning on a rotisserie. I continued to use the Segway to travel up the hill where refreshments and snacks were located. While standing on the HT, I grabbed a hanger, refashioned it for hot dog cooking, put on the dog, and glided to the smaller campfire to cook it. Pointing the HT uphill, it balanced during the cookout. All done, so back up the hill I glide, staying on the platform while gliding on the soft dirt to the bun, mustard and ketchup. Being 8 inches higher and able to spin kept the barking dogs from getting my hot dog!</P> <P>The battery display flashed red as the party was over, a great time, lots of photos, and fun fo.LVAL>@    @  @ @@@@     @ @ @@@  @    @ @  @ @ @@@@@@  @ @ @  @@@@ @   @@@@@@@OQSdi`Ymv Sdi`k SiJoO SiJoOQOSiJoOYbUSiJoOkSiJvSiJvJ^SiJvJ^kSiJvQOSiJvQiSiJvQikSiJvYbUSiJvkSidM\SidM\QOSidM\YbUSidM\kSidkmSidkmQOSidkmQiSidkmQik SidkmYbU!Sidkmk"Sm#SmQi$SmQkm%Sm^v&SmbQkk'SmbQkkQk(SobMm)SokQ*SokQO+SokQk,SokYbU-SoxQ.SoxQO/SoxQk0SoxYbU1Sv2SvYbU3UJUQ4UJ`Q5UJ`Qk6UJ`Y7UJ`Yk8UJk9UJkQk:UJkkQO;UJkkQiUJkkYbU?UJokk@UJokkQOAUJokkQkBUJokkYbUCUQbQiJMYQkDUQbQiJMvEUQbQiJmQFUQbQiJmQOGUQbQiJmQkHUQbQiJmYbUIUQbQiJmYdbJUQbQiJmYdbkKUQbQiJmYqQLUQi`MUQi`QONUQi`YbUOUQi`kPU^JxQQU^JxQORU^JxQkSU^JxYbUTUiJOJL^QUUiJOJmYdbVUiJOJmYdbkWUiJOQXUiJOQOYUiJOQiZUiJOQik[UiJOQk\UiJOYbU]UiQJkQ^UiQJkQO_UiQJkQk`UiQJkYbUaUiQQbUiQQOcUiQQkdUo`eUo``QOfUo``YbUgUo`khUokmiUokmQOjUokmYbUkUokmklWYkMQmWYkMQOnWYkMQkoWYkMYbUpWdibqWdibQOrWdibQisWdibQiktWdibYbUuWdibkvWdimwWdimQOxWdimYbUyWdimkzWvOiJmQ{WvOiJmQO|WvOiJmQk}WvOiJmYbU~WvOiJmYdbWvOiJmYdbkYYMQYMQOYMQiYMQikYMQkYMYOJ^YMYOQYMYOQkYMYbUYMmYMYSYMYSYMJ^YSYMJmYdbYSYMJmYdbkYSYQOYSYQiYSYQkYSdi`YSvYSvYbUYUbYUbQOYUbYbUYUbkY^Y^kYdbYxQYdbYxQOYdbYxQkYdbYxYbUYk`Yk`kYkmYkmYMYkmkYmYQkYmv[QMm[QMmJ[QMmQO[QMmYbU[QMmYdb[QMmYdbk[QMmk[QobQi[QobQik\JUiJ`\JUiJ`k\JiQ\JiQk\Q\QO\Qk\YbU^^JYbQ^JYbQk^JmQ^JmQO^JmQk^JmYbU^JmYdb^JmYdbk^Jmdi^Jmdik^Jv^JvQO^JvQi^JvQik^JvYbU^Jvk^Q^QJO^QJOQO^QJOYbU ^QJOk ^QO ^QUJMYQk ^QUJMv ^QUJmQ^QUJmQO^QUJmQk^QUJmYbU^QUJmYdb^QUJmYdbk^QYbU^Qk^QmQ^QmQO^QmQiYdok^QmQk^QmYbU^QmYdb^QmYdbk^S^Sk^Sm^Smk ^Y!^YLQiJmQ"^YLQiJmQO#^YLQiJmQ^v$^YLQiJmQbQkk%^YLQiJmQbQkkQk&^YLQiJmQk'^YLQiJmYbU(^YLQiJmYdb)^YLQiJmYdbk*^YLQiJmYqQ+^YMJMYQk,^YMJMv-^YMJmQ.^YMJmQk/^YMJmQkkQb0^YMJmQkkQbk1^YMYdok2^YMYdok^v3^YMm4^YMmk5^YUWm6^YUWmQO7^YUWmYbU8^YUWmk9^Y`Q:^Y`QO;^Y`Qk<^Y`YbU=^Y`Ym>^Y`YmQO?^Y`YmQi@^Y`YmQikA^Y`YmYbUB^Y`YmkC^YbQJmQD^YbQJmQOE^YbQJmQkF^YbQJmYbUG^YbQJmYdbH^YbQJmYdbkI^YbhoQbMYQkJ^YbhoQbMvK^YbhoQbmL^YbhoQbmkM^YiYJN^YiYdokO^YiYo`P^YiYo`kQ^YkR^YkmS^YkmQOT^YkmYbUU^YkmkV^YqQiW^YqQiJbMQX^YqQiJbMQkY^YqQiQOZ^YqQiQi[^YqQiQik\^YqQiYQk]^YqQiYbU^^YqQik_^YqQiv`^^a^^YQkr all. It demonstrated once again how wonderful the Segway HT is in very unique situations.</P> LVAL- yfUF6$}jYI7# z h V C 5 $  { i V C 0  s _ K 6 #  y j W E 2 !  | m \ I 4  }jWD0  s`L:'iRA0 xeQ?)vcO;) t`P=)r_K:(secsebums sebum sebasic sebacic seaworthy seaweeds seaweed seaways seaway seawaters seawater seawares seaware seawards seaward seawants seawant seawans seawan seawalls seawall seatworks seatwork seats seatrains seatrain seatmates seatmate seatless seatings seating seaters seater seated seatseasons seasoning seasoners seasoner seasoned seasonallyseasonal seasonablyseasonableseason seasides seaside seasicknessesseasicknessseasick seashores seashore seashells seashell seascouts seascout seascapes seascape seassears searing searest searer seared searchlightssearchlightsearching searches searchers searcher searched search searseaquakes seaquake seaports seaport seaplanes seaplane seapieces seapiece seances seance seamy seamstressesseamstressseamsters seamster seams seamounts seamount seamlike seamless seaming seamiest seamier seamers seamer seamen seamed seamarks seamark seamanshipsseamanshipseamanly seaman seamsealskins sealskin seals seallike sealing sealery sealers sealeries sealer sealed sealants sealant seaI wanted to glide today, so scheduling the glide around the rain was the goal. I pulled the car forward under shelter for the loading of the HT. Arriving at work before the rain did allowed me to glide from the parking lot to the building. It wasn't until after 2 PM until the Seattle like mist stopped, and the glide was on. Only some puddles to dodge on the I wanted to glide today, so scheduling the glide around the rain was the goal. I pulled the car forward under shelter for the loading of the HT. Arriving at work before the rain did allowed me to glide from the parking lot to the building. It wasn't until after 2 PM until the Seattle like mist stopped, and the glide was on. Only some puddles to dodge on the trail to BK. Being a dreary day made the glide interesting. The wooded areas of the trail were more forest like. With temps in the high 60's, and high humidity, it was cool but not cold. I put the HT back into the car after the glide to prevent any grass or drops of water getting on the floors at work.

A short glide to clean the tires occurred at home.LVAL dz @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @It was 3 months ago that the Segway arrived. A dinner at Cheevers seemed like a classy waWith sunny clear weather in the 70's and low humidity, it felt like mountain air today during a glide to the OU Center for Healthy Living. I used the Segway 12.0 bag as my gym bag. It works if you don't put tennis shoes inWith sunny clear weather in the 70's and low humidity, it felt like mountain air today during a glide to the OU Center for Healthy Living. I used the Segway 12.0 bag as my gym bag. It works if you don't put tennis shoes inside and don't mind a wrinkled shirt.

The glide was easier than before because of all the experience these past 3 months. I have driven to the health club in recent weeks, but on a beautiful day - it's a great glide.It was 3 months ago that the Segway arrived. A dinner at Cheevers seemed like a classy way to celebrate the occasion. With temps in the 70's, it was a great glide. Nice fluffy clouds overhead!

Several neighbors were dining and enjoying drinks at the bar. I tried a unique menu item; perfect as usual. The glide home was fast and perfect too. Who needs the car for evenings like this!

(Replacement bulb for light was purchased today. Light & Motion will be sending a replacement for the one that went out on Saturday.)A quick glide to Brown's Bakery for donuts featured two differences. I glided through parking lots both ways and needed two plastic bags to hold the donuts because the store bags are not big enough and they tear. I need to bring a canvas bag for the donuts. The Segway is always locked outside at the bakery (my decision, and it is easier.)

My light went out on Saturday, and I have been searching for a replacement. With a 30 day guarantee it isn't very good for 60 days use. At $20 for the replacement, I am looking for options. The old Maglite rechargeable one works, but it's a 6 volt model, so it may not last long. The higher priced lighting units can dim the light, that may pay off in the long run.After last evenings ride in the country, the Segway HT was dusty and dirty. Bits of seed were on the mat while gliding through the tall grass and weeds. I thought it best to remove the mat (first time it's been done.) Sure enough, lots of seed down there too. I had a bath robe on when doing it. About an hour later I noticed a pain and itch, so upon looking - a tick was present! While it's possible from last night, it seemed more likely to have been under the mat! (A blown out match and tweezers were used to effectively remove the entire tick.)

I vacuumed the floor, mat (both sides), and the platform. Taking the mat and Segway outside, everything got a light gentle wash with a bit of simple green and lots of rinsing. The mat is back to original gripping power during the glide. The tires got a good washing for the first time. I kept water off the control bar and shaft except for a slight quick spray. I did raise the control shaft locking ring a bit too high when drying so the warning sticker got a slight bit of abrasion. After drying with paper towels, I let the mat and Segway dry while charging. Just before tonights glide, I carefully put the mat back on without damage to the kickstand lever.

7 PM and a quick glide to Carls Jr was a nice glide and dine. The Segway was locked up outside near an employees only door, so it was out of the way of everyone. LVAL>"Here are the first 24 hours with the Segway HT, an amazing adventure has started.<BR><BR>Unpacking and the test ride in the house was just the beginning! After the 12 hour charge, I decided to ride early Tuesday morning! Down the driveway to the sidewalk and for the first time, I experienced THE GLIDE. Training and in house riding are OK, but you never really get to experience a long stretch of speed. On the sidewalk the ride was much smoother than I expected. Misaligned sidewalk sections had an occasional drop, but it felt fine. Good sidewalks were magical, no roadway texture feeling!<BR><BR>A minivan stopped while I was on gliding. The driver said, "A Segway in Oklahoma? I didn't expect to see that!" The side of the minivan had the text: "The Daily Oklahoman" our largest newspaper in town! We chatted for some time as he drove following my movements. I asked if he wanted a test ride. "Sure," was the response, and I had him glide for a few minutes. A reporter should be contacting me soon!<BR><BR>After the upbeat glide and demo, a serious situation was still ahead. How to get the Segway in the car! I carefully removed the interior trunk sill trim to increase space for the wheels. Cut and placed foam around the trunk catch mechanism. I then placed 6 foot boards against the bumper as a ramp. This is when things started to look like a keystone comedy. When the Segway was driven up to the top, suddenly one ramp was pushed off the bumper by the wheel! No problem, as the Segway was on the bumper. Into the trunk it went nicely, but the handle was up, and HT could not be pushed back any farther. So, I put the ramps back and tried again with the handle towards the trunk. The fenders would drag when lowering the handle to get it into the trunk.<BR><BR>So, I tried the other car. Not only did it not fit, but during the process I accidentally pressed the garage door closer! Down the door came and I could do nothing but watch the door land on the Segway HT control shaft! (Thank you Segway for making the HT so strongLVAL5The question, "Where do I glide tonight?" was answered with fine dining after a downtown glide with temps in the high 60's and great clouds, sunset, and freshly washed buildings from today's rains. I glided toward the Memorial and glided around it for the first time as a single glide. I gave one demo near the fence before I remembered that this is one place I do not want to give demos. The guy only traveled 10 feet away, so it was not a problem. I need to ask the exact areas where it possible to glide, although the outer sidewalks give you an excellent view without entering. Bike racks are near the restrooms and Memorial Museum.<br><br>Continuing the glide to the tall downtown buildings, I chatted with some skateboarders. For the first time, I looked up and spun with the downtown buildings rotating around me. The art pieces were also great places to glide under and around.<br><br>I glided around both the Ford Center and the COX Convention Center. I asked security about the upcoming Mission with Billy Graham. They are planning to have sitting room for at least 40,000 by using two arenas and the convention space. Even with a 15 minute glide from home, arriving one to two hours early may be necessary to be in the same arena as Mr. Graham.<br><br>It was time for Bricktown, and I saw a place that finally attracted my attention enough to enter. "Lotus" is a sushi, stake, fish, burger, Tokyo type place that is very upscale with a large bar. I locked the HT outside and got a table inside, but the smoking section got me on my feet to check for clearer air. It was found in the spacious dining at the rear. I asked about parking the Segway inside, and was granted the request. The HT fit just right next to the high chairs!<br><br>Dinner was excellent, service was pleasant, and "Lotus" is another great find in the Bricktown area. The rear dining room is quiet, very rare in Bricktown. As I finished, there were a few employees who wanted to chat about the Segway. I didn't give demos, but rather glided on the red key < LVALL @ @ @    @  @ @@ @ @ @     @@ @    @@@ @@  @ @   @ @  @@   @ @ @ WYbOkYbOkYUWmYbOkYUWmkYbUQYbUQOYbUQiYbUQikYbUQkYbUYbUYbbYQOYbbYQkYbbvYbbvYbUYbkYbmYbmQOYbmQiYbmQi^JbOYbmQi^JbOkYbmQikYbmYbUYbmkYfYfLdbQYfLdbQkYf^QkkYf^Y\QYfbQkkYfbQkkQkYffJiMWYffJiMWkYffQOYffQiYffQkmYffYQYffYQOd`YffYQOd`kYffYQWddOYffYQWddOkYffYQiYffYQkYffYQkmYffYbUYffYkWYffdYffdfdmJ`YYffdfdmJ`okYffdfdmJ`okQkYffdkYffvYfkYfkWdmYfkmQiYfkmQikYiJL^QYiJUJbJYiJUJbJkYiMYbQYiQYiQJL^QYiQOYiQ^YbUYiQ^YbUkYiQiYiQikYiQkYiYbUYif^QYif^QOYif^QkYif^YbU YikQ^ YikQ^QO YikQ^YbU YikQ^^QO YikQ^^YbUYikQ^kYik^QYik^QOYik^QkYik^YbUYikomQYikomYk`YioOYbYioOYbkYkYkbYkfYOYkkYkkQOYkkQ^SYkkQiYkkQikYkkQk YkkYbU!YkkYbUk"Ykm#YkmJ`Yb$YkmJ`YbQ%YkmJ`YbQk&YkmJ`Ybk'YkmQO(YkmYOYb)YkmYOYbk*YkmYbU+YkmdUQb,YkmdUQbk-YkmdUiJ`.YkmdUiJ`k/YkmdYO0Ykmd^dUYM1YkmdbQ2YkmdbQk3YkmdfJmWd^dUYM4YkmdfJmWd^dUYMJ^5YkmdiYJb6YkmdiYJbk7YkmdiYM8YkmdiYMJ^9YkmdiYMJ^^v:YkmdiYQk;YkmdivYmMW?YmMWQO@YmMWQiAYmMWQikBYmMWQkCYmMWWY\QDYmMWWY\QOEYmMWWY\QiFYmMWWY\QikGYmMWWY\QkHYmMWWY\YbUIYmMWYbUJYmWQiKYmWQimdLYm^QkkMYmkNYmmQiOYmmQikPYmmYbUQYqQRYqQOSYqQ^QkkTYqQiUYqQkVYqYbUWdXdJMmxYbYdJMmxYbQkZdJMmxYbk[dJUYQ\dJUYQk]dJUv^dJi_dJiO`dJiOQOadJiOQibdJiOQikcdJiOYbUddJiOYbUkedJiOkfdJiSidkmgdJiSidkmkhdJiYQiidJiYQkmjdJiY^vkdJiYbQkkldJiYbQkkQkmdJikndJikQodJikQ^vpdJikQbqdJikQbQOrdJikQbQkksdJikQbQkkQktdJikQbYbUudJikQbkvdJikQiwdJikQkmxdJivydJmxYbzdJmxYbQk{dJmxYbk|dJu}dJuQO~dJuQidJuQikdJuQkdJuYbUdLdLLQOdLLYQkdLLYbUdLL^QdLL^QOdLL^QidLL^QikdLL^QkdLL^YbUdLLvdLLvYkmdLLvYkmkdLUdL^YbdLUdL^YbkdL^Y\QdLbJY^dLbJY^QOdLbJY^kdLbdLdLbdLLQOdLbdLLYbUdLbdLkdLddLdQOdLdQkdLdYbUdLdYk`dLdYk`kdLdkdLkdM\dM\QOdM\QidM\QikdM\QvdM\QvkdM\YbUdM\kdM\kWdfdM\kWdfkdMokdMokQOdMokQkdMokYbUdMokkQOaround the empty banquet area with regular chairs and tables in place. They were amazed at how it could maneuver.<br><br>A super quick glide home got me back before the clock strikes midnight at Segway Chat. If you enter the daily blog before 10:55 PM CDT, you get the same day date stamp. 2 miles in 12 minutes was the best downtown speed yet!LVAL| O !!!) So with the door rising, it was about time to forget the car today.<BR><BR>One last attempt was made. (2tango: skip this paragraph!) Remembering the technique I posted weeks earlier, I placed the foam piece onto the latch then draped the trunk carpet mat over the bumper (felt side up) for the handle bar to slide on. Positioning the wheels so the security hole was on top, I inserted my finger and lifted both wheels (with back straight) and slid the handle bars first into the trunk. Perfect fit!!! The trunk carpet mat was then draped over the Segway (felt side down) to protect it from the top trunk edge. Success!<BR><BR>So the ramps failed me, but that was not the only disappointment! At work, I asked security if I could bring the Segway into the building. First guy said no, but he asked the chief. I explained that I wanted to use it at lunch on the trails and to be able to store it in the building during the day. He did not have a problem with that, but I needed to talk to Base Safety. Calls were made, and before the end of the day I had the answer. Fitness runs the trails, and no motorized vehicles are allowed. Roads are completely out of the question (no problem there) and while contractor areas in the building would be OK, I can not use it where government folks are located. The parking lot is ok. So here is where I stand. Some tests of the Segway in our labs would be OK, but no other use except for some parking lot demos! I plan to call fitness and discuss the importance of reducing hydrocarbon emissions and explain that the Segway provides more exercise than sitting in the car! This will be challenging, but worth it for the glide.<BR><BR>Rounding out the day was a discussion with one of the managers and his desire to try the Segway before I left. Since it was still in the car, we could lift it out and he would get his test ride! That resulted in a number of test rides, and everyone was thrilled. Our folks picked it up so fast, that some were gliding across the parking lot in a few minutes. We LVAL Tasily glide and scan for the register with the shortest line! It was unreal to be eight inches taller and see the choicest checkout. Another picture was taken at the register and I signed the credit card slip and took the plastic bag and put the handles over the handle bar, simple and effective. A gentle glide out of the store, and back to the car. Getting the Segway in and out of the trunk is now taking about a minute total time. I was back on driving again, and the car felt slow after the shopping trip that made a Wal-Mart feel like a 7-11. <br><br>After I arrived home I started being concerned. I never experienced anything like it. Did I glide too fast? While I was always very careful and never reckless, what if someone else who could have been watching from a distance didn't feel that way. I decided to call the store and talk to the manager. I told him who I was and had used the Segway in the store. I let him know that if anyone had seen me going fast, I wanted to express my concern that could affect the future use of a product that many need to assist in their ability to shop. I mentioned that I would use a slower key in the future that lowers the speed. He said he had heard no complaint whatsoever and thanked me for being so concerned and for explaining the issue in case any comment was made. <br><br>So dear friends and fellow Segway owners, I have one suggestion. Keep a black key handy for use in the store and always use it. I was trying to stay below black key speed, however one cannot judge that properly, especially when the floors are so smooth and the aisles are empty. If we go too fast, eit lifted the Segway back into the car and the day ended on a happy note.<BR><BR>Our 73 degree parking lot glide was perfect timing, as an extreme cold front arrived and in 3 hours, the temp dropped 40 degrees! Still I couldn't resist gliding when I arrived home on the sidewalks. Back inside, I glided for another hour in the house! It's charging again!<BR><BR>Edited by - mzokc on Mar 05 2003 12:57:18 AM 2LVAL F @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ) )  )  )  ) ) ))))))))The 100th day of gliding started normally. Load the HT into the car for the lunch glide at work. However, the normal day stopped there. Everyone stopped their cars when I was waiting to cross the roads on base with the HT. Normally they speed right by, but no matter how far I stayed away from the street, the cars stopped and waited.<br><br>The sky looked a bit threating when leaving work. My next stop was a "LiveI had breakfast this morning with one of last night's concert goers. Afterwards I removed the HT out of the car for another successful demo! Then it was onto work and another removal from the car for the lunch glide later in the day. It was almost 90 with the most humid conditions this year. Wearing a white shirt, the ride was comfortaI had breakfast this morning with one of last night's concert goers. Afterwards I removed the HT out of the car for another successful demo! Then it was onto work and another removal from the car for the lunch glide later in the day. It was almost 90 with the most humid conditions this year. Wearing a white shirt, the ride was comfortable, especially when gliding through the forest areas.

I was planning on leaving the building before the start of lockup, but missed by a few minutes and was denied entry to that part of the building until tomorrow - so Seggy stayed at work while I drove home. No glides were missed, as the next scheduled glide is tomorrow evening.Two guys stopped to ask questions as I glided down the driveway. They asked, "Can it go up hills?" I was holding two plastic containers (with handles) to put in the recycle bin. I started to make a left turn from the driveway into the grassy hill. I needed to steer, so my left hand was firmly on the steering control. I was trying to go faster than usual up the small hill. The number one problem was still holding a empty gallon water jug and an empty gallon liquid soap container with the right hand. The imperfection of the hill caused the accidental twist of the wrist because I was holding on with the left hand and needed to continue to steer. When the Segway moved to the right, I kept leaning straight. The result was falling forward and over the left tire. The left side of my helmet hit the grass.

I was wearing safety glasses. My metal wire rear view mirror attached to the helmet bent and hit the glasses directly in front of the left eye (scratch on plastic safety goggle.) Left shin hit, left face hit, all hits on grass, so just a hard fall, no broken anything.

I got up, remounted, put the containers away, and then returned to the same grassy hill to demonstrate the "hill" climb as I have done before. I went to the bakery and got the dozen donuts to bring to work.ELVAL ]]]A quick glide to Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham was a breeze with no lines at the doors. Tonight I locked the HT to a large pipe in the coat room, a much safer location. When I retrieved it, the ushers had placed bags for Saturdays concert and sermon around the HT. I used a side door that worked perfect.<br><br>Gliding A glide to the health club this afternoon got me out of the house (and away from the computer.) There was a bit more traffic with early arrivals driving to Ford CentA glide to the health club this afternoon got me out of the house (and away from the computer.) There was a bit more traffic with early arrivals driving to Ford Center for the Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham. I used the canvas bag today instead of the Segway 12.0 bag. Less stick movement, but the bag doesn't look as sharpA glide to the health club this afternoon got me out of the house (and away from the computer.) There was a bit more traffic with early arrivals driving to Ford Center for the Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham. I used the canvas bag today instead of the Segway 12.0 bag. Less stick movement, but the bag doesn't look as sharp.A quick glide to Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham was a breeze with no lines at the doors. Tonight I locked the HT to a large pipe in the coat room, a much safer location. When I retrieved it, the ushers had placed bags for Saturdays concert and sermon around the HT. I used a side door that worked perfect.

Gliding next to the news cameras toward Bricktown was a great test of crowded conditions. I stopped at Joey's Chicago Diner and took some great pictures to get me in the mood for the Segway Fest. A few demos were given in the same hallway near Maker's.

During the glide home I talked with the staff that were setting up chairs for the overflow area. I demostrated how the Segway could speed the operation up! One lady enjoyed her demo too. The temps were perfect for the enjoyable glide back to the house.With Seggy left overnight at work, it was there for a comfortable lunch time glide. I arrived early so the HT could be driven back home in time for "Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham." This 4 day life-changing event attracted 29,000 tonight and will increase to 40,000 capacity during the young peoples concert on Saturday.

The Segway HT is made for events like this. The ability to glide in any traffic jam is a given, but the treatment at the door was exceptional. Since the HT is mechanical, the wheel chair entrance is a natural. Glide right in, stay on the HT, then glide to the main floor if you have a disability. For me, I glided to the coat room that the ushers were using as a staging area. I found some vertical pipes that were used as curtain dividers; a perfect place to lock up. With doors direct to the outside, locking up is a must.

Billy Graham was in better health than when I saw him in Dallas last year. The response to his message was perfect. I gave some demos to the ushers after unlocking the HT. I glided by news cameras, but they were interested in the personal stories of those attending, and not traffic issues (good for them!) My demos continued with police who were working with the emergency response unit. The glide home was fast, with cars arriving much later than my arrival home. That's what using the HT is all about!LVAL    @    @ @    @ @   @@@@ @  @@@@  @ @@@@@ @@ @  @ @ @   @@ @ @  @   @@ @@UdbdfdiQdbdfdiQkdbdiiWQJdbdiiWQJ^dbdiiWQJkddddLQiddLQikddOddOLvddOLvQddOLvQkddOLvkddOYQkddOYkW ddO^YQi!ddO^YQkm"ddO^v#ddO`Jb$ddO`Qb%ddObQkk&ddObQkkQk'ddOk(ddOsYSQ)ddOsY^^*ddOsY^^k+ddOsYqQk,ddOv-ddQv.ddS/ddSLJ^^0ddSLJ^^k1ddSQO2ddSYQi3ddSYQkm4ddSY^v5ddSYbQkk6ddSYbQkkQk7ddSYbU8ddSk9ddSv:ddU^YQk;ddU^vddUd^f^QuQk?ddUd^k@ddYQiAddYQkmBdd\Cdd\kDdd\vEddbFddbQvGddbQvkHddbYQIddbYQkJddbkKddbvLddfMddfkNddiJ^OddiJ^kPddkQddkQRddkQLQiiYQkSddkQLQiivTddkQWith the great weather, it was time to try the fish tacos at Lotus. With earplugs added for protection from excessively loud vehicles, I enjoyed a great glide directly to the upper patio dining next to the Bricktown canal. I requested the fish tacos and water, a known $8 expense. The quality was super and definitely a future repeat item.<br><br>The manager and oWith the great weather, it was time to try the fish tacos at Lotus. With earplugs added for protection from excessively loud vehicles, I enjoyed a great glide directly to the upper patio dining next to the Bricktown canal. I requested the fish tacos and water, a known $8 expense. The quality was super and definitely a future repeat item.

The manager and one wait person had a demo. Keith seemed a bit concerned for the safety of the rider, the Bush news must have bothered him. The wait person glided like a champ.

I glided over to the ballpark, then down the street where several clubs had closed. Many had questions, but I did not offer any more demos. I enjoyed a nice glide home with the normal empty streets.It was a great ending to 4 evenings with Billy Graham. The Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham at the Ford Center started letting people in at 5:00 PM. I ended the pool and spa cleaning by taking a shower and an HT departure at 5:35. With an arrival at 5:48, the Ford Center was already filled. I showed them my "reserved seating" ticket and that helped get me in. Each evening I glided the Segway right through the doors and security detectors. I parked it in the coat room again, and did get a seat in the section next to the reserved area, just like Friday night.

Many of Billy Graham's relatives were there. It was a blessing to be there as well. When leaving, I gave a few demos to the ushers who were in the coat room (a very large reception area with outside doors.) I had one photo taken near the exit. Once outside, I glided on the black key and talked to many people. A few demos were enjoyed by those who asked questions.

On Broadway, a car followed me for about a half a mile. They continued north when I turned west. With temps in the mid 70's, it was a comfy glide home. Using the Segway to attend the mission saved me hours of driving and waiting in lines of cars and people. The added freedom allowed me to fully enjoy all 4 evenings stress free. When a mission arrives in your city, enjoy it by riding the Segway!LVALN NgQ @ @ @     @The evening weather was balmy, so it was time to dine outside at Cheevers. The conversation and demos started when I arrived making it hard to get service! My selection of Chicken Fried Steak was a mistake because of hot spice added to the meat! That made me a bit thirsty, so off to the Tower Club for live mThe evening weather was balmy, so it was time to dine outside at Cheevers. The conversation and demos started when I arrived making it hard to get service! My selection of Chicken Fried Steak was a mistake because of hot spice added to the meat! That made me a bit thirsty, so off to the Tower Club for live music and a beverage. Folks wanted to see the Segway in operation and about a half dozen watched me ride around the covered parking lot. One drove out and followed me for a few blocks to see the HT glide at full speed. Since the Segway has become the Bushmobile, there is an increase in questions and live demos!The standard workday glide ended with a pleasant tour of the neighborhood after removing the HT from the car at home. With today's Segway article in USA Today, it was nice to be gliding at work where the maximum number could see it. I carefully timed the return trip, just 10 minutes. If I drive it, it takes 3 minutes just to walk to the car. With a 25 mph speed limit, the car cannot speed to the destination. It's fun to catch up with the cars waiting at the traffic light! For a two mile car replacement ride, the HT is perfect.A quick bakery glide this morning had three twists. I saw the two guys who asked me about hills last week. They were happy to see I could ride it ok (as if I haven't?) At the bakery, several questions were answered to a couple of folks. While gliding home, a very noisy truck raced by on the one way road while I was next to a building with another building on the left side. It created a louder than normal sound. The result was a bit of scratchy "fizzing electrical power wire" tinnitus. I have had this type before, it should subside over time. I did pick up some 20 db earplugs to use when gliding, the foam ones cut out too much sound. While the residential streets are fairly quiet, there can be a noisy vehicle that will pass closely.A glide to the health club this afternoon got me out of the house (and away from the computer.) There was a bit more traffic with early arrivals driving to Ford Center for the Mission Oklahoma City with Billy Graham. I used the canvas bag today instead of the Segway 12.0 bag. Less stick movement, but the bag doesn't look as sharp.

With sensitive hearing, I decided to attend tonight's Billy Graham Mission at the overflow COX Convention Center. Arriving after the bands played, I just glided in, had someone wand me, then proceeded to glide right on the arena floor. I sat at the nearest wheelchair seat and powered off the HT, placing it down on the floor behind the row of chairs. Hiding it worked well because I did not want any attraction drawn to the HT, but rather continue to have everyone concentrate on the large clear video screens. There is no question that anyone who would need to use the Segway to "come forward" and accept Christ could do so, but I'd rather walk than glide to avoid a discussion of the Segway rather than salvation! (I walked forward 34 years ago at the 1969 crusade in Anaheim.) I walked the HT out of the arena this evening after most were leaving. One of the Ford Center officials got a demo in the hallway before leaving the building.

It was a joyous glide home. One of my neighbor's Mission guests got a demo in the driveway. She glided well and we all enjoy a nice conversation. A great dual glide day! LVAL ˂ xiXF3"~nZE3   z g V D 1  y g T = )   t ` N < ,  v ` L 9 '  w d P ? ,   tbO=+n\K8$xeQC1 |aQ@1 ubQ@. p[K9'ybL5"massacres massacred massacre massachusettsmassa massmasques masquers masqueradingmasqueradesmasqueradersmasqueradermasqueradedmasquerademasquer masque masons masonry masonries masoning masonic masoned mason masochistsmasochisticmasochist masochismsmasochism masks Memorial Day Monday, and the weather was the best ever for the Paseo Arts Festival. With the crowded conditions at noon, I was answering questions about the Segway at a fevered pace. I needed rest! Locking up the Segway at The day was warm, but so was the hospitality in Nichols Hills during their annual Garden Tour. The five gardens were framed by the wonder of Nichols Hills, a perfectly designed community (except for the absence of sidewalks!)<br><br>I parked the car near the bike/walk/glide paths on Grand Blvd. This tree and lawn lined road is flanked by two additional roads near the homes. The result is the most spectacular drive in all of Oklahoma City. The streets are well constructed, concrete in many areas, so gliding is a dream. When a car appeared in the rear view mirror, I just glided to the nearest driveway and waited for them to pass.<br><br>Demos occurred throughoutThe day was warm, but so was the hospitality in Nichols Hills during their annual Garden Tour. The five gardens were framed by the wonder of Nichols Hills, a perfectly designed community (except for the absence of sidewalks!)

I parked the car near the bike/walk/glide paths on Grand Blvd. This tree and lawn lined road is flanked by two additional roads near the homes. The result is the most spectacular drive in all of Oklahoma City. The streets are well constructed, concrete in many areas, so gliding is a dream. When a car appeared in the rear view mirror, I just glided to the nearest driveway and waited for them to pass.

Demos occurred throughout the afternoon as I glided from home to home. Parking the HT near the volunteer table worked great (and some bike riders did the same.) It is so much more pleasant to glide through a community than drive. When driving you park on the street, you are a guest. With the Segway you park at the home, just as if you lived there! The feeling is magic and the neighborhood opens up and wants a ride or to ask questions. You are more than a guest, you are an ambassador!

Photos have been posted at my homepage,

Click here to enjoy the Nichols Hills Garden Tour

/ LVAL? zhUC/ zgWE2! r Z @ +  q ] K : # k V B .   o ^ K 9 %  y d Q = *   xeVF5#xiYI8(yhVI:+ xhWI7$raO<+sdR?-|lWD2 okapis okapi okaoiticicas oiticica ointments ointment oinomels oinomel oinology oinologiesoinks oinking oinked oinkoilyoilways oilway oiltight oilstones oilstone oilskins oilskin oilseeds oilseed oilsoilproof oilpapers oilpaper oilmen oilman oiling oilinessesoiliness oilily oiliest oilier oilholes oilhole oilers oiler oiled oilcups oilcup oilcloths oilcloth oilcans oilcan oilcamps oilcamp oilbirds oilbird oiloidium oidia ohsohoohmsohmmeters ohmmeter ohmic ohmages ohmage ohmohing ohias ohiaohedohogrisms ogrism ogrishly ogrish ogresses ogress ogres ogreisms ogreism ogreish ogreogling ogles oglers ogler ogled ogleogives ogive ogival oghams oghamists oghamist oghamic ogham ogees ogeeogdoads ogdoad ogams ogamofttimes oftest ofter oftentimesoftenest oftener often oftoffstage offspring offside offshore offshoots offshoot offsettingoffsets offset offsoffprints offprintingoffprintedoffprint offloads offloadingoffloaded offload offishly offish offings The Segway was used after work to travel to the Shartel Boulevard Development Authority Annual Meeting of Membership. This group was formed to enhance one of our nearby streets by adding a landscaped median several years ago. Yearly fees, donations from major contibutors and an upcoming endowment fund help maintain the landscaping.<br><br>I took theThe Segway was used after work to travel to the Shartel Boulevard Development Authority Annual Meeting of Membership. This group was formed to enhance one of our nearby streets by adding a landscaped median several years ago. Yearly fees, donations from major contibutors and an upcoming endowment fund help maintain the landscaping.

I took the Segway inside the beautiful art and photography building and found a perfect spot to park. Wine and snacks were enjoyed while the meeting took place. I gave demos to the buildings owners and enjoyed a glide to a nearby pizza place afterwards. The pizza was good and I had never visited there before.

Oh the places you will go on your Segway HT!LVALƀƬ   @    @ @    @ @   @@@@ @  @@@@  @ @@WWith temps in the 90's, a balmy glide to Braum's for a burger, fries and shake special was just right. (Especially when Braum's makes the shake in any flavor of ice cream they have!) A new parking spot wWith an iSight camera arriving today, a short 2 mile glide on the Segway HT was perfect to grab a snack at Taco Bell and return in With an iSight camera arriving today, a short 2 mile glide on the Segway HT was perfect to grab a snack at Taco Bell and return in time for a video chat with another Segway owner from Glendale! PT is online with a camera too, hopefully we will enjoy iChat AV soon.With temps in the 90's, a balmy glide to Braum's for a burger, fries and shake special was just right. (Especially when Braum's makes the shake in any flavor of ice cream they have!) A new parking spot was found behind the floor standing scale and sign. Very few, if anyone, noticed the Segway parked there. With dinner complete, it was a cool glide home with full speed street access. A quick conversation with the neighbor was an enjoyable conclusion to a hot day.Gliding on a Segway to McDonalds for a chicken caesar salad; It must be the 21st century. At 88 degrees and 50% humidity for the 7:30 PM glide, it felt comfortable. Nothing eventful occurred, just the usual waves, and Segway questions at McDonalds. I did glide inside to park, although a iron fence outside would make a nice place to lock up when it's busy inside.

Having the earplugs in place paid off when a train rolled by. The curb cuts were steep and narrow, so extra care was needed at the signal. It was a nice glide after a day of garden and pool care.This was the 8th annual Bricktown Blues Festival where loud blues music, beer and pork are enjoyed by the masses. If you arrive before 7 PM, then you get free admission to the large outdoor area rather than paying the cover charge. It's always a game to get to these "free admission" events soon enough. If I go by car I have to run from the parking lot when leaving at 6:45. Gliding just 15 minutes before 7 PM, I arrived before the deadline and got in free! PROOF that the Segway is as fast as the car for this 2 mile jaunt!

Upon arriving the police and security mentioned parking the HT. No problem, I did not want to glide around the event, but I did glide inside the fenced area so the HT was locked inside. With security nearby, the HT remained in a very protected area. Two children eventually sat down on the HT platform, it made the perfect photo! Many questions were answered throughout the evening.

Food is the reason for my glide, as the music is too loud for me. I wore 34 db plugs to keep noise damage to a minimum. Two years ago the Blues Fest was the last event I attended before getting tinnitus later that night at one of the metro dance floors. Protect the ears, wear earplugs! The bands and audience were great tonight and that made for a very fun evening. I saw neighbors from down the street, and met up with them later at Maker's. We chatted about the Segway and had a great time.

On the glide home, IAO was finishing a film fest. Several there wanted to glide, so demo time was on! I was trying to get home in time for Nightline, and did get to see the last 15 minutes and enter this text. The Segway continues to perform as expected, what a wonderful device!

Click here to enjoy the Bricktown Blues Festival

LVAL d@         @ @  @ @@@@ @  @ @ @@@ @@ @ @ @   @ @@   @@       @@@ WdkfYmJL^v 9dkfYmJ^ :dkfYmJ^YmYQk ;dkfYmJ^Ymv dkfYmJ^YxQ ?dkfYmJ^YxQO @dkfYmJ^YxQk AdkfYmJ^YxYbU BdkfYmJ^k CdkfYmYJ DdkfdOJi EdkfdOJik Fdkm GdkmJUQ HdkmJUQk IdkmQO JdkmQ^ KdkmQ^QO LdkmQ^Qi MdkmQ^Qik NdkmQ^YbU OdkmQ^iYQk PdkmQ^iv QdkmQ^k RdkmQkk SdkmQkkQO TdkmQkkQk UdkmQkkYbU VdkmY^Q WdkmY^Q^v XdkmY^Qk YdkmY^YmYQk ZdkmY^Ymv [dkmYbU \dkm^Qi ]dkm^Qik ^dkm^v _dkmk `dmHope and Sam who were recent residents in our community invited me to their retirement home for lunch today. The 2.5 mile journey was a perfect reason to glide, and it only took 15 minutes! The lunch was a deligHope and Sam who were recent residents in our community invited me to their retirement home for lunch today. The 2.5 mile journey was a perfect reason to glide, and it only took 15 minutes! The lunch was a delight, and the Segway was a hit at the home! Several got demos inside the spacious waiting area. A few watched me leave outside. A few drivers stopped to ask questions on the way home. It was another great glide day.A call was received this morning from Segway, they want to borrow the HT on Monday for local training!

An afternoon glide to the health club and back was a perfect break from cleaning the pool. (Vinyl pool stains, try Ascorbic Acid - vitamin C.) A demo was given to one of the staff members at the gym. The Segway bag worked great when no shoes are added. I need to remember sun lotion and stuff when using the bag!Another perfect weather evening to glide (80 at 7 and 74 at 11 pm.) I took a leisurely path through the downtown, viewing things I didn't know existed! The strangest was a 400 car multi-story parking garage where elevators lift the cars to the correct spot. Amazing, but not in operation when I visited. I continued the glide down to the canal to see the construction at Sonic headquarters and the Bass Pro Shop. It will be awhile yet, and I was disappointed to see that canal boats will not get near the Bass Pro..

Outdoor dining at The Mantel Wine Bar was a kick. It reminded me of a busy boulevard in Southern California with all the cars, motorcycles and people strolling by. A real hot place to view the visitors, I enjoyed a great dinner and gave demos to the staff when leaving. A few neighbors were seen dining at The Mantel as well.

When crossing the sidewalk at a parking lot, a car was waiting to exit, so it was safe to glide behind the vehicle. Another car started to approach, but stopped in time while I stepped off the HT in case I needed to dodge the car. It was a good reminder that it is better to wait and make sure the driver approaching sees you first. Other than that, my Friday night could not have been more pleasant.With a cold front moving in, we got low 70's for dinner, so off to patio dining at Cheevers. The usual questions and mini demo (with only me on the HT) occurred on the patio. Dining was fine, but wait times for check, card pickup, and delivery can be lengthy while the waiters chat with customers. A great dinner however, and a great glide. Bush is still the main topic or comment. Can't beat that free advertisement, especially when we mention that the President didn't have his turned on! Turn on to fun, get a Segway!6jF 9 \  | 7 N f " Aj&A\E_?n)@@@(g{@(g{@Hot Night on a Museum Roof@mzokc==6*?6*%{@Seggin' to Smokey Joe's Cafed@mzokc??8,?|*}{@Secure Indoor Parking@mzokc881%?2Tv^{@Demos for the Neighbors@mzokc::3'?A ?{@Three strikes, I'm home@mzokc::3'?S{@New Handlebar GlideDk,mzokc66/#?LRz@Skyline, Baseball and Demos&@mzokc>>7+?mz@Iron Starr and Galileo@mzokc992&?f[ez@Balmy Glide to LotusA@mzokc770$?_!xz@A quick glide to the bakeryo@mzokc>>7+?zjz@Chelino's and Maker's after the rain4@mzokcGG@4?7Sz@Antiques Roadshow OKC[qv mzokc881%?H7?z@Auto Repair and Segway Repairh@ mzokc@@9-?p=z@Museum Cafe Glide,@mzokc44-!?Gy@Glide Down the Yellow Brick RoadY@mzokcCC<0?֮y@Car Repair Glide@mzokc33, ?~f۾y@Governor's FIRST Glide<x7mzokc992&?=y@Lake Hefner Revisited@mzokc881%?|}y@Bricktown Excitement Continues@mzokcAA:.?|+D_y@Reggae Festival, Canal, and Demos!@mzokcEE>2?'>y@Skyline Cocktails and Lotus@mzokc>>7+?ZH@y@Forever Plaid - the Segway saved itG@mzokcFF?3?2>x@Securing the HT at work@mzokc::3'?\x@Brown's Bakery GlideH@mzokc770$?WHx@Chelino's and a River Glide@mzokc>>7+?nx@A LOUD Interview@mzokc33, ?Q~x@Tower Club and Galileo Glide @mzokc??8,?,_x@Cocktails on the Skylinew@mzokc;;4(?n:x@Footloose on the Segway@mzokc::3'?x@Work Glide and Stuck Control Shaft@mzokcEE>2?Εw@Baking at the Bakery@mzokc770$?w@Rocky Mountain National Park Glides@mzokcFF?3?dw@Grand Junction and Leadville Glides!4AmzokcGG@4?B{ -w@Deer Valley Glide@@mzokc44-!?+Gw@Great Late Night Glide@mzokc992&?)\_w@Endurance Glide and Demos@mzokc<<5)?a>w@Park City TV taping and Sunday glides home@mzokcMMF:?_,9!w@Ticket To Ride in SLC@mzokc881%?2Tvw@Deluxe Demo Day@mzokc22+?bv@Park City Demos with Sunday and SegwayUtah~y$mzokcMMF:?@Uv@1200 mile ride to glide@mzokc::3'?v@Early Bakery Glide@mzokc55."?~*;v@Gliding to Chicago'@mzokc55."?}_v@Cemetery glide and avoiding the bone yard@mzokcLLE9?|>?v@Carl's Closed = Taco Bell@mzokc<<5)?{,v@Discussion at Braum's@mzokc881%?zuu@Glide in Shorts@mzokc22+?yu@4th of July 2003mzokc33, ?x5u@Late Night Glide@mzokc33, ?w ףu@Donuts and Demos@mzokc33, ?v2Ivu@Rain and McDonalds@mzokc55."?u= \u@Segway borrows the HT in the AM, Byron's in the PMJ@mzokcUUNB?t>?u@Gliding to the Retirement Home@mzokcAA:.?sF@u@Healthy Day in the Metro@mzokc;;4(?dLVALtN @ @ @ @ @The 4th got off to a good start by decorating the Segway HT up for the holiday. Our own community has a yearly breakfast, parade and "rain shower" from the fire truck that also leads the parade. All the kids decorate their vehicles for the fun. Demos were given to the fire department, parents and teenagers. Fun for all and the food is great too!<br><br>In the afternoon I glided to the staging area of the city's 4th of July parade. Crusing around gave the parade folks a chance to see the decorated Segway. About 5 minutes after the parade started, I glided to the end of the parade route on the sidewalk next to the northside of the parade audience. I caught up the beginning of the parade, so I reversed and glided on the south sidewalk to the end of the parade and enjoyed a hotdog on the way. It maximized the fun and allowed for good photos as well. <br><br>After the parade a frozen daiquiri sounded great. A new daiquri bar recently opened, so I glided to the back to glide up the ramp and right inside (employees encouraged me to glide inside!) I chatted with folks from south Oklahoma. A couple of demos to the staff were appreciated (I appreciated the cool comfort of the place.) Next stop, a beach volleyball championship game. Sand had been brought in and the fun was on. One player asked questions about the HT, along with many others throughout the day. With the battery getting low, it was time to think of getting home. Streets were so empty that I took pictures!<br><br>After a swim in the pool, it was time to relax before the 10:00 PM fireworks show. This year I glided to a good spot about 1/2 mile from the house. Many had gathered to watch, and it was a unique audience from one of the assisted living facilities. One guy asked if it had the ability to take a person to Texas! The fireworks were generous with a good finale. I was able to glide home, even with the red display during the last part of the glide. A triple glide on the 4th made for a super holiday.7LVAL OO @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  ) )  )  )  ) The 4th got off to a good start by decorating the Segway HT up for the holiday. Our own community has a yearly breakfast, parade and "rain shower" from the fire truck that also leads the parade. All the kidsThe 4th got off to a good start by decorating the Segway HT up for the holiday. Our own community has a yearly breakfast, parade and "rain shower" from the fire truck that also leads the parade. All the kids decorate their vehicles for the fun. Demos were given to the fire department, parents and teenagers. Fun for all and the food is great too!

Have a happy 4th. I will report on the big city parade later.With evening temps in the high 80's, it was time for a cool morning glide. Off to Brown's Bakery for a dozen delicious donuts. During the trip I stopped to chat with a guy using a cane. He didn't want a demo, but the two guys working on the neighbors house sure did. When I returned, they both took turns enjoying the glide. All comments were positive and it was a good change of pace before driving to work.The weather forecast was for clear weather for a week, but there was a threat of rain when arriving home. Sure enough, it rained soon after. But the short storm passed, and streets were dry an hour later. Time for a quick glide to McDonalds. I wore some new "Musician's Ear Plugs," a custom 15 or 25 db reduction. 15 was safer and better, but 25 would be handy for extreme noisy locations. The best news, little wind noise compared with off the shelf 20 db plugs.

The glide seemed extra smooth tonight. Steering toward the best parts of the roadway helped. Be careful if crossing a speed bump on an angle, it required holding on a bit more than usual! It was fun and enjoyable ride through the neighborhood.This was a most unique day that started last Saturday when Gerri from Segway called to mention a shipping problem and if they could borrow my Segway today for a training class! (My larger car is in repair, so disassembly was a must no matter whos car was used.) Tracey (who trained us in Southern California) called on Sunday to make arrangements. I enjoyed my Sunday glide, then washed Seggy for training.

7:50 AM on Monday, Tracey arrived with her car, loaded with stuff for her transcontinental move! I gave her a tour of the home, then rolled the HT out for her to disassemble and place in her car. Photos were taken fast, because the entire operation was finished in about 2 minutes! With 30 minutes to spare, she rode off for her 7 mile drive. I went to work, then we returned about 11:30 AM. I arrived in time for instruction on how much force to put on the wrench. Just tight enough to keep the control shaft from moving was her suggestion. Next, I glided up the grassy hill, showed how move the large wheeled trash container, then parked the HT back in the house. We enjoyed a nice chat before she got back on the road again. The experience reminded me of training day, happy staff with great attitude!

In the evening, I glided to Byron's for wine for the upcoming weekend. Everyone at the store just expects me to glide right inside and fill the 12.0 Segway bag with the good stuff. Decisions were more difficult tonight, so I glided back and forth more than usual. Being 8" taller makes looking at the labels a lot easier! Checkout and the glide home were perfect. Another great day!LVAL; ;;)  y . E X W  C t/I heard from John Melton tonight, he wants to sell his Segway! I will call him to get the details.<br><br>Gliding to the Carl's Jr is a mistake after 9 PM. It's still light ourside and the dining room is closed! So, off to Taco Bell, whI heard from John Melton tonight, he wants to sell his Segway! I will call him to getOn the way to pick up the car, I glided through the cemetery. Viewing headstones was never easieOn the way to pick up the car, I glided through the cemetery. Viewing headstones was never easier! The car had a serious oil leak, and getting it fixed helps keep it out of the auto "bone yard."I heard from John Melton tonight, he wants to sell his Segway! I will call him to get the details.

Gliding to the Carl's Jr is a mistake after 9 PM. It's still light ourside and the dining room is closed! So, off to Taco Bell, while they are washing floors. No problem. I parked in a different place and enjoyed food from the new Big Bell value menu. It was ok.

Dreamy temps and desert like winds made the glide home vacation like. It was another great glide!It was a busy day with house and car activity, so a late night glide was the icing on the cake. A peanut butter cup shake with burger and fries made it delicious too!

A lengthy and enjoyable conversation occurred ending with a demo. The folks were so friendly and had the usual questions. We parted as new friends who will recognize each other during any city event where we meet.With temps in the mid 90's, I glided to the health club in my gym outfit. The tee shirt, gym shorts and tennis shoes made gliding cool. After the workout, a few demos were given to staff and neighbors. With the health club pool down for cleaning, I glided back home in the gym outfit to enjoy a swim at home. The Segway is a nice cool down after a workout.

The mailman was delivering mail on my street. I was the first time I saw him while riding the Segway. He enjoyed his first demo ride and I demonstrated how I he could glide to the houses faster. Of course I mentioned the best feature of all, not having to carry so much mail! He mentioned how happy his son would be to hear that he was able to ride the Segway today. I hope that the local USPS will get the Segways soon!A surprise gift from Segway arrived today! A new front bumper and a Segway Control Shaft Quick Release. These are greatly appreciated and it was very thoughtful of Segway to send them to me for the loan of the HT.

Another hot day, so I worked on a technical project until dusk, then off to Bricktown for a lovely dinner. It was shocking to arrive about 10 pm and find the food places were closing up (and the ball park just let out.) I stopped at Lotus for a fish taco and a MaiTai while enjoying great conversation with a couple who sat nearby. After dinner, I glided on the north side of the canal. After giving some of "The Rio" staff a demo, I was asked to glide inside onto the dance floor!!! First, I dawned the 34 db plugs, then enjoyed riding around inside after doing some Segway moves on the dance floor. It was a first! Concerned about the loudness, I left in a few minutes and proceeded home. At least 10 demos were given and lots of talking.LVAL5 5  /UL><BR><BR><B><FONT color=blue>Friday, February 14, 2003</FONT></B> <UL> <LI><BR>Today I was on the road.. (feels like I've been driving forever, but only since Wednesday) - Had training for a new computer system at work on Thursday in Tampa, took my Segway to show it off to a friend of mine who was doing the training. Ended up doing 4 demo rides during lunch, another 2 After traveling about 1200 miles, I removed the Segway from the car in Park City, Utah and gave demos to my mother and a good friend of the family, Jean. (My father is waiting to wear his tennis shoes before stepping on the HT.) Since major hills (and mountains) are available, I immediately glided to the top of the "Oaks" housing development. Neighbors walking, riding mountain bikeAfter traveling about 1200 miles, I removed the Segway from the car in Park City, Utah and gave demos to my mother and a good friend of the family, Jean. (My father is waiting to wear his tennis shoes before stepping on the HT.) Since major hills (and mountains) are available, I immediately glided to the top of the "Oaks" housing development. Neighbors walking, riding mountain bikes and riding horseback enjoyed seeing the Segway and enjoyed a friendly chat. The performance was perfect; beyond what I expected. While the charge went to half on the way up, it recovered to 4 bars on the way down. I enjoyed taking photos of the glide. It is a pleasure to be enjoying the Segway in a unique location. I look forward to meeting Mark Sunday who is a Segway Chat member.An early bakery glide to Brown's enabled the folks at work to enjoy donuts! People are still looking at the Segway, never having seen one. All you need to do is vary your hours and an entire new group of people enjoy seeing the Segway for the first time.The Lyric theater productions started this week, and their first musical for 2003 was Chicago. With more Segway experience every day, the glide went quickly. Storage at the Civic Center Music Hall was a bit different. I secured it in the management office where there are staff during the performance. At intermission, I took a peak at the HT. Two police officers were standing by the inside door! I explained some security features of the Segway to them and wished them a great evening.

After the performance I needed to make it back to computer so this blog would be dated on Wednesday. No time for demos, just a quick glide across a grassy field and onto an empty street. No cars passed me the entire time! The glide was fast too! If only gliding to the Segway Fest in Chicago could be so quick!On the way to pick up the car, I glided through the cemetery. Viewing headstones was never easier! The car had a serious oil leak, and getting it fixed helps keep it out of the auto "bone yard."

It was a very useful glide to pick up the car at the auto repair. Two weeks ago car 1 was towed in. Two days later car 2 was driven in and exchanged for car 1. Today I used the Segway to pick up car 2. Warm temps made the glide restful. Seeing all the souls at rest was weird, but most relaxing. No cars, no one walking, just smooth gliding. I couldn't help but wonder if someone was viewing from a distance, and thinking that ghosts were gliding about! It made picking up the car a much more interesting trip.  LVAL  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @Sunday, JIt was full day of gliding in Salt Lake City when "Sunday", "SegwayUtah" and "mzokc" joined Eric Olson from Segway for "Ticket To Ride." The fun began after loading the Segway into the car for the trip to SLC. Mark Sunday rode with me to the Marriott hotel for the adventure. Some folks were just finishing their demos as we arrived. With a small convention group outside the Segway room, we immediately started giving a few demos to the attendees. Demos continIt was full day of gliding in Salt Lake City when "Sunday", "SegwayUtah" and "mzokc" joined Eric Olson from Segway for "Ticket To Ride." The fun began after loading the Segway into the car for the trip to SLC. Mark Sunday rode with me to the Marriott hotel for the adventure. Some folks were just finishing their demos as we arrived. With a small convention group outside the Segway room, we immediately started giving a few demos to the attendees. Demos continued until about noon, when we all enjoyed lunch at The Olive Garden. I glided over to eat, while Mark and Eric walked. It was a pleasure to enjoy a nice lunch while learning more about the company and products.

SegwayUtah arrived about an hour after lunch. With two more demos units and three more to help, we all joined in to get over 100 visitors on the HT for their demo. It was a busy day, and a reminder of all the demos I gave in the past few months.Sunday, July 13th. What a day for demos. My mother's birthday brought out friends and neighbors from around the Park City area. I spent about 4 hours giving demos, mostly to the younger ones who really gave the HT a workout. The adults joined in the fun too, including John Quinones (from ABC-TV News) who lives down the street. So many pictures were taken, I may wait to upload them when I get back to the broadband connection! (Modem speed is slowing my updates!)

After demo day, I zoomed over to the Deer Valley ski area to enjoy gliding up the mountain to the top of the beginner's chair lift! It was tricky, as the path had dips to handle the flow of water. I got some battery charge back on the way down, so I had enough power to make it back to the house. There was enough power to climb the hill and wash the tires off for the "Ticket To Ride" event that will be held in SLC tommorrow. It's been a great time during this the second full day in Park City.After traveling about 1200 miles, I removed the Segway from the car in Park City, Utah and gave demos to my mother and a good friend of the family, Jean. (My father is waiting to wear his tennis shoes before stepping on the HT.) Since major hills (and mountains) are available, I immediately glided to the top of the "Oaks" housing development. Neighbors walking, riding mountain bikes and riding horseback enjoyed seeing the Segway and enjoyed a friendly chat. The performance was perfect; beyond what I expected. While the charge went to half on the way up, it recovered to 4 bars on the way down. I enjoyed taking photos of the glide. It is a pleasure to be enjoying the Segway in a unique location. I look forward to meeting Mark Sunday who is a Segway Chat member.

Earlier in the day during my travels, I ran across a Bicycle Obstacle Race as part of the 2003 Rawlins Old West SummerFest when a street was blocked off in Rawlins, Wyoming. I was very tempted to bring the Segway out and glide, but time was short for such activity!c LVALs N /   l Y 2 o\IƬƬƙ"rrrr_K81n 1n 1m۵ 1pm6ȾQ7wO./ݵOq1n 1n 1m۵ 1pm6ȾQ7wO./ݵOq#. "?qp 1o *n *m۵ 1pm6ȾQ7wO./ݵOq#. "?qp *o n m۵ 1pm6ȾQ7wO./ݵOq#. "?qp o n m۵ 1pm6ȾQ7wO./ݵOq#. "?qp o n o m۵ 
(Mark Sunday received his official training from Segway so he can get his HT sooner!)

SegwayUtah arrived about an hour after lunch. With two more demos units and three more to help, we all joined in to get over 100 visitors on the HT for their demo. It was a busy day, and a reminder of all the demos I gave in the past few months.

When everyone had enjoyed their demos, It was time for a a group glide and group photos. It was a busy and exciting day for all to enjoy.HLVAL$ ZN /   l Y 2 o\IƬƬƙ"rrrr_K8Sunday, July 13th. What a day for demos. My mother's birthday brought out friends and neighbors from around the Park City area. I spent about 4 hours giving demos, mostly to the younger ones who really gave the HT a workout. The adults joined in the fun too, including John Quinones (from ABC-TV News) who lives down the street. So many pictures were taken, I may wait to upload them when I get back to the broadband connection! (Modem speed is slowing my updates!)<br><br>After demoSunday, July 13th. What a day for demos. My mother's birthday brought out friends and neighbors from around the Park City area. I spent about 4 hours giving demos, mostly to the younger ones who really gave the HT a workout. The adults joined in the fun too, including John Quinones (from ABC-TV News) who lives down the street. So many pictures were taken, I may wait to upload them when I get back to the broadband connection! (Modem speed is slowing my updates!)

After demo day, I zoomed over to the Deer Valley ski area to enjoy gliding up the mountain to the top of the beginner's chair lift! It was tricky, as the path had dips to handle the flow of water. I got some battery charge back on the way down, so I had enough power to make it back to the house. There was enough power to climb the hill and wash the tires off for the "Ticket To Ride" event that will be held in SLC tomorrow. It's been a great time during this the second full day in Park City.Wow, what a day. The battery was used up by the end of the day with exciting Segway action. A quick demo was given to a ski racer friend of the family. I forgot the Segway was on the red key. It wasn't a problem, as the demo action was second nature. Next up, a TV interview with PCTV (Park City Television.) They interviewed me on Main Street with fast red key action while traveling up the street. Slow sidewalk stuff (demos, window shopping, crossing the street) were next on the list. After the cameras were turned off, I let the interviewer glide. The interview will be shown on Tuesday morning.

After refreshments, Mark Sunday glided to his home while I drove to pick up the Segway. Sunday was pleased with the performance and speed of the HT. Driving back to the bottom of Main Street, I glided down the same path that Sunday took. I stopped at the city skateboard park and gave demos to a dozen skateboarders who enjoyed the glide, but lost interest when they found it didn't do "air time." I glided into the park area and slipped on the 45 degree hill, but all the others were perfect demo material. It was fun, but not authorized!

Continuing to glide north, I traveled west to the PCTV office and Burger King for a snack. On the way back to the car, I chatted with some of the softball players in town for championship games. The battery held up for demos at a timeshare and some extra gliding on Main Street before putting the HT back into the car for the short drive home.LVALy$Being on vacation with the Segway is so much fun! You get the entire day to relax, enjoy fine dining, and make new friends as demos are given. That experience was tripled today when "Sunday" and "SegwayUtah" from Segway Chat (Mark and Chris) joined me in Park City on Main Street to enjoy demos and giving demos.<br><br>Photos have been posted at my homepage, <a href="" target="_blank">Click here to enjoy Park City, Utah</a><br /><br />The day started when I loaded the Segway into the car and drove it to "The Stew Pot" for a great breakfast on the patio overlooking the pond. Several demos were given on the wood patio. I called Sunday and loaded the Segway back into the car to meet him at his home. Mark and his daughter, Olivia enjoyed rides in the parking area and on the grassy surfaces. We took lots of photos and then drove up to Main Street for more riding, demos and refreshments. We took turns riding the HT up the steep street and stopping at various shops and stores. Olivia glided inside one store to share the HT with the shop owner. Later we caught up with some of the Park City Ambassadors who were so friendly. Mark also enjoys being a part of this wonderful group. A most memorable demo was to an Australian couple who had never seen a Segway before. It was a blessing to make so many people happy by letting them glide.<br><br>We were joined by "SegwayUtah" (Chris) with more demos, as he brought his HT along. The demos continued at double speed with two Segways in action. It was fun to see Chris give a demo using my Segway while he was standing on his. A new experience, and one that was very natural.<br><br>The demos continued at my parent's home on their wonderful cement patio. We glided up the steep grassy incline from the street to the patio area. Before the demos, it was time for ice cream, served by my father who loves making fresh batches with his Taylor Ice Cream Machine (just like the ones in restaurants!) Chris gave my father a perfect deV LVALf ,R Ns the one spotting Diane Sawyer. He's been sent down to Celebration to be the local man on the scene to work with the study participants and do the trainings and he's loving the weather - needless to say - and enjoying the work and the participants. <BR><BR>We chatted a bit, and then he had to work with someone starting in the study (there are over 100 now!) and then afterwards, I suggested that if he hadn't eaten, we could get some lunch. It was just great. He provided me with a training Segway (since mine was disassembled in my car &lt;G&gt;) and we rode over to the restaurant. He suggested that we set them down with the platform up against the wall, so people wouldn't jump on the platform and break the kickstand. A good idea, and one I hadn't thought of. <BR><BR>We talked Segway the entire time - and shared stories. He talked about how the video that we saw was the same one still being used. And how the training was being adapted (as they had anticipated). We talked about iBot and FIRST and how Dean Kamen really cares about making a difference for people in the world. The food was great, and since I still had a 7 hour ride in front of me, I didn't linger. <BR><BR>Tomorrow I go over to Fort Walton Beach to meet the two weathermen from our local ABC affiliate, and will be giving them demo rides. Then I think I can hang up my hex tools for a while &lt;G&gt;.</LI></UL><BR><BR><B><FONT color=blue>Tuesday, February 11, 2003</FONT></B> <UL> <LI>OMG, it was in the paper today. Front page, 2 pictures, above the fold, continued on page 6 article. And all good! I was expecting a photo with a 1" caption buried somewhere back in the paper. Here's a photo: <BR><BR> <CENTER><IMG srcmo, with much more patience and detail than I might have given. Mark, Olivia and Chris were absolutely fantastic to meet and a pleasure to be with throughout the afternoon.<br><br>The fun will continue Monday, as we all get to enjoy an official "Segway Ticket To Ride" in Salt Lake City on Monday! Perfect timing for this vacation!LVAL !NY Y  Y d Y d Y dY  Y r YA visit to Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday, July 20th almost got me into trouble! A ranger saw me gliding on the streIt's HOT, so a morning glide to the bakery for donuts made many happy at work when I brought them in. Several folks stood It's HOT, so a morning glide to the bakery for donuts made many happy at work when I brought them in. Several folks stood around the HT while I left the bakery asking the usual questions. No matter what the heat, the 12.5 mph breeze feels great!A visit to Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday, July 20th almost got me into trouble! A ranger saw me gliding on the street, but said, "I'm sorry, but you are not going to be able to take that on the paved trail." He searched the record book to try to be accomodating, but determined that it was a "coaster" and therefore not useable on the trail. He gave me his email address and encouraged me to send Segway law data to him.

I did get the Segway out at Lava Cliffs and glided .5 mIt's HOT, so a morning glide to the bakery for donuts made many happy at work when I brought them in. Several folks stood around the HT while I left the bakery asking the usual questions. No matter what the heat, the 12.5 mph breeze feels great!Today is a travel day, so a quick glide around the neighborhood was a perfect farewell to Deer Valley before loading the Segway back into the car.

Packing was done carefully as to enable the use of the Segway on the trip. I'm getting a late start, but it should be fun to travel through Utah and Colorado today.On Thursday, July 17, I brought the Segway over to Mark Sunday's home early in the day. Some of his neighbors enjoyed gliding around the street and sidewalk area. Glad it was early enough, as the rain came down in buckets that afternoon. Since this was the last evening in town, I suggested a night glide to sample how the headlight works and enjoying some gliding at night. With temps in the 60's, it was refreshing! After the Segway was put into the car, we shook hands and parted. Sunday appreciated the glide time and I enjoyed sharing the HT and learning some of the good glide trails.

Before hooking up the charger, I enjoyed one last refreshing 60 degree glide around the Deer Valley community. Park City is a great town to enjoy on a Segway!Today I wanted to test how far the Segway would travel in the Park City area. Many were amazed that I had glided from the Deer Valley area down to "Top Stop." A few demos were given and I enjoyed a "Ben and Jerry's Peace Pop." Top Stop features the "Beer Cave," a 32 degree hideout where you can select your favorite brew. On a hot day, it was a pleasure to just step into the cave!

Returning back to Deer Valley, I had plenty of power. To test the endurance of the HT, I glided up the mountain to Deer Crest. Lovely views of the distant valley were enjoyed. I continued gliding until I thought it was time to return. It was perfect timing, as reduced power occurred and charging allowed a return glide to the house without pushing. Total mileage was about 10 miles.

Mark Sunday and I hiked at the Olympic Park to the top of the Bobsled run. We agreed that the Segway would be great to have at the park.

After dinner, I enjoyed a nice sunset glide through the neighborhood. Returning, one of the neighbor kids asked questions. One demo turned into a dozen as the visiting softball players came rushing out for their demo! It was another amazing example of how wonderful the Segway is to entertain and teach what a great product it is.`LVAL r _ Z 7 T  _ _ _ _ cccThe HT was brought toA Thursday evening event that is occurring at the OKC Museum of Art is "Cocktails on the Skyline." I glided to the front door, dismounted, then manually rolled and locked the HT into the coat room. The event is held at the "Penthouse" level outside on a nice patio. The view of the city is nice and there was a livA Thursday evening event that is occurring at the OKC Museum of Art is "Cocktails on the Skyline." I glided to the front door, dismounted, then manually rolled and locked the HT into the coat room. The event is held at the "Penthouse" level outside on a nice patio. The view of the city is nice and there was a lively group of folks enjoying the pleasant atmosphere.

Brandon from "Loud" magazine asked lots of questions about the Segway. A group followed me to the sidewalk level to get demos. Brandon took pictures and wants me to call to be interviewed for an article. As always, everyone had a great time riding the HT.The HT was brought to work for the lunch time glide to BK. I gave a demo at BK to one of the military personnel. Someone yelled and asked if I was riding government issue equipment! Lots of questions as usual.

The HT is stored in an area that is about 65 degrees at work. It's a treat to ride it in the heat, because the handle grips are cold. But tonight the control shaft would not go down before loading it into the car. Finally after 10 minutes of struggle, the shaft collapsed perfectly. I knew it was time for some adjustment at home.

Tonight I took the control shaft off and cleaned it. The problem continued until I twisted the shaft about three times to tighten the coil cord inside. I also trimmed a tiny bit of shrink wrap that was sticking out from the wire and catching on the inside pipe. After putting it together, the shaft no longer catches at all. It's something that should have been done weeks ago.

While the HT was in the "repair" area, I took the left handle grip apart to see if I could check the right spin that is occurring at times. It appears to be an internal problem with the handlebar, although a new steering grip will be the first solution when I call Segway. It is an occasional frustration and when my unit was loaned to Segway they mentioned it.ULVAL[ [xxmA Thursday evening event that is occurring at the OKC Museum of Art is "Cocktails on the Skyline." I glided to tAfter a wonderful dinner with co-workers in Norman, I decided to glide over to the Tower Club to test the 25 db musicians ear plugs. I heard so much sound I thought they were defective. But that is why they work so well. One person at the bar asked a bunch of After a wonderful dinner with co-workers in Norman, I decided to glide over to the Tower Club to test the 25 db musicians ear plugs. I heard so much sound I thought they were defective. But that is why they work so well. One person at the bar asked a bunch of questions about the Segway. He rides a bike and would love an HT if the price comes down.

The night was warm, so a glide to Galileo's was perfect. About 8 demos were given over there before the quick glide home. It was a pleasant way to spend an evening.The Footloose Lyric production occurred tonight and the Segway was the transportation to the event. Management was available, so the HT was placed in the coat room of the Civic Center Music Hall. After the performance it appeared that management had left, but others had a key and the HT was retrieved.

Questions, more questions! They got answered without giving demos - yet. I glided down to Makers and enjoyed hearing the music with 25 db filters on the ear plugs. Perfect quality. One person showed interest in riding, and that led to about 8 getting on the platform. I am amazed at how well everyone glides with the right instruction.

Upon arriving home a hunger for Taco Bell occurred. I glided to the drive thru and got the order in and processed at the window. One staffer saw me and asked where I had been! The Segway helps make friends with everyone. The 7 layer burrito was placed in a small bag and I segged it home. Perfect 75 degree temps for a great glide at night.A visit to Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday, July 20th almost got me into trouble! A ranger saw me gliding on the roadway near "Rock Cut," but he said, "I'm sorry, but you are not going to be able to take the Segway on the Tundra Communities paved trail." He searched the official government book to try to be accomodating, but determined that it was a "coaster" and therefore not allowed on the trail. (Bikes are not allowed either.) He gave me his email address and encouraged me to send Segway law data to him. After the ranger stopped to "check it out" I gave him a lengthy demo that he enjoyed. He stood on the platform while answering question from some of the guests and took photos of me standing on the platform to show other rangers. I have some great photos of the HT on the road at that location.

I did get the Segway out again at Lava Cliffs and glided .5 mile up to the highest part of the road in the park, at 12,183 feet high! The Segway zoomed up the road while travelers did a double take. I placed the camera on a rock for self timed pictures. It was a bit tricky to find the dome of the road, but rest assured that I did glide on the highest part! One guy in a truck drove by and yelled out the window, "Trying to set the altitude record on a Segway?"

Another glide was at Grand Lake Lodge. I couldn't see the lake from the parking lot, so I got the Segway out and traveled through the cabin area and found a nice trail and view point.

The entire day was about 18 hours of driving and sightseeing from Estes Park, throught the park, onto Winter Park and finally Oklahoma City. It was quite a day, night and early morning, as I returned home about 2 AM.LVAL4A~Saturday, July 19th, definitely one of the more unusual days with the Segway!<br><br>Upon arrival at Grand Junction, Colorado, I drove around the town to find a good place to park. Soon the "Doc Holiday Burial Site" caught my eye and I drove to it. With a half mile strenuous hike, it was time for the Segway HT! The path was very steep and rocky, I took my time and stepped off when necessary. Soon I was halfway up and couldn't believe how high I was! Thank goodness there is photo proof of the whole thing! When I arrived at the top, the HT would not fit through a security walk through. It seemed design to keep the mountain bikers out. I left the HT unlocked, but within view as the various tombstones were looked at. Going down was a breeze, no slippage and folks chatted about it on the way down.<br><br>Back on the street, the next glide was down a gravel bike path to the river trail. I had a blast on the smooth sidewalk surface and enjoyed taking more photos. Before returning to the car (that was several blocks up the street on an incline) a quick stop was made at the Chamber of Commerce for area info. I gave one visitor a demo, then glided up the steep street and put the Segway back in the car. I drove to the Hotel Colorado for a quick walking tour of the hotel and then a delightful chicken caesar salad on the patio. The main bike path next to the interstate was too long for gliding on the battery I had left.<br><br>A scenic drive to Leadville, Colorado was next and I enjoyed gliding down the main street and taking photos for proof that a Segway HT has been used in the highest incorporated city in America (10,200 feet!) A demo was given in the rain (we were next to a building, so it was dry.) The rain shortened the stay in Leadville! It was back on the road again to Estes Park by way of the historic gambling towns of Central City and Black Hawk.<br><br>Charging the Segway was a bit more of a task tonight. I had a second floor room and power assisted it up the steps. It will be fun to choose a good spot.LVAL>N @ @ @@  @@ @ @@@  @@@   @@@ @   @ @@  @@@@ @  @  @ @@ @@@@ @@  @@@@@@  @  WJbOM^JkfubOM^JkfkvbOMiJSmwbOMiJSmQOxbOMiJSmYbUybOMiJSmkzbOMoSS{bOMoSSQO|bOMoSSYbU}bOMoSSk~bOQObOSJkmbOSJkmQObOSJkmYbUbOSJkmkbOSo^bOSo^kbOUiYfbOUiYfkbOUobbOUobkbOWd^ObOWd^OkbOYMJfbOYMJffQObOYMJffQibOYMJffQikbOYMJffYbUbOYMJfkbOYMiJSk`JbbOYMiJSk`QbbOYMiJSmbOYMiJSmQibOYMiJSmQikbOYMiJSmkbOYQibOYQkmbOY^vbOYbQkkbOYbQkkQkbOYbUbOYsdi\bOYsdi\kbO\QiMWYQSbO\QiMWYQSkbO^QbO^QObO^QibO^QikbO^QkbO^QkkbO^Y\QbO^YbUbO^YbUkbO^YkmbO^YkmkbO^dd`bO^dd`kbO`JOQbO`JYObO`JYOQbbO`JYOQbkbO`JYOkbOdSSbOdSSkbOdombOdomkbOfYM\bOfYM\QObOfYM\YbUbOfYM\kbOiJY^bOiJY^kbOkbOkJsbOkJskbOkQ^bOkQ^QObOkQ^YbUbOkQ^^QObOkQ^^YbUbOkQ^kbOkQmbOkQmkbOkQsbbOkSo^bOkWJ\Q bOkWJ\Qk bOkd`Q bOkd`Q^v bOkd`QbQkk bOkd`QbQkkQkbOkd`QibOkd`QkmbOkfiYbUbOkfiYbUkbOkmJbObOkmJbOkbOsdi\bOsdi\kbOsdqQbbOsiYmbOsiYmYbUbOsiYmYbUkbOsiYmmQbbOvbOv`JbbOv`QbbUbUJL^Q bUJi!bUJiQO"bUJiYbU#bUJik$bULYiO%bULYiOk&bUOdU'bUOdUk(bUQO)bUQi*bUQik+bUSYiQ,bUSYiQk-bUYbU.bUYbUk/bU`Jb0bU`Qb1bUbJY^2bUbJY^k3bUbQkm4bUbQkmk5bUdom6bUdomk7bUdqQi8bUdqQik9bUk:bUmJU;bUmJUkb\?b\QO@b\QiAb\QiQOBb\QiQiCb\QiQikDb\QiYbUEb\QikFb\YQGb\YQkHb\YbUIb\kJb\vKbkQLbkQ^MbkQ^QONbkQ^YbUObkQ^^QOPbkQ^^YbUQbkQ^kRbkQkSbkd`Tbkd`kUbmVbmQOWbmYbUXbm^QYbm^QkZbmk[bo`Jb\bo`Jbk]d^Q^d^Qk_f`fJuafJuQkbfWJxJiOcfWJxJiO^vdf^Qkkef^Qkk^vff^QkkbQkkgf^QkkbQkkQkhf^YmQif^YmQkjf^dYOkf^dYOYQklf^dYOkmf^dYOvnf^dbmof^dbmkpf^dfYJqf^dfYJkrf^dkQksf^dkYktf^vuffQOvffQbwffQbQOxffQbYbUyffQbYbUkzffQbk{ffYQi|ffYQkm}ffY^v~ffYbQkkffYbUffvfkfmQbfmQbQfmQbQkfmQbYMfmQbkfmYMfmYMJ^iJbUoQiJbUoQOiJbUoQiiJbUoQikiJbUoQkiJbUoYbUiJkkiJkkQOiJkkQiiJkkQikiJkkQkiJkkYbUiJkkbQkkiJkkbQkkQkiLYbUQiiLYbUQikiLdiiLdiQOiLdiQiiLdiQikiLdiYbUiLdikiLdoiiLdoiQOiLdoiYbUiLdoikiOiOLJM\iOLJM\kiOLJ^^iOLJ^^kiOLddmiOLddmkiOMJkQiOMdiQiOQbiOQbQOiOQbQiiOQbQikiOQbYbUiOQbkiOQiiOQkmiOWJM\iOWJM\kiOWJmiOWJmkiOWQJOiOWQJOQOiOWQJOQO^viOWQJOQObQkkiOWQJOkiOWQJimQOiOWQJimQO^viOWQJimQObQkkiOWQJimQObQkkQkiOYQiiOYQkiOYQkmiOY^viOYbQkkiOYbQkkQkiO to glide during a drive through Rocky Mountain National Park on the way back to Oklahoma City.LVAL  C VV$Segway to the rescue! I glided to the "Little Theater" tonight at the Civic Center Music Hall for the Lyric production of "Forever Plaid." Folks have talked about how good this is for the last year. But the entertainmBobby from the Ponca City FIRST Robotics Team contacted me last week about bringing the Segway to the State Capitol when they would be visiting with GovernorTransportation back home from the auto repair company is easier than ever with a Segway HT. After giving a couple ofTransportation back home from the auto repair company is easier than ever with a Segway HT. After giving a couple of demos to the mechanics this morning, it was an easy 3 mile ride home. The weather was pleasant and the glide smooth.Segway to the rescue! I glided to the "Little Theater" tonight at the Civic Center Music Hall for the Lyric production of "Forever Plaid." Folks have talked about how good this is for the last year. But the entertainment was a literal joke - good singing between the comic errors, but this show was not what I expected. At least the glide was great and that saved the evening.

After entering the above text, it was time to glide to the Tower Club to check the latest publication of LOUD and enjoy an beverage while chatting with the ladies from the health club! They took pictures of the HT with several crowding around it. Total fun and it added life to the place after the band had left.

A glide to Galileo and Taco Bell finished up the night right. Nothing like a Segway to get ones mind off a play I'd just soon forget!I was hiding the HT at work under unused tables in cubical areas before today. Now that they are all in use, the HT is parked next to a microwave and air conditioner. To avoid accidental usage while off, I cabled the unit to the banquet table that the microwave is sitting on.

The glide to BK today was a breeze, a warm breeze! A quick stop at the post office allowed for a dual purpose in a single glide. The trails are a bit bumpy in a side to side motion, but that adds to the fun!A quick morning glide to the bakery is becoming a weekly tradition. Everyone at work loves Brown's Donuts. It's fun to glide to the bakery through the parking lots and side streets.

I use a Wal-Mart plastic bag to hold the donut box. The "Thank You" bags are too small for the box, unless the donuts ride on their side.With hot weather, patio dining is a delight. Chelino's in Bricktown was a perfect choice and the glide was easy. A group of ladies asked about the HT, but refused the demo! After dinner I glided to the ballpark and canal area to see the construction of the Bass Pro Shop. The battery was holding up, so I decided to glide to the river walk area. This was the farthest south for the Segway! There was a wooden dock that was fun to glide over. Several folks stopped their cars to ask questions on the way back to Bricktown.

I didn't rush home, and there were two bars left when the HT was put away. Avoiding the speed limiter gives lots of extra mileage!Today LOUD Magazine interviewed me for an upcoming article in their weekly that is distributed in clubs and cafes throughout the metro. The editor (Brandon Beard) asked great questions with a positive Segway attitude.

Demos were given to the staff and it was a treat to ride inside with 99 degree temps outside. Today's glide was the hottest yet, and yet I arrived warm, refreshed and not sweaty! It's a joy to continue to use the Segway daily no matter what the weather.LVAL It was a blustry 80 degree day and seemed nice to visit Lake Hefner for a glide around the lake. No fooling around, just unload and go. After 52 minutes the HT ran out of power. 11 miles, most at top speed, but never with speed limiter. There was a lot of headwind during the first 3 miles, so power was lost. Only 1/4 mile needed to be walked. With just a sliIt was a blustry 80 degree day and seemed nice to visit Lake Hefner for a glide around the lake. No fooling around, just unload and go. After 52 minutes the HT ran out of power. 11 miles, most at top speed, but never with speed limiter. There was a lot of headwind during the first 3 miles, so power was lost. Only 1/4 mile needed to be walked. With just a slight less speed at the beginning, or a counter-clockwise glide, I just might make it!

When I returned to the car, the same guy who used the HT last time as an inline skate power source was there again. This time he got a demo on the platform and enjoyed the glide with a bit of remaining power. The Lake Hefner glide is an excellent battery test of any HT.Another hot evening, but the good food and music was a perfect reason to glide to Bricktown! The Reggae Fest continued and I enjoyed yummy chicken that fell off the bone! It was a bit harder to lock up the Segway, but moving a divider allowed me to park it in the same location as last night.

I rode around the streets of Bricktown and gave a demo or two before stopping for a margarita on the outdoor patio at The Mantel. The bartender enjoyed a demo before the glide back home

The HT was so much fun to ride in the 80 degree weather, I continued to glide in the neighborhood. Stopping at a home where a family was sitting on the porch, we enjoyed a nice conversation before demo time! It was a perfect conclusion of a 3 hour glide, dine and HT demonstration.It was HOT night, over 95 degrees and wild music at the Bricktown Reggae Fest in Oklahoma City. The fun begins with free admission before 7 pm, and the Segway HT got me their in style and in time. I met up with some of my coworkers and enjoyed beverage and food. The HT was locked up to a post while I enjoyed the concert.

Before sunset, I glided to the Bricktown canal area and took photos at the Bass Pro Shop construction area. The rough surfaces were a breeze to ride on compared to the Colorado trail up that steep mountain. The more you glide, the better the ride. I glided to the end of the canal and returned "off the beaten path."

Back to Bricktown for a beverage at Makers. Then it was demo time on the sidewalk for about an hour. One of the security guys stopped and mentioned they are getting an HT since riding mine a few weeks ago! I told them to contact me or anyone on Segway Chat if they have any questions.

The ride home was perfect, the end of a great evening of entertainment and fun.It's Thursday night, so a nice glass of wine on the Museum roof top was a pleasant treat. Of course the Segway HT got me there with time to spare. Lots of new faces tonight and a lot of familar ones from the neighborhood. Everyone is checking out the latest socializing activity that just opened a few weeks ago.

While many dine downstairs in the Museum Cafe, I glided to Lotus for another great seafood taco. About a half dozen demos were given to the guests on the Lotus patio. A security officer answered one guest's questions about DUI and public intoxication. She would love an HT to bar hop. I drank water at Lotus, so no problem for me!

The glide home was a delight in the 80 degree low humidity weather. Once again the Segway turned the downtown into a resort community!LVALx7Bobby from the Ponca City FIRST Robotics Team contacted me last week about bringing the Segway to the State Capitol building when they would be visiting with Governor Brad Henry. Today, I drove from work and met them before lunch. Arriving early, I stopped and walked to the Governor Office to ask where the FIRST team would be meeting the governor. Next, I drove to the west capitol entrance to unload the Segway so the wheels would be dry. Soon the FIRST Robotics Team was walking to the Blue Room while I glided along side.<br><br>It was a pleasure to see the team quickly set up the robotic equipment and wait patiently for the governor to arrive. A couple of HT demos were given, then we were informed that the robot was allowed, but the Segway couldn't be used with the furnishings in the room. I asked if the governor could ride and the answer was, "Yes!" I brought a company newsletter featuring some articles explaining FIRST and the support from the aerospace industry. Faculty Advisor Tonya Scott enjoyed the article and used it to share details with the Governor's staff.<br><br>Tonya lined up the team onto the risers in perfect order for the group photo with the Governor Brad Henry. Soon several cameras were flashing away to get just the right picture. The robot was put through its paces as Tonya discussed the details with the governor.<br><br>Governor Henry then enjoyed his first glide on a Segway! He stepped on and took off down the Blue Room entry hall. He was so happy and mentioned, "We need to get one of these!" The long bench in the center made for a mini race track. With the glide over, more photos were taken. It was a honor to be able to share the Segway at this FIRST event. I also shared my condolences to Governor Henry about the recent passing of his mother.<br><br>Tonya and Bobby glided through the state capitol building as we walked back to the bus. There were time for demos outside while the rain was falling a bit. We parted with the hope that funding sources will be forthcoming to encourage LVALmore FIRST Robotics teams to compete soon.LVAL Ч ̧̧̧̧{{{A simple gA simple glide 3 mile glide to the auto repair became a scream when the owner wanted a demo. He was hitting speed limiter, so his request to use the yellow key was granted. The wrong turn in front of traffic could have been serious, but my shouts to stay out of traffic were heeded, and the HT and the rideA simple glide 3 mile glide to the auto repair became a scream when the owner wanted a demo. He was hitting speed limiter, so his request to use the yellow key was granted. The wrong turn in front of traffic could have been serious, but my shouts to stay out of traffic were heeded, and the HT and the rider arrived back safely.

I called Segway to get the turning fixed. For a couple of months the unit slowly turns right when you are standing on it after a right turn. It hardly affects the operation, but it needs to be repaired. A new control shaft/handle bar will be required - and it's being sent soon.A simA simple glide 3 mile glide to the auto repair became a scream when the owner wanted a demo. He was hitting speed limiter, so his request to use the yellow key was granted. The wrong turn in front of traffic could have been serious, but my shouts to stay out of traffic were heeded, and the HT and the rider arrived back safely.

I called Segway to get the turning fixed. For a couple of months the unit slowly turns right when you are standing on it after a right turn. It hardly affects the operation, but it needs to be repaired. A new control shaft/handle bar will be required - and it's being sent soon.Lots of folks at work today enjoyed the LOUD article, "Segway in the City." Brandon (who wrote the article) was at the Museum tonight, and he mentioned the photo was designed to show action and hoped that I was pleased. I mentioned the most unique paragraph where he said, "Watching Zimmer handle the Segway is like watching a father handle his newborn child." I thanked him for the great article.

After gliding and enjoying "Cocktails on the Skyline" on the roof top patio at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, it was time for dinner. What better location than the Museum Cafe. The HT was locked up in the coat room, so I enjoyed a spectacular dinner without leaving the building.

Whether at the warm roof top or the cafe, folks would ask about the Segway. No one commented on the roof that my red flashing light was still on from the glide! Dinner was delicious and the glide home smooth and refreshing.Another great Lyric production was enjoyed tonight, "The Wizard of Oz," and the Segway got me there almost as fast as clicking my heals together! The glide to the Civic Center Music Hall was perfect and the HT was locked up away from view.

When the final curtain call occurred, I couldn't help but think of the emotions that will occur at Segway Fest when we all depart. Oz is a return to good friends, and that is how we will feel in Chicago.

After a quick glide home, I drove the car to do a bit of late night shopping at Wal-Mart. Neighbors stopped me at the register and said, "We miss you gliding on our street!" I told them about the recent trip and tonight's glide.

Stopped at the Tower Club to pick up LOUD Magazine. The article about my use of the Segway was written and a photo of it is located in my "Shopping" photo album.LVAL[qv With rain this morning, using the Segway was uncertain. Luckily it cleared just in time for my 9:30 AM entry time to glide to the Cox Convention Center for the Antiques Roadshow. I placed a 1924 book and some 1860 China dishes into the 12.0 Segway bag and with an unneeded umbrella in hand, was off to the Roadshow!<br><br>Since photos are forbidden on the show floor, I started taking pictures outside to document the use of the Segway in traveling to ARS. I stayed on the HT inside while my ticket was taken. After gliding onto the convention floor, I was approached by an Antiques Roadshow person who asked questions and wanted a demo. Soon I was surrounded by a half dozen ARS production folks who got to glide! Photos were allowed in the area, so many demo pictures were taken. I brought up the possibility of parking the HT in the first aid area, and that was fine. Soon, Marisa from the ARS crew brought me a special guest pass and wanted to give me a "behind the scenes" tour of the production of Antiques Roadshow for letting so many of their production people on the Segway! She presented me with a wonderful Antiques Roadshow canvas bag as well. The HT was locked to a banquet table in the first aid room.<br><br>Skipping the line, we proceeded to get the tickets to stand in the specialized areas for appraisal. I quickly found out that my book was worth $100, a big surprise for me since I cannot find a price for "The Truth About the Movies - By the Stars" on the web. The production area is a treat to visit, pictures do not do it justice.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Off to the green room for a quick tour, then into the production trailer to see the technical behind the scenes work. Looking at about 40 monitors, it was a treat to see and hear how the camera angles were selected and edited in real time. Marisa took the opp8LVALHortunity to check with production if they would like to use the Segway. <br><br>After the tour, I stood in line to get the dishes appraised. Soon I was talking to the people I see each week on the show. "Sorry, wrong line," they said, so off to the Asia line I went. That is when Marisa appeared to request that we get the Segway for use on the show!<br><br>With HT now unlocked, I glided over to the production area where I was required to sign a release that allowed the Segway HT to be filmed. Already some of the appraisers and production team were stepping on the HT platform. I gave them a few quick words of proper operation as each one started gliding around "the grid area" while cameras were pointed from the wheels to the faces as the HT continued to move. Next, the new hostess of Antiques Roadshow, Lara Spencer from Good Morning America stood on the HT (she has ridden an HT before) and glided with the greatest of ease around the floor while the cameras continued to film the action. A couple more appraisers (including Leila Dunbar from Sotheby's) glided before we needed to wrap up the demos so filming of antiques could continue!<br><br>I thanked everyone, glided over to the green room to store the HT so I could stand in the Asia line for the plate appraisal. Afterwards, I talked to Robert Allen from our local PBS station who was responsible for getting the Lawrence Welk Show on PBS. I removed the HT from the green room, talked with one of the people selected to show items on the show, then gave a couple of demos to the OETA and TV engineering staff. After leaving the production area, I took a few photos and enjoyed a comfortable sunny glide home with the new Antiques Roadshow bag covering the front ot the Segway 12.0 bag!<br><br>Photos are posted at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>An early evening glide to Cheever's for dinner was a pleasant way to end the day.LVAL ] What promised to be one of the more interesting nights to glide was a strike out. LOUD magazine reported the Oktober Fest in Bricktown (near the ballpark) would be this weekend (It's next weekend - strike one.) Lotus wasn't serving on the patio (strike two.) The Adiva Loco Premiere Party band was so loud, I left to visit Maker's and returned after the premiere of the TV show (strike three.) So I glided home thinking of the following homeWhat promised to be one of the more interesting nights to glide was a strike out. LOUD magazine reported the Oktober Fest in Bricktown (near the ballpark) would be this weekend (It's next weekend - strike one.) Lotus wasn't serving on the patio (strike two.) The Adiva Loco Premiere Party band was so loud, I left to visit Maker's and returned after the premiere of the TV show (strike three.) So I glided home thinking of the following home runs:

1. Went to Mickey Mantle's for the first time and glided inside to enjoy a great chicken caesar salad.

2. Gave demos to a half dozen folks at the premiere outside and talked to some production folks who might like to use the HT in a future episode.

3. Had a very enjoyable time at Maker's.

So the home runs made up for the out and best of all, I made it to home plate safely with another adventure to share.With 80 degree temps arriving for a few nights, a glide and dine to Bricktown patio dining seemed just right. Unfortunately my choice of Vegetable Tempura was more like vegetable funnel cake! The demos to two of the Lotus patrons was worth it, very pleasant and no one else asked for demos but asked lots of questions.

I picked up extra copies of LOUD before it left the news stand. A Wal-Mart bag hidden in the back pocket made carrying them a breeze after placing the "handles" on the handle bar.

The glide home had a touch of sadness when thinking that it could be the last glide for the original handlebar/control shaft. Segway's shipment should arrive any day, and it will be a bit emotional to separate the parts for the last time. Just like the 11.0 upgrade, it's difficult to see an old friend depart forever.The HT continues to be a great way to get to the bakery and back quickly. No fuss or muss with the car, and the donuts arrive home in great condition. It's a nice way to start the week and today's glide was almost perfect. A truck was parked in the driveway and I had to glide on the grass. Not a problem, but with the angle it required taking it slower than usual.A severe thunderstorm with the cold front came through the metro this afternoon. At 6:30 the temps were down in the 70's, providing perfect gliding conditions. An enjoyable dinner on the patio at Chelino's was a delight. The Bricktown security people were standing on the sidewalk when I arrived and they said their HT had not arrived yet. My HT was parked by the canal railing as usual. After dinner, a glide around the Bricktown ballpark to see the progress on the Sonic headquarters building was pleasant with a "live" game going on.

Gliding back into Bricktown, a demo was given to an ID check person at one of the bar entrances. Then a short stop at Maker's resulted in a good discussion of the Segway (with demos in the hall) after enjoying a beverage. The glide home was perfect with few cars to be seen.< LVALN NMixing "Cocktails on the Skyline," baseball and demos made for a very entertaining Thursday evening.<br><br>The museum's rooftop gathering is becoming larger every week. A perfect distance to glide, it was a great place to stop and take pictures before the ballgame. Having an enjoyable chat with one couple revealed the fact they were from Southern California! It's a small world when we found out that Dr. Olson was our mutual dentist when residing in Orange County! All of us agreed how we enjoy a higher quality life since moving to Oklahoma City.<br><br>It was time for a quick glide to the SBC Bricktown Ballpark to join the company gathering for a great game between the Albuquerque Isotopes and our own OMixing "Cocktails on the Skyline," baseball and demos made for a very entertaining Thursday evening.

The museum's rooftop gathering is becoming larger every week. A perfect distance to glide, it was a great place to stop and take pictures before the ballgame. Having an enjoyable chat with one couple revealed the fact they were from Southern California! It's a small world when we found out that Dr. Olson was our mutual dentist when residing in Orange County! All of us agreed how we enjoy a higher quality life since moving to Oklahoma City.

It was time for a quick glide to the SBC Bricktown Ballpark to join the company gathering for a great game between the Albuquerque Isotopes and our own Oklahoma Redhawks. A couple of home runs gave us the lead and the win for the night. Afterwards I gave a couple of demos at security, where the HT was stored. Gliding slowly in and out of the ballpark works great and would be a great venue for anyone who needed to glide.

The area next to LIT and the ballpark is a perfect demo area. The only problem occurs when folks "line up" to glide, and it takes 30 to 45 minutes before the demos are over. I did make it back in time to post the title here and get today's date stamp at the bottom, but I was ready for bed before writing this in the morning!

The new handlebar did arrive. The plan is to test it this weekend and ship the old one back on Monday.It's been a blast trying the "vegetable platters" at so many locations this past week. Tonight's glide was a return visit to Iron Starr to enjoy great veggies and a glass of wine. I left my flashing red light on again and wasn't informed of it for about 30 minutes! It gave me a perfect excuse to mention it to the banquet table of guests who could have informed me of the faux pas. That led to questions about the Segway and upon leaving, a request for a demo.

Soon several others were enjoying demos in front of Iron Starr with the cars busily speeding by. We stayed near the curb and everyone enjoyed the glide. I mentioned that my next stop was Galileo and several enjoyed meeting me there for "poetry night." I locked the HT outside and we all enjoyed chatting on the patio after having our fill of "culture" from the inside stage. Lots of questions were answered about the Segway and recent glides to the capital and Antiques Roadshow. It was a delightful evening with great conversation.

The glide home was right on time as it started to rain when arriving home. The new handlebar will be picked up tomorrow, so there are at least a couple of more glides before repairs are made.LVALk,The handlebar was replaced this evening after checking the old one one more time and gliding around the house as I did for my first glide. When standing still and turning the control to the right and releasing, the HT continued to turn slightly. The rotation was about 40 seconds for a full turn. If the control was positioned to the left, the HT would stand still. While not a problem for me, it did cause some turning during demos, so Segway sent another handlebar. The new handlebar was difficult to push into the base, just as the first time the previous one was inserted. After a couple of tries, the new one fits just fine.<br><br>Just after 9 PM, I decided to test the new handlebar/control shaft by gliding to Galileo and check out their vegetable selections. The glide was great! The biggest difference was the grips, they gripped more because of the lack of oil from the hands through previous use. The steering control was back to a slow return rotation, yet this made no difference in the ride. There was less play in the locking ring as the original one was. It was nice to gain some newness back in the old HT. I like it and am satisfied.<br><br>Satisfaction was also the enjoyment of Galileo for dinner. Great food and drink along with interesting conversation with Phil from Rail90. He wants rail transit in the metro and has innovative ideas to improve the nation's cargo truck transit. Lots of question about rail and Segway transit were exchanged on the outdoor patio. Demos were given to about four persons who loved the HT. As usual, folks asked questions of distance and price. It was a great way to check the new handlebar operation - having fun on the Segway HT.<br><br>The glide home was unusual when two medium sized dogs started running after the platform. I shouted "NO" while the owner was yelling to the dogs as well. The HT outran the dogs and all was OK. After some "S" turns on the street, it was time to call it a night.] LVAL^ o One of the neighbors needed a CD-ROM of photos of recent parties in the neighborhood. What better way to deliver the disc than on the Segway HT? After the delivery a glide to Taco Bell to enjoy a light dinner item was just the beginning of a lengOne of the neighbors needed a CD-ROM of photos of recent parties in the neighborhood. What better way to deliver the disc than on the Segway HT? After the delivery a glide to Taco Bell to enjoy a light dinner item was just the beginning of a lengthy glide on the residental streets enjoying the homes, summer lawns and gardens. A few demos were given to the Neighbors (yes, the Neighbors of Neighbors Coffee fame!) and a tour of the house. It was a perfect combination of Oklahoma hospitality!What promised to be one of the more interesting nights to glide was a strike out. LOUD magazine reported the Oktober Fest in Bricktown (near the ballpark) would be this weekend (It's next weekend - strike one.) Lotus wasn't serving on the patio (strike two.) The Adiva Loco Premiere Party band was so loud, I left to visit Maker's and returned after the premiere of the TV show (strike three.) So I glided home thinking of the following home runs:

1. Went to Mickey Mantle's for the first time and glided inside to enjoy a great chicken caesar salad.

2. Gave demos to a half dozen folks at the premiere outside and talked to some production folks who might like to use the HT in a future episode. (And I can see the premiere on FOX in Sept.)

3. Had a very enjoyable time at Maker's.

So the home runs made up for the out and best of all, I made it to home plate safely with another adventure to share.LVAL The Boulevard Cafeteria is a great place to glide when you want to glide in and park the HT with the cable lock. Their coat rack is just to the right of the entrance and provides a good place to lock up. Extend the control shaft to the highest point and wrap the cable over the clothes hanger pole. It keeps the HT upright without the kickstand. Keep several coils of cable arThe Boulevard Cafeteria is a great place to glide when you want to glide in and park the HT with the cable lock. Their coat rack is just to the right of the entrance and provides a good place to lock up. Extend the control shaft to the highest point and wrap the cable over the clothes hanger pole. It keeps the HT upright without the kickstand. Keep several coils of cable around the shaft for security. If you arrive near closing, a policeman will be there to aid the owners in closing (and their presence protects the HT too!)

Dinner this evening was great as always with a few of the guests always hanging back to see me step onto the HT and ride off. I have given demos in the parking lot, but the 90 degree temps made it a bit hThe Boulevard Cafeteria is a great place to glide when you want to glide in and park the HT with the cable lock. Their coat rack is just to the right of the entrance and provides a good place to lock up. Extend the control shaft to the highest point and wrap the cable over the clothes hanger pole. It keeps the HT upright without the kickstand. Keep several coils of cable around the shaft for security. If you arrive near closing, a policeman will be there to aid the owners in closing (and their presence protects the HT too!)

Dinner this evening was great as always with a few of the guests always hanging back to see me step onto the HT and ride off. I have given demos in the parking lot, but the 90 degree temps made it a bit hot for that! Mixing "Cocktails on the Skyline," baseball and demos made for a very entertaining Thursday evening.

The museum's rooftop gathering is becoming larger every week. A perfect distance to glide, it was a great place to stop and take pictures before the ballgame. Having an enjoyable chat with one couple revealed the fact they were from Southern California! It's a small world when we found out that Dr. Olson was our mutual dentist when residing in Orange County! All of us agreed how we enjoy a higher quality life since moving to Oklahoma City.

It was time for a quick glide to the SBC Bricktown Ballpark to join the company gathering for a great game between the Albuquerque Isotopes and our own Oklahoma Redhawks. A couple of home runs gave us the lead and the win for the night. Afterwards I gave a couple of demos at security, where the HT was stored. Gliding slowly in and out of the ballpark works great and would be a great venue for anyone who needed to glide.

The area next to LIT and the ballpark is a perfect demo area. The only problem occurs when folks "line up" to glide, and it takes 30 to 45 minutes before the demos are over. I did make it back in time to post the title here and get today's date stamp at the bottom, but I was ready for bed before writing this in the morning!

The new handlebar did arrive. The plan is to test it this weekend and ship the old one back on Monday.F6a@ f " Y  > d  2 Vv7X3N|$KLc/c/V@Cool Glide for Donuts}@mzokc881%?~@Columbus Day Work Glide@mzokc::3'?Vi[@Workout GlideW@mzokc00)?$2@Gold Dome Glide@mzokc22+?5/@Full Moon GlideZ@mzokc22+?7@Cheney and CocktailsA@mzokc770$?ށ@Rain, Braum's, and BeverageP@mzokc>>7+?b @Bank and Burger Kingb@mzokc770$?:m@Donuts and Horatio's Drive@mzokc==6*?@}@Heritage Hills Historic Homes Tour GlideF@mzokcKKD8?g:"L@Mesa Verde and Drive Homek"mzokc<<5)?,@Moab and Arches@mzokc22+?K~q@Hill climbing in Park City;@mzokc==6*?d@Gliding in Park City againpqkmzokc==6*?c/ڀ@Demo at Wal-Mart/Staples@mzokc;;4(?7?@Grand Junction Car Repair and DemoscmzokcFF?3?[۟@Grand Glide in Grand Junction/\mzokc@@9-?@Segway on the Durango & Silverton RRE5dmzokcGG@4?^B;]@Durango, Colorado@mzokc44-!?6*%7@Great Glide at Work@mzokc66/#?6*@Bakery Glide and Concourse Discussion@mzokcHHA5?Ͷ@Post Office and GalileoN@mzokc::3'?o^@Night Glide Returns@mzokc66/#?j♽@Segway Serenade"@mzokc22+?h:b@Health Club GlideS@mzokc44-!?'Tk@Crystal Clear Glide@mzokc66/#?(\^@Cocktails, Capers, Caesar and Canceled Glide> (mzokcOOH<?E?@Perfect glide to dinnerc@mzokc::3'?un@Quick glide for donuts@mzokc992&?C~@The HT color matched the house!@mzokcBB;/?CZ~@State Fair glide plus 7 churches on one charge!:}mzokcRRK??{o~@Dodging the rain@mzokc33, ?g~@Gliding to the Car@Zmzokc55."?S>~~@I should have eaten at the Museum@mzokcDD=1?UJT]~@A glide home from the auto repairO@mzokcDD=1?$=~@Bank, BK, and USPSc@mzokc55."?DZ~@Bakery and hobby stores@mzokc::3'?}}@Health Club and the Curb@mzokc;;4(?'Tk}@Ice Cream and SeptemberFestVD\ mzokc>>7+?tIJ}@Post Office and Art/@mzokc66/#?bp}@Cocktails with FOX 25@Ymzokc881%?V?Q}@Glide to FranceWdkFmzokc22+?WO}@Work Glide and Dessert2@Vmzokc992&?e.}@Gliding to breakfast(@ mzokc770$?R]}@Sunday Chicago GlideTm0mzokc770$?ot?|@McDonald's at the McCormick}@?mzokc>>7+?L]n?|@Seggin' to Segway FestO@>mzokc992&?4 |@Gliding high at the Hyatt=7Ι#mzokc<<5)?+G|@Glide Before DawnR@ mzokc44-!?}|@Post Office and Packing!@ mzokc;;4(?www7_|@Hot Lunch Glide@mzokc22+?g=|@One last Bricktown Oktoberfest 2003 glide7@mzokcLLE9?fq'|@Harley-Davidson Bricktown Bike Bash5@<mzokcFF?3?I4|@Oktoberfest Demos and Diningf@;mzokc??8,?kLVAL ʃǃWith temps at and over 100 today it was the hottest glide yet to the museum for "Cocktails on the Skyline." The HT is great in hot weather, especCocktails on the Skyline at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was extra special with our FOX 25 television station present, but it wasn't on video. Last night they told us to be present at 5 PM. Ok, I thought we would be on camera, so with the day free due to a power failure at work, I decided to glide down early. There weCocktails on the Skyline at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was extra special with our FOX 25 television station present, but it wasn't on video. Last night they told us to be present at 5 PM. Ok, I thought we would be on camera, so with the day free due to a power failure at work, I decided to glide down early. There were only give away prizes from FOX, no cameras. So, no need to glide early! Anyway, it was a nice day for a glide and Cocktails on the Skyline was just as nice place as any to glide to!

Lots of conversation about Segway Fest and the iBot wheel chair occurred. Now it's off to our second Oktoberfest that occurs in OKC.With temps at and over 100 today it was the hottest glide yet to the museum for "Cocktails on the Skyline." The HT is great in hot weather, especially with our desert dry evenings that give OKC a resort feel. When leaving the museum, I glided by the museum cafe. One man jumped to his feet upon seeing me and waved his hands. He wanted a demo, so I motioned him to the nearest door and gave several demos to the interested diners.

After drinks on the Skyline and museum demos, it was time for dinner at Galileo's in the Paseo area over 2 miles away. Still over 90 degrees after sunset, it was pleasant to just relax and enjoy a great meal at the outdoor patio. Several asked questions about the Segway and soon it was time to hurry home to enter the daily web log you are reading now.The last Lyric production for the summer season is this week. Smokey Joe's Cafe was a perfect production and a perfect glide location as well. Everyone had a great time enjoying the songs of Leiber And Stoller. It was so much fun that I decided to glide to Bricktown afterwards. It was a fantastic evening.

Just try to find some place to eat on Wednesday after 10 PM. After stopping at several locations, Hooters was the the only choice. It was a surprise to see the same person who glided several weeks ago and whose photo was posted. The Hooters girls were very friendly and their caesar chicken salad was fantastic, the chicken was so good!

OK, dinner done, demos to do! Several glided in the hallway, including one of the security officers who will be riding a Segway during his patrol in the near future. Everyone did well as usual and it was fun to see how well everyone handled the HT.

I glided to Maker's to continue enjoying the fun of Bricktown. One person I chatted with is manufacturing accessories for the Segway for use by the USPS. Some mail carriers are concerned if the Segway will speed up delivery to the point of eliminating jobs. I mentioned they should be concerned about injury from carrying mail without a Segway!

The 85 degree temps felt like Palm Springs, California. The streets were empty for a safe and speedy glide home.LVALThe electric power hasn't been restored at work, so another day off! Mail delivery needed to be started, so a glide to the post office was a perfect excuse to hop aboard the Segway HT. At 75 degrees, the weather is divine. Reminds me of a perfect Southern California day, all that's missing are the palm trees!<br><br>With a glide during the lunch hour, I forgot how bad the sidewalks are when I needed them. Someone had spilled oil from their truck, and the spill went for over a mile so I had to cross it both ways. I just made sure that I glided in some dirt to absorb any oil if necessary.<br><br>I parked the HT inside the post office, but outside the inner waiting area. I could keep an eye on the Segway while waiting for the mail. Putting the letters in the 12.0 bag worked great. On the way home I gave a couple of neighbors a demo. They live several blocks away and had questions about the HT and if I had reThe electric power hasn't been restored at work, so another day off! Mail delivery needed to be started, so a glide to the post office was a perfect excuse to hop aboard the Segway HT. At 75 degrees, the weather is divine. Reminds me of a perfect Southern California day, all that's missing are the palm trees!

With a glide during the lunch hour, I forgot how bad the sidewalks are when I needed them. Someone had spilled oil from their truck, and the spill went for over a mile so I had to cross it both ways. I just made sure that I glided in some dirt to absorb any oil if necessary.

I parked the HT inside the post office, but outside the inner waiting area. I could keep an eye on the Segway while waiting for the mail. Putting the letters in the 12.0 bag worked great. On the way home I gave a couple of neighbors a demo. They live several blocks away and had questions about the HT and if I had read the Regan story about the Segway and Leno's face on the display. News on the internet makes the world a lot smaller.

There were two art previews I enjoyed gliding to this evening. I put my red light on the belt as usual and thought, "I must remember to shut this off." So off I glide and visit the first gallery downtown. About 30 minutes later I head to the next gallery in Paseo after stopping at home. A lady was giving a speech, so I enjoyed that and walked around. Another 30 minutes passed before leaving. During the glide home, I realized the red light was on the whole time. Why didn't someone tell me? I called the gallery from home and mentioned that it is a state law to wear the red light, and to please inform us if they are still on.

After all the gliding, I enjoyed a rare treat driving to Oktoberfest in Choctaw. I didn't bring the Segway because of the amount of fine German beer sold.LVAL ʷeee=With rain all around, it seemed best to glide to breakfast so if the weather does not permit a quality outdoor glide, my glide of the day was to the breakfast counter at the hotel. One gentleman asked questions and stated that he is now legally blind. He has stopped driving but wants a golf cart. I mentioned the GEM and Segway advantages, and that he should check the laws in his area. If he wants toWith rain all around, it seemed best to glide to breakfast so if the weather does not permit a quality outdoor glide, my glide of the day was to the breakfast counter at the hotel. One gentleman asked questions and stated that he is now legally blind. He has stopped driving but wants a golf cart. I mentioned the GEM and Segway advantages, and that he should check the laws in his area. If he wants to be on the sidewalk, consider the Segway! A quick glide to the indoor pool and spa area saved time to view the facility. The ladies working in the hotel commented their service would be faster with the Segway HT.

The Segway HT was again used as a baggage and clothes cart to move items directly from room to car. The loading and unloading were done under the overhead canopy in front of the hotel.The sun hadn't risen and the glide was started to the bakery. Another dozen donuts for the folks at work. The streets were extra empty for a quicker and safer glide.

It's just about time to put the Segway in the car for the trip to Segway Fest! With some last minute car repairs, everything is ready! Enjoy the Labor Day weekend!Well, with Segway Fest just hours away, it was time to get the mail stopped by delivering the notice to the USPS. A quick glide with the added fun to glide inside and drop the notice in the slot. With evening temps in the high 80's, it will be enjoyable to feel the cool breezes in Chicago.

Speaking of Chicago, it's time to get packing. One more glide tomorrow and then it's off to Segway Fest! If you are going I wish you a safe trip (and if you're flying, may your Segway arrive with all the parts in working order!)The Segway HT was brought to work for a glide to Burger King. It was the hottest glide at work yet. Having the HT inside makes it cool starting off. Before long the oven like heat hits. Even the "wet land" area felt like a desert with the little pond dried up and cracked. Grass is brown/green and not at all like my photos. However the HT just zoomed on the trails and I was enjoying the food in no time.

I put a magazine under the pad on the way back, but removed it because it felt a bit funny. Using a plastic shopping bag would be best to carry the small items like that.

At home, the HT was removed from the car for a "Seggy Wash." I want the Segway to look its best at Segway Fest. A couple more glide days and it will be time to glide in Chicago!With the delicious food provided by Old Germany Restaurant, how could I pass up one more glide to Bricktown for another delicious dinner! The late afternoon glide was quick and hot. With only two hours to closing, all food and beverages were still available. The bikers had left and many are off to the next destination on their celebration of the Harley-Davidson 100th year. Bricktown seemed deserted today without the bikers!

Gliding home was smooth. Not so smooth have been occasional bumps in the road. One must watch carefully and slow down accordingly.LVALZNote: The first 4 posts in the blog are as follows:<br><br>1. Delivery day.<br>2. The first 24 hours.<br>3. Week one.<br>4. Week two.<br><br>After that, each day has a separate post. Enjoy the history of daily use of a Segway in Oklahoma City!<br><br>Posted-Mar 03 2003: 10:38:13 AM <br><br>Ok, this you won't believe! Because the computer still showed the Segway in Texas last night after midnight I didn't bother to check the computer in the morning. I was expecting the Segway tomorrow. So, while taking a shower at 8:40, DHL left the "Sorry we missed you" notice on the door!!! I was putting out trash and vacuumed floors this morning just before they came. <br><br>It had arrived at 7:11 this morning in the city. Wow, what service! <br><br>I am on the phone now with them to see if they can swing back this way! (They are too far away right now, so they are going to call back at work.) Oh what fun! <br><br>Mark <br><br>PS: They did return, so scroll down and enjoy the fun. Then see the photos at: <br><br> <br><br>Posted-Mar 03 2003: 5:31:43 PM <br><br>I am at home and awaiting the DHL truck now. Should be any minute. Digital camera is at the ready. Our local ABC afflilate has been called if they are interested in the story. <br><br>I have to be back to work in a little over an hour to lock the building! (My turn this week!) So it will be fast and fun! <br><br>Hope you all got your expected deliveries today. Mine is actually a day early! <br><br>Posted-Mar 03 2003: 6:28:21 PM <br><br>It's assembled and I had my first test ride. Looks fully charged. Have to go back to work to lock the building, so it's charge time! Pictures have been taken of all! <br><br>No TV crew, but it should occur someday soon! <br><br>Wow, in and out of the rooms of the house. And those wood floors sure do squeak from the tires (it hides the squeaky wood!) <br><br>Posted-Mar 04 2003: 12:08:24 AM <br><br>Thanks all for the congratulations! The SpLVALegway is built like a tank, and since everyone at work wants to see it, I drove to Lowes to get a couple of 6 foot 8 inch wide planks for a ramp. It will be a lot easier to use than what I was going to use (U shaped fence posts.) I changed my mind about the fence posts when I saw how wide the tires are. <br><br>A couple of comments about assembling the control shaft. Use a teaspoon to pull the wires from the shaft. The wires are coiled, so they will spring back into the column. My black connector disconnected when sliding the two together. It may have been pressed against the other wire inside of the column. Turning the wrench didn't really make 3 squeaks, it was squeaking most of the way. Getting the right pressure with the allen wrench would make a great video. <br><br>A champagne toast has been made to the Segway with a prayer for safe adventures and that it will always be a joy to drive! Pictures will be posted soon...and here they are! <br><br><A href=""></A>LVAL WEDNESDAY - DAY TWO:<br>Posted-Mar 05 2003: 11:32:01 PM <br><br>This was a day I had been waiting for. Getting the insurance from my agent whos staff screamed "IT" when I asked about Segway insurance last November!!! What a pleasure to call up the State Farm office and have them know what I was purchasing. Of course they wanted a test ride as soon as possible! So enjoy the pictures and the fun! <br><br> <br><br>After purchasing HT insurance, I zoomed over to the nearby mall before putting the Segway into the car. But there was no main entrance on that side. When I started to enter Sears, I realized it was too far from Chick-Fil-A, so I zoomed back to the car. The first real yellow key ride! <br><br>Barbara from Segway called at work and needed my credit card number for the lock and bag ordered at training. We had a nice chat, and she mentioned how fun it is to use the Segway at the large warehouse type stores. <br><br>After work I need toothpaste and Pennzoil. Wal-Mart had the product I needed, but time was short. "Why not the Segway?" I thought. I had talked to the store staff a couple of months ago and they said it would be fine to bring in the Segway HT. <br><br>I parked on the side of the store so I could use the sidewalk. MUCH better than parking out in the main lot and gliding with the parking lot traffic. To speed things up on the sidewalk, I used the yellow key. I proceeded carefully into the store and mentioned to the greeter that the manager had said I could use the Segway. He wasn't concerned in the least (I don't have a bag!!!) So off I go, with a few stares, but mostly folks just enjoying their store visit. I couldn't believe how quickly I got to the toothpaste. I stepped off to pick the product from the lower shelf. <br><br>Next, the motor oil. They put it in the back corner, so that is why the Segway was an excellent choice for this trip. First I needed a basket, and Wal-Mart has small ones (see photo) in the cosmetic deparLVALtment! Just the right size for 2 quarts of motor oil and the tube of toothpaste. The aisle I chose was one of the very wide ones, and NO people as far as I could see. Off I went, it seemed like a dream. I made sure I wasn't speeding, but I was having so much fun, the floors are so smooth! <br><br>A few quick turns and I was at the automotive department. There was the oil I needed on the TOP shelf. Without the Segway it would be a struggle. It was simply a breeze to reach for the product and put it in the basket. I asked some nearby shoppers to take my picture, then off to the register. I moved through the store carefully at a medium speed. I always slowed near people. Arriving at the front in record time (compared to walking,) I stopped and talked with the person at the center desk and chatted about the Segway for a minute. I then realized that I could easily glide and scan for the register with the shortest line! It was unreal to be eight inches taller and see the choicest checkout. Another picture was taken at the register and I signed the credit card slip and took the plastic bag and put the handles over the handle bar, simple and effective. A gentle glide out of the store, and back to the car. Getting the Segway in and out of the trunk is now taking about a minute total time. I was back on driving again, and the car felt slow after the shopping trip that made a Wal-Mart feel like a 7-11. <br><br>After I arrived home I started being concerned. I never experienced anything like it. Did I glide too fast? While I was always very careful and never reckless, what if someone else who could have been watching from a distance didn't feel that way. I decided to call the store and talk to the manager. I told him who I was and had used the Segway in the store. I let him know that if anyone had seen me going fast, I wanted to express my concern that could affect the future use of a product that many need to assist in their ability to shop. I mentioned that I would use a slower key in the future that lowers theLVAL speed. He said he had heard no complaint whatsoever and thanked me for being so concerned and for explaining the issue in case any comment was made. <br><br>So dear friends and fellow Segway owners, I have one suggestion. Keep a black key handy for use in the store and always use it. I was trying to stay below black key speed, however one cannot judge that properly, especially when the floors are so smooth and the aisles are empty. If we go too fast, either the store will say "No Segway" or the greeter will restart the devices with a 2 mph key! (Until someone gets to the next aisle and restarts with red! - just kidding!) <br><br>Long day equals long winded post. Channel 9 CBS News is planning on filming me tomorrow downtown. I will have the Segway in the car so there is flexibility!!! <br><br>Have fun gliding to new adventures! <br><br>Posted-Mar 06 2003: 01:24:39 AM <br><br>250/500/100 was $11.59, 1000 medical was $24.00, loss with 100 deduct was 105.90, and uninsured 250/500 was 115.20. Total 256.69. State Farm does not figure in credit history, Progressive does, so my quote from them was cheaper ($200.) Your mileage may vary. <br><br>So why did I spend more. Because State Farm has come through in the past when I needed it. I appreciate that (and my agents have been great.) <br><br>It didn't help when I called the toll free Progressive number and the guy did not know what a Segway was. Their website was showing higher quotes for many other policies. Finally, the order number he gave me did not work with their web site. I just don't want to deal with that right now (plus who can turn down giving test rides to those ladies in the office!) <br><br>One important point. State Farm offers $1000 medical for anyone who rides ($24 for mine.) $10,000 medical is available from Progressive for $90. It might be a good idea to ask a complete stranger who wants a test ride if they have health insurance. <br><br>Posted-Mar 07 2003: 03:25:59 AM <br><br>The store was wonderfully empty of shoppeLVALrs and that is what made it unreal and safe for this visit. I tested my stopping ability in an empty section of the store for just the occasion you mentioned. The reason for my original post was to warn of the danger of speed, because the temptation is so great when the aisles are clear. <br><br>To answer PT's question, the desire to use the Segway in the Wal-Mart was to get back home quickly. Since the Segway was in the trunk, it was a perfect trial run. I still can't believe the experience. It must be how shopping in heaven will be! (And notice no line in the final photo, that made the check out "heavenly" too!) <br><br>THURSDAY - DAY THREE:<br>Posted-Mar 07 2003: 12:46:41 AM <br><br>I was on the Thursday night local 10 pm NBC news just 72 hours after receiving the HT. The 32 second news piece was the last of an entire news segment on increased gas prices and how drivers can save fuel. Here are the links depending on your connection speed. <br><br>Fast broadband: <br><br>Slow modem: <br><br>It was almost perfect! KFOR did forget one word: "street." The Segway HT can be driven on any residental STREET, sidewalk or bike trail. You can read how that changed the meaning! While I wanted them to film on "Historic Automobile Alley" where all the original car dealers were located, the news crew decided to film near the memorial because of the parking restrictions! <br><br>I called the news room to thank them for the story. <br><br>A big thanks to PT for his tips sent by email. It is critical that the HT be presented in the correct way and if PT had not sent the advice, the story would have shown me riding on the street - for that is what the camera man asked me to do.<br><br>Posted-Mar 08 2003: 02:09:12 AM <br><br>Thanks for the comments! It was fun and only took an hour and that included the drive from work! I wanted to hand them the state law, but they wanted to just chaLVALt. Next time I would like to have the camera people take a video of the state law for their copy while I speak it into the microphone! <br><br>FRIDAY - DAY FOUR:<br>Friday March 07 2003:<br><br>I gave demos during lunch time and the Segway went back into the trunk. When locking up the building tonight, the managers decided to stay late, so I was able to leave early. Two employees wanted a demo and afterwards I decided to glide inside the building. I went through the front door and visited the managers for a minute before gliding back to the lab areas. The Segway ran perfectly and was a perfect step stool to work on the high computer keyboard position.<br><br>I went to Wal-Mart tonight, without the HT. I grabbed a cart and walked quickly back to the automotive section again. Surprise, it did not take much longer than the Segway! So, I was travelling very safely the other day, about as safe as my quick walk with the shopping cart. <br><br>When I left the store, Charlie, the same greeter who has seen the Segway the other day commented. "How's your scooter doing? I saw you on the news last night!" We chatted awhile and he mentioned that the Segway needed a basket in the front! I agreed, we parted, and while walking through the parking lot I thought of Paul Harvey's comment, "You couldn't ask for a better neighbor (then Wal-Mart.) <br><br>SATURDAY - DAY FIVE:<br>Posted-Mar 09 2003: 03:08:47 AM <br><br>There are landmark days in the life of a Segway owner. Seeing an HT for the first time, maybe a demo ride, ordering, paying, scheduling, training, getting the airbill number, delivery/unpacking/setup, and the first glide at home. It is 5 days or recharge cycles later that becomes a milestone when you take that first big glide! <br><br>The weather was perfect in Oklahoma City on the 5th day of owning a Segway HT. The goal, to visit the police station near the Civic Center Music Hall. The ride would take me on the main bike lane (on the street) that leads to downtown. The plan was to be back in an houLVALr or two. The adventure grew into six hours! <br><br>For this trip I decided to add a wrist guard on the right hand and knee pads. (A wrist guard on the left hand makes turning the Segway much more difficult.) There would be new territory that may cause errors. I soon found out the sidewalk would be safer because of the curb next to the bike lane. <br><br>Second signal, and the traffic light was out! I finally just went across. About 15 seconds later a horn honk from 2 motorists caused me to look back, and I started turning into the curb. I was probably going about 8 mph at the time. As the Segway slided against the curb I knew there could be trouble. I didn't think, I just jumped off the back and ran with the Segway as it stopped. It was a natural action and I never fell. What a great design that natural body movement during an emergency is possible to avoid a problem. I demonstrated the jump off technique a couple of times today. If you are not hitting anything, don't jump off unless you are ready to run at the same speed!!! I saw some security bikers near the hospital and told them about the bad traffic light that caused the horn honking. <br><br>Next intersection and a lady wearing a waitress outfit comes running out of a restaurant and across the street asking, "What's that?" I explained and that started a conversation that continued with a group of workers eating lunch at a picnic table in a high rise parking lot plus a demo for some local residents. <br><br>You will need to view the photos to see what the following paragraphs are all about. <br><br>When driving the bike route in a car, I was very concerned about a grate near the curb. Today I stopped and checked the grate. Notice how wide the tires are. I climbed aboard and found that it wasn't a problem. When the bike trail ended, only a grass covered sports field remained to cross. It was the most bumpy ride of all. <br><br>I enjoyed my first HT elevator ride today. One half floor to avoLVALid a staircase! But the police station was on the other side, so back outside and around the block. A motorcycle policeman was ready to leave, but not until 10 minutes of discussion about the Segway! Then it was time to visit the station, but no one was there to "officially" receive the state law and discuss it. One demo was given to a staffer who loved her ride! I forgot I had the camera! A return visit will occur next week. <br><br>Now for fun, and the first artistic photo was taken near a mural of the land run. Then a 180 degree turn for the Music Center photo. This music center has the quality of Lincoln or Kennedy center! I enjoy the Pops, Broadway and summer theater there year round. An easy 1 mile glide from home. <br><br><br>Next stop, The Oklahoma City Museum of Art where I am a member. The granite floors squeaked so much that it was determined visiting the Museum on a Segway would be out of the question because of the noise those tires make! The museum will gladly store the HT in the spacious coat room. I loved taking the pictures of the glass sculpture with the HT in the foreground. The knee and wrist pads made getting down on the floor for photos easy! A special surprise were seeing folks from work at the museum. <br><br>Back outside a demo occurred for several visitors, including museum staff. I loved the shade during the heat of the day. A big thanks to Peter iNova for his tip the other day about stepping on, off. and on. What a miracle to experience the reduction in bucking the HT during demos. Another tip, just ask the person to move their tummy towards the handle bars. Forward they go! Sometimes it is difficult to get folks to lean. <br><br>I should have written down or had a small recorder to capture the comments that some people make. "This is what we expected in the 21st century" "It reminds me of George Jetson" "Can I be so bold as to ask what it costs?" "If you want to take a picture of it with the modern art collection, you will have to write a letter to the museum!" "Is it gas LVALpowered?" "Wow, those tires have air in them." "What's the red button for?" "Do you need to wear those shoes?" "Can it get wet?" "Where do you plug it in?" and of course, "How fast, far, and expensive?" Maybe it's the head and body gear, but no one asks, "Can I ride it?" But they sure are happy when I ask them! <br><br>As I headed toward home, a bike rider (Tom) pulled over to the curb and asked many questions. Soon he was gliding around the perfect concrete of the newly opened museum. Tom asked if I could wait for him to bike over to the high-rise apartment to get a camera. "I will just follow you," I said. What adventure following a bike rider through the city streets that thank goodness were almost empty! The fun was going up the hill, I raced ahead of him! <br><br>I am glad we needed to get to that building, because we passed the memorial and that could have been a major stopping point. My personal feeling is demoing the Segway next to the memorial is too much distraction from the beautiful and peaceful setting of the national monument. <br><br>A quick refreshment was enjoyed by gliding about 20 feet from the entrance door of a small mini-mart. A major photo shoot and more demos occurred. I recognized a familiar face and I said, "I saw you during the capitol tour with Debbie Blackburn, our state representative." Sure enough, and we enjoyed more conversation. Tom took a photo of the Z-coil shoes for the other thread before I left. <br><br>Back on the sidewalk, one bench was in the way, so off to the other side of the street. The trip home was quick, but the day was too beautiful to stop now. Pictures of neighbors and three more demos finished up the day. Notice how much lawn exists between the sidewalk and the street! That is the quality of 100 years ago! One technical comment, my HT seems to drift towards the right when driving on the right side of the street. But when I am on the left side, the HT moves straight. Could Segway LLC be favoring the left side of the street for riding? It sure is easiLVALer on the municipal streets to see the traffic coming towards you than worry what is behind. <br><br>The Segway HT allowed me to get out and enjoy a true adventure on a day when nothing "special" was going on. Hundreds saw the HT, and Segway LLC has made one Oklahoman a very happy customer! <br><br>SUNDAY - DAY SIX:<br>Posted-Mar 10 2003: 12:42:29 AM <br><br>The fun continued on the 6th day with a visit to the post office, auto parts store, Taco Bell and more demos and fun in the neighborhood. <br><br> <br><br>With morning temperatures in the 30's, I waited until the afternoon to enjoy the HT. I traveled north and continued non-stop on streets, sidewalks, and parking lots. I found one sidewalk blocked with concrete barriers! A simple turn into the parking lot solved that problem. The post office was a gas because I pulled behind an SUV and then glided to put my letter into the drive up mailbox slot! Great for a laugh and convenient too! Just wish I had a camera person with me to take the photo. <br><br>The auto parts store counter was filled with about 10 persons. I glided around but did not think they had chock blocks, I waited at the counter and answered questions until I found they did not have the right type. Again I heard the statement, "You were the one on TV." <br><br>Off to Taco Bell and some of the worse sidewalk speeds to date. The back alley was far worse. I felt like the HT was an ATV and handled the bumps and tilts just right. Gliding into the store, the staff took my order and proceeded to climb on the HT for their demos. Great fun with everyone smiling! The best comment to date occurred when a customer said, "What is the target market they are trying to reach?" A marketing student for sure! I happened to glide by the bar and thought, 'Wow, an nice place to sit.' The photo is worth a thousand words on how our society could accommodate the Segway rider! <br><br>I encountered three middle aged guys in the park today who wereLVAL not in the greatest condition, yet they were doing ok. While they didn't get very far on the HT, they did not fall off or have any problems. They really appreciated my friendlness (backed up by a neighbor who thanked me for being friendly as well.) The HT can handle most everyone who can stand up. One of them mentioned that he saw the intro on Good Morning America. <br><br>I concentrated on improving turning and leaning with the red key. Enjoyed medium speed "S" turns in the street today, one lane wide. Reminded me of being on the ski slopes! <br><br>Another treat was duplicating the Segway video where the guy is moving in slow to medium speed circles forward and backwards. Hold the turn and lean forward and backwards. It does make you dizzy! <br><br>Gliding and giving about 10 demos ran the battery down until the safety shut down occurred. It was a great day of learning and enjoying the neighborhood in a most unique way. LVALD\ I had an opportunity to drive, walk and then Segway to a once a year event at the Governor's Mansion. It all started when the electric power was back on at work, so driving to work was an unusual event for a Saturday. On the way back I decide to stop and walk to SeptemberFest, a yearly event held at the Governor's Mansion. It was a long walk from the capital parking lot plus walking throughout the large acreage of displays. I did stand in line for the tour of the Mansion, then it was time to return home.<br><br>Now the decision, where to glide. At the time I didn't want to repeat SeptemberFest, but an ice cream at Braum's seemed just right - and it was! I should have lowered the handlebar, as a small crease in the painted surface occurred by parking it outside for the first time at Braum's. After the cool and refreshing cherry/chocolate cone, I glided back through the neighborhood with wonderful weather that encouraged me to keep gliding for the fun of it. In no time I was approaching the freeway underpass towards the capitol. The street was blocked from cars, so why not glide that part of old route 66 while it was deserted. It was a unique experience and the road ended at the SeptemberFest celebration. I glided slowly through the exhibit and food areas. Several asked to glide, but I mentioned battery life to avoid any demos during the event.<br><br>Gliding throughout was so much more wonderful than the walk earlier in the day. I found myself looking at things with more detail and enjoyment. The entire event is like a small state fair of health, farm, sports, safety, education and cultural exhibits. It's geared to family fun with the opportunity to meet and speak with the governor. (The line was a bit long to greet him today when I walked through and I didn't see him from the Segway.)<br><br>On the way back home I stopped at Sonic for a cream slush. The sidewalks were spotty, so gliding on the grass was a must. That encouraged me to glide around a sculpture of buffalo in the tall grass next to a busy ~ LVAL intersection. Gliding in front of Byron's Liquor, I returned to the community where two demos were given. A little baby was allowed to run free, so I had a handful to keep the little tike from getting in the way. Holding a dog's leash was a requirement when giving another demo. What started as a simple glide for ice cream ended up to be one of the more interesting days of Segway enjoyment. Maybe next year I'll take photos of the event.LVAL ˂More work was needed on the car, so with the Segway in the trunk, I drove up to the auto repair company. After removing it from the car, I glided carefully on the way home to save the battery power remaining from yesterday's glide. It was a bit touch and go at the end, but there was enough powMore work was needed on the car, so with the Segway in the trunk, I drove up to the auto repair company. After removing it from the car, I glided carefully on the way home to save the battery power remaining from yesterday's glide. It was a bit touch and go at the end, but there was enough power to complete the journey.

Tonight I started using some of the paints directly on the bare metal scrapes on the HT chassis. The color isn't perfect, but it's better if it looks a bit dirty than damaged. It gives me time to find the right color before spraying the entire chassis section.A triple play occurred during the work glide today. The weather was heavenly and that made the glide to the bank, Burger King and post office a joy. I even gave a demo to one of the enlisted men outside BK. The glide back to work was smooth and memorable.

Another gray paint color was purchased tonight. I have started to mix them to zero in on the exact shade and reflectivity. My temporary paint patch was scratched when removing the HT from the car. The HT lift in and out of the car must be centered to prevent further scratches. I'd rather have a few scrapes on the replaceable bumper.

MarkAfter pulling the Segway HT outside, I used it to roll the trash container to the curb. The recycled bin was brought out the same way. It allowed quick access before checking the paint chips that were created the night before. The paint chips have too much sheen, so more colors and paint types will be tried.

A glide to the bakery this morning for donuts was a great way to start the week. I positioned the HT against the wood window frame rather than placing the handle bars against the metal security bars. The rubber bumper should last longer that way.

I drove to buy more paint during lunch and after work. The hobby shops have lots of grays, but no perfect match yet. I called Segway and they are working on the problem, but do not have touch up paint at this time. Touching up the scratches rather than painting the whole surface will be the best solution for the short term.A great weather day meant a beautiful glide to the health club. I normally drive their before work, so using the Segway is a treat. It only takes about 15 minutes, not bad for the distance. I had to return home by 2:00 so no one got a demo today when leaving.

With bobbyd and his dad arriving from Ponca City to pick up the Segway Fest 2003 tee shirts, I quickly plugged in the Segway for additional power. They arrived later in the day and I gave them a tour of the home before they both enjoyed a demo ride on the sidewalk and street. Bobby's dad glided perfectly, Bobby had a slight mishap with the curb, the result was a fender gouge and scratched paint. After they departed in their car to Bricktown, I bought 4 spray cans of gray paint in different shades, two at the auto supply and the others at Home Depot. One color is an almost perfect match for the fender and the other ended up matching the rubber bumper. I painted each color on paint chip samples and electrical tape. The painted tape covered the new scratch and some previous scratches that needed repair. I will check with Segway about touch up paint for the chassis, but the temporary repair already hides the scratches very nicely and matches the battery gray better than the original Segway color.SLVAL  LLMsWhen the Oklahoma State Fair starts, rain dropAfter arriving home by taxi this morning from driving a car to have hail damage removed and a throttle position sensor replaced, it was time for donuts. The glide was different because of the heavy wind at top speed. It seemed to be a After arriving home by taxi this morning from driving a car to have hail damage removed and a throttle position sensor replaced, it was time for donuts. The glide was different because of the heavy wind at top speed. It seemed to be a bit slower, but soon enough I was at the counter purchasing a dozen assorted donuts for the folks at work. The wind did not cause a problem with the merchandise on the way home. Now if only the cars could be as reliable as the Segway HT!A general meeting in our neighborhood was easy to glide to. These meetings were always driven to in the past. I chatted with one of the neighbors about the HT before attending. With 70 degree clear weather it was easy to glide behind the home and lock it to the heavy railing. The light HT gray was the same color as the home, it looked great locked up near all their cars.

The meeting ended after dark, but the Light and Motion light worked perfectly as usual. Once again, a great reason to own an HT.When the Oklahoma State Fair starts, rain drops fall. With rain on and off throughout the day, I decided to skip gliding to the fair. A glide nearby during lunch to enjoy some food at Taco Bell was a perfect alternative. Still a bit hungry, I finished off a salad and onion rings at Carl's Jr. Rain was just starting as I glided back home and the ground is now covered as I type this. Clearer weather is forecasted, so a glide to the fair on another day is planned.A major rain storm occurred early this morning and the news predicted storms all day. That wasn't the case and the evening was a delight with high 60 degree temps and no rain. "Cocktails on the Skyline" was a great place to glide to. The sunset was beautiful while sipping on Chardonnay and snacking on chips with avocado dip. It was time to eat, but I had a spirit of adventure and glided by the Museum cafe without stopping. There were not many people inside. It would have been a good choice because two other locations didn't work out.

I glided about two miles to a new steak and fish grille called Tom & Jerry's. It looked great and the menu is nice, but there wasn't a great place to park the HT without concern. I told them I'd be back with the car or make reservations to sit at the window where I can watch the Segway locked up outside on 23rd street.

I rode down toward the Paseo area and enjoyed gliding across Classen with no cars! A new Chinese supermarket was fun to glide around, especially under the big lighted fake palm trees in the parking lot. I thought of dining at Galileo's, so I glided another mile to that location. Tonight there was no service occurring on the patio, so I decided to not wait any longer. I returned home and forgot about dining out tonight. I ate a big lunch and didn't really need extra weight. After all, the State Fair is starting tomorrow, so saving some space for fair food is a good idea. Will I glide to the fair? Check back in a few days!LVAL:}Another historic day as the HT was enjoyed to glide TO the State Fair grounds, a bit of gliding ON the fair grounds then a glide to downtown OKC for a walking/gliding tour of 7 churches. It was all done on one charge! I only had to walk 3 blocks back to the house when the battery ran out. That meant walking to the Ice Cream Social our neighborhood puts on each year. Perfect weather for a perfect glide and 165 photos were taken today!<br><br>The glide to the Oklahoma State Fair was 3.6 miles. I was able to glide on sidewalks and residental streets for safety. On Sunday morning, traffic was light. The fair grounds are surrounded by grass, so gliding on grass was necessary during the last part of the glide. Soon I was at the entrance and handing them my fair pass ticket. They knew I was heading toward the safety center to store the HT, but I did take a half dozen photos nearby in some nice locations.<br><br>The Red Cross folks in the safety center were very relaxed about leaving the HT with them. They had room in the corner and I locked it to a vertical pole. If I had brought a power cord it could have been charged, I paid for that later during a three block walk home! Soon I was enjoying the fair and fair food! A couple of hours later I returned to get the HT, and over a half dozen demos were given on the smooth safety center floor. It was good PR for the HT as some wondered why I had not used it on the fair grounds!<br><br>The trip home was cut short because of the demos. I wanted to attend a tour downtown, so I decided to glide directly there. To my shock the streets were deserted. Only two cars came from behind during the next three miles! It's even more amazing when you consider the dual lanes in each direction with a grass median between them! With perfect 70 degree clear weather, it was a miracle. That continued as I had 2 bars when arriving at the tour on time.<br><br>The Oklahoma Alliance for Liturgy & Arts presented "Sacred Treasures of Oklahoma City," a walking tour of downtown historic church"LVAL2es. I had planned to walk it with everyone else, but there I was with the HT due to time constraints, so why not make the best of it. I found a place at teach of the seven churches to park the HT. Photos were taken of the outside, HT parking spot, and the inside of each church. Several have been reconstructed since the bombing, so the tour was well attended. For four hours we all enjoyed touring, listening to choir singing, organ concerts, dancing at one church, and greetings and historic facts. Add in some refreshments at two locations and seeing friends from work for enjoyment. It was a great time, and the HT made it most interesting. One lady brought her child in a large stroller, and we both needed to avoid the stairs. I didn't want to park outside, so finding places just inside the door worked great. An enclosed garden walk was used one time, with a police officer standing by! The photos will speak volumes.<br><br>The tour ended next to my neighborhood, so running out of power about three blocks from home wasn't a problem. As usual, the demos did zap that extra power required. However, I could have plugged the HT in at various locations, so an AC cord should be brought along next time. I power assisted the HT into the house and left for a quick walk to our yearly "Ice Cream Social." After that, it was quick drive to the fair grounds for some dinner treats! State Fair is a delight for the tastebuds, and the $20 pass and FREE car parking make it a sure bet for nightly food and fun.`LVAL xI was wondering where to glide this morning, when the thunder started. Several hours of thunder ended with rain from 12 to 3 PM. It was a great day to wash clothes, clean the house and enjoy Segway Chat. By late afternoon the clean streets were a joy to glide on and Chelinos in Bricktown was a great place to enjoy dinner. However, it was a bit loud as the strolling mariachi band was serenading evI was wondering where to glide this morning, when the thunder started. Several hours of thunder ended with rain from 12 to 3 PM. It was a great day to wash clothes, clean the house and enjoy Segway Chat. By late afternoon the clean streets were a joy to glide on and Chelinos in Bricktown was a great place to enjoy dinner. However, it was a bit loud as the strolling mariachi band was serenading everyone sitting on the patio. I put in 25 and 30 db plugs with sound levels at over 100 db! When I finished eating, one of the managers asked questions about the Segway and I showed him and a few others how it works. No one wanted to step on, so I restarted with the red key (wrench in pocket) and zoomed home in total comfort. It was a productive day with the Segway Serenade as the icing on the cake.Great Saturday weather of 70 degree and 50% humidity made the glide to the health club extra fun. The curb cuts are being glided through at a faster speed. The more you glide the better the ride. I rode with a jacket from the house and no jacket on the way back.

I continue to use a canvas bag to carry the gym clothing instead of the 12.0 bag. To attach, I position the bag behind the control shaft facing in the direction I want it at the front. Both handles are threaded together through the handlebars first the left then the right so both handles are looped around the front of the control shaft (under the handlebars) with the bag in back. Now just flip the bag over the handlebars and it's in front, perfectly positioned and high for no "slosh" effect during turns. I attach and detach the bag while the HT is upright in balanced mode.With no clouds, perfect temps, low humidity, and blue sky to the horizon, the crystal clear weather made today's glide at work to BK an absolute wonder. Maybe the good weather helps, but more folks asked questions than usual. There was no time for demos, it takes the entire lunch time to enjoy the glide and lunch with time left for a few errands. The recent rain has helped green things up. It's hard to believe that so much change can occur in a couple weeks.

After arriving home, a glide through the neighborhood to look at some new sidewalk construction continued the wonder of crystal clear weather gliding. i ran the HT down to one bar, then it was off to "bed" for Seggy!Tonight's glide was magical, a perfect feel as the wind was the same speed as the HT. The 80 degree temps felt resort like and the streets were fairly empty. The magic in the glide was the perfect balanced feeling on smooth streets with total comfort with no wind or cold.

Arriving at Galileo, it didn't look busy. It wasn't open! Several were working to clean up what someone said was a fire. It must have been small because they will be open on Friday. So, I glided to enjoy a salad and collard greens at Iron Starr. Service was pleasant and the HT fits perfectly at the inside corner near the entrance.

There was more wind and cars on the way home. Turning into a drive or curb cut allows safe "hiding" before a car passes. No sense in taking any chances as what would occur when riding a regular bike. The HT continues to work beyond expectations.LVAL> (Well it finally happened, no restart when giving a demo. It's unreal how it all finished.<br><br>It was a cooler than usual evening for Cocktails on the Skyline. The glide was enjoyable with earmuffs, leather jacket and leather gloves. Those earmuffs helped during the cool temps on the roof top while chatting during the evening. Several were very interested in the shoes but mostly the Segway. One gentleman lives and works downtown and designs many of our public projects. He thinks it would be better than walking or riding the bike and dirtying up his pant leg. I offered him a test ride when he is interested.<br><br>The museum cafe was a perfect place to enjoy a bite before gliding home. A superb caesar salad with a separate appitizer of salmon, capers, dill sauce and toast was a great lite meal. I left as the museum was closing and was glad to have the extra clothing at 60 degrees.<br><br>The glide home was normal until two people came running toward me yelling, "Mark!" I slowed and saw that it was the neighbors who live in the home behind mine. They had seen me at the museum and their son who is visiting them wanted a demo. I glided in front of their headlights and stepped off to switch keys. Suddenly, the black key would not start the HT. Key tap, waiting, switching keys, nothing would work! Worse, a group of people were outside at a nearby building that my neighbors said might be a crack house! The strangers saw the HT and made some comments, but they started moving around like the corpses in "Night of the Living Dead!" After several minutes of no starting, my neighbors said to put it in back of their SUV and we would drive home. Amazing! An SUV, neighbors, and someone to help me lift the HT. God was watching over me since I normally don't carry the wrench!<br><br>At home the HT wouldn't start, but a quick control shaft removal and unplug/plug reassemble solved the problem. The demo was very successful (but my headlight ran out of power!) He glided to his folks home behind mine and the demo continuLVALed. It was one of the most unique situations I have encountered. No question about it, carrying the wrench is a must! LVAL After gliding to the bakery this morning, a couple asked me about the Segway and mentioned something interesting. They bought a couple of Segways for use in the metro concourse. Here is a description from<br><br>"Beneath the downtown complex is the Metro Concourse, a network of underground tunnels and skyways. The Concourse is one of the most extensive, all-enclosed pedestrian systems in the country and connects dozens of restaurants and retail shops to hotels, office buildings and the Myriad Convention Center."<br><br>It is our version similar to After gliding to the bakery this morning, a couple asked me about the Segway and mentioned something interesting. They bought a couple of Segways for use in the metro concourse. Here is a description from

"Beneath the downtown complex is the Metro Concourse, a network of underground tunnels and skyways. The Concourse is one of the most extensive, all-enclosed pedestrian systems in the country and connects dozens of restaurants and retail shops to hotels, office buildings and the Myriad Convention Center."

It is our version similar to Walt Disney World's complex of tunnels under the Magic Kingdom theme park, except ours are used by everyday people. I have not used the Segway in the metro concourse tunnels because I don't work downtown. I forgot to ask, but my guess is to use the Segways for additional security personnel to glide as they now do on the Bricktown Canal. Giving demos has increase the purchases of HT's in OKC.

The glide back home from the bakery was quick and fun as always. Fall is one of our most beautiful times here in OKC, and the crunch of leaves is a sound that should soon be occuring under the HT wheels.What started as a quick glide to the post office this evening ended up to be a dinner glide to Galileo in the Paseo District. The 75 degree balmy evening was perfect for patio dining. A pleasant couple sat nearby and we chatted about the Segway plus I gave them a demo as well. The dinner had a great resort feel and charm to it.

The glide to and from home was smooth, however more cars did pass at one point. The flashing red light really helps the drivers to see me from behind. My exit onto the sidewalk is extra safety insurance. I enjoy taking the sidewalk whenever necessary.With the sun setting sooner and clouds appearing this evening, it was back to gliding at night. The reason for protective eyewear was clear, as branches suddenly appeared during the glide. Cars were easier to see with the headlights, and a quick turn onto the sidewalk continues to be an excellent solution to stay clear of cars.

A quick dinner snack (7 layer burrito and steak taco) at Taco Bell was enjoyed before returning home by gliding through the neighborhood. A few cones blocking the road didn't stop me, but a torn up street for a water main repair sure did. How nice to return to the sidewalk when necessary. I chatted with one of the workers who had just finished the repair. Water was being purged from the fire hydrants and sprayed across the street. I glided on dry surfaces!

Arriving home, the neighbor was cutting the grass. For a few moments I used the HT to shine a light on his grass cutting. The noise was a bit much, so I enjoyed a few more turns around the block before calling it a night. LVAL  )))))Saturday, September, 27, 2003 - A day of firsts, but it is very late - so details later...<br><br>First Segway on Durango & Silverton RR - glided in Silverton<br>Got cinder in the eye, guy who removed it in SThe HT was removed from the trunk at Wal-Mart/Staples to demonstrate the operation of The HT was removed from the trunk at Wal-Mart/Staples to demonstrate the operation of the Segway and give a demo to a good friend of the family.

More details later...The HT was removed from the trunk at Wal-Mart/Staples to demonstrate the operation of the Segway and give a demo to a good friend of the family.

More details later...The Segway HT was loaded into the car yesterday at work, and the trip across country began. During the drive I heard about the recall on XM Satellite Radio (CNN channel) as I was skipping through stations. This was in the middle of a deserted area of New Mexico!

This afternoon I removed the Segway at Durango, Colorado and enjoyed a glide by the train station, into the residental area, and on the main historic street - both sidewalk and street with the cars. I did not wear a helmet to make people feel more at ease with the HT. Many demos were given and enjoyed. All positive comments.

One lady yelled from her house, "Don't let the battery run down." Amazing how many heard the news about the upgrade/recall.The weather was slightly cool and crisp as I headed on the wilderness trails for BK. Lots of runners today, and I glided off the path so they would stay on the paved part. No questions asked and no demos required. It was a good day to glide.

Back at work I found a new location to lock the HT. With an outlet nearby, I was able to get it back to quick flash charge. That will help when transporting the HT in the car. I look forward to new experiences gliding at unique locations soon.After gliding to the bakery this morning, a couple asked me about the Segway and mentioned something interesting. They bought a couple of Segways for use in the metro concourse. Here is a description from

"Beneath the downtown complex is the Metro Concourse, a network of underground tunnels and skyways. The Concourse is one of the most extensive, all-enclosed pedestrian systems in the country and connects dozens of restaurants and retail shops to hotels, office buildings and the Myriad Convention Center."

It is our version similar to Walt Disney World's complex of tunnels under the Magic Kingdom theme park, except ours are used by everyday people. I have not used the Segway in the metro concourse tunnels because I don't work downtown. (The small cafes and shops are open during working hours, it's not the mall!) I forgot to ask, but my guess is they will use the Segways for additional security personnel to glide as they now do on the Bricktown Canal. Giving demos has increase the purchases of HT's in OKC.

The glide back home from the bakery was quick and fun as always. Fall is one of our most beautiful times here in OKC, and the crunch of leaves is a sound that should soon be occuring under the HT wheels.` LVALr rThe Segway HT was removed at the Park City Wal-Mart / Staples after shopping at Wal-Mart. After loading the car with merchandise, I glided back to Wal-Mart with the empty shopping cart. The greeter was a bit surprised when I pushed the cart back inside, but it demonstrated how one can help reduce shopping cart loss with the Segway.<br><br>Before putting the HT back into the car I gave a demo to a good family friend who was shopping with us. Dolores enjoyed I noticed the neutral face on the display during hill climbing this morning in Park City. It was a great glide, but will haI noticed the neutral face on the display during hill climbing this morning in Park City. It was a great glide, but will have to check if 11.0 added some more warning to hills. It's a travel day, so maybe there will be more gliding to report later.The Segway HT was removed at the Park City Wal-Mart / Staples after shopping at Wal-Mart. After loading the car with merchandise, I glided back to Wal-Mart with the empty shopping cart. The greeter was a bit surprised when I pushed the cart back inside, but it demonstrated how one can help reduce shopping cart loss with the Segway.

Before putting the HT back into the car I gave a demo to a good family friend who was shopping with us. Dolores enjoyed her glide in front of the Staples store while my mother took pictures. After her ride, I climbed on the HT and rode it inside the Staples store to pick up a crosscut shredder. It was a breeze to glide over to the correct aisle and step off to pick up the heavy box. I put the box under my arm and glided to the register for checkout. While that was done, I got a cart for Mom to wheel the shredder to the car. Once outside, a father with a misbehaving daughter had lots of questions about the Segway. His wife has MS and he wanted to know all about it. This gave the daughter the opportunity to toss rocks from the nearby garden beds onto the sidewalk. Soon the rocks were returned to their place and the Segway was returned to the back of the car.

At the house, I unloaded the HT for charging and took a nice glide on the street. It was nice to be back gliding in Park City again, especially after the great video coverage that PCTV created last July.LVALWith today a car travel day it seemed right to start the day with a glide around the community where my parents live in Park City. The weather was nice after last nights rain and an extended glide was just perfect if there were no other opportunities to hop aboard the HT today. One thing I notice when going up the same hills as last July, the HT ran a bit slower with a straight faced icon (the mouth was flat, not smiling or frowning.) If I remember correctly, it was mentioned at Segway Fest that a certain amount of stress on the motors would cause the condition. However I don't remember anything so pronounced during the July 10.0 glides. Since OKC is fairly flat, it wouldn't have been noticed.<br><br>I did not use the Segway at Arches National Park. Although you can glide on any of the streets, bike access on trails is forbidden. There is one trail by Balancing Rock that is wide for wheelchairs, so that is SegaWith today a car travel day it seemed right to start the day with a glide around the community where my parents live in Park City. The weather was nice after last nights rain and an extended glide was just perfect if there were no other opportunities to hop aboard the HT today. One thing I notice when going up the same hills as last July, the HT ran a bit slower with a straight faced icon (the mouth was flat, not smiling or frowning.) If I remember correctly, it was mentioned at Segway Fest that a certain amount of stress on the motors would cause the condition. However I don't remember anything so pronounced during the July 10.0 glides. Since OKC is fairly flat, it wouldn't have been noticed.

I did not use the Segway at Arches National Park. Although you can glide on any of the streets, bike access on trails is forbidden. There is one trail by Balancing Rock that is wide for wheelchairs, so that is Segable if you need special access. While the Windows (yes that is what is called) section of the park could easily be glideable, the trails are not. The campground would be another great place to use the Segway. If you ever go to Arches, just enjoy the wonder of the place where Indiana Jones enjoyed his Boy Scout days!

After checking in at Moab, I removed the Segway from the trunk of the car and glided down the sidewalks. Since there are so many bicycles around, there are signs that prohibit bikes, roller-blades and skateboards from the sidewalks. Since the sidewalks were almost empty, I used them instead of the streets because it was after dark. No problems and many loved seeing the Segway, but a few bike lovers didn't share the love the children had when they said, "Neat!" I put the Segway into the hotel room for charging before going out to dinner. I return to Arches tomorrow for about 10 miles of hiking!LVAL\Today's glide in Grand Junction was centered around getting the car back in working order. I called Cadillac today to learn that no service tech would be available to fix the car today. Enterprise wasn't open, so getting an easy rental car was crossed off the list. The best idea was to get the car battery to a full and quality charge by buying a new battery charger. A perfect task for riding the Segway! Looking up the various locations, Checker Auto Parts was open on Sunday, and at 2 1/2 miles was a good place to go. Wal-Mart was a half mile further, so price comparisons and other items could be accomplished. With all the data known before hand, it was time to glide. I gave the HT a little extra power boost by plugging in again for 30 minutes before the glide.<br><br>I pushed the HT from the hotel room to the front desk before starting it up. The weather was warm but comfy as I glided towards the east. Surprises started just a block away when I found the most wonderful downtown shopping area. It reminded me of Bricktown in Oklahoma City, and sure enough, it's where the special events take place in the city. An auto show had just concluded and Oktoberfest will occur next week. As I continued to glide, I went up 7th street to North street. It was a 4 lane road, but no bike lane. I was in the street when two vehicles came towards me. The driver in the right lane did not seemed to want to move left, so I quickly headed toward the curb and power assisted up onto the grass before the vehicle sped by. I stayed on the sidewalk after that!<br><br>North street is highway 6, a very busy road - but with excellent sidewalks. Throughout the city I was impressed with the quality of the sidewalks. Curb cuts are everywhere and the city has smoothed the old sidewalks that have raised. The glide was of the highest quality, except for a business on North street where a curb was left in the path of the sidewalk. A few shouts and horn honks occurred that don't happen in OKC. I was surprised how fast the glide occurred. SooLVALn I was next to a Sonic Drive In and enjoyed a Strawberry Cream Slush! I chatted with a nice couple and told them how I was enjoying the town and about the Segway. Some kids were asking serious questions about the HT as well. Back on the sidewalk the Checker Auto Parts store was in view and a diagonal glide across the parking lot saved time. I glided inside and immediately parked the HT near the door. I checked the cost for various battery chargers and wrote the prices down for comparison. Electrical cables were available, but were bright yellow and could be an eyesore at the hotel.<br><br>Continuing the glide east on North, I saw Auto Zone and stopped in to find the same prices. Next stop, Wal-Mart, and decided to glide inside to buy some items. The lady greeter was pleasant and I shared with her were I lived. She mentioned that one of relatives lives in Tulsa. I stepped off the HT at one point to chat, but remained on the platform most of the time. As I glided away, I remembered gliding too fast in the past Wal-Mart visit, so I took it real slow and easy. It was a smart move, because the store was crowded. When two carts were having a bit of trouble getting by, I moved back and announced, "carts have the right of way!" The cart pushers laughed and proceeded carefully by each other. I answered a few questions, but did not give one demo on this glide in case battery life would suffer. I found a great tan extension cable that would work perfectly with the hotel colors! I glided across the front of the store to find the shortest line, and it was the shortest! Soon I was gliding back across the parking lot and headed west on North. I stopped again at the Checker Auto Parts for the charger. The store staff lined up at the counter before I left and seemed amazed at the HT.<br><br>When I arrived at the hotel I shared the adventure with the front desk. The Hampton Inn has been wonderful about the Segway and helping with the car repair. I was allowed to move the car to a location next to a power outlet. That LVALspot just happened to have a traffic cone to reserve it for special purposes, and this was special. I glided to the parking lot to move the car and get the charger connected, but not before giving a demo to a mountain biker who had broken his arm on Friday. It was his left arm, but steering was still possible, although a bit tough. He paid almost 3,000 dollars for his mountain bike, so the HT was priced right for him. I glided to the car, put the HT inside and used a temporary hand held battery to get the Cadillac running to move to the special parking location. The HT was loaded up with some extra stuff from the car and I used it to bring the things to the room.<br><br>A second glide was enjoyed just after sunset to glide where the Cadillac agency is. The front desk said it was 7 miles, I replied that it couldn't be that far, and sure enough, it was a half mile away! I glided around to the service location so everything would be familiar tomorrow. The glide continued to North street, the same location where the car had given out the night before. What a miracle to have the original break down just one block from the Cadillac agency! Gliding east on North didn't look promising, so I took a right turn to Rockslide Brew Pub in the downtown shopping area. It was a wise choice, but before entering the pub, about 5 demos were given and 30 minutes of conversation and demonstrations. It was as more pleasant than our OKC Bricktown demos! I parked the HT inside and enjoyed a great meal.<br><br>As I left the pub, I looked at the watch and realized I needed to be in my room in just 10 minutes or I would miss the proper date stamp on his web log entry. The glide was quick and I stayed on the HT right to the room. The key didn't work! Back I glided to the front desk and got the key recoded and returned just in time to make the entry! The Segway proved itself over and over today and it is nice to have when the car breaks down!LVALcThe goal this morning was to get the car repaired early in the morning so the vacation trip could continue. The Segway HT was loaded into the car and a freshly charged car battery allowed a safe drive to the local Cadillac dealer for alternator replacement. It was easy to glide to the dealer last night, but the road construction made it a bit tricky by car. Fuoco Motor Company is a great Cadillac dealer and had the part in stock. I unloaded the Segway from the car as the carpet protecting paper sheet was being placed on the carpet. I glided over to the waiting room to wait a few minutes before exact scheduling information would be known. While waiting, several asked questions and soon demos were being given in the large smooth parking area outside. Customers, salesmen, and staff enjoyed their demos. When the demos were completed the service consultant, Jerry mentioned that the car would be ready in about 2 hours.<br><br>During the glide back to the hotel I zoomed up a steep road between the service parking lot and sales lot. Getting back to the hotel allowed me to enjoy the continental breakfast and get everything packed and ready for an earlier getaway. Soon, Jerry called and said the car was ready. The recharged HT was ridden through the hotel hallways and down the elevator for the last time. At the front desk I asked the staff if anyone wanted a demo. One customer stepped on the platform and enjoyed balancing and a short glide. I started taking some pictures outside on the way to the dealer to document the major Segway activity of the day. When arriving at the service desk, I asked Jerry if he wanted a demo. He was delighted and being a skier he was able to operate the HT and advance to faster speeds very quickly. Each time he hit speed limiter I asked if he wanted the faster key. Soon he was enjoying the red key speed and sped up the steep road as I had done earlier. More staff and technicians were able to enjoy a demo before loading the Segway into the repaired car. Soon I was on the road again wLVAL(ith wonderful memories of Grand Junction and the people that helped make the visit and repairs successful.LVALE5dSaturday, September, 27, 2003 - A day of firsts, but it is very late - so details later...<br><br>First Segway on Durango & Silverton RR - glided in Silverton<br>Got cinder in the eye, guy who removed it in Silverton, wants a Segway.<br>Car broke down late tonight in Grand Junction, alternator regulator. I brought the Segway into the inn, and the car show folks that are here were riding it.<br><br>Here are the details:<br><br>An early start to the day was necessary to board the Durango & Silverton RR train on time! I retrieved the HT from the hotel office and glided to the train station to ask about possibly having it loaded onto the train. The conductor mentioned there were only dirt roads in Silverton. I said there should be some paved, and he said that one road was! I remembered my mountain glides and said, "The Segway can handle it." The HT was soon lifted up to the high platform of the box car with help from the conductor. I placed a sock on each handle grip to protect the front bumper from damage. The conductor used a bungee cord to secure the control shaft and keep the HT from moving.<br><br>The 3 1/2 hour train ride to Silverton was spectacular! Photos can't do it justice, it's a grand trip that I hope you get to enjoy someday! After the 45 mile journey, the HT was waiting for me. I had gotten a cinder in my eye during the trip, so I asked where I should go. They said, "Outdoor World," and that is where I glided to. I left the HT outside and asked the folks at the counter about getting the cinder taken care of. Soon, Wiley Carmack, the proprietor of the establishment arrived and led me outside where he took a Q-Tip and removed the cinder. Of course he saw the HT and was delighted to ride the Segway. I said he deserved that for removing the cinder. He told me that he had been in the area for 32 years and removes cinders from hundreds of passengers eyes each year! Wiley enjoyed the glide and mentioned how he can't always find a parking spot and how great the HT would be to enjoy in Silverton.<brLVAL><br>The two hour layover goes quickly. I enjoyed gliding down the various gravel streets and the main paved street. I spotted an official riding through town, a sheriff I think. Soon the truck rolled by and Mr. Jacobs stepped out and wanted to ask about the Segway. I gave him a demo and took a photo. How similar the situations in Silverton compared with my own home town. When I got back on the HT, I finally found the "Silverton Coffee Mine" that was recommended by Wiley earlier. He was inside and I enjoyed a delicious black berry smoothie while chatting with several folks as we sat inside the charming location.<br><br>With only a half hour before the train returned to Durango, I continued to glide down the various gravel streets, drinking in the surroundings. I took photos from the HT platform and chatted with some of the passengers before helping lift the HT back into its box car traveling location. After the 3 1/2 hour return trip, I glided back into the car for the journey to Grand Junction.<br><br>Little did I know that my thoughts of gliding at Arches National Park would soon turn into a nightmare of watching the voltage deplete on the dash of the car as it conked out after entering Grand Junction. I had been in the town twice in recent years, once when landing to avoid fog in SLC, and last July when finding the downtown area during a hotel search. When I saw the Hampton Inn sign, I felt at home because I had been here before. The Segway should prove key to help getting the car back on the road again.<br><br>Before getting to bed, I used the HT to haul clothes and stuff to the room. Some guests from the car show saw the HT and wanted to know about it. It was late and we were in the hallway. Two demos were given before calling it a night (or early morning!)|LVALqkToday I was in contact with Segway Chat member Mark Sunday. I drove to his residence and removed the HT to show him the new features of the 11.0 software. With lightning in the distance, a few rain showers were threatening. We started with the special 4 mph aqua colored key that was created at Segway Fest. It came in handy for a demo to one of his neighbors. Enough of the slow key, Sunday soon used the red key and all the 11.0 features. When rain drops fell, he took the Segway over to a covered staircase and enjoyed moving the HT down and up the steps in balance mode. In power assist mode it isn't so easy. Segway LLC has made improvements that really help people with stairs.<br><br>A reverse of the July glide, Sunday enjoyed a glide from his home to the Main Street area of Park City. He grabbed a rain jacket before heading out, although no rain fell during the journey. I took the car and stopped at several places to watch him pass by. At one stop, he glided inside a bike shop to talk to the owner. I finally parked in one of the many Park City parking lots - but Sunday didn't show up. He soon phoned trying to find me! We had picked different lots to meet! That increased the glide time and we enjoyed discussing and demonstrating differences between the "p" and "i" series machines. With the Segway back in the car, I drove Sunday to one of the art stores on Main Street.<br><br>After removing the HT from the car at home, a demo was given to Bob (Dolores' husband.) He enjoyed maneuvering the Segway around the driveway before I got on board for an enjoyable glide around the area. I forgot to retrieve the red key I had given Sunday, but I had the spare. Sunday called me about the key and after hooking the HT to the AC power, I drove back to town to meet Sunday again, get the key, and drive him to his home. It was a pleasant way to end the day and a brief reminder of the great time that SegwayUtah, Sunday, and I (mzokc) enjoyed last July in Park City.LVAL_ Each year the folks in Heritage Hills put on quite a tour. This year was exceptional with 10 stops (6 homes, 3 gardens and tour central for refreshments and shopping.) Some of the homes are beyond belief and make attending the tour an annual tradition!<br><br>This was the first year to enjoy using the Segway during the tour. The only concern was parking the HT. I didn't want to leave the modern Segway next to a historic home. A good solution was to lock it on the opposite side of the street at a lamp post. The cars are just as modern and iEach year the folks in Heritage Hills put on quite a tour. This year was exceptional with 10 stops (6 homes, 3 gardens and tour central for refreshments and shopping.) Some of the homes are beyond belief and make attending the tour an annual tradition!

This was the first year to enjoy using the Segway during the tour. The only concern was parking the HT. I didn't want to leave the modern Segway next to a historic home. A good solution was to lock it on the opposite side of the street at a lamp post. The cars are just as modern and in the same location. The hassle with the lamp post was the damp and slanted lawns. The tires occasionally creased the wet surface and slanted grass made it harder to park. Finding a level surface around the lamp post was best.

One demo was given and many questions were asked. Some mentioned the recall, but that allowed me to tell them how great the HT is. When gliding home, I chatted with some new neighbors. I gave a demo and got a tour of their new kitchen. The HT continues to be a great ice breaker and starts the conversation going!The plan was to glide to breakfast in Moab, UT. Why store the Segway in the trunk without first enjoying some great glide time in the morning! I started down the main road just like last night, but decided to enjoy some of the side streets as well. I took a picture of the HT on a star in the concrete, then proceeded to enjoy visiting some of the residential areas. Soon I was at the "Jailhouse Cafe" where the best breakfast can be found. I glided onto the back patio where they were taking reservations. With the additional wait, I answered some questions then glided back to the car to load the HT and other belongings during the wait. By the time I walked the short distance back to the cafe, my patio table was ready. Breakfast was fantastic and so was the enjoyment of gliding last night and this morning in Moab.

The day was spend hiking about 10 miles through Arches National Park. How I wish the Segway could be used, but bikes are not allowed on the walking trails. The trail to Delicate Arch started with smooth gravel but would have required extensive power assist during portions of the journey. It's just not possible to easily glide on any trail except at the cement one at Balancing Rock. The roads would be great to glide on, but most everything is far apart and battery life is the limiting factor. However, it is fun to check out the beauty of the national parks and determine where a Segway will work perfectly.LVALk"I am hoping to use the Segway somewhere in Mesa Verde, CO. If not, then maybe on a bike trail on the way home. Details later...<br><br>The glide at Mesa Verde National Park in southwest Colorado was a total success. The ranger suggested I take the "Mesa Top Loop Drive" and it was spectacular. About 6 miles in length, you can leave your vehicle at any stop and remove the Segway. Gliding around the one way drive is easy and will only use just over half the battery. Here are the details:<br><br>Arriving at Mesa Verde National Park at 9:20 AM, the drive to the visitors center was about 15 miles away where you can obtain tickets to tour the larger sites. For this short visit, I decided to visit the museum, walk to "Spruce Tree House" and drive and glide the rest of the park. The museum is an excellent source of information and features artifacts from the area. I walked down to the "Spruce Tree House," the best preserved dwelling. I noticed the steep paved trail and asked the rangers if electric wheelchairs could be used. "Yes, just charge it fully first!" After climbing back up (and there is lots of climbing) I drove around the "Cliff Palace" and "Balcony House" loop. There are some nice views, but only a few stops. Driving to the "Mesa Top Loop Drive," I parked the car near the last parking spot on the left side to view the "pithouse." Removing the Segway from the car, I glided around the 6 mile auto road, stopping at each location. There is a guide called, "Mesa Top, from Pithouse to Pueblo" available. At "Square Tower House Overlook" it required a 1200 foot glide from the road to reach the overlook. Be sure to look for the ramp on the left, rather than power assisting down the stairs! There are 10 stops and that is why the Segway HT is perfect for this part of the park. It was so much easier to glide to each location. The alternative of finding a parking spot at each stop, stopping, climbing out, walking some distance to each attraction, then walking back, climbing in, starting up, backing up, driving tLVALo the next location and repeating the process was all avoided by using the Segway!<br><br>The weather was cool and the battery not fully charged. Avoiding speed limiter allowed me to glide the entire distance, each of the cement covered paths, and a repeat of the first view location for some pictures and demos. Visitors really understood how handy the Segway was in this part of the park. It was a shame to see some driving around the loop and seldom stop. One person asked if they were available for rent. The mesa top ruins are covered, so you can "park" your HT under cover at many locations or glide around the railing area, but it may be best to walk around the circular railings if you don't want visitors to think you "need" the Segway. Allow a minimum of 4 hours for the 50 mile auto drive and stops within the park. Add 1 hour for the Segway glide and additional hours for guided tours and shopping/eating.<br><br>I put the HT back into the car at the end of the glide. The 12 hour trip home was successful, but some fog made it a bit scary. Having great memories of the successful use of the Segway made the trip more enjoyable.! LVAL; ;;Climbing onto the HT this morning to purchase donuts seemed like gliding as usual, but a new problem soon surfaced. BrownSunny with temps in the seventies made for a wonderful glide at work to BK and the bank. With both on base, it's a 100% Segway journey during lunch. The HT glided fast on the level and did not slow on the steepest part near a bridge. On person in a military truck honked (and that's a first.) Another driver stopped his car and wanted me to cross the road (but I was far away - so I just stopped, much to his frustraton.)<br><br>At the bank I used a rear power assist rather than the hSunny with temps in the seventies made for a wonderful glide at work to BK and the bank. With both on base, it's a 100% Segway journey during lunch. The HT glided fast on the level and did not slow on the steepest part nearSunny with temps in the seventies made for a wonderful glide at work to BK and the bank. With both on base, it's a 100% Segway journey during lunch. The HT glided fast on the level and did not slow on the steepest part near a bridge. On person in a military truck honked (and that's a first.) Another driver stopped his car and wanted me to cross the road (but I was far away - so I just stopped, much to his frustraton.)

At the bank I used a rear power assist rather than the holding on from the front of the HT. The bank personnel love seeing me bring the HT into the branch. I use a combination of sidewalks and parking lot access near the bank. I do whatever is necessary to stay far away from the people so no incidents will occur that must be handled by the government safety department. The glides have been safe, practical and successful. About once a week I use the Segway on base and it continues to be a superior method of transit between the buildings.Climbing onto the HT this morning to purchase donuts seemed like gliding as usual, but a new problem soon surfaced. Brown's Bakery is using the larger boxes as Krispy Kreme and Winchells have done. If I don't remember to ask for the small box, the donuts have to be transferred, and that slows the process. It's a small thing, but who ever thought that a Segway HT would modify how donuts must be purchased! The HT seemed so much faster today. With no hills, maximum speeds are the norm. It's good to be back at home enjoying this great city. As usual, everyone enjoyed their donuts at work.

While documenting the history of my use of the Segway HT, I found it ironic that a new PBS special was aired tonight. "Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip" is a great Ken Burns film about two men in 1903 who take a Winton tour car across the country in 63 days, 12 hours and 30 minutes. They were the first to take an auto across the US. It was the letters that Horatio wrote to his wife and photos taken with a Kodak that documented much of the journey. I wondered about those first drivers and it was great to see a detailed documentary of an amazing transportation historic event that took place 100 years ago.LVALО N N Sunny with temps in the seventies made for a wonderful glide at work to It was one oWith VP Dick Chaney visiting OKC, the police cleared the streets of most parked cars. The Segway allowed me to attend "Cocktails on the Skyline" just a block fWith VP Dick Chaney visiting OKC, the police cleared the streets of most parked cars. The Segway allowed me to attend "Cocktails on the Skyline" just a block from his $1000.00 a perWith VP Dick Chaney visiting OKC, the police cleared the streets of most parked cars. The Segway allowed me to attend "Cocktails on the Skyline" just a block from his $1000.00 a person event. The weather was perfect and many people were enjoying the event.

When I left, three demos were given. They loved the HT!It was one of the few times I have glided in the rain. Watching the weather map on the internet helped dodge the rain drops. The first part of the journey to Braum's for a burger, fries and shake was fairly dry. After giving a demo to the cashier, I decided to glide north and encountered some muddy areas on the sidewalk. At one point a tire slide a bit on the mud and the HT turned right. I was traveling so slow it wasn't a problem. With the mud not clearly visible at night, it's clear that day time glides can be safer.

The weather continued to clear, that encouraged me to visit the Tower Club for a beverage. The music of "Talk of the Town" was pleasant. But the rain started while leaving. Thank goodness the clothes only got damp and the HT just needed a few paper towels to dry it off. It was a unusual glide and very satisfying.Sunny with temps in the seventies made for a wonderful glide at work to BK and the bank. With both on base, it's a 100% Segway journey during lunch. The HT glided fast on the level and did not slow on the steepest part near a bridge. On person in a military truck honked (and that's a first.) Another driver stopped his car and wanted me to cross the road (but I was far away - so I just stopped, much to his frustraton.)

At the bank I used a rear power assist rather than the holding on from the front of the HT. The bank personnel love seeing me bring the HT into the branch. I use a combination of sidewalks and parking lot access to stay clear of pedestrian activity near the bank. The glides have been safe, practical and successful. About once a week I use the Segway on base and it continues to be a wonderful method of transit compared with the car.0LVAL ɦɟHNeeding to restart mail delivery, I glided to the post office and placed the mail into a white plastic shopping bag to hang on the handlebar on the way home. Taking a detoWith all of the treats enjoyed yesterday, it was time to glide to the health club. What a beautiful day with temps in the high 60's and very low humidity. With the sun beaming down through a cloudless sky, the effect was dreamy, almost heavenly. I really enjoyed the late afternoon glide and the woWith all of the treats enjoyed yesterday, it was time to glide to the health club. What a beautiful day with temps in the high 60's and very low humidity. With the sun beaming down through a cloudless sky, the effect was dreamy, almost heavenly. I really enjoyed the late afternoon glide and the work out with sauna and hot pool afterwards.

Working out can really build up a hunger, so I glided down to Bricktown and enjoyed a fish taco at Lotus. The waiters and waitresses were a bit glum with no reason for it that they would admit to. It was the only down side to a beautiful day in OKC.Needing to restart mail delivery, I glided to the post office and placed the mail into a white plastic shopping bag to hang on the handlebar on the way home. Taking a detour, I stopped at our gold dome Bank One for a new $20 bill. It is a treat to see the first bill in color and to have gotten my first one inside the gold dome Bank One.

Description and photo of the Gold Dome - a fitting building to glide into!

Then it was off to Arby's for their new Ham and Swiss Baguette. After returning home to quickly drop off the mail, I glided to Braum's for a cherry chocolate chip ice cream. It was a truly satisfying morning gliding around and enjoying several treats along the way.A bunch from work called for a "moral booster" meeting, so we met at one of the Midwest City watering holes for beer and bull. It was a good time, but as usual the clothes reeked of cigarette smoke - a perfect reason for a lengthy glide!

With the full moon out tonight and dreamy low 70 degree temps, it was a great time to glide to Galileo's and enjoy patio dining. Conversations were lively and some said "hello" because of knowing me from the use of the Segway. After dinner, a bunch of folks gathered around the Segway when I gave one demo. Soon several more demos were given and the others returned to the enjoyment of the indoor entertainment. I was having such a good time that a glide further north seemed like a good idea.

I passed the "The Red Rooster Bar and Grill" and answered a few questions from a couple who were entering. I continued to glide north and west to a place across from Bruno's Furniture called "Cock O' the Walk." It's a favorite neighborhood beer bar enjoyed by the locals in affluent Crown Heights. I was able to park the HT inside by the wall under one the signs with their rooster logo. I enjoyed chatting with some of the locals as the Chicago Cubs enjoyed a victory over Florida. Before leaving, one lady insisted on riding, so I gave her a demo outside. Soon I was on the road again and back home with just enough power to spare. I travel slow when the battery drops to a single bar. All is working fine with the HT as it always has. Good weather, enjoyable conversation, and nice places to visit made this another night to remember under the light of the silvery full moon!XLVALK KKKK vvOnOn Tuesday, OctoberWhat an interesting night after gliding to the museum for the weekly "Cocktalils on the Skyline" event. I decide to glide to Bricktown and view the latest construction of the Sonic building and Bass Pro Shop. All was fineWhat an interesting night after gliding to the museum for the weekly "Cocktalils on the Skyline" event. I decide to glide to Bricktown and view the latest construction of the Sonic building and Bass Pro Shop. All was fine until I was gliding slowly and staring at the Sonic building. Suddenly the HT came to a halt. I hit a fire hydrant but did not fall.

Later in the evening I enjoyed visiting with folks over bricktown. Detals later...With sunset occurring earlier each evening, it was time to glide to Iron Starr for one of their great dinner dishes. The glide is smooth on the roads, but one must watch for the vehicles that don't use the fast lane. I turn, step off, and pull the HT up onto the curb or grass if a vehicle insists on staying in the slow lane. It's easier to get out of the way of any vehicle that to force them to move left.

Dinner was fantastic. Just a "Farmer's Salad." It contained provolone cheese, green romaine, red cabbage, freshly grilled chicken, tomato, and a bit of fried okra. Great food like that makes dining out a dream.

The weather was dreamy on the way back home. I wore a leather jacket to block the evening cool. With little traffic (except for one car that stopped so the driver could ask questions about the HT) it was a perfect glide.On Tuesday, October 14th, I enjoyed another donut glide to Brown's Bakery. I remembered to bring the large plastic bag. I remembered to ask for the small box. But I didn't remember to enter today's blog until 11:15 PM due to replacing a fuser lamp in my laser printer this evening (I bought an extra lamp when I ordered one for my parents' printer two years ago!) So the correct date was added to the top of the page to avoid confusion with the posted date.

The air was crisp and cool this morning. Reminds me of those first glides last spring and the fall weather that will soon be here. While the glide was quick, the line for baked goods was long. Maybe the folks behind the counter need to be on Segways!

I only ate two donuts today instead of the four I sometimes enjoy! It was a busy day and evening, so gliding in the morning was a perfect solution for today's schedule.It was a work day for many of the contractors on the base. Seemed like a nice day for a glide, a bit windy, but just the right temperature. However when I approached the Burger King, it was closed for the holiday. No problem! A quick glide across the street to the new BX where there is a mall full of eating locations. Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits was chosen and I glided inside to a table and left the HT there while getting the food. In short order I was back on the sidewalks and trails again returning to work in the heavy wind. The HT didn't seem to slow down and no neutral face appeared on the display. Batteries held up OK and the lunch time was more fun while standing on the Segway!9h!E b  P  w 8 c # Y  ȍK }/Qn0bR~6\ Qaj@Donuts with Sprinkles{@mzokc881%?Y@Sunny Work Glide@mzokc33, ?ϊFBZ@Open House, Carl's and Shopping@mzokcBB;/?Y%<@Paseo, Mesta and Holiday Parade!RmzokcBB;/?RE@30 Degree Glide for Donuts@mzokc==6*?4@Cocktails and Ice@mzokc44-!?,܈@US Post Office by Segway@mzokc;;4(?.@Cloudy Glide@mzokc//(?S@Braum's Special Glide\@mzokc881%?2|@Ice Rink Photos and Bricktown CanalN@mzokcFF?3? N1j8Z@Healthy Glide@mzokc00)? %:@Taco Bell and Ice Skating!l'mzokc<<5)? g@Gliding to Glut@mzokc22+? /@Byron's Liquor with a twist{@mzokc>>7+?  a߇@Brisk Work Glide@mzokc33, ?ZF@26 degree Donut Glide@mzokc881%?W)Q@Health Club at 36 degrees@mzokc<<5)?{@Bass Pro GlideP@mzokc11*?S~^@Another Great Glide at WorkP@mzokc>>7+? f>@Skyline and Bass Pro Shop Glide@mzokcBB;/? @Heavenly weather to glide@mzokc<<5)?@Gliding for Donuts on a Blustery Day@mzokcGG@4?a3]݆@Wet Street Glide@mzokc33, ?[ۺ@Colorful Health Club Glided@mzokc==6*?z*@Glide for Sonic's Extreme TotsB@mzokcAA:.?؂-X}@Chilly Glide to Cheever's@mzokc<<5)?BN\@Cafe Do Brasil GlideF@mzokc770$?8&^:@Breezy Work Glide1@mzokc44-!?&@Veterans Day Glide@mzokc55."?O@Historic Glide@mzokc11*?Odم@Overcast Health Club Glide+@mzokc==6*?ๅ@Drizzly Dinner Glide@mzokc770$?^M<띅@Untitled [ArtSpace] Glidec@mzokc<<5)?r~@36 Degree Glideߞfmzokc22+? ^@Chilly Donut Glide@mzokc55."?ϊF>@Cold Front Glideq@mzokc33, ?F@Eighth Month Anniversary Glide@mzokcAA:.?(@Braum's Bananas?@mzokc22+?dۄ@Segway adds zest to life@mzokc;;4(?'}@Halloween Glidev@mzokc22+?P" @Cool "Cocktails on the Skyline" Glide@mzokcHHA5?Pm~@Windy Work Weather^@mzokc55."?0;]@Gliding to Byron's"@mzokc55."?S?@Off to the Cafeteria@mzokc770$?I@Braum's for Early DinnerD@mzokc;;4(?t @Seggy Gets a Ridek@mzokc44-!?o^߃@Work, Art and Upgrade@mzokc881%?$@Museum Glide and Demos@mzokc992&?͞@Dusk Glide to Bricktown@mzokc::3'?;L]|@Indiana Jones and the Segway AdventuremzokcIIB6?E]@Cool Morning for Donuts!@mzokc::3'? b<@Linwood Home Tour Glide@mzokc::3'?' @Triple Treat Health Club Glide@mzokcAA:.?.@Famous Friday at Carl's@mzokc::3'?:m@Cocktails and Mantle at Bricktown@mzokcDD=1?m@Iron Starr Dinner GlideX@mzokc::3'?LVAL+ Saturday, October 18. A great day to glide as the heavenly weather we have enjoyed this past week continued right into the weekend. A late afternoon glide to the health club was just the beginning of the extended travels. Three other stops included purchasing a Filet-O-Fish, 7 Layer Burrito, and a Pumpkin Ice Cream cone. That requirSaturday, October 18. A great day to glide as the heavenly weather we have enjoyed this past week continued right into the weekend. A late afternoon glide to the health club was just the beginning of the extended travels. Three other stops included purchasing a Filet-O-Fish, 7 Layer Burrito, and a Pumpkin Ice Cream cone. That required glides to McDonalds, Taco Bell and Braum's. The only concern was gliding in the Byron's parking lot. Cars can suddenly backup so it is better to take the sidewalk (even with it's poor condition.)

It took about an hour to enjoy gliding and stopping at each of the additional locations. Great weather makes the gliding more fun.The cold front lowered temps this evening to make the glide a bit chilly. Grabbing the ear muffs will be a must! A nice neighborhood glide to Carl's Jr for their 75 cent Famous Stat burger was fun and delicious. The cashier wanted to know the cost of the HT.

Gliding home was smooth and comfy with the leather jacket. As winter approaches, it will be interesting how weather plays a part in each days glide.Thursday, October 16th. What an interesting night after gliding to the museum for the weekly "Cocktalils on the Skyline" event. I decide to glide to Bricktown and view the latest construction of the Sonic building and Bass Pro Shop. All was fine until I was gliding slowly and staring at the Sonic building. Suddenly the HT came to a halt. I hit a fire hydrant but did not fall. I was moving so slowly that I didn't feel much of anything, but was I ever surprised to look down and see the hydrant right in the middle of the sidewalk!

Gliding to Bass Pro, I looked inside the windows and saw the waterfall running. The store doesn't open for a month so two security people (who were dressed like tourists looking in another group of windows) mentioned to leave the area until construction was finished. I gladly left and asked them to tell management to have a Segway parking place for me when the store opens!

Gliding through Bricktown on the way home was fun as usual. I chatted with the parking lot lady who wants a Segway. She asked to ride again, but mentioned she needs to sell some of her cars before buying one. I decided to stop at The Mantle and enjoyed a long conversation with "Jim" from GM. I explained some recent problems with the car and he shared some of his ideas for improving customer service as well. We ended the lengthy conversation with a demo of the Segway. I used up so much battery that a slow glide home was necessary. The red screen appeared on the final street, but riding about 6 mph allowed travel all the way to the side door without stopping. The cold front that moved through at 7 PM dropped temps from about 80 to the 50's just before midnight. Having a jacket on made the evening very comfortable.LVAL With the last week of daylight savings time, a glide to Bricktown at dusk was perfect, especially with 70 degree calm weather. Patio dining was filled at each of the locations. My last stop was Zeo's, and they had a table outside. The evening was very pleasant, enIt was the most spectacular "Indian Summer" type evening at the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline" at thIt was the most spectacular "Indian Summer" type evening at the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Fantastic conversation and a number of demos upon exiting. Details soon...With the last week of daylight savings time, a glide to Bricktown at dusk was perfect, especially with 70 degree calm weather. Patio dining was filled at each of the locations. My last stop was Zeo's, and they had a table outside. The evening was very pleasant, enjoying a glass of wine, a caesar salad and italian main course was perfect while viewing the lights of downtown above and the Bricktown canal below. Most of the patrons are visiting from out of town on business, so several had questions and good conversation was enjoyed about the Segway.

Gliding back home was enjoyable and the light on the HT allowed me to check the condition of the newly planted grass patches. It takes over a week for sprouts to appear, and they are looking better each day. While viewing the yard, I chatted with a few folks who were walking by. It's great to live in a friendly community of caring residents who enjoy living in downtown Oklahoma City.The temps have been rising, so this morning's 60's were just right for a glide to Brown's for donuts. Painters were getting ready to paint the outside, so I hurried in to purchase a dozen so the Segway wouldn't get any drops of paint on it! The glide back was quick and comfy in the cool of the morning.

The previous owners of my home stopped by tonight to view the house. I rode the Segway around the living, sitting, and dining rooms while they watched. I said to call me when they want me to glide over to give a demo during the day.The Linwood neighborhood had their annual home tour this weekend. Driving the Segway over allowed for plenty of power to glide up and down the streets, admiring all the wonderful architecture and the variety of home construction. I removed it from the car and glided to the hospitality house where a ticket was purchased to enjoy the tour. At each home a lamp post was nearby to lock the HT to. Gliding in these historic communities is being one with them. I chatted with many of the residents and gave them demos at the end of the tour. At the hospitality house, punch and cookies were appreciated as the weather was warm and wonderful.

After driving home, I removed the HT from the trunk and enjoyed a lengthy glide on the east side of our community. Talked to a lot of neighbors, gave some demos and answered questions. The comfortable temps and additonal light from day light savings time made this the last Sunday glide with a late sunset. I will miss the additional daylight. The summer and early fall have been fantastic this year!LVAL With the last day of summer like temps, a glide at work was a perfect break from the busy work day. The sound of the fall leaves under the wheels of the Segway make the journey unique. No one was on the trail today, it seemed strange since the weather was so perfect. Parking the HT in the BK parking lot seemed like a good idea, but the thought of someone backing into IT makes the planter bed a more logical place after all.<br><br>A closeup parking spThe Segway HT rode around the city in the trunk of the car IF it was needed during two wonderful home and architectural The Segway HT rode around the city in the trunk of the car IF it was needed during two wonderful home and architectural tours. I finally had a chilly windy glide to Taco Bell after squeezing both tours into three hours by car. Details soon...With the last day of summer like temps, a glide at work was a perfect break from the busy work day. The sound of the fall leaves under the wheels of the Segway make the journey unique. No one was on the trail today, it seemed strange since the weather was so perfect. Parking the HT in the BK parking lot seemed like a good idea, but the thought of someone backing into IT makes the planter bed a more logical place after all.

A closeup parking spot for the car at work made taking the Segway out and into the trunk an easy job with no glide into the work building. The HT was ready for the next adventure this evening when I attended an art show and social gathering in a 16,000 square foot home on a 600 acre property. The HT wasn't needed as they had golf carts to bring us from the car to the front door! After an hour of enjoying food, drink and art, I drove the car to an Apple dealer to purchase the new 10.3 "Panther" software. No need for the HT at the store, but when I returned home the HT was removed to glide up and down the three blocks of road near the house to enjoy the cool refreshing air and the crunch of fall leaves under the wheels of the Segway. It was a most refreshing day (and this new computer software is faster than ever!)It was the most spectacular "Indian Summer" type evening at the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Fantastic conversation and a number of demos upon exiting.

I knew the weather would be great as every news station in town was talking about the cold front due tomorrow, saying how great the weather is today. Great wasn't the word, it was the best! The magical atmosphere created an air of conversation where everyone was more talkative. One lady even got a proposal of marriage and said YES while photos were being taken of the event. Discussions of the Segway and the ZcoiL shoes were occurring as well.

As the event ended, several gathered outside for a demo. All went perfectly as usual. But one gentleman glided down the sidewalk and upon his return tried to step off, but he leaned back and the HT started to glide backwards. This occurs to about 1 in 50, but tonight was different. The HT had a red display just after the guy hopped off. I asked if he was OK, and he was. I had him step on again so he could bend the knee when stepping off this time. One demo led to another until about 6 had ridden. At that point I climbed back on the HT and glided home where the temps were still in the upper 70's and delightful.
jLVAL Q~How nice that the weather returned to the upper 60's this evening for a quick glide to Boulevard Cafeteria. It's a good place because it's not one of the "all you can eat" buffets. No one is fat at Boulevard at their prices! They let me park inside at the coat rack and the policeman who was taking money at the register asked a bunch of questions when the regHow nice that the weather returned to the upper 60's this evening for a quick glide to Boulevard Cafeteria. It's a good place because it's not one of the "all you can eat" buffets. No one is fat at Boulevard at their prices! They let me park inside at the coat rack and the policeman who was taking money at the register asked a bunch of questions when the regular cashier returned from a break.

A few gathered outside to chat about the Segway when I left. One lady stepped on and was so happy to balance on the platform. I stay nearby and make sure that all their questions are answered. The evening was so pleasant, I glided around some extra neighborhood streets before plugging Seggy in for the nightly charge!The cold front has made gliding almost a wintery event. Leather jacket and ear muffs make the journey comfy. I decided to enjoy Braum's famous #3 special, Hamburger, fries, and a shake in any flavor of ice cream they have. With the holidays approaching, Egg Nog was my choice. I chatted with one lady who had lots of questions, but would not let her stand on the HT while it was locked up against a light fixture outside (duh!) Everyone leaves the Segway alone, so no signs have been necessary.

After arriving home I took the trash container to the curb by Segway. It's become a routine to just glide to the back of the house and grab the container and pull it on the concrete surface to the front. The sidewalks are in good condition, so everything rides smoothly. Don't be concerned, the only time I use the HT for trash travel is if it's already outside. It would take longer to get it ready to glide than to just move the trash container manually. A heavy trash container will get the manual treatment as well. Now if I could only attach a leaf blower to the front of the Segway!The Segway HT rode around the city in the trunk of the car so IF it was needed it could be removed for two wonderful home and architectural tours. The Kitchen Tour in Nichols Hills allows ordinary citizens to experience a few hours in ultra high class luxury surroundings. Chefs prepare foods in newly rebuilt kitchens while patrons ooh and ahh over the decor. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) tour featured renovations, new homes and famous designs from the past. With 11 locations to see all over town in just a few hours, I had to travel quickly. Unless the homes were closer together, It was best to skip using the Seg until I got home.

I enjoyed a chilly windy glide to Taco Bell to relax and refuel after the tour. I chatted with the neighbor to the west while standing on the Segway before zooming back home with the food in time for a 6:00 TV show.LVALThe longest roundtrip glide to the north was completed tonight. The goal, a treasure box found within a large structure called Wal-Mart. With low prices, it was the place to find the desired antiquity that was cleaned up and restored for sale today. The adventure started at 6:05 PM on the 21st of October. Using residental streets that have been traveled before, it took about 25 minutes to travel across the well occupied landscape and arrive at the location where the treasure could be found. A guide referred to as a "greeter" enjoyed seeing my human transporter as I glided toward the aisles of booty to search for the box that held the four sacred discs. Guides helped me to find a large square monument where each box marked "widescreen" was examined for proper alignment of the spine text of the four volumes inside. I continued to search for a perfect specimen while others were asking questions about the unique device that had transported me to the destination. Before leaving, I obtained two additional items that might come in handy. Two uniquely shaped objects marked "Unscented Ban." All three were placed into my hat, a white plastic shell that protects me during my adventures. Gliding across the widest passage, I found my escape behind others waiting under a sign marked, "20 or less items." Soon my treasures were placed in a translucent blue bag with a round yellow symbol of cheer on the front. One of the guides asked questions about my footwear and if it would help him during his captivity in this walled treasure cave. If he chooses wisely he should enjoy the same comfort as I am enjoying.<br><br>I placed the three treasures into a soft tan bag on the front of my transport for safe keeping as the "greeter" watched. She examined a small white paper that was provided to exit the cave. While approaching an exit into the rapidly darkening exterior a sudden sound warned me to stop and retreat to the safety of the treasure cave. One of the guides removed the box containing the sacred discs. Taking it to a cLVALounter, she waved the box over an object that beeped. She returned it to me and examined a document that itemized my treasures. It appeared that one of the guides had forgotten to wave the box over the magical object that removes the "curse of warning" before placing it in the blue bag.<br><br>Outside, the darkness was approaching. I illuminated the lighting device on the front of my transport and proceeded to glide across the white lined pavement. Crossing busy streets to the safety of the residental roads allowed me to continue almost non-stop to my home. In just 22 minutes the 40 blocks were traveled. At 7:29 PM my adventure ended with a conversation with several who were walking around the front of my dwelling. Once inside, the silver discs were placed on a tray that allowed the viewing of "The Adventures of Indiana Jones." How Indy would have loved to have glided through some of his adventures as well. LVAL Another cold front arrived before driving home, so the weekly glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was a chilly one. A lovely dinner in the spectacular and delicious Museum Cafe turned the cool rooftop experience into a warm and lovely dining adventure. Venison was the special tonight and was highly recommended while enjoying the crisp clear view of the city from the rooftop. While many had arrived before the front swept through, the area had cleared out somewhat just after dusk. The sudden cool temps got everyone huddled together, so the conversation was lively and entertaining.<br><br>WhatAnother cold front arrived before driving home, so the weekly glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was a chilly one. A lovely dinner in the spectacular and delicious Museum Cafe turned the cool rooftop experience into a warm and lovely dining adventure. Venison was the special tonight and was highly recommended while enjoying the crisp clear view of the city from the rooftop. While many had arrived before the front swept through, the area had cleared out somewhat just after dusk. The sudden cool temps got everyone huddled together, so the conversation was lively and entertaining.

What is great about dining at the Museum, is leaving the HT locked up while warming up. It's a lot easier to face the ride home when well fed and comfy!

The glide was brisk while returning home, but refreshing rather than frustrating. I chatted with one of the neighbors down the street when arriving back in the neighborhood. Remembering the two bags of Scotts Winterizer in the back of the car, I placed both bags between my feet (behind the control shaft) and glided to the garage office to put them away. It was the first time I had carried something so bulky. Worked great and was a lot easier than lifting and carrying them.jLVALŀWith all the glides for food lately it was time forWow, windy at work today, and it didn't affect the glide! But the comments I am sitting waiting for Trick or Treaters as I type! Today's Halloween Glide was for morning donuts to bring to work. It allowed me to spend the early evening handing out the I am sitting waiting for Trick or Treaters as I type! Today's Halloween Glide was for morning donuts to bring to work. It allowed me to spend the early evening handing out the candy!

I can't help but think how lucky the child (or child at heart) would be if they get to use a Segway to speed up their "Trick or Treating." Happy Halloween everyone!Wow, windy at work today, and it didn't affect the glide! But the comments from someone on a bike told the tale. He could hardly pedal into the wind and had to ride on a tilt to compensate for the air movement.

Wind, while affecting the breeze one feels as you glide, did not reduce speed and felt very secure with side wind movements. I had a light jacket on and closed the zipper, although the temps were in the low 70's. An earmuff was used when gliding back to work from Burger King so the wind noise was decreased.

The cars are getting used to the Segway and they don't slow down at the crossings as much. This is good, as I can time my glide to cross when no one is there and they are approaching or exiting the crossing at a predictable pace. With the weather warming up again it is nice to be enjoying some great glide time before winter.With all the glides for food lately it was time for a change of pace. I haven't been to Byron's in months and an HDNet tour of the Jack Daniels Distillery gave me a perfect excuse to go shopping! The low 60 degree temps allowed me to use my light tan gliding jacket. It was so smooth on one of the streets the city paved earlier this year, it was like being in Wal-Mart! New lights and parking lots for a nearby church were recently turned on; it turned night into day!

Soon the lights of Byron's were in view and being extremely careful, I crossed the empty street and stayed on the Segway right into the store. I stopped and dismounted at the counter and explained if they would like me to leave the HT nearby I would be glad to. They indicated it was fine to use it as I had before. I glided towards the back to check out prices on Jack Daniels after answering a bunch of questions from patrons. There it was, a special sale on a presentation box with 4 glasses at no additional charge! I grabbed the last box and saw that the fit was close enough for the 12.0 bag, but it meant no wine purchase tonight!

Gliding back to the counter, I paid, got my receipt, and then found that the box was just a bit too large. I asked if I could remove the merchandise and the ladies started to help get the glasses into a tall paper bottle bag. I helped them by placing each glass on top of each other in the paper bag after putting the JDB into the Segway bag. Soon I was heading out the door, another satisified customer overwhelmed by the courtesy and friendly attitude of the store personnel.

The cool glide home was fantastic due to the empty streets and sidewalks. After putting the Segway away, it was good to be inside where it was nice and cozy. I'll remember this night if I glide to Byron's in January!LVAL ɱWith a need for bananas and salad, I glided to Braum's for groceries. The glide was quick and convenient. Parking and locking the HT outside at the lamp post has become second nature. If I could only stop dropping the keys on the ground during the locking process, it would be perfect.<br><br>Whenever I park the HT outside there are glass windows to look out and check that all is ok. Using the cable lock not onlWith a need for bananas and salad, I glided to Braum's for groceries. The glide was quick and convenient. Parking and locking the HT outside at the lamp post has become second nature. If I could only stop dropping the keys on the ground during the locking process, it would be perfect.

Whenever I park the HT outside there are glass windows to look out and check that all is ok. Using the cable lock not only secures the Segway to decrease theft, but keeps it upright without using the kickstand. The original kickstand is still being used during the charging process. Gliding back on different streets made the glide a bit more interesting.With a need for bananas and salad, I glided to Braum's for groceries. The glide was quick and convenient. Parking and locking the HT outside at the lamp post has become second nature. If I could only stop dropping the keys on the ground during the locking process, it would be perfect.

Whenever I park the HT outside there are glass windows to look out and check that all is ok. Using the cable lock not only secures the Segway to decrease theft, but keeps it upright without using the kickstand. The original kickstand is still being used during the charging process. Gliding back on different streets made the glide a bit more interesting. The merchandise was hanging from the handle bars in a Wal-Mart bag, Braum's uses paper and it isn't as handy as those blue bags I have learned to take with me on HT shopping trips.Tonight's glide to Taco Bell for a "Zesty Chicken Bowl" replaced the planned health club glide. Rain throughout the morning fell in the metro, but hardly touched the east or west! The streets were still damp tonight because of the cloudy and foggy conditions.

With proper clothing, I enjoy gliding after dusk. The headlights show up at much longer distances than the cars during the day. My headlight casts shadows beyond every bump and road problem, it's much easier to see the flaws. The best reason is the reduced traffic. I can glide a mile without encountering a single car. The Segway continues to perform perfectly and is as enjoyable to use as ever.I am sitting waiting for Trick or Treaters as I type! Today's Halloween Glide was for morning donuts to bring to work. It allowed me to spend the early evening handing out the candy! None of the folks at Brown's Bakery were in costume, but everyone was during lunch at 15th Street Grill in Midwest City!

I can't help but think how lucky the child (or child at heart) would be if they got to use a Segway to speed up their "Trick or Treating."

Ok, so I couldn't resist. During a "quiet" time, I hopped aboard the Segway and glided down the street wearing my black jeans and leather jacket (not very Halloween, but it was today's work clothes.) I mentioned to some of the neighbors how fun it would be to use the HT for increased candy takes! I wasn't able to stay on the Segway very long, as about 200 visit the house each year for candy.

Happy Halloween everyone! LVAL The weather reports were a bit off with the timing of the cold front. It was 73 degrees in the morning, then quickly dropped to about 55 degrees about 10:30 AM. I was prepared and brought the leather jacket to work with the ear muffs. Pulling the Segway from the car before noon, it was enjoyable to put the helmet on for extra warmth today!<br><br>The glide to BK was very windy as I traveled north. It's amazing how the speed is so constThe weather reports were a bit off with the timing of the cold front. It was 73 degrees in the morning, then quickly dropped to about 55 degrees about 10:30 AM. I was prepared and brought the leather jacket to work with the ear muffs. Pulling the Segway from the car before noon, it was enjoyable to put the helmet on for extra warmth today!

The glide to BK was very windy as I traveled north. It's amazing how the speed is so constant under varying conditions. Soon a delicious lunch was enjoyed from some of the healthier choices on the menu. The southbound glide was almost windless when traveling with the wind. Bundling up with warmer clothing made the journey as enjoyable as ever.

With cool weather there is no reason the park the HT inside, so back into the trunk it went. Simple, fun, and easy. And the best news is not losing a good parking spot at lunch!LVAL The weather reports were a bit off with tThe temps are staying in the 40's and the glide is a bit too refreshing! With a threat of rain, a quick glide to Brown's was a perfect way to start the day. Parking and locking was quick and easy too. The bakery had just finished baking fruit cakes and was handing out samplA seldom seen overcast day occurred, perfect for gliding to the health club for a workout. It was an enjoyable trip with gloves and jacket. When I arrived, one of the personnel wanted a ride. Soon others were getting their turn, including the previous owner of my home! EveryoA seldom seen overcast day occurred, perfect for gliding to the health club for a workout. It was an enjoyable trip with gloves and jacket. When I arrived, one of the personnel wanted a ride. Soon others were getting their turn, including the previous owner of my home! Everyone loved the HT as usual and took to it very easily.

On the way home, I left the jacket open and didn't wear gloves. As the glide continued, I zipped up and eventually wore the gloves after cooling down. It made the day a bit brighter to glide on a day without sunshine.It's been 8 months since delivery day and with above 70 degree balmy weather tonight it was a perfect reason for a lengthy glide. I started towards Church's Chicken but the evening was so delightful that the thought of patio dining in Bricktown seemed just right. The glide was great, but soon a hint of the disappointment to come occurred when seeing the city's major downtown fountain drained of water. So off to Bricktown and when I arrived at Lotus, they were closed. To top that, NO water in the canal! It seems strange that they wouldn't keep it operational until Thanksgiving! Riding around to all the great patio locations, none were open with this great weather. I thought of eating inside, but I was seeking lighter fare, so I glided out of Bricktown.

Traversing across the downtown, I arrived at the Museum Cafe to find it closed. Since the memorial is nearby, I glided there and asked the ranger if the water is drained at the memorial. Her answer, no - it only gets as low as 55 degrees on a winter day. They keep it circulating year round (just like I do with the pool - no need to cover it.) On the "road" again, I glided back north and decided to visit Subway, the first time I remember taking the Segway inside this store (because I eat enough "Subway" at work!) I ordered a grilled chicken salad and took it home for an enjoyable TV dinner while watching Ken Burns American Stories and Monday Night Football. With one bar of power left, the hour long glide was a great way to celebrate 8 great months of daily glides.dLVAL u uuu ņA seldom seen oWith another cold front coming through. it was a windy day to glide at work. The trail is looking so colorful as the trees change to the fall shades of gold. Several honked their horns while traveling next to the road and I answered questions about the Segway to the folks With another cold front coming through. it was a windy day to glide at work. The trail is looking so colorful as the trees change to the fall shades of gold. Several honked their horns while traveling next to the road and I answered questions about the Segway to the folks inside Burger King. It was an enjoyable time breathing the fresh air and getting more exercise than sitting in the car. Lifting the Segway in and out of the car is exercise too! Parking once in a great spot allowed easy access plus not losing the parking place at lunch time.Rather than taking a chance on gliding tonight to the Civic Center Music Hall, I glided to an early dinner at Carl's Jr where I enjoyed a Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich. It has been drizzly since noon and with temps in the low 40's, a glide tonight is not on my top 10 list!

The glide went smoothly with the ski jacket and gloves. The streets were wet, but not under some of the trees. Everything I wore was damp, but dried out soon after stepping inside. The safety glasses had mist on them, but vision was ok. It was nice to arrive home before dark.

One reason for skipping the night glide is to avoid the wet wheel prints across the terrazzo floor at the music hall. Management wondered in the summer how they would handle storing the HT when the coat room was actually in use. (I will check on that tonight.) Lastly is the wonderful option to use the Segway or the car, I love using them both!It didn't take long for the temperature to rise a bit. The glide to Untitled [ArtSpace] in the upper 40's felt like a heat wave compared to last night! I parked the HT by locking it up in the entryway outside. "Jasper Johns: Four Decades of Prints" and "New Works by Marc Barker and Jonathan Hils" opened tonight. After seeing the art, I glided a short distance to Bricktown and enjoyed some chokes, cheese, and casear salad at Lotus. The place was filled, so I sat at the spacious bar and enjoyed watching music videos projected on the large screen. The artichoke dip was delicious on the cheese bread and was filling enough to make the glide home a bit nicer. At 47 degrees, it was very comfy in the ski jacket. Ear muffs keep the ears warm. The jeans without long underwear provided enough protection from the wind. The leather gloves made the journey luxurious!The temps are staying in the 40's and the glide is a bit too refreshing! With a threat of rain for noontime, a quick glide to Brown's was a perfect way to start the day. Parking and locking was quick and easy too. The bakery had just finished baking fruit cakes and was handing out samples; delicious morsels made with brandy! Unlike the mass produced stuff, this had true home made taste. One fruit cake was added to the order!

When I left, the gentleman who has been painting the bakery asked if I was afraid of being hit by a car. I mentioned my rear view mirror and stated that the Segway is safer than a bike because that we can glide on sidewalk, bike trails and walking trails. I glide where necessary to stay clear of any vehicles!

The glide home was brisk, but the effort is worth making the folks at work happy with donuts they absolutely love (and that saves me from eating more!)LVALߞfI skipped the 36 degree morning glide to the COX Business Convention Center to attend the Microsoft Office 2003 rollout. But it got down to 36 degrees again on the way home from Cocktails on the Skyline tonight!<br><br>It was just too cold to think about gliding down to the Microsoft event this morning. With a chance of showers, I didn't want to chance that possibility. So I took the car and paid for it! Taking longer to drive and walk plus the 8 minutes of walking to the car after the evert and the 10 minutes waiting to pay $7.00 and another 5 minutes to drive home it was the pits! But I noticed the 39 degree temps on the way home and was glad to be able to slip on some long underwear and the "turtle fur" around the neck before taking off on the Segway for "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Museum.<br><br>Yes, the Museum actually went through with the weekly event with the temps at 38 degrees by the time I arrived. While I was the first and only one, soon others came. These were the hardy and strong Oklahomans who were willing to brave the cold and brisk weather to enjoy their favorite cocktail on the roof of the museum! Riding the Segway was colder, so the event felt warm to me! I enjoyed lots of great conversation as we huddled around the infrared gas heaters.<br><br>On the way home it was 36 degrees! This has to be the coldest glide yet. About half way home I decided to pull into "Pat's." This local beer joint has been noticed on many glides, but I never felt the need to enter. Tonight was perfect. Warm, inviting, and just 3 patrons and the lady bar tender. Everyone was as friendly as the warm surroundings. I enjoyed a beer and chatted at length answering questions about the Segway. With the smooth floor, I started the HT on the special 4 mph key and gave demos to 2 of the patrons and the bar tender. They all stood perfectly still on the platform and glided around as if they were experts! (It's all in the training!) We had a great time and they were sure thankful that I stopped by. Who would think L LVAL\ that on a 36 degree night that such an adventure would occur.<br><br>The glide home was cold but smooth. I enjoyed extra fun when the dogs in the neighborhood began to bark. Oh what fun to glide down the street to make them really yelp and bark! On a cold night it isn't fair for the owners to keep them outside and suffer. By gliding by and making them really howl, maybe their owners will take pity on them and bring them inside for the evening. It was so cold for me that the downstairs heater was started for the first time this evening. It's been another great glide and an eventful day.LVAL It was a beautiful morning to glide to purchase donuts for the folks at work. With a light luncheon planned by the company, I thought donuts would be popular. They were!<br><br>While others vacationed, most worked today. I was stopped twice on the way to the bakery. First, a paramedic company asked questions from their ambulance truck. They are thinking of getting a Segway HT to assist in crowded areas. Another truck pulled behind theirs and a gentleman climbed out to ask questions about the HT. He was one of the lIt was a beautiful morning to glide to purchase donuts for the folks at work. With a light luncheon planned by the company, I thought donuts would be popular. They were!

While others vacationed, most worked today. I was stopped twice on the way to the bakery. First, a paramedic company asked questions from their ambulance truck. They are thinking of getting a Segway HT to assist in crowded areas. Another truck pulled behind theirs and a gentleman climbed out to ask questions about the HT. He was one of the lawyers who works in the building nearby. I asked if he wanted a demo, and of course, he did! Riding in the parking lot, the full capability of the 6 mph key was enjoyed. He was so excited to ride, that he ran into the office to get the secretary out to have a look. Soon I was back on board to get the donuts.

No matter how many times a glide to the same location is accomplished, a few differences always occur. As I tell the onlookers and those who give it a try, the Segway HT has performed beyond expectations.With a general meeting of our neighborhood being held tonight, using the Segway HT was a perfect way to get there in a hurry. Three block journeys like this were driven to in the past. Just a step up and a glide away, the HT transports me as if I am standing on a moving sidewalk. No other transportation device can match it for safety, ease of use and just plain fun.

I tied up the HT to a lamp post in front of one of the neighbors homes. They had recently completed a superb restoration on their 1907 house. From basement to the third floor, the entire home was able to be viewed, and the neighbors loved it. As usual, wine and hors' derves were served. This evening was special, as our neighbor since his birth in 1910 spoke to us. Captain Charles Coley gave us a "Fireside Chat" about the history of our community. Professional photographers were present and filmed the captain with Betacam. Afterwards he answered questions and shared books of old photos of our homes. It was a delightful evening and the Segway was able to be watched from the front door. It was one of the few times the cable was threaded through the wheel, mat and fender to decrease theft. Our community is very safe, but why tempt anyone to steal a specially guarded Segway HT!

With a wonderful breeze and temps in the low 60's, I enjoyed a mile long glide by the most historic areas before arriving home. The moon was bright with an occasional puffy low flying cloud that would scurry by. This is another wonderful feature of the Segway HT, the ability to look up and enjoy what is above you while riding along. One must be careful to know the territory, as unexpected bumps or drops can occur if you aren't watching. But for the perfect streets we enjoy, it was magical this evening.u LVAL When one wakes up in the morning and hears that free coffee is being served at one of our best coffee houses, that gets me on the Segway HT fast! Cafe Do Brasil hosted KTOK radio this morning and upon arriving, I enjoyed some of the best decaf I've ever tasted. As I glided in, morning host Cam Edwards said into the microphone, "The Segway guy just arrived..." and he continued his show without skipping a beat. It was also great to see afternoon host Mike McCarville enjoying coffee and breakfast with several KTOK staff plus the neighbors thaWhen one wakes up in the morning and hears that free coffee is being served at one of our best coffee houses, that gets me on the Segway HT fast! Cafe Do Brasil hosted KTOK radio this morning and upon arriving, I enjoyed some of the best decaf I've ever tasted. As I glided in, morning host Cam Edwards said into the microphone, "The Segway guy just arrived..." and he continued his show without skipping a beat. It was also great to see afternoon host Mike McCarville enjoying coffee and breakfast with several KTOK staff plus the neighbors that live down the street. I put the HT by the window and enjoyed chatting with everyone.

It started to rain during my visit. I had the leather jacket and it worked fine. Upon my return to the house, I noticed the rear view mirror was missing on the helmet. I rode around in the rain retracing my path to and from the coffee and muffin shop. It couldn't be found, so I plan to purchase another one this weekend.

Cocktails on the Skyline was rained and "frozen" out tonight. It was a great idea to enjoy the morning coffee glide instead.With another cold front coming through. it was a windy day to glide at work. The trail is looking so colorful as the trees change to the fall shades of gold. Several honked their horns while traveling next to the road and I answered questions about the Segway to the folks inside Burger King. It was an enjoyable time breathing the fresh air and getting more exercise than sitting in the car. Lifting the Segway in and out of the car is exercise too! With the car in a great parking spot, it allowed easy access and no loss of the parking place at lunch time.LVALWith rain all day the question of where to glide was on my mind. Getting some wine at Byron's seemed like a good choice, but upon arriving home a post card was in my mail box. It said, "Toast the Season!" and announced Cheever's opening of it's "Chef Table and Wine Room." Just one problem, the party was last night! I called, and they said that many had gotten the cards today (even though they were mailed two weeks ago - so much for presorted standard mail!)<br><br>But the idea of seeing that new "Wine Room" was just too much. With the outdoors at 46 degrees and windy, I quickly put on some long underwear and zoomed over to the restaurant. It was so comfy, just like skiing with the proper outfit! I stepped off the HT, took off the helmet, gloves, goggles, Well it wasn't exactly a trot, but the glide to Sonic for their neWell it wasn't exactly a trot, but the glide to Sonic for their new Extreme Tots wasn't the only activity of the day. Details soon...With rain all day the question of where to glide was on my mind. Getting some wine at Byron's seemed like a good choice, but upon arriving home a post card was in my mail box. It said, "Toast the Season!" and announced Cheever's opening of it's "Chef Table and Wine Room." Just one problem, the party was last night! I called, and they said that many had gotten the cards today (even though they were mailed two weeks ago - so much for presorted standard mail!)

But the idea of seeing that new "Wine Room" was just too much. With the outdoors at 46 degrees and windy, I quickly put on some long underwear and zoomed over to the restaurant. It was so comfy, just like skiing with the proper outfit! I stepped off the HT, took off the helmet, gloves, goggles, ear muffs, and turtle fur. I pushed the HT inside and parked it as before next to the front door. I was given a grand tour of the new room, a perfect private dining location for about 10 people. Wines were located on the wall and the room is extra cozy with deep reds and other warm colors. All the place settings were on the table as if the governor was going to give a party! After the tour I sat by the HT and enjoyed a most spectacular dinner featuring the special of the night, swordfish. Everything was perfect and it was fun to chat with several of the neighborhood residents who live just down the street from me.

Soon it was time to depart the glorious surroundings and dining experience and hop back on the Segway for the glide home. The wind was from the south, so it was a bit slower on the return trip. Streets had dried and the air was crisp and clean. The smoky scent of fireplaces added a touch of magic to the evening. How wonderful to enjoy the outdoors on a night when most folks would take the car instead. LVAL This is the one season that is so difficult to write about. The trees are so beautiful with seasonable color, but if I type the word "fall" then someone may think an accident occurred! The color was spectacular today and that was reason enough to glide. A glide to the health club was perfect even with the missing mirror. I stopped and spun the HT around to see behind me before crossing the intersection (the mirror helps decrease the need for that spin technique.)<br><br>After the workout, steam and whirlpool I traveled towards Bricktown to view the progress on the Bass Pro Shop. As I crossed the street from the health club, several road workers were finishing work on the painting of the intersection. They asked lots of questions and a few got to step onto the Segway and were very pleased to ride it. Soon This is the one season that is so difficult to write about. The trees are so beautiful with seasonable color, but if I type the word "fall" then someone may think an accident occurred! The color was spectacular today and that was reason enough to glide. A glide to the health club was perfect even with the missing mirror. I stopped and spun the HT around to see behind me before crossing the intersection (the mirror helps decrease the need for that spin technique.)

After the workout, steam and whirlpool I traveled towards Bricktown to view the progress on the Bass Pro Shop. As I crossed the street from the health club, several road workers were finishing work on the painting of the intersection. They asked lots of questions and a few got to step onto the Segway and were very pleased to ride it. Soon I was back on track, gliding down sidewalks and streets. I spent about an hour gliding around the canal area just amazed at the progress that has occurred over the last few months. The Bass Pro Shop will be opening in a few days and that's just the beginning. Theaters, hotels, and corporate structures are being completed with landscaping plus major hardscape designs that are so much better than expected. I chatted with a security guard about the HT before gliding around the area.

It would have been nice to stop and eat, but I did not bring a light along on this glide. The road home featured more construction including the new federal building that replaces the bombed one. Oklahoma City has been zooming into the future the past few years and today's glide was a perfect tour of why everyone is excited. LVAL ɾThis afternoon was truly heavenly weather! It was one of those days where you step onto the Segway HT and want to glide forever! A parking spot near the front door of work made it even better. I removed the HT from the car at lunch and enjoyed the perfect glide to BK and the bank on base. Waiting at a few traffic lights was enjoyable because of the temperature (we reached 70 degrees today.) The fitness trail was busier too, and I pulled off the paved portion when anyone was runninThis afternoon was truly heavenly weather! It was one of those days where you step onto the Segway HT and want to glide forever! A parking spot near the front door of work made it even better. I removed the HT from the car at lunch and enjoyed the perfect glide to BK and the bank on base. Waiting at a few traffic lights was enjoyable because of the temperature (we reached 70 degrees today.) The fitness trail was busier too, and I pulled off the paved portion when anyone was running toward me. Approaching some runners from behind, I announce myself and carefully pull around near their speed. I have completely left the trail to do this, but Windy and delightful glide tonight to Cocktails on the Skyline and Bass Pro ShopWindy and delightful glide tonight to Cocktails on the Skyline and Bass Pro Shop. A new use for the Segway was discovered by visitors to Bass Pro! Details soon...A planned glide to the health club was cancelled when I couldn't find a new rear view mirror at the bike shop. My journey to find the mirror did result in finding a new pair of safety glasses that are superior in construction and performance (they look better too!) During the drive around the city I kept seeing the mention of "Extreme Tots" at the Sonic Drive In locations. That set the pace to glide to Sonic when I arrived home.

The glide was very smooth and comfy as the temps were in the 50's and the sun was still shining. I did run into a problem on a few sidewalks when mud from yesterday's rain was spread across the walk. I slowed down, but the HT gently turned left and right when passing through the muck. The hassle was the mud it left on the tires, but no effect on the rest of the glide.

Arriving at the Sonic, I parked at one of the tables under the awning and ordered. The fun with Sonic are the unique fast food items. The "Extreme Tots" are an extra large coney tray with tator tot potatoes covered with chili and halipeno peppers. It was a bit hot, but great. A chicken fried steak on Texas toast helped smooth out the heat! I couldn't help but compare with last nights dinner. It would take 8 visits to a fast food place or buffet to equal the cost of a "fine dining" location!

Avoiding mud on the way back, I cleaned the wheels with a brush before putting the HT away for it's daily charge. I will order a mirror soon, but the new glasses do have better side vision and that will help when turning to view behind the Segway HT until the new mirror arrives.(LVAL >This afternoon was truly heavenly weather! It was one of those days where you step onto the Segway HT and want to glide forever! A parking spot near the front door of work made it even better. I removed the HT from the car at lunch and enjoyed the perfect glide to BK and the bank on base. Waiting at a few traffic lights was enjoyable because of the temperature (we reached 70 degrees today.) The fitness trail was busier too, and I pulled off the paved portion when anyone was runningThis afternoon was truly heavenly weather! It was one of those days where you step onto the Segway HT and want to glide forever! A parking spot near the front door of work made it even better. I removed the HT from the car at lunch and enjoyed the perfect glide to BK and the bank on base. Waiting at a few traffic lights was enjoyable because of the temperature (we reached 70 degrees today.) The fitness trail was busier too, and I pulled off the paved portion when anyone was running toward me. Approaching some runners from behind, I announce myself and carefully pull around near their speed. I have completely left the trail to do this, but that was not possible today.

The HT was in the car tonight when I enjoyed free parking In Bricktown for the "soft" opening of our new Bass Pro Shop. With "A Taste of Bricktown" food fest at the opening, I walked from the car tonight! I do plan on gliding to Bass Pro from home before the cold front arrives this weekend.The wind really kicked up today, blowing all the leaves off the yard and down to someone elses property! With threatning weather, it was a good morning to breeze down for a dozen donuts to take to work. The painter arrived on his bicycle as I was leaving the bakery. The old Safeway market where the bakery resides is now in black and white checkerboard patterns. It doesn't go very well with the beautiful gray finish of the HT!

The wind was so fierce on the way home that the donut box was sliding around the control shaft. The quality of the Wal-Mart bag was strong enough to take the punishment and insure consistent quality of product upon arrival at work. It was another pleasant glide that continues to prove the reliability and quality of the Segway.Oh, did it ever rain today! This was one of those days where the wind didn't "come right behind the rain!" It was a delightful 60 degrees tonight and the glide on wet streets was perfect since the skies were now clear. The glide started about 8 PM because of "a dream come true" occurring earlier. My parents got high speed internet access and we were able to see each other using the iSight cameras on both sides. It was fantastic (and with wireless access, they may get a live glide video real soon!)

So, back to the glide. With last night's NBC report on fast food, Taco Bell had the lowest number of health department incidents among the top 10 fast food places. It made sense to glide there tonight, but with the wet streets I did not want to track moisture on their super clean floors. I glided through the drive thru and ordered a couple of items without any other cars around. The glide home was smooth and fast. The warmer temps kept the food just right! It was a nice way to celebrate this historic day. Family video conferencing today and just one year ago - Segway allowed us to order our Segways! Time marches on, and to think all these amazing inventions have occurred in less than 100 years since the Wright Brothers flew their "Wright Flyer!"LVAL It was a nice brisk day in the 50's. Perfect for a work glide on the fitness trails. Those I encounter on the trail get a courtesy slow down and departure from riding on the pavement. Yes, I glide on the grass to let them pass. It's easy to leave the pavement, a bit jerky to get back on. The entire procedure is smooth, safe, and easy.<br><br>Locking up at Burger King is much improved by parking on the opposite side of the post. There is less slant towards the pole and it sits perfectly for the locking proceIt was a nice brisk day in the 50's. Perfect for a work glide on the fitness trails. Those I encounter on the trail get a courtesy slow down and departure from riding on the pavement. Yes, I glide on the grass to let them pass. It's easy to leave the pavement, a bit jerky to get back on. The entire procedure is smooth, safe, and easy.

Locking up at Burger King is much improved by parking on the opposite side of the post. There is less slant towards the pole and it sits perfectly for the locking procedure. No plants are disturbed to keep the Sierra Club members happy. The return glide was a bit windy, yet refreshing. I put the HT back in the car and went shopping tonight. While I didn't remove it at the mall, I did stop in at Brookstone and chatted with store personnel. The lady mentioned that only the top 40 stores have a demo model. They have not sold one yet, but there is a nice sign at the outside of the store. I gave her my Segway photo home page address and I told them I would glide in someday soon.After driving the car around town running errands (and picking up a new helmet mount rear view mirror) it was time to glide. Even with the cloudy conditions, it was 70 degrees and a great afternoon to glide down to take more pictures of the new Bass Pro Shop. On the way I gave some demos to one visitor from out of state and two postal service employees at their mail trucks on one of the side streets in Bricktown.

Arriving at the Bass Pro Shop parking lot, I locked the HT on one of the sign poles at reserved parking near the entrance. Using a new U lock and the cable lock, it has never been locked so securely in an open outdoor location. After walking through the store and taking more photos it was time to leave before it was night. With the sun setting, I gave one more demo to a lady who was helping one of Bass Pro Shop workers from wheelchair to car. She mentioned how she thinks Dean Kamen is one of the greatest and they both knew about the iBot wheelchair. I shared the experience of riding an iBot in Chicago and she mentioned that they will be glad when the price comes down!

Gliding on the Bricktown sidewalks west, the most spectacular sunset cloud picture was taken. If only the warmth of that sunset would continue through the winter months. The empty sidewalks allowed safe and quick travel back to the leaf filled yard.MLVAL cIt was our coldest winter morning yet. When I started the glide for donuts; 26 degrees! Because of the short glide to the bakery and a sunny day, no long underwear was necessary. (But it would have helped stay a bit warmer.) The new "cold weather" socks were worn all day, and that was real comfort believe me!<br><br>The cable locIt was our coldest winter morning yet. When I started the glide for donuts; 26 degrees! Because of the short glide to the bakery and a sunny day, no long underwear was necessary. (But it would have helped stay a bit warmer.) The new "cold weather" socks were worn all day, and that was real comfort believe me!

The cable lock was a harder to move in the cold when unlocking the HT before the ride home. The folks who clean up leaves and mow were at the house as I was coming and going. It was nice to drag the empty trash container to the back yard via HT when arriving home. Even in cold weather, the Segway is a neat way to travel to nearby destinations. With a sunny/windy day at 36 degrees, I braved the wind chill and glided to the health club with long underwear and cold weather socks from Bass Pro Shop. The result was pure comfort and a great glide. With steam room and spa both working, the need for extra warmth wasn't needed for the return trip. Wearing jeans, shirt and ski parka it felt colder, but I rushed home without any discomfort. The HT performed well in the cold conditions.With cold weather in the near future, bringing the HT to work for another lunch time glide was a treat. A bit colder than earlier this week, but very nice and well worth the effort. My manager was at Burger King during lunch, so we enjoyed a nice conversation. We didn't race back to the work place, but I did get a good head start!

Some drivers yelled or honked their horns in support while gliding on the fitness trail or sidewalk. It's always fun to agree with a friendly wave while riding. The work glides were dreamed of a year ago and they have been enjoyed beyond expectation!Arriving home from a political fund raiser, I hopped aboard the Segway HT for a glide to a slightly windy, but comfy "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the museum. With cold weather ahead, I want to take advantage of this magical event before it disappears until next spring!

Rather than immediately gliding back home, I glided down to our new Oklahoma City Bass Pro Shop. Today was the first full day of operation. I gave a demo to one of the Boy Scout fathers who was helping with the moving of shopping carts. He was very impressed and had his son look at the Segway HT as well. At the exit, two hunters came up to me and were extremely excited thinking that they could use a Segway to travel one mile to the deer blind. The discussion moved to how one would remove a deer from the woods, and they didn't mind a bit that the deer could be hauled out on the Segway in power assist mode and they would walk out. They motioned how they currently sling the deer over their shoulders and how heavy the 135 pound animal can be.

On the return glide home, I stopped and chatted with the lady who owns one of the parking lots in Bricktown. Most of the lots were offering free parking today, so it was a surprise to hear that 70 people had paid her $5 to park. She said her lot had been filled twice! It must be habit for that to happen!

I arrived home with one bar of power left. The batteries seem to be holding up well with the cooler weather. The real test will be after next weeks cold front. It's going to be fun! LVAL) Thanksgiving Day is one of the most boring holidays I can think of. Almost every business is closed and the entire day is centered on gluttony and saving up energy for the shopping day ahead. Even today, I glided in the cold weather to help increase my appetite and help get through the excessive food that is always served at this festive time of year. The day was not a total loss, here are a list of several activities I was thankful for today.<br><br>1. The 2 mile glide down 23rd StreeThanksgiving Day is one of the most boring holidays I can think of. Almost every business is closed and the entire day is centered on gluttony and saving up energy for the shopping day ahead. Even today, I glided in the cold weather to help increase my appetite and help get through the excessive food that is always served at this festive time of year. The day was not a total loss, here are a list of several activities I was thankful for today.

1. The 2 mile glide down 23rd Street was safe, even when a long sidewalk drain cover had slipped below sidewalk level and the Segway HT zoomed over it. (I repositioned the cover.)

2. Carey Place is a street with fun looking homes and it was neat to glide within the quaint area.

3. President Bush visited the troops in Iraq.

4. I was able to video conference with my parents and wash all the clothes.

Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe next year the Macy's Parade and local CBS will be broadcasting in HDTV.LVAL ʅʅ Thanksgiving Day is one of the most boring holidays I can think of. Almost every business is closed and the entire day is centered on gluttony and saving up energy for the shopping day ahead. Even today, I glided in the cold weather to help increase my appetite and help get through the excessive food that is always served at this festive time of year. The day was not a toIt was a beautiful day in the low 60's with a nice breeze. A good day to glide to the health club. Several demos were given to those at the reception desk. The only problem has been when the suIt was a beautiful day in the low 60's with a nice breeze. A good day to glide to the health club. Several demos were given to those at the reception desk. The only problem has been when the sun conflicts with the rear view mirror. I slow down, turn the HT around and double check for cars or other traffic. It's been nice to glide during midday and take advantage of the sun and warmth.It was a beautiful day in the low 60's with a nice breeze. A good day to glide to the health club. Several demos were given to those at the reception desk. The only problem has been when the sun conflicts with the rear view mirror. I slow down, turn the HT around and double check for cars or other traffic. It's been nice to glide during midday and take advantage of the sun and warmth.With a major holiday tomorrow, any wine purchase must be completed by 9 PM. Arriving home from a company bonfire party at 8:30 allowed plenty of time to use the Segway HT. I attached the 12.0 bag and glided over to Byron's Liquor Warehouse. What I didn't expect was an exiting customer wanting a demo. He recognized me from my visits to Untitled ArtSpace. I glided over to an empty parking area at the front of the store for a perfect mini demo. Now with the black key speed, I glided over to the entrance at Byron's and was informed by the security staff that the store was too crowded to glide inside. I dismounted and said, "no problem, I have always told the store to let me know when you wanted me to park outside." This was the "twist" to the adventure, as it was the first time the HT wasn't used inside the store.

I cabled the HT to the telephone pole at the front entrance with a lot more cable than normally used. It did work fine and the security officers were nearby to keep their eyes on the Segway as I shopped.

A couple of reasonable priced Chardonnay wines is all that was needed. I grabbed a Gazette newspaper to stuff into the 12.0 bag along with the bottles. Lots of questions were answered as I mounted the HT for the return trip. With temps in the high 40's, it was getting colder by the minute. The glide was smooth and enjoyable, a great way to start the holiday!LVAL!l'With the after Thanksgiving shopping adventures completed, it was time to glide. A short trip seemed best with temps in the 40's. A quick glide to Carl's Jr revealed that the 75 cent special would start at 5 PM. Since it was 4, I opened to door and said to the staff, "It's too cold to wait an hour." How true I would soon find out!<br><br>I zoomed around the block to Taco Bell and glided inside for a couple of items for dinner. It was nice to sit with the sun on my back while dining. As I glided home, I suddenly remembered this was opening day for the outdooor ice rink downtown. The glide continued and in another mile the ice rink was in view.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">Click here for information on Downtown in December!</a><br><br>In it's second year, Braum's hosts the outdoor ice skating rink. This year the rink was made much larger with metal sides and a finished permanent look. The skaters were enjoying themselves while I glided around on the sidewalk surrounding the location. With ramp access, I was able to glide right up to the rink wall and stand tall on the HT while looking at all the action. Before continuing the tour around the rink, I purchased an egg nog while standing on the HT.<br><br>Channel 9 News arrived so I traveled over to see all the action. I gave a few demos to news crew, including the gentleman who was at Bass Pro last week. I chatted with the rink staff and enjoyed the fun of seeing the skaters. Gliding back to the north side, a hot chocolate was enjoyed as a family arrived who all got to glide and take each other's picture. The father works at Tinker (small world after all) and the entire family were very thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the glide.<br><br>Getting colder every minute, I started back home after demonstrating how fast the HT can go. That extra speed was needed to get back before dusk. It now felt like I had been skiing all day and the feet had become cold! I was very happy to step inside and turn up the heatLVAL. Standing near an extra electric heater helped along with the opening of that nice chardonnay from Wednesday's glide. Cheers!BLVAL VVWith temps in the 60's it was a glorious day for sightseeing and taking picIt's a rare day without sun in Oklahoma City, but today was a cold blustery day. Due to events occurring later in the week, this was the best day to It's a rare day without sun in Oklahoma City, but today was a cold blustery day. Due to events occurring later in the week, this was the best day to glide at work. I loaded the HT early before an appointment at home, then removed the HT at parking lot at work and glided to the building. more soon...My Bell red LED flashing light (purchased at Wal-Mart) was fine until I brushed against the door frame when leaving this evening. The plastic belt clip and front bezel broke in two. I was able to put it under the belt for reduced but effective rear lighting until I get a replacement.

Braum's has a great special with cheeseburger, fries and shake in any flavor of ice cream they have. The #3 special is yummy! The egg nog shake was a perfect treat for a Monday night glide. I enjoyed looking at all the Christmas lighting that was put up over the weekend while gliding through the neighborhood.With temps in the 60's it was a glorious day for sightseeing and taking pictures. This time I glided to the ice rink with camera in hand. Several photos were taken of the rink before I enjoyed an egg nog. While the cookies looked tempting, I didn't buy them! Several asked questions about the Segway, but no demos were given at the rink today.

Next stop was Bricktown. I glided to the Bass Pro parking lot and proceeded to the canal. There has been a lot of construction this week and the HT is a great way to check it out. After crossing the bridge to the southwest path, I gave a demo to three folks who stopped me to ask questions. They loved the HT and would sure love to buy one to sit under the tree on Christmas morning! That reminds me to mention all the lighted holiday decorations that were on the canal. Santa is pictured on a motorcycle (he weighs too much for a Segway!)

Just west of the Sonic building were some dirt paths to check out the massive concrete walls being built near the movie theater construction. Bridges, fountains, sidewalks and stages are visible from this part of the canal. I snapped some photos before returning home via Bricktown and downtown. With only 1 1/2 bars left I slowed down to enjoy the glide and not walk home. It was perfect technique, as 1/2 bar remained at the end of today's enjoyable glide.b LVALv vvMy hands are warming up as I type this! Since I took a late lunch, it wasn't necessary to glide for food. A trip this evening to the post office to deposit some mail in drive up box was a nice 25 minute round trip at 39 degrees. There was little wind, but the wind chill at 12 mph was well below freezing. While jeans work fine on a short glide, long underwear will be needed for longer or colder glides.<br><br>I used the repaired red flashMy hands are warming up as I type this! Since I took a late lunch, it wasn't necessary to glide for food. A trip this evening to the post office to deposit some mail in drive up box was a nice 25 minute round trip at 39 degrees.My hands are warming up as I type this! Since I took a late lunch, it wasn't necessary to glide for food. A trip this evening to the post office to deposit some mail in drive up box was a nice 25 minute round trip at 39 degrees. There was little wind, but the wind chill at 12 mph was well below freezing. While jeans work fine on a short glide, long underwear will be needed for longer or colder glides.

I used the repaired red flashing light tonight (the glue didn't hold when removing it!) The ride was smooth except for one spot where the Segway slowed a bit on an unusual dip. Battery power was high and the ride continued with no incidents. It was dreamy to smell the smoke from the fireplaces and to view the many Christmas lights on streets I seldom glide through. The Segway HT makes a perfect tour vehicle for lighted communities. Just watch out for those pesky cars!It's a rare day without sun in Oklahoma City, but today was a cold, cloudy and blustery day. Due to events occurring later in the week, this was the best day to glide at work. I loaded the HT early before an appointment at home, then removed the HT at parking lot at work and glided to the building entrance. The Segway does help me to get to work faster, but it's too much effort to lift it 4 times every work day. The once a week lunch glide is just right and keeps me in shape for travel times when the HT is lifted in and out of the car more often.

A cold wind was from the south today, very unique and it made the glide to BK more enjoyable. I dined with one of my fellow workers who drove by car. The return trip took more effort and my heavier leather jacket was perfect to wear, along with the turtle fur neck warmer. Returning as quick as possible, I zoomed to the door and locked the HT in the building in time for an "all hands meeting" where I enjoyed birthday cake. What was served monthly is now provided every 6 months - a lot of birthdays to celebrate with that cake. I enjoyed returning to the car after work by gliding with the HT in the cold wind. Today proved that the Segway will be able to be enjoyed at work year round, except on "black ice" or excessive snow days. Work is usually closed then, so an indoor glide will need to be planned when street or sidewalk gliding is too slippery.{LVALo ȏWith wonderful warm temps in the 50's I called the museum to find out if "Cocktails on the Skyline" was on for tonight. With an affirmative answer I hurried home from work to glide on the Segway HT. Gliding at night is so much fun downtown with all the recent Christmas decorations. There were more cars than usual for holiday performances at the Civic Center Music Hall.<br><br>The lack of wind and the now high 40's helped bring folks out ontoWhile the furnace is being cleaned during the lunch hour there is just enough time to share about today's glide.<br><br>It was an early rising day before sWhile the furnace is being cleaned during the lunch hour there is just enough time to share about today's glide.

It was an early rising day before sunup to get ready for what has become, the weekly donut glide. It was nice that Brown's Bakery had their heat on full, a real welcome comfort when entering.With wonderful warm temps in the 50's I called the museum to find out if "Cocktails on the Skyline" was on for tonight. With an affirmative answer I hurried home from work to glide on the Segway HT. Gliding at night is so much fun downtown with all the recent Christmas decorations. There were more cars than usual for holiday performances at the Civic Center Music Hall.

The lack of wind and the now high 40's helped bring folks out onto the museum rooftop. I enjoyed seeing the skaters in the distance while enjoying some chips and beverage. By dressing warmly for the glide, the rooftop was warm in comparison. I didn't leave until just before 9 and gave several demos to a group who were walking next to the museum cafe. When I started to leave to check out the ice rink, the headlight lamp burned out. Thank goodness for lighted streets!

There were more skaters than normal and they were all having a blast skating around in the cold weather. By now it was 40 degrees and the glide home was a bit brisk. Every street was lit and empty, it made it easy to return home where a project to change the limit switch on the heater awaited me. I also put a new lamp into the headlight. It's neat to mix a bit of fun with home repair.My hands are warming up as I type this! Since I took a late lunch, it wasn't necessary to glide for food. A trip this evening to the post office to deposit some mail in drive up box was a nice 25 minute round trip at 39 degrees. There was little wind, but the wind chill at 12 mph was well below freezing. While jeans work fine on a short glide, long underwear will be needed for longer or colder glides.

I used the repaired red flashing light tonight (the glue didn't hold when removing it!) The ride was smooth except for one spot where the Segway slowed a bit on an unusual dip. Battery power was high and the ride continued with no incidents. It was dreamy to smell the smoke from the fireplaces and to view the many Christmas lights on streets I seldom glide through. The Segway HT makes a perfect tour vehicle for viewing the holiday lights in the neighborhood. Just watch out for those pesky cars!P LVALb bMid 50 degree temps and a bright sun made for a perfect day to glide. In the Jefferson Park neighborhood, 4 new (yes NEW) craftsman 1920 style homes have been built for those with low income. A lamp post in the large front yard was perfect for cabling the Segway! The 1462 sf 3 bed 2 bath house has a un-attached garage and raised porch. Just $118K if a single person makes 28K or less. Leaves me out, but it is great to see new construction in period design. <br>they look just like the homes across the street that are almost 100 years old!<br><br>After the open house I enjoyed stopping at Carl's JMid 50 degree temps and a bright sun made for a perfect day to glide. In the Jefferson Park neighborhood, 4 new (yes NEW) craftsman 1920 style homes have been built for those with low income. A lamp post in the large front yard was perfect for cabling the Segway! The 1462 sf 3 bed 2 bath house has a un-attached garage and raised porch. Just $118K if a single person makes 28K or less. Leaves me out, but it is great to see new construction in period design.
they look just like the homes across the street that are almost 100 years old!

After the open house I enjoyed stopping at Carl's Jr for a couple of the 99 cent specials. The Segway was cabled to the railing outside as usual. On the way home, a shopping stop was planned at one of the homes in the neighborhood. They were having a sale on ceramics, and the home was filled with them. Wine, hot cider, and cookies were served. I was able to view the Segway from the kitchen and living room windows. It was cabled to a lamp post across the street. My purchases were placed into a paper shopping bag, and it was easy to cradle it under my arms for the glide home. The Segway "magic carpet" HT continues to amaze me with it's performance.While the furnace is being cleaned during the lunch hour there is just enough time to share about today's glide.

It was an early rising day before sunup to get ready for what has become, the weekly donut glide. It was nice that Brown's Bakery had their heat on full, a real welcome comfort when entering. The hands get cold putting the cable lock around the iron work near the windows. One must remove gloves to get keys out of the pockets and restart the HT. However, with warm socks, earmuffs and helmet, the task is made easier.

I was ready to warm up again at home upon returning. The HT was cleaned up and plugged in as usual before driving to work. With the annual "Holiday" party occurring this evening, a daytime glide was a must. While it is tempting to let the employee's enjoy a ride on the HT during an event, Segway LLC recommends to never mix liquor and gliding on an HT. Happy holidays everyone!LVALN NPWith a cold front and rain arriving tomorrow, it was a great day to glide at work today. When the blacWith snow on the forecast for the afternoon, a morning glide was a must for comfort. A few sprinkles made the glide exciting as the rain drops were just enough to make it fun. Brown's Bakery had "old fashion" donuts today, so they were purchased along with the usual favorites and a donut with "sprinkles" in honor oWith snow on the forecast for the afternoon, a morning glide was a must for comfort. A few sprinkles made the glide exciting as the rain drops were just enough to make it fun. Brown's Bakery had "old fashion" donuts today, so they were purchased along with the usual favorites and a donut with "sprinkles" in honor of the rainy day.

The tires stayed clean on the way home. Brushing the tires helped a bit with the dampness, but it isn't a problem where it is stored.

Snow arrived late in the day along with very cold conditions and 40+ mph winds. Dressing warmly will be more critical when gliding the rest of the week.With a cold front and rain arriving tomorrow, it was a great day to glide at work today. When the black jeans got hot with the bright sun, it reminded me of summer time! (Oklahoma City posted a record high of 72 degrees today!) I pulled off the trail about 5 times for those who ran by, they seem to appreciate it. A quick lunch at BK and it was time to get back on the trail again. I stored the HT indoors until it was time to leave.

Tonight I removed the HT from the car and had my 29 db earmuffs on. Riding around was a more silent experience. More glide than ride! While I would have liked a longer glide at home, several weather stripping and insulation projects needed to be worked on tonight. Now we just need some snow for that wintery holiday look!Mid 50 degree temps and a bright sun made for a perfect day to glide. In the Jefferson Park neighborhood, 4 new (yes NEW) craftsman 1920 style homes have been built for those with low income. A lamp post in the large front yard was perfect for cabling the Segway! The 1462 sf 3 bed 2 bath house has a un-attached garage and raised porch. Just $118K if a single person makes 28K or less. Leaves me out, but it is great to see new construction in period design. They look just like the homes across the street that are almost 100 years old!

After the open house I enjoyed stopping at Carl's Jr for a couple of the 99 cent specials. The Segway was cabled to the railing outside as usual. On the way home, a shopping stop was planned at one of the homes in the neighborhood. They were having a sale on ceramics, and the home was filled with them. Wine, hot cider, and cookies were served. I was able to view the Segway from the kitchen and living room windows. It was cabled to a lamp post across the street. My purchases were placed into a paper shopping bag, and it was easy to cradle it under my arms for the glide home. The Segway "magic carpet" HT continues to amaze me with it's performance.LVAL!RWith so many holiday activities taking place close to home, it was a challenge to decide where to glide. The Paseo Art District had a nice art show during midday, so with temps in the 40's, it was pleasant to glide up there while the sun was shining. Cabling the HT to a low iron fence worked great while shopping.<br><br>With Mesta Park having their annual Holiday Home Tour starting at 4 PM, I traveled directly from Paseo to Mesta. The HT was cabled to a lamp post during the tour of two homes. The temperature wasn't falling much, so I glided home about 4:30 to charge the HT to enjoy the OKC Holiday Parade starting about 6. The car was used to continue the home tour for the next 90 minutes.<br><br>Before leaving the house for the parade, I slipped into long underwear and mounted the headlight. The glide was quick and steady to the start of the parade route. Since the parade had started, I glided along the route to the end so more floats and bands could be enjoyed. At the center of the route I grabbed some hot chocolate from The Salvation Army truck. The lady who handed me the refreshment mentioned her desire to ride. Of course I gave her a demo! The others were cheering her on as she spun around and glided down the sidewalk! About 7 PM the parade ended between the ballpark and canal. The largest fresh cut Christmas tree in Oklahoma was fully decorated at the location for the tree lighting ceremonies. While waiting, I glided over to a food sales location for a foot long corn dog! Soon, Santa arrived by sleigh and with the lieutenant governor gave the command to start the tree lighting countdown. During all this fun I chatted with a dozen different families about the Segway HT and even answered Santa's questions about the HT!<br><br>There was one more planned activity tonight, the annual Yuletide Magic presentation at Civic Center Music Hall. With heavier than normal clothing, the idea of enjoying the spectacular "Radio City" type production and being overheated wasn't my idea of fun. I glided home after .LVAL>having a hot dog from one of the Bricktown street vendors. Shedding the excessive clothes, I drove down to enjoy the 8:30 PM production. There's always plenty of parking, but I sure hate to part with that $5 parking charge!8j&r A A b  G  ~ / k + `0Rx2_P6dOf||@30 Minute Glider@mzokc22+?NYI_@Post Super Bowl Glide4@mzokc881%?MHy?@Misty Triple Treat Glide@mzokc;;4(?La2@Freezing Dinner Glide@mzokc881%?K`,E@A Long 24 Degree Glide=@mzokc992&?J:xa͏@Breakfast Burrito Glide6@mzokc::3'?I%@27 Degree Cheever's Glide@@mzokc<<5)?H݌@Freezing Donut Glide@mzokc770$?G/?{@Sunny and Cloudy Health Club Glide@mzokcEE>2?F[X@Sonic Slush)@mzokc..'?E t?@Like Old Times=@mzokc11*?D:m@New Batteries Needed?@mzokc881%?CK~1@Busy Taco Bell Glide@mzokc770$?B򡧂ݎ@Freezing? Time to Glide!@mzokc;;4(?A(g@Batteries Drained Fast at 30 Degrees@mzokcGG@4?@5h@Sunny and Cold!@mzokc11*??$x@Rainy Day Glidingv46mzokc44-!?>I[@Foggy Glide to Braum'sX@mzokc992&?=B{ -7@Boulevard Cafeteria and Ticket Return&@mzokcHHA5?<j@Post Office Glide@mzokc44-!?;@Brown's Bakery Glide @mzokc770$?:ߍ@Gliding With a Touch of Rain@mzokc??8,?98d@Gliding to a New Restaurant@mzokc>>7+?8q@Another CES/Vegas Glidedmzokc::3'?7|@Consumer Electronics Show Glide8mzokcBB;/?6aX@Breakfast Glide Before Driving Home@mzokcFF?3?5贁?@Gliding with Bruce@mzokc55."?4}@Red Key Demos for Management@mzokc??8,?3>@Breakfast Glide@mzokc22+?2;WPߌ@Half Time at John's Place4@mzokc<<5)?1F|@Downtown Brea Glidec@mzokc66/#?0(rF@Rain, Rain, Rain@mzokc33, ?/< v@New Year Glideso@mzokc22+?.;AY@In-N-Out Burger Glide+@mzokc881%?-y55@State Farm Demos@mzokc33, ?,-M@First Southern California Glide C%_mzokcBB;/?+]c@Packed Snow Glide@mzokc44-!?*Eً@Messy Street Snow Glide@mzokc::3'?)J@Snow, Snow, Snow! GPmzokc44-!?(ZH@Ski Area Glide( %Kmzokc11*?';6[z@Christmas Eve Glide"@mzokc66/#?&5M@It's Freezing, Time For Donuts!g@mzokcBB;/?%2>t;@Property Tax Delivery GlideN@mzokc>>7+?$&@Church Bell Glide@mzokc44-!?#2>t@Discounted Six Dollar Burger Glide@mzokcEE>2?"v<`ߊ@Neighborhood Christmas Party0@mzokc??8,? )@Ice Sculpture Demo Glides@mzokc<<5)?@Centennial of Flight Glides@mzokc>>7+?)gPd|@Boulevard Cafeteria GlideG@mzokc<<5)?ľcs^@Windy, winding, weather beaten trail^@mzokcGG@4?F<@It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas@mzokcNNG;?+G@Snow Glide to Declaration of Independence~i$mzokcLLE9?@Breakfast at Braum's@mzokc770$?XLމ@Museum, Ice and Segway2@mzokc992&?؍y@Snow Glide and George Washington@mzokcCC<0? LVAL0 0With sub-freezing temps and a little bit of snow on the ground, I finally got to try skiing behind the Segway! There wasn't enough snow and the tires were spinning during the attempt. I did manage to get a few moments of movement just like a rope tow or poma lift. Additional traction will be required for the tires to stop slipping. After taking photos in the park and yard, I decide to glide through the snow where it existed on the grass. It was fun, but not enough snow to be a true snow glide. It did get me up early for lots of wintCocktails on the Skyline was cut short, so a closer look at the great George Washington art was enjoyCocktails on the Skyline was cut short, so a closer look at the great George Washington art was enjoyed with a stop at the Museum Cafe bar. A hot chocolate at the ice rink was enjoyed too. Details soon...With sub-freezing temps and a little bit of snow on the ground, I finally got to try skiing behind the Segway! There wasn't enough snow and the tires were spinning during the attempt. I did manage to get a few moments of movement just like a rope tow or poma lift. Additional traction will be required for the tires to stop slipping. After taking photos in the park and yard, I decide to glide through the snow where it existed on the grass. It was fun, but not enough snow to be a true snow glide. It did get me up early for lots of winter fun. The folks driving must have thought I was crazy when they saw me carrying skis when gliding down the snowless roadway!

Tonight a landmark event took place at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. "George Washington: A National Treasure" had a preview event. Traveling by Segway HT seemed very American, as the cars were lined up to attend. I parked in the coat room (which was now packed with coats due to the cold.) The atmosphere was electric as attendees enjoyed adult beverages and very unique foods that seemed very 1770. An actor playing George Washington plus fife and drummers added to the realism. Even the servers were in period costume. The exhibit is a wonder to behold and can be sampled here:

Before gliding home, I enjoyed a quick stop at the outdoor Braum's ice rink for an eggnog. Even at 28 degrees, the events continue to be enjoyed by Segway HT. Dress warmly everyone!LVAL What was to be a short glide to Taco Bell this evening turned into an hour long ride through the neighborhood. Up and down most of the streets as I looked at all the Christmas lights! Some were so spectacular that I stopped and enjoyed the view. About 5 snow men were spotted in the yards. It was suprising that the snow men were still standing, as iWhat was to be a short glide to Taco Bell this evening turned into an hour long ride through the neighborhood. Up and down most of the streets as I looked at all the Christmas lights! Some were so spectacular that I stopped and enjoyed the view. About 5 snow men were spotted in the yards. It was suprising that the snow men were still standing, as it was in the high 40's today.

Streets were dry but some snow remained on shaded sidewalks. Extra turns were made on dry surfaces at Taco Bell and at home to dry the tires. I found a few inclines where the display face stopped smiling. This was after about 40 minutes in 45 degree temps. It's nice to return to normal gliding on the dry streets!Tons of rain, slush and snow fell on the roads today. Before all that occurred I climbed aboard the Segway HT for a great glide to Braum's for breakfast. The HT was cabled to the low pink light post outside the entry. With the large glass windows on the north side, it was easy to keep an eye on Seggy.

Several stopped at my table to ask questions while I enjoyed a breakfast burrito, hash browns and decaf coffee. City workers got to see me unlock the HT and glide. I asked them if they would like to step on, but no takers today. Maybe the cold weather dampens the adventurous spirit a bit.

With a side road under construction, it was easy to find space near the signal to cross the main road. Once underway, the glide was cool and smooth. A sausage biscuit inside a Braum's white plastic bag hung from the handle bars as I returned home for the extra snack. It was a pleasure to enjoy such great food before the cold and rainy conditions at work. Hopefully the snow will last long enough for a snow and ski glide tomorrow!The need to be careful with our one way streets was clear tonight as I approached a normally empty street. I heard the car, but was surprised it was in the closest lane. Slowing carefully and looking both ways before entering an intersection has allowed safe gliding. I am thankful for that practice as it continues to keep me safe during the glide.

"Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was cut short tonight when the temperature reached 34 degrees! I arrived on the HT as they were closing the roof top, so a tour of the exhibits missed last night was enjoyed. A glass of chardonnay in the Museum Cafe added a bit of warmth to the evening along with conversation from the Museum staff.

Another glide by the ice rink was pleasant, especially with a hot chocolate in hand. I answered questions at length by the skaters who took time to skate to the rail and chat.

The glide home was getting a bit cold, as the now sub-freezing air would seep through the closed zipper on the front of the jacket. Having two pair of socks and long underwear made the journey worth it.

There was a surprise from Segway LLC in my mailbox this evening. They wrote a new newsletter and included a link to the photos I took in Chicago for Segway Fest. It's nice to know the photos are being enjoyed. LVAL A great weather day here was in contrast to Kitty Hawk. I enjoyed a morning glide to get donuts for a department meeting at work. But after returning from Brown's, I decided to drop the HT into the car for a lunch time glide and a special treat for the centennial of the Wright Brother's flight.<br><br>Our company has been celebrating the Centennial of Flight for a month. Today was extra special as commemorative coins, playing cards, calendars and tee shirts were passed out to each of the employees. Before eating lunch at BK I glided over to the metal model of the Wright Brothers first plane at the base entrance. While I had takeA great weather day here was in contrast to Kitty Hawk. I enjoyed a morning glide to get donuts for a department meeting at work. But after returning from Brown's, I decided to drop the HT into the car for a lunch time glide and a special treat for the centennial of the Wright Brother's flight.

Our company has been celebrating the Centennial of Flight for a month. Today was extra special as commemorative coins, playing cards, calendars and tee shirts were passed out to each of the employees. Before eating lunch at BK I glided over to the metal model of the Wright Brothers first plane at the base entrance. While I had taken pictures of the HT with the model before, I snapped a few more of better quality with the blue sky. Gliding around the model allowed a unique view of the aircraft design from every angle. It was a memorable glide and certainly more successful than the attempt to fly an exact duplicate flyer at Kitty Hawk!

The glide back from lunch was fast and smooth. Because of the added donut and photo glide, the power meter was down to one bar by the time it was placed back into the car. Its difficult to imagine what flying machines will be available in another 100 years, but "Back to the Future" or "The Jetsons" would be a good start.) LVAL9 The plan tonight was to check if "Cocktails on the Skyline" was occurring. If not, then I would glide to Bass Pro Shop. It was a perfectly clear and non-windy evening so many showed up for the event on the museum rooftop! The glide to the museum was great and the view from the roof was even better. The Christmas lights in the trees at Myriad Gardens looked spectacular in the distance and was a must to glide to later. The ice rink was packed with skaters, so after enjoying chardonnay, it was time to visit the rink after an enjoyable return to the museum and the George Washington painting.<br><br>On Thursday nights ice sculpturing is featured at the rink. I enjoyed a hot chocolate while seeing the skaters. Soon several folks were asking about the Segway and it seemed like summer crowds having fun in Bricktown. One demo led to another and over the next hourThe plan tonight was to check if "Cocktails on the Skyline" was occurring. If not, then I would glide to Bass Pro Shop. It was a perfectly clear and non-windy evening so many showed up for the event on the museum rooftop! The glide to the museum was great and the view from the roof was even better. The Christmas lights in the trees at Myriad Gardens looked spectacular in the distance and was a must to glide to later. The ice rink was packed with skaters, so after enjoying chardonnay, it was time to visit the rink after an enjoyable return to the museum and the George Washington painting.

On Thursday nights ice sculpturing is featured at the rink. I enjoyed a hot chocolate while seeing the skaters. Soon several folks were asking about the Segway and it seemed like summer crowds having fun in Bricktown. One demo led to another and over the next hour I enjoyed giving about 20 people demos including the ice sculpturer! He showed me how he removes cracks in the ice and makes it clear. It's done with a gas torch - amazing! I cabled the HT to a lamp post before leaving for a bathroom stop.

Soon I was enjoying those lighted trees at the Myriad Gardens. The lights were magical and gliding through the forest of lit trees was better than skating. More fun was enjoyed by gliding around one large tree lit with yellow lamps. I stared at the tree while moving around it, the effect was surreal. It was too late to go to Bass Pro, so I glided up Broadway to return home. A biker was on one of the streets so I chatted with him as we moved down the road.

What was going to be a short and simple glide turned into an eventful evening of ice and demos. Another great warmup glide for the holiday week ahead.LVAL@ ʛAt 33 degrees a nice short glide was a treat, especially when visiting Boulevard Cafeteria! A wonderful Chicken Cordon Blue was enjoyed with "home made" ranch dressing on salad and a delicious broccoli that was smothered with cheese sauce. It's neat to visit an an ala carte cafeteria that serves dishes that could be from some of the finer restaurants in town.<br><br>Before leaving, I enjoyed a great conversation wiAt 33 degrees a nice short glide was a treat, especially when visiting Boulevard Cafeteria! A wonderful Chicken Cordon Blue was enjoyed with "home made" ranch dressing on salad and a delicious broccoli that was smothered with cheese sauce. It's neat to visit an an ala carte cafeteria that serves dishes that could be from some of the finer restaurants in town.

Before leaving, I enjoyed a great conversation with a lady who is now 80. She was years younger in appearance. Daily consumption of a cut garlic clove in cool water and a few drops of "oil of oregano" was her secret! She was fascinated with the Segway HT.

A glide through some of the neighborhood streets to view Christmas lighting felt like skiing. Without heavy clothing, it was colder than usual. Refreshing and fun, this evening's glide was one to rememberAt 33 degrees a nice short glide was a treat, especially when visiting Boulevard Cafeteria! A wonderful Chicken Cordon Blue was enjoyed with "home made" ranch dressing on salad and a delicious broccoli that was smothered with cheese sauce. It's neat to visit an an ala carte cafeteria that serves dishes that could be from some of the finer restaurants in town.

Before leaving, I enjoyed a great conversation with a lady who is now 80. She was years younger in appearance. Daily consumption of a cut garlic clove in cool water and a few drops of "oil of oregano" was her secret! She was fascinated with the Segway HT.

A glide through some of the neighborhood streets to view Christmas lighting felt like skiing. Without heavy clothing, it was colder than usual. Refreshing and fun, this evening's glide was one to remember.With the strongest winds yet, I braved the windy, winding, weather beaten trail to Burger King for lunch. In the first 2 minutes I pulled over for about 5 runners. With 66 degrees and 25 mph winds it was quite a glide. The return trip was directly into the south wind. The HT ran slower than any wind to date. The glide was smooth and steady, but so much faster when entering the protected wooded area.

The cold front arrived at 5 PM. In just one hour the temps had dropped from 60 to 40. It made moving the trash container at home by HT a chilly mini glide! Hardly a dull moment with our weather!What was to be a short glide to Taco Bell this evening turned into an hour long ride through the neighborhood. Up and down most of the streets as I looked at all the Christmas lights! Some were so spectacular that I stopped and enjoyed the view. About 5 snow men were spotted in the yards. It was surprising that the snow men were still standing, as it was in the high 40's today.

Streets were dry but some snow remained on shaded sidewalks. Extra turns were made on dry surfaces at Taco Bell and at home to dry the tires. I found a few inclines where the display face stopped smiling. This was after about 40 minutes in 45 degree temps. It's nice to return to normal gliding on the dry streets!LVALi$With about 4 inches of snow that fell in the city it was a great day for gliding through the snow. I started by gliding around the neighborhood real slowly to check the traction. The neighbors took some pictures of me (and I took a photo of them in front of their house.) The snow gliding works great and is not a problem IF the snow is smooth and not in piles. A solid mass of snow higher than the batteries the Segway HT did not like.<br><br>The skis worked better while being pulled in power assist mode, but soon the skis got sticky. They are really old and need waxing to prevent sticking snow. It's been fun trying this but it is tiring and much more fun to glide.<br><br>I recharged for an hour for a glide to the "Declaration of Independence Road Trip" held at the memorial museum. First, I took photos of the new federal building (and was told they are nervous about photos.) I then glided to the memorial, glided around and took photos, purchased a ticket, then locked the Segway outside in a bike rack (dual locks used.) The exhibit was great, however the real gems are the video presentations. The original copy of the Declaration looks almost new!<br><br>Before gliding home I glided to the ice rink for a hot chocolate. Lots of conversations about the Segway occurred today. Here are some thoughts on the snow: <br><br>1. Curb drops are nasty. The tires spin unlike the dry curbs. Go ahead and do them, just be careful to not step back on until the HT settles down.<br><br>2. Virgin snow is a dream to glide on. Smooth and fun. Any tires or shoe prints and the ride is rough.<br><br>3. I loved seeing the tire prints. Real traction with the standard tires.<br><br>4. Temps were above freezing with little ice. I would avoid ice. Extremely slow riding on ice could be safer than walking, but any normal turning or slowing could cause the HT to spin. Expect some strange actions when doing normal things when NOT standing on the platform!<br><br>5. Enjoy the snow glides. When conditions are right, it's a lot of fun. It's nVLVALfeat to know that a fresh snow fall on non-slick surfaces are not a problem.LVAL Every year the neighborhood enjoys a great Christmas party for all the residents that pay their "social dues." It's only about $40 a year and allows each household to enjoy about six great events. The aWith a one dollar off coupon in the pocket of my ski jacket, I glided to Carl's Jr for a delicious "Six Dollar" burger at a discount. The sun was about to set on what was a perfect winter day of bright sun and a high of 61 degrees! The HT was cabled to the iron railing at the store. Upon leaving, a gentleman crossing the street from Byron's Liquor Warehouse askedWith a one dollar off coupon in the pocket of my ski jacket, I glided to Carl's Jr for a delicious "Six Dollar" burger at a discount. The sun was about to set on what was a perfect winter day of bright sun and a high of 61 degrees! The HT was cabled to the iron railing at the store. Upon leaving, a gentleman crossing the street from Byron's Liquor Warehouse asked questions and was happy to see the HT. Soon, a pizza delivery car stopped and the driver got real dreamy eyed over the wonderful styling of the Segway HT. With Christmas coming up soon I can tell that folks would love to have an HT under the tree! I'm glad Christmas came early at my house!With aWith a one dollar off coupon in the pocket of my ski jacket, I glided to Carl's Jr for a delicious "Six Dollar" burger at a discount. The sun was about to set on what was a perfect winter day of bright sun and a high of 61 degrees! The HT was cabled to the iron railing at the store. Upon leaving, a gentleman crossing the street from Byron's Liquor Warehouse asked questions and was happy to see the HT. Soon, a pizza delivery car stopped and the driver got real dreamy eyed over the wonderful styling of the Segway HT. With Christmas coming up soon I can tell that folks would love to have an HT under the tree! I'm glad Christmas came early at my house!Every year the neighborhood enjoys a great Christmas party for all the residents that pay their "social dues." It's only about $40 a year and allows each household to enjoy about six great events. The adult beverages flow like water and the food is great. I glided to the event this evening on the Segway HT and parked it at the rear of the home using a "U lock" on a railing. It was nice to park in a secure location rather than at a light post on the street.

There were plenty of comments during the party about the daily glides and this web log. Having an HT does give everyone something to talk about, however they see me almost every day gliding down the streets in the community, so it's just a normal activity to see me on the Segway.

It was about 38 degrees gliding to the event and 36 degrees on the way home! Wearing a suit was a lot colder, but seeing all the Christmas lights gave me a nice warm feeling. One group of folks riding in an SUV looking at the neighborhood lighting stopped while I was returning home and asked lots of questions. It was pleasant to answer them, as they had not seen an HT in person. The lack of wind made this discussion possible. If there had been wind chill, the conversations would have been cut short. The evening was a great way to start the Christmas vacation week.LVAL ʚ33Today's two part glide was to drop off a donation at St. Lukes Church and add a drive thru visit to Taco Bell.<br><br>St. Lukes United Methodist Church hAfter driving almost 1200 miles I treated myself to a glide around my parent's neighborhood just minutes before a Christmas Eve party. The car was unloaded in 15 minutes and getting a winter jacket, gloves, and of course helmet, lights, rear red light with the Segway HT After driving almost 1200 miles I treated myself to a glide around my parent's neighborhood just minutes before a Christmas Eve party. The car was unloaded in 15 minutes and getting a winter jacket, gloves, and of course helmet, lights, rear red light with the Segway HT removed from the car only took 4 minutes. That left just enough time to glide around the neighborhood before entering this text and getting ready for the party. For those who are getting Segway HT's for Christmas, you are going to love the glide! Merry Christmas everyone!With a brisk 32 degrees, the leather coat was just enough protection from the cold for the morning glide to Brown's Bakery. Donuts are freshly made each morning and were deliciously presented in their display cases. Cakes, pies, breads and other speciality items are seen throughout the store.

The Segway HT was parked and locked on the slightly warmer south side of the store. Service was fast and I was soon back on the roads and sidewalks again to return home for the drive to work. Bright sunny skies made this a pleasant but chilly glide. Thank goodness for the warmth of the wonderful Brown's Bakery!The desire to have the property tax envelope postmarked was a perfect reason to glide to the US Post Office. I tucked several letters in my jacket to mail and enjoyed the early morning glide. The temperature had stayed in the 50's; the glide was comfy with the leather jacket.

I parked the HT in front of the glass window inside the post office. It allowed constant viewing of the HT without locking it up. The line was short, so I didn't have to wait long to start the return trip. With multiple streets and sidewalks to glide on, the post office glide offers lots of flexibility.Today's two part glide was to drop off a donation at St. Lukes Church and add a drive thru visit to Taco Bell.

St. Lukes United Methodist Church has finished a most spectacular renovation of their parking lots and sidewalks. Since the church is located within the community of historic homes, several lots were used for parking. Those parking lots are now surrounded with the smoothest and safest sidewalks in the area. The lighting at night is just right for safety and beauty. They deserved a big thank you from the community and the Segway HT allowed me to do that today.

After visiting the church I glided to the Taco Bell drive thru for a "Seven Layer Burrito." On the way, hundreds of leaves were floating on a breeze up the street at the same speed I was gliding. The effect was magical. Soon I was ordering and then found gliding from the order menu to the drive up window was faster than a car. It's great to turn the HT towards the window for easier service.

A foreign car followed me around the community for a few blocks on the way home. There are two types of people who drive, those who rush by and others who stay behind to view the Segway. It's always nice to see the smiles of the driver and passengers who are excited to view the wonder of a Segway HT gliding by.WLVAL @ mWith the large quanity of snow that fell in the last 48 hours, the roads that have not been cleared are a mess. A perfect testing ground for a snow glide on the street. Ice over sections of patterned snoToday's road snow was packed down by the plows and tires. It made for much easier gliding on the snowy surface. The 20 degree temps have kept the road from turning into slush.<br><br>The Segway HT performed beautifully on the streets. Even when a bit unstable, no adverse actions occurred when stepping off. I wouldn't recommend that anyone glide at full speedToday's road snow was packed down by the plows and tires. It made for much easier gliding on the snowy surface. The 20 degree temps have kept the road from turning into slush.

The Segway HT performed beautifully on the streets. Even when a bit unstable, no adverse actions occurred when stepping off. I wouldn't recommend that anyone glide at full speed, but with high traction tires it would be fantastic to repeat the glides of the past few days.

Time to get back on the road again, so Seggy has been put in the trunk and it's off to Southern California for some fantastic glides. Another foot or two of snow may occur in the next day, so it's time to drive while possible. Continue to enjoy the holidays!With the large quanity of snow that fell in the last 48 hours, the roads that have not been cleared are a mess. A perfect testing ground for a snow glide on the street. Ice over sections of patterned snow had more traction. The soft mushy stuff continued to be a problem. I glided around the neighborhood and tested the various types of snow. A cleared road to the top of the hill was a pleasant change of pace, although the HT didn't go up the hill as fast as the 10.0 software during the warmer weather.

After gliding, my mother and I went skiing in Park City. Dad is recovering from a cough. The one error was thinking the helmet I use for the Segway HT would be ok for skiing. It was not. Cold air entered the front vents and really chilled the skull. If it's below 20 degrees, more protection would be needed when gliding with that helmet. Maybe a ski helmet would be best during ultra cold weather when gliding.After driving almost 1200 miles, I treated myself to a glide around my parent's neighborhood just minutes before a Christmas Eve party. The car was unloaded in 15 minutes and getting a winter jacket, gloves, and of course helmet, lights, rear red light with the Segway HT removed from the car only took 4 minutes. That left just enough time to glide around the neighborhood before entering this text and getting ready for the party. For those who are getting Segway HT's for Christmas, you are going to love the glide! Merry Christmas everyone!LVALGP Wow, what a lot of snow! About 18 inches fell in our area of Park City! Before the snow removal it was picture time with the Segway HT. I climbed on board in the garage and then proceeded to try to glide in the snow. I rocked back and forth using the HT as a plow for about 8 feet before there was no more pushing the snow out of the way! Photos were taken in both directions and it was a pleasant start of the day. However, my parents and I spend around 4 hours with snow blowers and snow shovels to clear the drive. When it was all done we enjoyed a late breakfast and I got ready to glide.<br><br><br><br>With the roads covered with snow in every imaginable condition, it was a good test of the HT's ability to navigate through the stuff with the regular tires. I am amazed at how well one can glide at about half speed through the hard stuff. It's where the snow becomes broken up and soft with multiple vehicles that the HT starts to spin its wheels and the "fun" begins.<br><br>I glided about a mile to the ski area to repeat yesterday's glide. After all, this is the number one reason to use the Segway in Park City, to get to the slopes. With overcast and snowy conditions, it wasn't the most pleasant day to ski, but gliding on the HT made up for it. One time when going and coming I found that the HT spun its wheels and started to feel unstable. Simply stepping off and away from the platform allowed time for the HT to spin its wheels and stop. It was easy to hold on to the handlebars until everything settled down. With the snow there is little danger of the HT backing up into you. I climbed back on and continued the journey. During the heavy, lumpy, cruddy snow it was necessary to step off and use power assist to drive the HT through the mess. This is where the high traction tires would be needed. I found that if the wheels spun in power assist then you wouldn't really want to be gliding on it.<br><br>Soon the main road to the ski area appeared. It was a breeze to glidLVAL%KSun, clouds, fog, and snow, it all occurred today in Park City on this wonderful Christmas Day, 2003. I tried to put skis on the Segway HT for travel to the ski area, but ran into one major problem. The weight of the skis on the front of the pad depresses the foot switches. The result is an HT that would "run away" if one stepped off. A side carry would be best, but the dynamics of extra "high" weight could be a safety factor. Back to the drawing board for the present.<br><br>I decided to glide to the Deer Valley ski lodge at the base of the hill with ski boots. The result was quite a bit different than regular or z-coil shoes. Moving forward and turning took a different effort. You couldn't lean into the turns well and leaning was more from the hip. After a short glide if felt ok, so I continued to the lodge and talked to parking lot attendants and ski staff. One gentleman saw the benefit immediately when he said how it would reduce parking requirements and they could be parked in the lower tunnel if railings were installed to lock them up to. If that were to occur, one would have to walk up a flight of stairs. I would rather just glide to the slopes and lock it to a ski rack or in the secure day storage. Less climbing and more gliding.<br><br>By the time I was ready to glide back "home" the snow was really coming down. I noticed it was more difficult to see cars with the bad weather. I moved to the sidewalk or side of the street and waited for cars to pass. The battery power was less than during the summer. Cold weather really takes a toll on the distance one can travel in the near freezing temperatures. The HT got really dirty too. Little rocks and lots of mud had flown up onto the fenders. Stepping on and off the platform put more gunk onto the mat. It cleaned up ok, but it's a lot messier to snowseg. With the falling snow the glide was a dreamy experience, almost a neat as skiing (but not fast enough!)0LVAL@e on the wet pavement. Plenty of salt kept the roadway nice and safe. Soon I was chatting with the Deer Valley personnel who asked lots of questions and were very nice to talk to. I remove the batteries from the camera and warmed them in my pocket to take a photo of the HT by the ski rack (it was that cold.) After chatting with some skiers, I was back on the road again enjoying the trip home.<br><br>There was more broken up snow that made gliding difficult on the return trip, but the white hard stuff was perfect for gliding and I sought it out whenever possible. At home, the HT needed a some cleaning. The ice scraper worked well to clear snow between the tire and fender. Just place the scraper on the tire and with power assist move it through the fender well by moving the tires. A soft wisk broom was good for snow removal from tires and underneath. After all the snow was removed, parking the HT on a large plastic trash bag allows dripping without messing up the indoor/outdoor carpet in a heated area. Damp paper towels were used to clean the fenders and mat. It was a long day, but the glide on the HT added fun to an otherwise difficult task of snow removal. Thank goodness this huge storm is past and better weather is predicted.LVALC%_ With the sun shining and a slight chill in the air, I removed the Segway HT from the car to find it covered with salt spray from the Park City experience. First agenda was to clean Seggy. Washing the wheels and base with a hose was easy. With a bit of Soft Scrub, a few scrapes and ground in dirt were history. The mat was removed and paper towels were used to dry everything. Soon I was enjoying a glide around on the streets at my parent's home. This community of manufactured homes was built over 20 years ago and has landscaping and walkways as if Disney had built it! This is truly a dream location for gliding, but first things first. I glided slowly over to chat with management so they would know I was here. When gliding on the smooth streets, I chatted with about 10 people and mentioned I was visiting. Everyone was interested in seeing the Segway HT. Because of the California laws allowing each community to set regulations, it is important to glide at the right speed to gain acceptance. After almost 9 months of use, it's second nature to know what speed is best. On these private walkways a 3 to 5 mph seems right, but on the streets, red key speed is perfect. I mentioned to the manager that I intended to glide slow whenever on a sidewalk.<br><br>While the streets and sidewalks inside the community are smooth, it was surprising the difference on the exterior sidewalks. These curve and climb around the property. They are only 23 years old, but the large trees have lifted some of the panels so they felt like I was back in Oklahoma City on those 100 year old sidewalks! Sweet-gum trees produced some spike balls on the walks, and those are not fun to glide over. Worse yet were the street sounds that were much louder than I am used to. I do wear ear protection, but it was not enough today. I will put on 25 db plugs when gliding on these noisy streets.<br><br>It was a treat when gliding right into to another manufactured community that has been in existence for over 45 years. I had driven by it many times, butFLVALV failed to notice how it was within walking distance. You see so much more when you glide rather than drive. It is a treat to be visiting and I look forward to enjoy more time on the Segway in various locations.LVAL What a way to end 2003 by enjoying a Segway HT glide to an In-N-Out Burger in Southern California on a picture perfect day. The sidewalks weren't so perfect as they disappeared on the main road. Traffic was backed up at traffic lights, so that made it easy to cross the street foWith perfect weather today, it was time for a nice long glide to Downtown Brea. About 2 miles away, this area of the city is a wonderful meeting place for the city dwellers to enjoy cafes anWith perfect weather today, it was time for a nice long glide to Downtown Brea. About 2 miles away, this area of the city is a wonderful meeting place for the city dwellers to enjoy cafes and entertainment. It was a successful glide, except that Radio Shack did not have the part I needed. So it's time to hit the road in the car and spend some money! Details on the glide later...What a way to end 2003 by enjoying a Segway HT glide to an In-N-Out Burger in Southern California on a picture perfect day. The sidewalks weren't so perfect as they disappeared on the main road. Traffic was backed up at traffic lights, so that made it easy to cross the street for a sidewalk. Soon I parked the HT near the order window for the Double-Double, fries and strawberry shake. I chatted with several who were at the walk up order window. The order was placed in the traditional paper box. That allowed easy gliding to the nearby outdoor tables where the HT was rolled to against a curb. More questions were answered as I enjoyed In-N-Out's great food.

Rather than chancing any problems, I glided around In-N-Out while finishing off the strawberry shake. With both hands free to glide, I took a different route home, traveling north to another Lake Park community to travel through those famous smooth streets to where I have been staying. Street gliding is my favorite way to make good time and enjoy smooth traveling. It's nice to have some sidewalks to take a slow shortcut when necessary. Earlier in the day I was in stop and go freeway traffic, how pleasant to enjoy the fun of the Segway instead! Above all, I hope that all who enjoy reading the daily web log will have a healthy and Happy New Year!It was a beautiful morning for a glide to John's Place for breakfast. Wow, did everyone show up for a test glide! About 10 got on and off and rode around the sidewalk or parking lot without any hassle. I glided around the shopping center and stopped and chatted with the barbers who worked with the lady who used to cut my hair years ago. They asked about my parents and didn't want a demo. While gliding in the area, a stop at Doug Troxel's State Farm office was a must. What fun to chat with the folks who insured my cars and home for years. Doug and his family and staff loved stepping on the HT platform and glide around the sidewalk and patio areas. Of course they were happy that the HT is insured with State Farm and will gladly help with anyone in the Brea area for any insurance need. Everyone is amazed to see the HT. I felt like the pied piper with all the attraction it caused. It's universal appeal is similar to the Polaroid camera in the 50's. Thank goodness there is no per picture cost like that!kLVAL }Last week snow and this week an all day rain! Thank goodness it was a light rain until about 1 PM, as I glided to "John's Place" at noon for a double cheeseburger. I wore clothes that could get wet and lifted the HT out of the car (from yesterday's glides.) The carport was a nice place to get ready to brave the elements and enjoy a quick dash for lunch. Not many cars to worry about and the sidewalks were cleaned the other day of the heavy leaf drop.<br><br>As I waited for the walk signal, I removed the clear safety glasses and dried them on my pant leg. The street signal changed quickly and soon I was locking up the HT on the patio lamp post at "John's Place." A delicious lunch was enjoyed and a paper napkin was used to dry off the key port before restarting the SegLast week snow and this week an all day rain! Thank goodness it was a light rain until about 1 PM, as I glided to "John's Place" at noon for a double cheeseburger. I wore clothes that could get wet and lifted the HT out of the car (from yesterday's glides.) The carport was a nice place to get ready to brave the elements and enjoy a quick dash for lunch. Not many cars to worry about and the sidewalks were cleaned the other day of the heavy leaf drop.

As I waited for the walk signal, I removed the clear safety glasses and dried them on my pant leg. The street signal changed quickly and soon I was locking up the HT on the patio lamp post at "John's Place." A delicious lunch was enjoyed and a paper napkin was used to dry off the key port before restarting the Segway HT. The return trip was uneventful, except for one horn honk from an AAA tow truck. The rain continued to lightly fall as I decided to glide around the little lake to the pool area by the office. With no pedestrians out and about, it was a nice way to finish the rainy glide.

Drying the HT was a breeze on the covered patio. Rain drops on the Segway make for a perfect cleaning substance. Wiping with a few paper towels and the HT looked like new again. Since the jacket and pants were wet, I changed into dry clothes and hung the others up to dry. While I can dodge the rain drops in Oklahoma City, at least this wasn't a three day downpour that can occasionally occur in the Southern California area. Rain or shine, gliding on the Segway HT is always a great glide!Happy New Year! The Segway glides continue today with a request to bring the HT to a friends house so all the folks who arrived for dinner would have a chance to try the Segway HT. It was a beautiful new year's day and perfect for the occasion.

Unloading the HT was a bit of a chore with the car on an angle, so I moved it to a better spot for unloading and loading. Before I could glide to the front door, several guests were ready for a demo. There was a variety of surfaces to glide on, pavers, concrete, and pavement. One wouldn't ride, but the others enjoyed spinning and gliding around on all the surfaces. Everyone had their cameras out and enjoyed taking photos with the lovely old english home in the background. About 30 minutes later we were ready to take off for dinner, so the HT was put back into the car. The first glides of the year were a great success.LVALȝWith a frustrating national championship football game between OU and LSU, it was time for a quick dinner at John's Place. The nearby restaurant has so many tasty and nutritious meals that a glide to John's is a no brainer. Too bad the game couldn't be any better during the fourtWith a frustrating national championship football game between OU and LSU, it was time for a quick dinner at John's Place. The nearby restaurant has so many tasty and nutritious meals that a glide to John's is a no brainer. Too bad the game couldn't be any better during the fourth quarter. It was nice to eat while there wasWith a frustrating national championship football game between OU and LSU, it was time for a quick dinner at John's Place. The nearby restaurant has so many tasty and nutritious meals that a glide to John's is a no brainer. Too bad the game couldn't be any better during the fourth quarter. It was nice to eat while there was still hope! Maybe next year OU will win the championship.

The dinner glide was uneventful, although the lady putting chairs away on the patio had to lift a chair to avoid hitting the HT. The glide was great and so was the dinner.The weather continues to be absolutely spectacular as I glide in beautiful Southern California. I took extra time off to continue working on my parent's place. Hopping onto the Segway has provided a bit of entertainment and enjoyment.

While clothes were drying, a breakfast glide was a perfect opportunity to enjoy the clean, fresh, air (I did mention "spectacular!") Afterwards, a glide around the community brought me to the office where the manager was able to enjoy a short and slow ride on the HT. The next door neighbor was making a payment, so he rode too! I was asked if I could haul the HT down to the main office for the folks there to ride (maybe that will be tomorrows glide.)With perfect weather today, it was time for a nice long glide to Downtown Brea. About 2 miles away, this area of the city is a wonderful meeting place for the city dwellers to enjoy cafes and entertainment. Gliding down Lambert Road was a mistake, as the sidewalks disappeared at several locations. When that occurs it is necessary to wait awhile for no traffic or to glide to a signal to cross to the other side where sidewalks are available. Having experience on various surfaces helped when only grass was available to glide on. When the sidewalk did disappear, two gentleman asked questions about the HT and I let them step on the platform. It's amazing how many people haven't seen the Segway in person yet.

It seemed very natural to be gliding around the new modern Downtown Brea area. The people enjoyed seeing the Segway, but didn't ask many questions. I asked a city employee where the two famous "electric vehicle" parking spots were located. They were near the back of the first floor parking garage. Two different charging systems were available, so if your charging type was taken you would be out of luck! No plugs existed for the Segway and there was a sign "Electric Cars Only." It is a forward step for an area that needs all the pollution reduction they can get.

I tried to get a part at a Radio Shack on Brea Boulevard, but they did not have the part I needed. A quick fast food seemed in order and "Jack In The Box" had a two taco special that was delicious. I left the HT outside next to the glass where I could keep an eye on it. There were no places to lock it as I have found in OKC. The glide home was much faster and colder. My feet felt cold even with sun brightly shining. A cold front after the winter storm brought temperatures much lower. The glide was the longest yet in Southern California and a nice break from shopping and household chores.5LVALh KKPlans are to use the HT today to carry stuff to the car, then view some leftover CES locations that were missedPlans are to use the HT today to carry stuff to the car, then view some leftover CES locations that were missed on yesterday's walk. Then it's time to glide to the car and take off for the return trip home. Details later...Bruce Gordon arrived with his Segway for a glide. It was about 7 PM, so I attached the light for the night glide. We rode around the community streets and slowly around the lake on the sidewalk. We were able to chat with one of the residents at the "village" area. Next, a nice ride on the "S" curves of one walk was a great thrill. Bruce agreed that these are the perfect streets and paths to ride a Segway HT.What fabulous weather it has been this past week. Perfect gliding weather and John's Place was a neat place to go for breakfast before packing up the car and heading home. The next door neighbor was able to step onto the HT today and I took his picture. A glide around the lake ended with a nice chat with management and maintenance people at the pool.

It's been a busy "vacation" with lots of work accomplished. The work eliminated remote glides in the Southern California area, but I have fun with the Segway where ever I am at. As usual, some of the most fun is enjoying the reaction people get when seeing or riding the Segway.The request for demos to the management of the Lake Park Communities was enjoyed today and a great success.

I put the HT into the car and did some shopping before making a visit to the managment location of the manufactured home communities where I have staying. Parking behind the building, I soon glided up to the front of the building as if the entire journey had been accomplished on the Segway HT. The reaction was immediate as people stood at their desks and looked out the windows. Demos to management was the goal and Wynn was soon gliding on the sidewalk path and street with the greatest of ease as he advanced from black to yellow and red keys in just minutes! I asked if he is a skier and the answer was yes, (rollerblading too!) Other folks from the office and a nearby manufacturing facility took turns with instruction and gliding around the area. (I enjoyed a lot of nice glide time too demonstrating the proper way to lean, gliding across grass and handling curbs.)

When the HT was finally removed from the car at the home later that night, I enjoyed a quick glide around the nearby parking area. What fun!LVAL8The drive to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show was a success. Arriving at the Hilton parking lot just before midnight, I put the Segway HT to work immediately by loading bags and clothes on it as I had done for Segway Fest. The ability to push the HT backwards at less than 3 mph turns it into a great luggage cart. (Over 3 mph and it stick shakes.) So taking it easy and enjoying the walk without the bother of carrying all that stuff allowed a single trip from car to check-in and the room.<br><br>This morning I enjoyed an early morning glide from the room to the nearest exit (this avoided using the HT in the first floor indoor passageways.) I was able to quickly glide around the outside of the hotel to the lobby to get a parking pass. Next stop was the main CES entry. While there, I glided inside to chat with security to determine if the Segway HT could be used on the show floor. No problem, but security cautioned me to use it slowly, as fast gliding inside would result in being asked to leave. I explained that I wasn't planning to use it indoors today, but wanted to know the policy.<br><br>I returned to the outside to pickup my badge and then glided on streets and sidewalks about a half mile to the parking lot where I had left the car. The parking sticker was attached to the car before gliding back to the room. What would have been an hour ordeal only took about 30 minutes.<br><br>During the walk of the show floor today the thought of Segway use was on my mind. Here are my thoughts: 1. The HT would help if one needed to check out several locations that are spread out over a wide area. 2. Walking the aisles is best because of no concern if you "bump" into another person. 3. Walking allows viewing of exhibits while strolling (if on the HT, one must concentrate on the people around you.) 4. Use of the HT could slow down the process due to questions and answers. 5. If a show floor wasn't busy, use of the HT would be fantastic.<br><br>Seggy was locked in the room with a cable around a safe pedestaLVAL$l. It's perhaps one of the most secure lock ups yet! No problems and it was lots of fun to use the HT today.LVALy y̦ȳI woke up with a fever this morning, so staying in bed to get well was a must. However, I did bundle up for a glide to the post office to restart mail delivery and pick up mail from the last 3 weeks. The Segway 12.0 bag was attached to the handlebaI woke up with a fever this morning, so staying in bed to get well was a must. However, I did bundle up for a glide to the post office to restart mail delivery and pick up mail from the last 3 weeks. The Segway 12.0 bag was attached to the handlebar and made travelling with the mail a breeze. After putting the HT away, I climI woke up with a fever this morning, so staying in bed to get well was a must. However, I did bundle up for a glide to the post office to restart mail delivery and pick up mail from the last 3 weeks. The Segway 12.0 bag was attached to the handlebar and made travelling with the mail a breeze. After putting the HT away, I climbed back into bed for an extended rest today. Thank goodness for the flu shot taken several months ago, reports from work are that it helps speed up the recovery process.A bit of rain made the evening glide to Braum's more adventuresome. There really wasn't enough to be a problem, but the threat doesn't keep me from getting on the Segway HT for the day's glide.

The HT was cabled outside while I enjoyed a delicious cheeseburger, fries and a shake (Pecan Almond if I remember correctly.) While waiting, a stroll over to the ice cream cabinets allowed me to view all the delicious flavors that Braum's sells. The heavier french ice creams are closest to the cash register, while the lighest types are farther. Seems like should be the opposite so the buyer would exercise a bit more buying the fatter product! Yum, yum. I ate inside and enjoyed every last bite and slurp.

The glide home was rain free. Temps in the low 50's made it a cool but comfy glide. Both last night and tonight, I was surprised to see several homes with their Christmas lights still on. It sure is nice to continue to enjoy some holiday cheer in the new year.With the 16 hour drive from Vegas finished, it was a pleasure to enjoy the first OKC glide of the new year by gliding to a new restaurant. A new location for KFC and Long John Silvers was a perfect place to get a dinner snack, especially when the interior of this location is the best KFC I have ever seen. You would think that Frank Gehry did the decor!

The HT was removed from the car and given an hour charge before the glide. I ran the battery down to 2 bars at CES and did not charge it again until tonight. The glide was smooth the entire way. The HT was parked inside by a trash container. It was out of the way, yet visible from every location. A few questions were asked, but no one asked to ride. I used a KFC moist towelette to clean my hands before the return glide. The weather was perfect with low 50's and mountain like breeze and feel. This glide was a great way to end the day.LVALI made a quick blog entry before the Segway HT was loaded up with all the bags and clothes for the walk to the car. Many commented about the use of the HT as a baggage cart, but it is a great time saver. Once all the stuff was in the trunk, I glided to the checkout counter to check out. The paperwork was in my hand before I could ask, so it was time to check out some of the leftover CES locations that were missed on yesterday's walk.<br><br>I called Tony to meet him and give him a copy of the checkout papers. We met at the eBay "booth" and I took a photo of an eBay person on the HT. Soon I was gliding down the main entry to the back of the center hall. I used the emptiest aisles that could be found. At first gliding seemed strange, but as I continued to check out exhibits, I found the HT to be a natural and wonderful way to "stroll" slowly and view the marvels that appear each year at CES.<br><br>I was able to glide about 3 hours throughout the center and west halls. Several photos were taken of vendors who stepped on to pose. The folks at the XM Satellite Radio displays were trying to figure the best way to mount a XM radio on the handlebars. One person specializes in weatherproof motorcycle installations and had great suggestions. The Delphi designer loved the HT. Her new XM radio design would be a great "boom box" on the front handlebar. To play fair, I visited the Sirius Satellite Radio display area too. Even more of their people got pictures on the HT. I even saw some of the folks who work for my company in California. The Segway HT was a hit wherever I glided.<br><br>Later in the day I needed to visit one vendor in the south hall. I took the outdoor golf cart path shortcut and was able to glide quickly to the hall. Once inside I attempted to find the booth, but was a bit confused. Gliding slowly up and down a few aisles didn't seem to help. As I was on one empty aisle, a man wearing a gold CES jacket approached me and calmly mentioned that riding a Segway on the show floor was not allowed. I tolpLVALd him that I was sorry to hear that, but I had asked Security the day before and got an "Ok" to do so. He said four main things: 1. The Segway was not a ADA device. 2. We wouldn't want the hall jammed with Segway riders. 3. He would have a talk with the Security folks. 4. It was OK for me to walk the HT through the show (which I did in power assist mode.)<br><br>I showed him my insurance card and said that while I didn't require the use of the Segway for a physical reason, others certainly do use the HT as a mobility device. I expressed my concern that users have fought for their rights to glide as disabled persons and the Segway is now approved for use in certain locations. I also mentioned that some may want to use the HT to get to CES, so be sure to allow users to store them in the coat check.<br><br>Unfortunately, I did not ask his name, but he was definitely from CES and not the Las Vegas Convention Center.<br><br>The next hour was spent "pushing" the HT. That got more response from the visitors to CES than when I rode it. Questions were flying left and right. I would occasionally step on to show that it worked and vendors got their pictures. But I continued to "push" it until exiting the building.<br><br>The XM team outside got to enjoy some nice glide time, but one XM lady glided on the sidewalk area near a security officer and was told not to use the Segway. She quickly returned to mention that to me. I took group shots of the XM team and then hopped onto the platform with my bags of goodies and glided behind the transportation vans on the street back to the hotel. (The vans moved at 10 to 12 mph, so it was an extremely safe location to glide at the time.)<br><br>Back at the hotel parking lot, I removed stuff from the trunk, loaded the HT in, replaced the stuff, and enjoyed a lengthy drive to Arizona for the night.@LVAL wVWith temps below 40 and a freezing wind chill, a glide in the bright sunlight helped make a quick lunch glide to Arby's more enjoyable. The 2 for $4 chicken sandwich special was a neat treat before gliding back home. I glided in a different community today and some of thWith temps below 40 and a freezing wind chill, a glide in the bright sunlight helped make a quick lunch glide to Arby's more enjoyable. The 2 for $4 chicken sandwich special was a neat treat before gliding back home. I glided in a different community today and some of the homes are being restored beautifully.

Just before returning home, a lady stopped her vehicle and handed me a business card. I gave her a demo and she should be contacting me soon to do a story on the Segway HT for one of the major television stations in the city.With rain predicted on and off throughout the day, an early morning glide to Braum's for a delicious breakfast burrito was a perfect way to start the day. There was a bit of fog, but nothing like later in the day. The streets were wet, but my clothes stayed dry throughout the trip.

The food was hot and delicious and enjoyed while seated inside. I forgot my 15 db earplugs; it sure was noiser hearing the refrigeration equipment in the distance. Just before exiting, a gentleman who was delivering roses by bicycle had a lot of questions about the Segway HT. He didn't want to step on the platform, but seemed enthusiastic about the device. I answered several more questions and then enjoyed the glide home. Having a bit of substantial food before going to work kept me from snacking on the sweet and fatting treats that abound at the work place.A quick glide to Brown's Bakery made for an enjoyable start of the day. Another dozen donuts graced the front of the HT handlebar while hanging from a Wal-Mart bag. The freshly washed streets were fairly dry and clean. It's nice to be gliding without traffic jams or noisy cars. Downtown OKC is a great place to enjoy a Segway.

(I got a call at work while I was on vacation. I returned the call today and found out that a local advertising agency needed someone on a Segway HT for an Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce commercial. They contacted the only other person they knew who has a HT, the security guy who uses one in our city's underground tunnel system. The filming is finished and the Segway HT should help to encourage others to consider our "high tech" city.)Still feeling under the weather today with a slight fever, it was best to stay at home to get well. One thing I longed for today was chicken soup. Boulevard Cafeteria was serving chicken and rice soup, so a glide just after 1 PM was a perfect way to get some nutrition after a day of not eating. A small salad was enjoyed with the soup too!

There were several handicap signs where I could lock up the HT and still see the handlebar through the window. This is so much easier than locking it to the coat rack inside. With plenty of sunshine, the HT was always visible, except when a crowd of people stood around it as they left the cafeteria. An extra surprise was seeing Representative Debbie Blackburn at Boulevard. We chatted a bit, and I offered her a Segway demo. She and others enjoyed seeing me on the HT, but she was in a hurry to get back to work so the demo will occur on another day.

Rather than going to the Civic Center Music Hall for the production of "Grease" tonight, I called to exchange the ticket for another performance. They needed me to tear up the ticket and fax the ticket parts for verification. A glide to the downtown Quik Print got the fax job done and allowed for a bit more glide time. It's nice to know that the Segway HT works just fine, even if I am not feeling my best.LVAL ] ]The long As the temperature rose into the 30's, I enjoyed a breakfast Burrito Grande at Braum's this morning. It was another glide with the extra comfort of wearing long underwear. It's so reminiscent of a first ski run of the day, especially with a few patches of snow left from the the skAs the temperature rose into the 30's, I enjoyed a breakfast Burrito Grande at Braum's this morning. It was another glide with the extra comfort of wearing long underwear. It's so reminiscent of a first ski run of the day, especially with a few patches of snow left from the the skimpy last snow fall.

Extra biscuits and gravy were zoomed back home with the Braum's plastic bag hanging from the Segway HT handlebar. Some street repair made crossing the street easy, although most of the glide is accomplished through the residental streets of our community.The long underwear was a must this evening for a dinner glide to Cheever's. With almost no wind it was a cold but enjoyable glide for a delicious Caesar salad and "Lemon Artichoke Chicken Penne." Yum, yum! While I miss patio dining temperatures, the comfort level inside was perfect.

One couple asked several questions about the Segway HT as they were heading toward the exit. Their excitement kept the conversation going and I mentioned how they could access the web pages. It's a pleasure to explain the daily use of the HT and how it has exceeded all expectations.With the forecast for light snow tonight, a morning glide to purchase donuts for work was a great glide, even with freezing temperatures. I wore long underwear and gloves to stay warm. It was so early that I the light was needed when gliding on the Segway HT. Getting to Brown's about 7 AM had one advantage, the old fashion donuts were still available! Soon I had arrived home and the donuts were placed in the car for the ride to work.I arrived home just after sunset and rushed to get on the Segway HT to grab a cheeseburger and salad at Carls Jr. It was 30 degrees at the time, and the glide felt just like skiing this winter in Park City. My head felt like I had been eating ice cream too fast when the chill occurred by the helmet's air vents. Carl's Jr. was warm, so that helped, but the Segway HT was left cabled up outside in the 30 degree weather while I enjoyed the light dinner.

On the way home the HT was surging a bit as if going up a hill. I never saw the face with the neutral expression. But my eyes were wide when only one bar appeared on the bottom of the display half way home! During the summer, I could glide to Carl's Jr, then travel to Bricktown and back. It was proof how the cold affects range. The HT remains safe with full speed capability during the cold, but it is necessary to reduce the distance one travels when the temperature drops. My digital camera is affected in cold weather as well. But it isn't as easy with a Segway to remove the batteries and warm them with your hands! Thank goodness the battery life indicator isn't based by time. The engineers at Segway have given us accurate displays to make sure that we know how far and fast we can glide.vLVAL46So many places to glide today and the rain has been on again, off again. Rather than chance a sudden downpour going to "Grease" with Frankie Avalon this afternoon at the Civic Center Music Hall, I decided to enjoy a 50's style cheeseburger at Braum's instead. The glide was perfect since it was dry at the time. The mailman was delivering mail in the "Aristocratic Harndale Addition" (yes, that is exactly what the developer named it!) We chatted about Segway use for mail delivery and how it would reduce physical injury from walking on the concrete. I mentioned how the federal government is probably figuring out how to get the Segway HT in and out of the mail vehicles so you don't have to lift it.<br><br>The lunch at Braum's was just the right amount to not be hungry during the wonderful Broadway production of "Grease." Taking the white 4 door with red leather bucket seats sounded very 50's and it did rain while leaving the theater. One lady who works at the Music Hall mentioned my Segway HT as she has an ADA scooter. Getting their fabulous polished floors wet with tire tracks was one reason for not using the HT to get to the theater today.<br><br>Another event I would have loved to Segway to tonight was the annual omelette party by the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. This years theme was 19EGGY4 and I wore one of the original staff outfits made for the 1984 summer Olympics in LA. While walking the floor, several mentioned the Segway HT and asked questions. A lady from "Downtown Oklahoma" was very complementary about the Segway web site and its contents. Although 36 degree temps and rain would have made the glide difficult, it's nice to know that previous glides have made an impression on the residents of Oklahoma City, and the "ambassadorship" continues 24/7. (Free underground parking made this night a perfect time to drive! Winning an art drawing and the ability to transport the art home was another great reason to have the car handy for this event.)LVAL" Tonight's glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was cut short due to battery power. I made it to the museum and enjoyed chatting with the folks on the rooftop, but an additional jaunt to Bricktown had to be curtailed due to battery power. I did have enough power to make it home, but there was one bar left and the display depleted very similar to the other night when I glided to Carl's Jr. The major difference tonight was storing the HT inside. I knew something wasn't right when I started the HT inside the coat room and only 4 bars were visible. Normally the display will show 5 bars after the HT has been sittTonight's glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art was cut short due to battery power. I made it to the museum and enjoyed chatting with the folks on the rooftop, but an additional jaunt to Bricktown had to be curtailed due to battery power. I did have enough power to make it home, but there was one bar left and the display depleted very similar to the other night when I glided to Carl's Jr. The major difference tonight was storing the HT inside. I knew something wasn't right when I started the HT inside the coat room and only 4 bars were visible. Normally the display will show 5 bars after the HT has been sitting unused.

There are several reasons for the loss of range. 1. Temps below 40. This is unlikely due to other glides that have been done in 40 degree weather. 2. A bad power cord. Occasionally the power has not been active until the cord is moved. I replaced the power cord tonight. 3. The batteries have reached the end of their life. I have charged them about 350 times, so it is possible that new batteries may be needed.

With the new power cord, I will check for proper distance during the next week. If the batteries need replacement, I will give Segway LLC a call. I miss the range that I enjoyed when the HT was first delivered.Well, the weatherman was wrong because no snow fell, but the temps are rising again so it was a nice evening to get on the HT and glide. A phone conversation prevented me from making it to Boulevard Cafeteria before closing, so a good second choice was Taco Bell. I climbed into some long underwear for the 38 degree glide. With no wind, it felt like spring. The streets were filled with cars near St. Lukes. It appeared there was a fund raiser for one of the mayoral candidates. People were in a rush to get where they were going, so I glided onto the sidewalk to stay out of their way!

With the new KFC opening recently, the folks at Taco Bell enjoyed seeing me arrive. Parking the HT inside did help keep the Segway warm, so battery drainage was much more normal than the other night. I enjoyed a seven layer burrito and steak Chalupa, Yum, yum!

The return glide was smooth and less busy. Most of the cars were now gone from the earlier parking jam. Just before arriving home, I noticed some digging at some of the street corners. Some of our historic street signs are being repaired and remounted. It was neat to get a close up of the activity taking place that keeps the community looking so good. It's a nice place to glide.LVAL ʚGreat weather, great battery life, and a great glide. It was just like old times tonighA sudden cold front caused the temps to dip below freezing this morning and the thermometer is continuing to drop. With snow forecasted for later today, a morning glide to Brown's Bakery will make some folks happy at work when their favorite donuts are offered.<bA sudden cold front caused the temps to dip below freezing this morning and the thermometer is continuing to drop. With snow forecasted for later today, a morning glide to Brown's Bakery will make some folks happy at work when their favorite donuts are offered.

The new electric cable is working perfect. The power is back to normal when the HT stalls a bit when first going down hill with a full charge. With this sudden cold spell, it's nice to know there will be plenty of power to glide anywhere in the downtown area.The glide to the health club today was almost perfect (some noisy motorcycles were travelling the other way.) The sun was shining and the 55 degree temps were great. When leaving, crowds of folks gathered around and each took turns getting a demo. There were about a dozen who got to try the Segway HT out! By the time I left, the sun was behind clouds and the glide was cold. I had the ski jacket and ear muffs, so I was prepared! I told the health club staff how this glide seemed long when I first started enjoying the HT last spring. Now, the health club glide doesn't seem far at all. The HT continues to surpass all my expectations.A cool and cloudy day, but just right for a glide to Sonic for a fresh peach "Cream Slush" and tator tots. One of the order takers at Sonic had lots of questions about the HT, and I let him step on for a short demo. Riding on the neighborhood streets was comfortable and fun. Enjoying that cream slush on the way home was even better!

It was a good choice to glide in the afternoon. The planned glide to the Glen Campbell concert at the Civic Center Music Hall this evening would have been a very rainy glide! During the concert, the conductor mentioned that this was a very special day. 20 years ago the Macintosh was introduced and his next selection was composed on a Mac. The past 20 years have flown by. It won't seem long before the Segway HT will get great acclaim during its 20th anniversary!Great weather, great battery life, and a great glide. It was just like old times tonight with a fantastic temperature above 50 during the entire glide. There is no question that the power cord was the problem with the battery life. I was able to glide from home to Bricktown to enjoy the great seafood at "Da Boat," a conversion from the old "Joey's Chicago Pizza" that closed several months ago. I power assisted the Segway HT into the place and enjoyed fresh and tasty crab, oysters and shrimp with a great salad and yummy new potatoes. Yum, yum!!!

A few demos were give before enjoying the great sounds and adult beverages at "Makers," right next door to "Da Boat." But that wasn't the end of the evening. When gliding in Bricktown, a few demos were given and I then glided up Broadway to our community. There was plenty of power remaining to add a visit to "The Tower Club." I cabled the HT to the door hinge and enjoyed a couple of Long Island Ice Teas before hitting the road again and making it home with plenty of power to spare. (With a red screen on the display, just enough power to spare to glide up the driveway!!!)

This evening was proof that the Segway HT batteries are in good shape and only the AC cable that Segway LLC provided had finally shorted out at the HT connection end. The new AC cable works great!#LVAL 9Wow, no problem with battery power at all in the cold! This was the final night before the paying public start enjoying the stage production tomorrow night. Family night allowed families to attend the show and check out how good it is! I used the Segway HT to travel from home to Stage Center where the production is taking place. Everything was like clock work, with the white rabbit telling the audience that "He's late." (Not me!) Anyway, it should be a great production and more details will be reveThis was the final night before the paying public start enjoying the stage production tomorrow night. Family night allowed families to attend the show and check out how good it is! I used the Segway HT to travel from home to Stage Center where the production is taking place. Everything was like clock work, with the white rabbit telling the audience that "He's late." (Not me!) Anyway, it should be a great production and more details will be revealed as the days progress.

After the show, I glided to Maker's in Bricktown for a visit and a beverage. The singer and pianist were in tune! The glide home was uneventful, but a pleasure with temps in the 40's. After a short stop at the house, a quick glide to Tower Club rounded out the evening. It's a nice place to visit, especially after a difficult day at work. Gliding home was a breeze, and not bad at 36 degrees with hardly any wind. I enjoyed a nice glide to Boulevard Cafeteria tonight. With hardly any wind and 32 degrees that felt warm compared with last night, the glide was just right with the ski jacket. It was so pleasant that I forgot my helmet! The short distance and almost deserted traffic conditions made it extremely safe. I tried to use the "U" bar lock, but it wouldn't fit around the post near the entrance. The cable lock continues to be the most "flexible" locking solution.

Carrot salad and enchilada with rice were my choices. The Segway HT was visible from the dining location. I would occasionally glance to make sure it was still there. The return trip felt comfy, after getting warmed up in the cafeteria. For short glides, the HT is a great way to get where you want to go.Wow, no problem with battery power at all in the cold! I glided to the Museum Cafe (and enjoyed a delicious dinner.) Then it was off to Bricktown and the Bass Pro Shop. This 3 hour dinner and city tour was all during 24 degree temperatures. I explained at Bass Pro about their great socks that were keeping my feet warm. The comfy fleece shirt is a great help too (another Bass Pro item.) But it was the Segway that attracted the attention. Soon a couple of employees were getting a demo in the front waiting area of the store. The greeter had me glide right in to shop. I visited with Jerry in the fly shop. There a couple asked me about the ZcoiL shoes. When I left the store, they both got on the HT and enjoyed their glide around the exit area.

The glide home was colder than normal, but the full winter outfit and two tapes that covered the front vent holes on the helmet made the ride very nice. With the battery indicator falling to one bar, I slowed down and recovered some of the charge. There was plenty of power to make it home without the red display. The batteries are holding up nicely and that was a pleasure tonight! The power cord was changed to one that has a side mounted cord. I had to trim the insert to make better contact. This was discussed on Segway Chat this week, so I gave it a try and it worked perfect.LVAL -Yesterday afternoon was the final formal rehearsal, and tonight was the dress rehearsal. The glide to Stage Center took place on time and with the sun still shining. Our weather is going to hold, but one night will be colder (thank goodness, no performance that night!)<br><br>You may be wondering what I am doing on stage. Well, that story will have to wait, as I wouldn't want to spoil it for those who might bYesterday afternoon was the final formal rehearsal, and tonight was the dress rehearsal. The glide to Stage Center took place on time and with the sun still shining. Our weather is going to hold, but one night will be colder (thank goodness, no performance that night!)

You may be wondering what I am doing on stage. Well, that story will have to wait, as I wouldn't want to spoil it for those who might be reading this and going to the presentation! Several demos have been given both days to the performers, stage hands and security. Everyone is having a great time!

The glide home was almost a record breaker, as the streets were empty and smooth. I was able to keep on going until I got home. The temperature was just above freezing with low wind. I glided so quickly home that long underwear wasn't needed!A glide to Stage Center occurred this afternoon to participate in an annual political presentation. The temperature was about 45 with sunny weather. After the rehearsal, I glided to Taco Bell for one of their new Club Chalupas. I will provide more details in future journal items about the presentation as rehearsals end and the presentations begin to the public.A beautiful sunny day made gliding to Subway for an afternoon snack perfect with temperatures in the 30's. The recent rains have left the streets clean and fresh. The journey allowed me to share the Segway HT with several postal employees. They were in multiple vehicles and stopped long enough to chat and get one demo ride. Everyone brings up the USPS Segway test in Norman, but doesn't know why the HT isn't being used in more places.

I glided right in to Subway and immediately parked the HT in the corner by the door. Questions were answered to both guests and employees. Everyone wants to know the price! I share all the details whenever someone asks. The new Subway wraps are delicious! I felt very satisfied when leaving to return home by gliding on various streets through the community. One of the neighbors asked several questions before I arrived home. Sunny weather is a wonderful treat when the temperatures are so cold. In all weather, the Segway continues to preform beyond expectations.With the Antiques Roadshow starting at 7 PM, I enjoyed a quick glide to Braum's for a dinner snack before gliding back home. The entire glide and dine took 30 minutes and I arrived back in time for the show.

At 30 degrees, the glide felt comfy due to the limited time spent on the HT. Service was a bit slow (unusual for Braum's.) To speed things up, I finished my chocolate milk shake by taking it with me. The top of the lamp post where the HT was locked provided a small shelf for the shake to sit on while I unlocked and started the Segway. With gloved hands and ear muffs on, I grabbed the milkshake and enjoyed the glide back home enjoying every tasty sip. The traffic signal was set to turn on without cars passing through, and that allowed a quick and safe crossing both ways. It was one of the more memorable glides to Braums, a great place to enjoy a bite to eat.LVAL With temperatures way below freezing, a nice glide to the Boulevard Cafeteria was a great way to enjoy a quick sit down dinnerWith temperatures way below freezing, a nice glide to the Boulevard Cafeteria was a great way to enjoy a quick sit down dinner without staying on the HT for a long time. The food was delicious and the Segway comments from the guests are always positive.It was a cold but dry morning during a morning glide to Braums for a breakfast burrito. But the mist was coming down on the way home. The morning glide is a great way to start the day!A glide this morning to Brown's Bakery was clear, but a few snow flakes fell as I headed out the door. By the time I arrived home, the snow was coming down. I glided back to check the pool and by the time I was finished, it looked a bit blizzardy. Not much snow is forecasted, but it sure was fun to see the snow flying around the Segway before putting it away for the day.With the best weather of the week predicted for today, I put the Segway HT into the trunk of the car and hauled it to work. A rare find was waiting for me when I arrived, a parking place very close to the building. I left the HT in the car until lunch.

Taking a lunch at 1 PM was just right as the temperature was 45 and sunny. The glide was perfect and very comfortable. I enjoyed a nice lunch at BK and also made a stop at the US Post Office. There was a slight breeze during the pleasant glide back to work. I miss the leaves on the trees (and the green grass too) but the air was refreshing and that was a delight.

I haven't been hauling the Segway in the car lately, so I felt it a bit in the back after all the lifts. I keep the back straight, but I'd rather not lift it much until a return to quality workouts to add strength to the back muscles. It was good to get the HT back home and charged up for a possible snow glide tomorrow morning.With rain all afternoon, a planned glide to the Oklahoma Garden Festival didn't occur. I drove to the underground parking and enjoyed the gardens in dry comfort.

The rain stopped during the Super Bowl game, so after the game I put on warm clothing for the 30 degree glide to pick up a 7 layer burrito and steak Gordita at Taco Bell. A bit of mist did mess up the safety glasses, but drying them off restored visibility. I used the drive thru and returned to the house to enjoy a late night snack while watching British comedies from our local PBS station.Three separate locations were glided to tonight during some misty weather that put just enough moisture on the ground to be a concern, but not a problem.

The evening started with our once a year annual business meeting for our historic community (with wonderful adult beverage and dinner buffet.) Then, I added the fun of gliding to Dooley's Tower Club where the patrons can hear different entertainers six nights a week. The entertainers bring their own style of jazz, contemporary, or old-time music to the place. There is a small dance floor, which gets most of its use on Wednesdays and Saturdays when a group of regular customers practice their ballroom dancing skills.

(Tonight, that dance floor was used for several Segway HT demos!)

Then it was off to Galileo's Bar and Grill, the lively but relaxed restaurant in the heart of the historic Paseo district. I was able to listen to live music tonight. The menu features a variety of Italian dishes, but I enjoyed visiting with the locals in the bar until it was time to return home to enter this into the web log.

The Segway HT took me to each of the three locations without a hitch. Once again, the Segway HT continues to perform beyond expectation on this evening of fun before Super Bowl 2004.69s0jj%% 6 J  x / P  @ fy*L6g#Aj$ES6@Cloudy Post Office Glide@3mzokc;;4(?S@Brown's Bakery Divorce?@3mzokc::3'?7f@Crystal Bridge and Museum Glide1)cmzokcBB;/?sޖ@The Glide to Forget!@0mzokc770$?{k@The Morning Glide to Braum'si@0mzokc??8,?)gP䝖@Cheever's Dinner Glide'@/mzokc992&?y@Glide to Bricktown Disappointing@.mzokcCC<0?Lh/!X@Warm Health Club Glide\@/mzokc992&?B{ -=@Warm Bakery Glide@/mzokc44-!?5@Work Glide and Demo@/mzokc66/#?~4(r@St. Patrick's Day Glide to Bricktown\@/mzokcGG@4?}ە@Braum's Big Breakfast Glidec@.mzokc>>7+?|j۔@Sonic Sidewalk Glide9@.mzokc770$?{)Q@Beautiful Museum Brunch Glide@.mzokc@@9-?zuz@Cloudy Dusk Glide@-mzokc44-!?yI5_@Dozen Donut GlideN@-mzokc44-!?xDZ>@Seussical the Musical Ride Glider@-mzokcCC<0?w@Wine Glide@-mzokc--&?vu.@Braum's Burrito Fiasco@*mzokc992&?uE#ݔ@Full Charge Work Glidex@,mzokc992&?t\5@Lengthy Museum and Bass Pro Glide@,mzokcDD=1?s5/,@Perfect Health Club Glide"@+mzokc<<5)?rw:}@Free Breakfast GlideK@+mzokc770$?q,^@Wet Street Marriott Hotel Glide@+mzokcBB;/?p>:@Donut Glide to Celebrate 3/3/3 Anniversary@)mzokcMMF:?oŒ@Anniversary Eve Work Glide4@)mzokc==6*?nK~@Carl's Jr Breakfast Glide@(mzokc<<5)?m \ؓ@Sonic Wind GlideI@(mzokc33, ?lԥ@Home & Garden Expo plus Concert Glide+@(mzokcHHA5?kw:@Blazer's Hockey Glide@'mzokc881%?jJ }@Museum Cafe Glideo@'mzokc44-!?i8&Z@A Cool Glide for Donuts @&mzokc::3'?h?@Voting by Segway@&mzokc33, ?g(}g@Breakfast and Rain Glide@&mzokc;;4(?f߼x@George Washington Birthday Glide@&mzokcCC<0?e{oiڒ@Sunny Glide to the Health Club@%mzokcAA:.?dr1@Windy Donut Glide@$mzokc44-!?cg@Cocktails and Miss Saigon@$mzokc<<5)?bYC}@Work and Pep Boys Glide@$mzokc::3'?akY^@Da Boat and Da PoliceG@#mzokc881%?`(}g:@Early Glide to Braum's@"mzokc992&?_2T@Segway Race to Dinner@"mzokc881%?^a @One More Gridiron Glide@"mzokc::3'?]d0ڑ@He's Late, he's late, for a very important date!@!mzokcSSL@?\= Y'@Donut Glide instead of Chocolate@ mzokcCC<0?[,H@Rainy Opening Night Glide@"mzokc<<5)?Z@@Family Night, Bricktown and Tower Club@mzokcIIB6?X5^@Dress Rehearsal Glide;@mzokc881%?VTY\<@Stage Center Glidem@mzokc55."?TQΠ@Sunny and in the 30's@mzokc881%?SCe@Boulevard Glide@mzokc22+?Rkΐ@Burrito in the Mist@mzokc66/#?QKho@A Snowflake Glidew@mzokc44-!?Pl͞@A Beautiful Sunny Work Glide@mzokc??8,?9 LVALQ QQWith a rainy glide to Stage Center, opening night was a success. I dried off the Segway HT so it wouldnt track water all over the stage. Each evening I park the HT backstage away from all the patrons. This show has been given each year since 1928, but not during the WWII years. It's the Oklahoma City Grid Iron show and the the Grid Iron Club puts on a "roast" of local, state, national and world events from the past year. I was asked to help out several months ago and was glad to help. The show is lots of fun and I will With a rainy glide to Stage Center, opening night was a success. I dried off the Segway HT so it wouldnt track water all over the stage. Each evening I park the HT backstage away from all the patrons. This show has been given each year since 1928, but not during the WWII years. It's the Oklahoma City Grid Iron show and the the Grid Iron Club puts on a "roast" of local, state, national and world events from the past year. I was asked to help out several months ago and was glad to help. The show is lots of fun and I will share more details after more have attended.

The cold front that approached OKC this evening brought temperatures down to just above freezing during the glide home, but the wind chill was about 19 degrees. It helped to wear the rain coat home, even with no rain. The glide is quick, so there is little time to get chilled. It's always nice to arrive home and turWith a rainy glide to Stage Center, opening night was a success. I dried off the Segway HT so it wouldnt track water all over the stage. Each evening I park the HT backstage away from all the patrons. This show has been given each year since 1928, but not during the WWII years. It's the Oklahoma City Grid Iron show and the the Grid Iron Club puts on a "roast" of local, state, national and world events from the past year. I was asked to help out several months ago and was glad to help. The show is lots of fun and I will share more details after more have attended.

The cold front that approached OKC this evening brought temperatures down to just above freezing during the glide home, but the wind chill was about 19 degrees. It helped to wear the rain coat home, even with no rain. The glide is quick, so there is little time to get chilled. It's always nice to arrive home and turn up the heat and enjoy the warm comfort after gliding on the HT.Last night's cold front lowered temperatures to an absolutely biting cold feeling today. I would have loved to enjoy a glide to the seventh annual 'Chocolate Decadence' tonight, but 20+ degree temps on the way home were predicted. Sorry - but no way. I drove straight to the party from work and that allowed more consumption of chocolate martinis, candies, fudge, cheese cakes, dipped fruit, pastries and lots of conversation. The Museum cafe was serving the richest deserts and announced their new bar was open. I stopped at their new bar afterwards for a chicken caesar and superior chocolate martini!

So a glide to Brown's Bakery was enjoyed this morning with bright sunshine helping to warm the black 501 Levi jeans. The turtle fur around the neck was a plus, but my nose was exposed and the wind chill was excessive. I was glad to schedule in the daytime glide, as it was 22 degrees during the auto drive on the way home tonight. LVAL The title of this day's blog is one of the lines from the Gridiron show that I have been gliding to each evening.<br><br>Our governor has a way of being late. He was late tonight and made a point of it by appearing on center stage and walking to his seat! The entire audience rose up and sang, "Oklahoma!" The fun continued when an actor playing "Henry Plotter" sang "Henry the Late I am!."<br><br>The audience is always filled with local, state and even some federal elected officials. What has beeThe title of this day's blog is one of the lines from the Gridiron show that I have been gliding to each evening.

Our governor has a way of being late. He was late tonight and made a point of it by appearing on center stage and walking to his seat! The entire audience rose up and sang, "Oklahoma!" The fun continued when an actor playing "Henry Plotter" sang "Henry the Late I am!."

The audience is always filled with local, state and even some federal elected officials. What has been fun about this years show is why I would glide to it each evening. The answer is simple, the Segway HT has been appearing in the performances. I'll give more detail in the next blog.

After the Friday night show, a group from the Tulsa Gridiron joined the OKC group for an after show reception. I brought the HT up the elevator and gave demos on the patio. A few large fluffy snow flakes constantly falling made the demos more magical. Everyone had a great time and I took pictures of the fun.The title of this day's blog is one of the lines from the Gridiron show that I have been gliding to each evening.

Our governor has a way of being late. He was late tonight and made a point of it by appearing on center stage and walking to his seat! The entire audience rose up and sang, "Oklahoma!" The fun continued when an actor playing "Henry Plotter" sang "Henry the Late I am!."

The audience is always filled with local, state and even some federal elected officials. What has been fun about this years show is why I would glide to it each evening. The answer is simple, the Segway HT has been appearing in the performances. I'll give more detail in the next blog.

After the Friday night show, a group from the Tulsa Gridiron joined the OKC group for an after show reception. I brought the HT up the elevator and gave demos on the patio. A few large fluffy snow flakes constantly falling made the demos more magical. Everyone had a great time and I took pictures of the fun.With a rainy glide to Stage Center, openingThe title of this day's blog is one of the lines from the Gridiron show that I have been gliding to each evening.

Our governor has a way of being late. He was late tonight and made a point of it by appearing on center stage and walking to his seat! The entire audience rose up and sang, "Oklahoma!" The fun continued when an actor playing "Henry Plotter" sang "Henry the Late I am!."

The audience is always filled with local, state and even some federal elected officials. What has been fun about this years show is why I would glide to it each evening. The answer is simple, the Segway HT has been appearing in the performances. I'll give more detail in the next blog.

After the Friday night show, a group from the Tulsa Gridiron joined the OKC group for an after show reception. I brought the HT up the elevator and gave demos on the patio. A few large fluffy snow flakes constantly falling made the demos more magical. Everyone had a great time and I took pictures of the fun.LVAL  pWith temperatures in the 30's, it was a chilly glide to Braum's this morning for breakfast. A bright sun and the long underwear made it easy and comfy. The street repair is finished, so the wait for the signal was a bit longer than than the past few months. The distance to Braum's is shorter with a glide through the community. ThWith temperatures in the 30's, it was a chilly glide to Braum's this morning for breakfast. A bright sun and the long underwear made it easy and comfy. The street repair is finished, so the wait for the signal was a bit longer than than the past few months. The distance to Braum's is shorter with a glide through the community. The HT is a great way to travel, especially on the residental streets.

At work, someone left a "Q" ad from Pep Boys. A lot of explaining will be required as the cheap knock-off product is purchased. Users of the "Q" will be disappointed when they find they legally cannot use them on the streets. The Segway HT is the way to go!The last 2004 Gridiron performance was held tonight. Titled: "Henry Plodder and the League of Ordinary Gentlemen or Saddam-IZED For Your Protection." One of the features of the program is a sequence that is like "Carnac the Magnificent" on the Johnny Carson Show. The Gridiron's Carnac is named Gridnac and arrives on stage with a different transportation system each time. This year Gridnac arrived on a Segway HT each evening. The glide for me was easy. Gridnac had a good time riding around and giving his now famous lines.

After the last show I gave demos in the bar area. The demos continued as the cast enjoyed a meal in the basement meeting area.After the NASCAR 500, it was time to race to Taco Bell for a bit of dinner. The sun was still shining and the food was fine. While it wasn't a record time for the glide, it was enjoyable to relax and glide through the neighborhood.With a rainy glide to Stage Center, opening night was a success. I dried off the Segway HT so it wouldnt track water all over the stage. Each evening I park the HT backstage away from all the patrons. This show has been given each year since 1928, but not during the WWII years. It's the Oklahoma City Gridiron show and the Gridiron Club puts on a "roast" of local, state, national and world events from the past year. I was asked to help out several months ago and was glad to help. The show is lots of fun and I will share more details after more have attended.

The cold front that approached OKC this evening brought temperatures down to just above freezing during the glide home, but the wind chill was about 19 degrees. It helped to wear the rain coat home, even with no rain. The glide is quick, so there is little time to get chilled. It's always nice to arrive home and turn up the heat and enjoy the warm comfort after gliding on the HT.LVALNo wind and 45 degree temperatures made this a great evening to glide. On the drive home I noticed a truck stuck under the 6th street railroad overpass. Calling 911, the lady asked, "are you sure it's stuck?" I reassured her and drove home. Gliding by the same spot about 30 minutes later, sure enough, the truck was still there and the police had instructed them to remove air from the tires to get the truck out. All this activity put me in proximity of Da Boat in Bricktown. After enjoying a pleasant chat with a bicycler named Bill (who got a demo) the next stop was to have dinner in Bricktown.<br><br>The food at Da Boat is delicious. The decor could stand a little improvement but who cares when the prices and taste are just right! Afterwards, a glide around Bricktown to check out Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras locations paid off. Both Da Boat and Crabtown are ready to roll out the red carpet next week.<br><br>Gliding on the sNo wind and 45 degree temperatures made this a great evening to glide. On the drive home I noticed a truck stuck under the 6th street railroad overpass. Calling 911, the lady asked, "are you sure it's stuck?" I reassured her and drove home. Gliding by the same spot about 30 minutes later, sure enough, the truck was still there and the police had instructed them to remove air from the tires to get the truck out. All this activity put me in proximity of Da Boat in Bricktown. After enjoying a pleasant chat with a bicycler named Bill (who got a demo) the next stop was to have dinner in Bricktown.

The food at Da Boat is delicious. The decor could stand a little improvement but who cares when the prices and taste are just right! Afterwards, a glide around Bricktown to check out Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras locations paid off. Both Da Boat and Crabtown are ready to roll out the red carpet next week.

Gliding on the sidewalk from Crabtown, I was stopped by two Oklahoma City police officers. They were in friendly outfits to soften the police presence in the tourist destination. The officer announced, "Sir, you cannot ride those on the sidewalk." I stepped off and explained to them how the state has a separate law for EPAMD's and the lady mentioned that she had seen me before. They appreciated the information and suggested that I have the Chief Prosecutor mail a copy of the law to the Bricktown Police Station. It was a pleasant conversation, but neither of them wanted to step on the HT. A van from the Oklahoma Natural Gas company was filled with folks from the gas company. They shouted to me to ride the HT so they could see it in operation. Everyone was smiling and having a great time during the mini exhibition.

Battery life was very adequate to glide quickly home. It was a most unusual evening of conversation, food and fun. LVAL< (%It was another windy morning, but sunny and bright for a nice glide to Brown's Bakery to purchase donuts for the folks at work. With the outdoor tables crowding out the glide to the lockup area, I placed the HT against the glass instead. Seeing it clearly from inside, I left it unlocked during the donut purchase. I hope to find another easy to use lockup location at the store soon.It was another windy morning, but sunny and bright for a nice glide to Brown's Bakery to purchase donuts for the folks at work. With the outdoor tables crowding out the glide to the lockup area, I placed the HT against the glass instead. Seeing it clearly from inside, I left it unlocked during the donut purchase. I hope to find another easy to use lockup location at the store soon. The windy glide back home was quick and easy.

Since I didn't get to St. Louis this year for the Mardi-Glide, the event was remembered tonight when dining with Myrna. We both had "St. Louis Ribs!" It was nice to enjoy a quiet evening after the ear damage from last night's "Miss Saigon" 3 minute helicopter sequence. More about how that affects the future Segway HT glides soon.Tonight's glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" was extremely windy, but warm with temps near 70 degrees! A thunderstorm was threatning, but never occurred. I wore a rain coat just in case, but removed it at both the museum and the Civic Center Music Hall for "Miss Saigon." The spring like weather reminded me how wonderful gliding on the HT is most of the time. Having to bundle up in winter has become a bit frustrating at times.

The short glide from the museum to the show was a luxury experience, with coat room storage available for the HT at both locations. No car and no frustration! The glide home was dreamy at 59 degrees! My open jacket and coat flapped in the breeze as the HT "flew" on empty roads. The absence of cars is appreciated during the late night return home.Springtime weather made a lunch time glide at work a breeze, literally! It was windy but refreshing. The trees don't show their green leaves until tax day (4/15) so the landscape appeared stark. Getting back on the Segway HT at lunch felt good too. Spring is right around the corner!

A visit to Pep Boys after work to see the "Q" had positives and negatives. The "Q" was there, they let me try it, but it would only go about 3 mph due to a faulty control or battery. I mentioned the Segway and since it was in the car, offered to bring it in. The staff enjoyed riding the HT around and were very impressed with the HT quality. One gentleman glided a bit too fast and stepped off, he didn't understand that you leaned backwards to stop or slow! People who know about the "Q" will need a bit more instruction before getting a demo on the Segway HT! Clayton said to call and find out when the "Q" was operating properly. I was pleased to learn the brakes are on the rear tires. Because it is free wheeling, it moves a bit when you step on. Controls are a bit complex. I am extremely happy to have the HT for outdoor gliding. The Segway HT is so much safer in the rough world of broken sidewalks and uphill streets.@ LVALR RFebruary 22nd, and time to celebrate George Washington's birthday! What better way than to glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art and enjoy birthday cake and punch while viewing the spectacular original painting of George himself!<br><br><br><br>The day was spectacular as well. With temps near 70 degrees, it was the best gliding weather this year! After enjoying some punch (the cake was already gone) I glided to Myriad Gardens, Ford Center and the new courtyard by Marriot next to Ford Center. I glided to the entrance, then stepped off and power assisted to the front counter. Leaving the HT there, I took a walking tour of the hotel. Very nice and spaciousFebruary 22nd, and time to celebrate George Washington's birthday! What better way than to glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art and enjoy birthday cake and punch while viewing the spectacular original painting of George himself!

The day was spectacular as well. With temps near 70 degrees, it was the best gliding weather this year! After enjoying some punch (the cake was already gone) I glided to Myriad Gardens, Ford Center and the new courtyard by Marriot next to Ford Center. I glided to the entrance, then stepped off and power assisted to the front counter. Leaving the HT there, I took a walking tour of the hotel. Very nice and spacious. One demo was given to Marriot staff before leaving for Maker's in Bricktown.

I enjoyed some nice conversation and beverage while the sun was getting ready to set. A quick glide home allowed more daylight to enjoy talking to several of the neighbors on the street. Some were cleaning their yards while one other was barbequing on their large grill. The HT made chatting easy compared with driving home and never seeing the neighbors! The icing on the cake was the surprise visit from the folks who previously owned my home. We chatted and enjoyed each others company before departing our separate ways. I reminded everyone to vote on Tuesday throughout the day. It was a great day and a great glide.The city was bathed in warm sunlight today. It felt like spring and it felt good. The glide to the health club took place in the early afternoon. With furniture moved in the entry, it took awhile to find the right spot to lockup the HT. One of the staff said, "you're our favorite customer." Now that shows the joy the Segway HT has on folks in Oklahoma!

When I left, about a half dozen demos were given in the entry. Soon I glided back home with extra care at the street lights to be sure that no one was running a red light. With the warmer weather, the battery indicator was in great shape. If I would only concentrate on more health club glides, I would be in better shape!LVALh ȼIt was time to mark the ballot for the new mayor of Oklahoma City. What better way to travel to the polls than by Segway HT. The entire roundtrip glide took only 12 minutes! I was able to glide right next to the voting table and chat with the folks who volunteer. Voting was quick with 4 choices and no other decisions. Our state uses modern equipment, so resultIt was time to mark the ballot for the new mayor of Oklahoma City. What better way to travel to the polls than by Segway HT. The entire roundtrip glide took only 12 minutes! I was ablA morning glide for donuts was a bit chilly, but not freezing. While warming up at Brown's Bakery, a couple asked a lot of questions A morning glide for donuts was a bit chilly, but not freezing. While warming up at Brown's Bakery, a couple asked a lot of questions about the Segway HT. Soon I was on my way back home. The magic carpet ride of the HT continues to be a great way to travel about town.It was time to mark the ballot for the new mayor of Oklahoma City. What better way to travel to the polls than by Segway HT. The entire roundtrip glide took only 12 minutes! I was able to glide right next to the voting table and chat with the folks who volunteer. Voting was quick with 4 choices and no other decisions. Our state uses modern equipment, so results are fast and accurate. Using the ultra modern Segway made travel to and from the polls fast and accurate as well!

Temps were in the 30's tonight. With several places to visit on Fat Tuesday, the car was used to get to Bricktown. It took 8 minutes to walk from free parking to Da Boat. It was better than paying $5, but I missed the speed of using the HT.With heavy rain predicted tonight, a morning glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito grande was a delicious way to start the day. Rain drops were falling on the way home, but not enough to spoil the fun!

If you never heard of Braum's, then check this link:

The weather reports for OKC are very accurate. Sure enough, it was raining tonight. Was sure glad the glide took place this morning!February 22nd, and time to celebrate George Washington's birthday! What better way, than to glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art and enjoy birthday cake and punch while viewing the spectacular original painting of George himself!

The day was spectacular. With temps near 70 degrees, it was the best gliding weather this year! After enjoying some punch (the cake was already gone) I glided to Myriad Gardens, Ford Center and the new courtyard by Marriott next to Ford Center. I glided to the hotel entrance, then stepped off and power assisted to the front counter. Leaving the HT there, I took a walking tour of the hotel. Very nice and spacious. One demo was given to Marriott staff before leaving for Maker's in Bricktown.

I enjoyed some nice conversation and beverage while the sun was getting ready to set. A quick glide home allowed more daylight to enjoy talking to several of the neighbors on the street. Some were cleaning their yards while one other was barbecuing on their large grill. The HT made chatting with the neighbors easy compared with driving home and stepping into the house! The icing on the cake was the surprise visit from the folks who previously owned my home. We chatted and enjoyed each others company before departing our separate ways. I reminded everyone to vote on Tuesday throughout the day. It was a great day and a great glide.LVAL Under cloudy conditions, a glide to the Cox Business Center was quicker than driving to the OKC Home & Garden Expo. This annual event was at the state fair grounds, but moved to the superior downtown facility this year.<br><br><br><br>The HT was cabled to a post Under cloudy conditions, a glide to the Cox Business Center was quicker than driving to the OKC Home & Garden Expo. This annual event was at the state fair grounds, but moved to the superior downtown facility this year.

The HT was cabled to a post at an unused built-in refreshment facility inside the arena entry. I did not want to ride the HT on the show floor. That was a good decision as the show was very crowded.

When leaving, several asked questions but no demos were given. The glide home Under cloudy conditions, a glide to the Cox Business Center was quicker than driving to the OKC Home & Garden Expo. This annual event was at the state fair grounds, but moved to the superior downtown facility this year.

The HT was cabled to a post at an unused built-in refreshment facility inside the arena entry. I did not want to ride the HT on the show floor. That was a good decision as the show was very crowded.

When leaving, several asked questions but no demos were given. The glide home was fast and enjoyable in the cool weather.I made this blog entry before gliding to the hockey game (since I would arrive home after 11 pm.) I should have checked the HT too, because it wasn't plugged in! Only two miles were ridden yesterday, so there was plenty of power to make it to the Blazer hockey game at Ford Center. I grabbed a power cord to charge it if necessary.

No outlet cold be found in the vast storage area where I park the HT. The ability to cable the HT to a large pipe is comforting. When getting ready to leave, a large group of Ford Center staff were there to see me climb on the HT and glide. The interest in the HT continues to be strong.

The Blazers lost, but the win was gliding to Maker's afterward and plugging the HT in for charging while enjoying fine piano and singing. One lady mentioned "Pep Boys" when I entered. I soon commented about the "Q" and the differences. An hour or so later I was back gliding with plenty of power to make it home. However, the fun of gliding was so great that I continued to Dooley's Tower Club for conversation and a glass of water. Some of the neighbors were there and everyone had a great time. The HT was cabled to the door hinge as it has been done before.The glide to the Oklahoma City museum tonight was enjoyed with 40 degree temps with little wind. Great weather, but for some reason "Cocktails" was cancelled. So, plan two was put into effect and I strolled into the Museum Cafe for a wonderful chicken pasta. After sipping the chardonnay and enjoying the food, the painting of George Washington was enjoyed again. In about 6 weeks George will be departing for one more museum before his final resting place in Washington DC.

The glide home was perfect. No cars on the street and it was like "The Twilight Zone" episode where only one person was living in the city!eLVAL yAnother bright sunny morning, it was perfect to enjoy a glide to Carl's Jr. for breakfast. The glide is quite a bit longer than to Braum's, but the Carl's breakfast is unique as they have continued the Hardees line of food in the morning. Fresh baked biscuits from scratch, yum!<br><br>The Segway HT caused quite a stir since this was one of the first breakfast glides to this location. A whoAnother bright sunny morning, it was perfect to enjoy a glide to Carl's Jr. for breakfast. The glide is quite a bit longer than to Braum's, but the Carl's breakfast is unique as they have continued the Hardees line of food in the morning. Fresh baked biscuits from scratch, yum!

The Segway HT caused quite a stir since this was one of the first breakfast glides to this location. A whole new audience was viewing as if it was one year ago! It took a bit longer for breakfast as the cook needed some extra time to redo the potatoes for everyone.

The glide back was cool and enjoyable in the sun. The community looks extra fresh in the morning, with sun angles shining on homes, lighting up areas that I normally don't notice. It was a great change of pace and a fun glide!Under cloudy conditions, a glide to the Cox Business Center was quicker than driving to the OKC Home & Garden Expo. This annual event was at the state fair grounds, but moved to the superior downtown facility this year.

The HT was cabled to a post at an unused built-in refreshment facility inside the arena entry. I did not want to ride the HT on the show floor. That was a good decision as the show was very crowded. When leaving, several asked questions but no demos were given. The glide home was fast and enjoyable in the cool weather.

Later in the evening I took another glide to a great Broadway music production by the Philharmonic. It was the first time I paid to park the Segway HT, as the coat check lady was present and taking money! The total of $3 was the charge, the same as checking a coat. The glide home after the concert featured empty streets. It seems strange to glide to a traffic light and let the Segway HT trigger the signal. With no one around, the city is a dream to glide through.After a morning rain, the afternoon turned beautiful with temps in the 60's and a bright sun with clouds drifting through the sunlight. A glide to eat was planned, but where to go. Remembering the fun food at Sonic, I jumped on the HT and glided up and down the streets enjoying the great weather. One guy in a Jazzy type scooter was slowly travelling on the road. I chatted and answered questions.

All was fine until I arrived at Sonic and placed the order. The sky quickly clouded up and the wind was cooler. While standing in a protected area, the Sonic staff talked to me in mass and asked their questions about the HT. After getting the order, I braved the wind and enjoyed a couple of sandwiches, but it was nice to get back on the road again! To stay comfy, the helmet was never removed during the meal.

Residental streets were smooth and not crowded. The glide home was windy and made hill climbing more of an effort, yet the HT keep moving at top speed. It was nice to be gliding in the daytime and to view the progress of home building and renovation in the neighborhood.1LVAL EHappy Anniversary! The Segway arrived one year ago today. What a year it has been! A glide to Brown's Bakery between rain storms this morning was a great way to celebrate. The glide was a bit misty with a few more cars than usual. I stepped off when the HT needed to be moved up a grassy curb. That was a good move, as the wheels spun on the wet grass. Bringing donuts to work allowed me to mention the anniversary to those getting their "Segway delivered" treat.<br><br>Excessive rain during the day and evening made the choice of a morning glide the right one. However, to celHappy Anniversary! The Segway arrived one year ago today. What a year it has been! A glide to Brown's Bakery between rain storms this morning was a great way to celebrate. The glide was a bit misty with a few more cars than usual. I stepped off when the HT needed to be moved up a grassy curb. That was a good move, as the wheels spun on the wet grass. Bringing donuts to work allowed me to mention the anniversary to those getting their "Segway delivered" treat.

Excessive rain during the day and evening made the choice of a morning glide the right one. However, to celebration the first glide, I climbed on the HT inside the house tonight and rode it around as I did a year ago. Being able to glide around on the hardwood floors in and out of the five doorways has been fun. In the past year, I never had to make the indoor glide the only one of the day. Working around the weather and having the blessing of time to glide, the commitment of riding every day was successful. To do it safely is a miracle! Praise God for safe travelling mercies and for Segway LLC engineering and manufacturing a transportation device of extreme quality and safety!With leap year, today's 366th day of gliding is actually the anniversary eve of the Segway arrival. With rain forecasted for tonight, a glide at work was a good plan. The HT helped save time in the parking lot after the morning arrival.

The beginning of the lunch glide was cold and cloudy, so a quick glide to the car was accomplished to pick up leather gloves. Soon the HT was on the recreation trail as I glided towards Burger King for lunch. A few were jogging on the trail, as usual the HT was slowed and steered off the trail to allow them to pass. One gentleman asked questions as the HT was locked up outside. After a nice warm lunch, a quick stop at the post office was accomplished before returning to work and storing the HT in the car.

At home, the HT was used to check the gates that are sometimes left open when the gardeners are there. A few pieces of trash were picked up to make the property look nicer. The Segway was cleaned up in celebration of tomorrow's anniversary. It's been a great year of FUN (Fantastic, Unique, New) transportation. LVAL A quick glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito became a fiasco when the order taker couldn't enter the order into the computer. It took a meeting of every staff person with management to decide that the $1.99 item (clearly shown on a posted ad) was not to include hash browns as shown, but instead the hash browns were to be included inside the burrito. Gliding on the Segway HT becomA quick glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito became a fiasco when the order taker couldn't enter the order into the computer. It took a meeting of every staff person with management to decide that the $1.99 item (clearly shown on a posted ad) was not to include hash browns as shown, but instead the hash browns were to be included inside the burrito. Gliding on the Segway HT becomes more simple and elegant every day when compared with the complexity that our world has invented.

Some of the streets on the way to Braum's are in need of repair. Oklahoma City is not a wealthy town, although that could be changing as the gas prices rise and oil companies rake in the profits. Gliding on the HT is a blessing compared with driving and wasting fuel on food trips.LVAL Several inches of rain fell on Oklahoma City in tWith perfect 63 degree temps and about 50% humidity, it doesn't get much better for gliding to the health club. The bright sun and clear air were delightul. It was the kind of weather that gives you more energy to get things done. No one asking for a demo helps speed thiWith perfect 63 degree temps and about 50% humidity, it doesn't get much better for gliding to the health club. The bright sun and clear air were delightul. It was the kind of weather that gives you more energy to get things done. No one asking for a demo helps speed things up too!

The Segway HT continues to perform perfectly with over a years usage. Time passes by so quickly, it's been wonderful to travel by HT to so many places and events. As fuel prices continue to rise, the ability to travel on electric power is an extra treat.It was a beautiful morning to take advantage of a free breakfast coupon from Carl's Jr. When the potatoes were not quite right the other day, they handed me a free coupon for another day. The glide on the HT was smooth, although debris from the hard rains was another good reason to be gliding in the daytime.

After locking up the HT near the drive thru, a relaxing breakfast was enjoyed while reading some stories from USA Today. I almost forgot the clock and hurried back onto the HT for the glide home. A great way to start the day (and avoid the expected rain this evening!)Several inches of rain fell on Oklahoma City in the past two days. What a treat to have clear skies and mid 50 temps for a glide to the Museum. "Cocktails on the Skyline" was cancelled, so I hopped on board the HT and continued to the new Marriott next to Ford Center. The new library sidewalk was finished, it was fun to glide next to the windows and see all the progress inside the new library. In the center of the business district, two business men were able to enjoy a demo. The usual questions were answered and they enjoyed riding on the HT. When I finally arrived at the Marriott, the wheels were wet, but dried nicely by gliding on the door mat strips. Management let me park the Segway in a hidden hallway that leads to the management offices.

Dinner at the Grill was pleasant. I sat next to two ladies who were in town for a "Prepaid Legal Services" convention. They asked lots of questions about the HT, although they had only seen me push it through the hotel. Nice conversation and the enjoyable dinner were very relaxing. Before leaving the area, I glided into Bricktown and across the canal bridge. I didn't feel like stopping at Maker's as the clothes do get a bit smoky. The weather remained clear for a glide home that included another couple of demos next to Individual Artists of Oklahoma (IAO.) They are having a very unusual art display over the next two evenings. I saw enough by peeking through the one remaining clear window.

The wet streets had plenty of traction. I avoided muddy areas and glided slower than usual to avoid any accidental slips that might occur with wet tires on ultra smooth surfaces. With the extreme clear air and beautiful moon that will be full on Saturday, it was an unusual and enjoyable glide this evening.LVAL^ Ah, it's not what you think. The museum glide is on Thursday evenings. While the sun was setting, I hopped on board the Segway HT for a glide to Byron's Liquor Warehouse. Started putting on the 12.0 bag backwards, that was a first!<br><br>The HT was parked outside in front of the store with the cable wrapped around a telephone pole. The search for 3 bottles of CAh, it's not what you think. The museum glide is on Thursday evenings. While the sun was setting, I hopped on board the Segway HT for a glide to Byron's Liquor Warehouse. Started putting on the 12.0 bag backwards, that was a first!

The HT was parked outside in front of the store with the cable wrapped around a telephone pole. The search for 3 bottles of Chardonnay were made quickly so the HT could be checked on from the register. Grabbing a "Oklahoma Gazette" newspaper before leaving, the 12.0 bag was loaded up before taking off. One bottle didn't fit because the rear red light was stuck into the bag while in the store. After a lengthy wait at the curb, a non-stop glide was started from Byron's to home sweet home.One year ago today I took the Segway HT on its first full charge glide. Last evening the HT was drained of power by letting it stand in balance mode until it shut down in about two hours. That was after yesterday's long battery draining glide.

After a full charge through the night, the HT was put in the car for a lunch glide at work. It was windy during the travel from car to work, work to BK, BK to the post office and finally back to the work place. Only 2 bars of power had been used! This is much better performance than usual.

Tonight the HT was ridden around the driveway area before charging. The plan is to check the battery life by enjoying a glide around Lake Hefner on a nice weekend. It's been a great year of full charge gliding and the habit of gliding daily is second nature. With great spring weather around the corner, stepping on the Segway HT is more fun than ever. I understand why Segway LLC did not ship them out until March 1 last year. The winter weather is not as comfortable, especially in the northern states. I am thankful for the good conditions that make gliding in OKC a year round possibility.Spectacular weather results in lengthy glides. No one would want to step off the Segway HT when the day is so heavenly! The glide to the Museum Cafe for brunch was only the beginning. Some of the patrons asked questions and the brunch was delicious. I parked the HT outside and locked it to the modern U shaped bike holders. After brunch, a few demos were given to the guests who had asked questions.

Next stop was the Bass Pro Shop after enjoying a glide through the OKC Myriad Gardens and viewing the Bricktown movie theater construction. The HT was parked at one of the reserved parking signs. As I entered a greeter recognized me and asked where the HT was. He mentioned to park it inside anytime. The store was crowded with shoppers enjoying the big sale. A couple of all terrain vehicles were for sale, about 2 and 5K for the single rider models.

The glide home was enjoyable, although with the auto show in town I got more comments from drivers than usual. Everyone asks questions and is very pleasant with no negative remarks at all!

With the need for longer battery life, I decided to extend the glide until the batteries were low. It took a couple of glides around the community, but the emergency shut down finally occurred. It's nice to know the version 11 software will safely slow the HT down to a crawl before giving the stick shake warning. Great food and perfect weather always makes for a great glide!LVAL& fRain fell on our parade today. The OKC St. Patrick's Day parade was a success, but I sure didn't want to be gliding to it in the rain! There was one very emotional part, when a dog that lost it's front legs was walking in the parade!!! No HT required for the special self balancing dog! No camera this year, but I sure had fun last yeRain fell on our parade today. The OKC St. Patrick's Day parade was a success, but I sure didn't want to be gliding to it in the rain! There was one very emotional part, when a dog that lost it's front legs was walking in the parade!!! No HT required for the special self balancing dog! No camera this year, but I sure had fun last year gliding during the parade.

The streets dried up late this afternoon, allowing a cloudy glide at dusk to Taco Bell for a light dinner item. The streets were deserted for the glide home. Street glides are heavenly when the cars are gone. The food and glide were a nice treat before enjoying the PBS Festival fund raiser tonight.With plans to enjoy ice skating and company parties tonight, a morning glide was a must. What better way to start the day then gliding to Brown's Bakery for a dozen donuts. Once again, the hands were outstretched to grab a free donut at work.

Unfortunately, the glide on the Segway HT allowed me to get close to an upsetting problem. A broken window that a neighbor experienced to their car. I stopped and informed them of the problem. I probably wouldn't have noticed the situation if the car had been used. With no windows on an HT, this is another advantage of travel by Segway!This was a magical night, the glide started while it was bright. The sun soon set, but I wasn't at the museum yet. The cocktail group had a good time, I enjoyed a glass of wine. Oh the places I see, but there was no chips or brie.

The HT was stored in the hat room, with no cat in the room. During "Horton Hears a Who", no one turned blue. The stage was decorated funny, and my ticket didn't cost much money. A fun time was had by all, and that cat's hat was sure tall.

Back on the HT, I soon glided home. No time to waste, no time to roam. I hope you enjoyed this Seussical verse. May such fun never be terse.Ah, it's not what you think. The museum glide is on Thursday evenings. While the sun was setting, I hopped on board the Segway HT for a glide to Byron's Liquor Warehouse. Started by putting the 12.0 bag on backwards, that was a first!

The HT was parked outside in front of the store with the cable wrapped around a telephone pole. The search for 3 bottles of Chardonnay was made quickly so the HT could be viewed from the register. Grabbing a "Oklahoma Gazette" newspaper before leaving, the 12.0 bag was loaded up before taking off. One bottle didn't fit because the rear red light was stuck into the bag while in the store. After a lengthy wait at the curb, a non-stop glide was started from Byron's to home sweet home.qLVAL, The thought of patio dining at Chelino's in Bricktown was a delightful idea, but the patio was closed because of the cold front that lowered the temps to 60. It was a blast to get on the Segway and cruise around the near empty downtown area. With no desire The thought of patio dining at Chelino's in Bricktown was a delightful idea, but the patio was closed because of the cold front that lowered the temps to 60. It was a blast to get on the Segway and cruise around the near empty downtown area. With no desire to park inside at Bricktown, I glided north to KFC and enjoyed a chicken breast dinner. One of the ladies who works inside got a demo while taking her break outside. The meal was good and the glide was longer than normal. Not bad for a cool Sunday afternoon.Time for a big breakfast? Braum's was a good choice and a perfect place to glide this morning. The meal is served faster than it takes to glide, and that is fast! Several ladies asked questions about the HT, it is amazing how many don't know what the HT is. Construction workers asked questions during the glide home. The fun continues on a daily basis.Perfect dusk conditions with hardly any wind made the glide to Sonic this evening fantastic. Most of the glide was on newer sidewalks. Smooth and delightful, especially with the straight curb cuts that did not require any turns. The bacon cheeseburger and strawberry limeade were delicious. Sonic makes their limeades with real fruit. I had to request a spoon to eat all the pieces of strawberry mixed with the ice. A quarter lime was left too, after they squeeze the delicious fresh lime juice into the drink just before serving it! A few questions were asked from those sitting in the cars. The usual: Where did you get and how much? I explained the dual redundancy as the reason for the high price tag.

The glide in both directions was very fast. I don't think that travel by car would be much faster when you consider the wait for signals. I am amazed when a car passes me in the neighborhood street, that the HT isn't far behind since they stop at each block for a stop sign and I can continue to travel after checking that the street is clear. A great way to travel.What a day to glide. Sunny and sixty degrees. A glide to the Museum Cafe was perfect for their Sunday Brunch. I enjoyed an omlette made with tomato, Canadian bacon and goat cheese! Bacon, sausage and potatoes were served on the side. Yum! The cafe was very crowded so dining at the smoke free bar made the event wait free. A walk through the George Washington exhibit completed today's museum visit.

From the museum, the glide continued through downtown by the Myriad Gardens and Cox convention center. Turning north, I decided to travel to Cheevers for a piece of cake, but it was not meant to be. Cheevers was closed, as was Galileo and Iron Starr. The batteries held up for the four restaurant glide all around town! At this point it was best to return home for a healthy salad instead. Empty streets made the batteries last, as one bar remained at home. A quick demo was given to some visitors walking through the community before putting Seggy away for another day.LVAL ěAfter signing up for Seg America this morning at Segway Chat, it was time for work and the dentist! By the time the day was over, I was ready for an enjoyable dinner. What better place than Cheever's! Temps in the 50's made it necessary for the leather jacket and muffs.<br>After signing up for Seg America this morning at Segway Chat, it was time for work and the dentist! By the time the day was over, I was ready for an enjoyable dinner. What better place than Cheever's! Temps in the 50's made it necessary for the leather jacket and muffs.

The usual inside "parking place" was not available because of a party in that area. The Segway HT was locked up to a patio table outside. Dinner was perfect; from wine to cheesecake, just right! A couple of demos were given before leaving for the chilly glide back home. A beautiful day with a touch more morning humidity than normal. That made the 70 degrees seem warm during the glide to the health club. An early start got me back home in time to watch the extensive tree and bush trimming. By afternoon, humidity was in the 40% range. It's been a very productive day, and the Segway HT made part of that possible.The warmer weather is here, and that makes gliding in the morning more fun! A quick glide to Brown's Bakery for donuts made work more fun too. Everyone loves them and I love gliding to the bakery on the Segway too!

Can you imagine it's been over a year of making daily web entries. The first two weeks of entries came from text on the SegwayChat web site. I wanted to continue entering daily entries in the blog so there would truly be a full year of daily blog entries. It's been fun and helped encourage me to use the Segway daily. There are a lot of inventions we use daily, but the HT is one of the best! Hope you enjoy all the blog entries!The Segway HT was brought to work today to give one of our California employees a demo during the lunch break. He had a great time enjoying the glide! I enjoyed a perfect weather day too, gliding on the trails to Burger King for a pleasant lunch time snack.

"Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Museum had heavenly weather too, but Seggy stayed in the car after a quick dusk drive from work to downtown. With empty streets and free parking after work hours, driving to "Cocktails" is not a problem.Wow, one year passed by quickly! It seemed like yesterday when I last glided to Bricktown for St. Patrick's Day and the early morning free "green eggs and ham." Today's glide was a bit different. Add a couple of green beers and the day did get off to an unusual start! About 25 demos were given with only one slight mishap. I was on the HT and moving backwards slightly when the guy carrying in the "green eggs and ham" put his foot under the path of the tire. It was less pressure than if I had stepped on his foot. I apologized immediately and he was good natured about the whole thing and said it was nothing. As he left, I repeated my apology.

Before gliding home, a quick stop at the Bricktown Police Station was a treat as several officers stepped on the HT for a demo. I handed them the letter received last year from the chief prosecutor. They appreciated it so they won't hassle me about gliding in the area. It was also a perfect time to mention the difference about the "Q" scooter. The temperature on the way home was heavenly.

That heavenly temperature rose into the 70's today. It was perfect for a drive from work to Bricktown for continued partying. Walking from the "free" parking lot only takes 5 minutes longer. $60 an hour isn't a bad savings to walk the extra distance. Walking just isn't the same as gliding, I missed the HT tonight.LVAL ͗͗͗ I should have glided at work today instead of gliding for donuts. The glide to the health club this morning couldn't be more perfect. Great weather was just the start. The relaxed atmosphere while exercising and enjoying the steam room and whirlpool brought thoughts of luxury living to mind. It seemed as if a dozen friends were invited to the exercise and pool facilities at Hearst Castle. Delightfully uncrowded aThe glide to the health club this morning couldn't be more perfect. Great weather was just the start. The relaxed atmosphere while exercising and enjoying the steam room and whirlpool brought thoughts of luxury living to mind. It seemed as if a dozen friends were invited to the exercise and pool facilities at Hearst Castle. Delightfully uncrowded and pleasant.

A quick stop at Java Daves on the glide back home took a bit longer than expected. Lots of questions and a few demos outside were given to customers. It was a great day to glide and enjoy a needed workout!The glide to the health club this morning couldn't be more perfect. Great weather was just the start. The relaxed atmosphere while exercising and enjoying the steam room and whirlpool brought thoughts of luxury living to mind. It seemed as if a dozen friends were invited to the exercise and pool facilities at Hearst Castle. Delightfully uncrowded and pleasant.

A quick stop at Java Daves on the glide back home took a bit longer than expected. Lots of questions and a few demos outside were given to customers. It was a great day to glide and enjoy a needed workout! With the battery charge low, I did not bring the Segway HT to today's company Easter egg hunt or the Medieval Fair in Norman.The rush to get going this morning caused all sorts of forgetfulness. Gliding down the street, I forgot to bring my vitamins to Carl's Jr where a yummy breakfast was ready to be made. After locking the HT outside, enjoying the meal inside was just right. However, when leaving, a gentleman walked over to me while putting on the helmet and reminded me to check my zipper! I usually wear the Levis 501's, so fastening the top button tells my brain the job is finished. It wasn't! At least that reminder occurred before chatting with a mail delivery person on the way home. She loved her demo and glided up to a store front where she could wave and chat with the lady who came to the door.

At home, the checkbook was missing from it's normal place! It took 10 minutes of searching to find where it was placed (in a stack of papers!) Driving to work, I again forgot the vitamins! At least there were no other forgetful incidents the rest of the day!It was a refreshing sunny morning and just the weather for a glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito. Wondering why the store was not busy, I decided to get a decaf to determine if it was the coffee. The decaf tasted great, so that isn't the reason!

With coffee in hand, I glided north to enjoy a more leisurely glide home. Near the pharmacy, a gentleman with a walker looked interested in the Segway and said he hadn't seen one before. He didn't want a demo, however a complete explanation was appreciated. The morning temps were so perfect, I hated to end the glide. It was a perfect way to start the day.LVAL)c2With free admission being offered today to the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory at the Myriad Botanical Gardens, I had to schedule a glide for that! It was a bit windy during the late afteroon glide, but inside the enclosed tropical gardens, it's always perfect. The Segway HT was parked inside the "bridge" in an enclosed storage area. I enjoyed the walk through lush foliage with waterfalls on every side. Tour guides and brochures made the visit very informative. About 30 minutes later I retrieved the HT and glided through the outside gardens and headed for the Thursday night "Cocktails on the Skyline."<br><br>Arriving at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, I noticed a group sitting at the outdoor patio of the Museum Cafe. They announced that "Cocktails" was cancelled. Mentioning, "I'll be back," a quick glide to the front desk confirmed the cancellation and let them know that we were disappointed, but would enjoy the cafe patio instead. What would normally be an hour of conversation, turned into an entire evening of friends making friends.<br><br>The HT was parked in the corner of the patio and I soon joined the neighbors at the outdoor table. Several left, but some returned and others soon joined us. With 4 lovely ladies at the table, the six of us had lively conversation until dark, then stepped inside the Museum Cafe for continued discussion on personal lives and history. Fine wines and food were enjoyed until closing time when dessert was served! Before departing, a few demos were given on the patio to those at our table and to a couple visiting from New York. The visitors have seen several Segway riders in "The Big Apple," so I mentioned to let them know they glided on mzokc's HT. It was great fun and I hope none of them left some merchandise on the chair outside, but if they did - the museum has it in lost and found.<br><br>The glide home was perfect; with 70 degree temps and balmy conditions, we didn't understand how a bit of wind would cause cancellation of our roof top gathering. However, al4LVALDl worked out perfectly for one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent at the Museum Cafe.LVAL< < &Wow! Perfect weather for a Segway HT glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" and the Dale Chihuly exhibit opening night at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art!<br><br>The Segway HT became the magic carpet to the Museum for a spectacular evening of fun, entertainment and adult beverages at the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline." Everyone enjoyed the first day of the return of the amazing Dale Chihuly glass art that was featured durWow! Perfect weather for a Segway HT glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" and the Dale Chihuly exhibit opening night at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art!

The Segway HT became the magic carpet to the Museum for a spectacular evening of fun, entertainment and adult beverages at the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline." Everyone enjoyed the first day of the return of the amazing Dale Chihuly glass art that was featured during the Museum opening a few years ago. With plans to purchase the collection almost complete, OKC becomes one of the few museums with such a prestigious exhibit.

The fun continued inside the Museum Cafe with folks from the rooftop gathering for food and refreshments. Demos outside on the HT were given. The glide home was dreamy at mid 60's with no wind. Another perfect evening and the HT made it even more enjoyable.Everyone seemed to be out and about today, walking, bike riding, driving and gliding. It was heavenly weather and with new leaves and greener grass, the result of being in the fresh air and sunshine was wonderful.

After an early morning glide, Myrna and I drove to the Museum for brunch and a museum visit. A reenactor played George Washington on the theater stage to the delight of a room full of interested historians.

Later in the day the Segway HT was restarted for a lengthy glide around our historic community. Work is progressing on the new "historical" "Habitat for Humanity" houses being built on the east side. Folks were everywhere enjoying the great weather. I gave several demos and talked to lots of neighbors. It was a perfect day!A postmark was needed for the property tax bill, so all the letters that needed to be mailed were gathered together and placed in the Segway 12.0 bag for the glide to the post office. Mist early in the day and rain later created a need to check the radar before heading out. The glide was dry all the way to the post office.

The HT was locked to a metal bar running between two interior windows. A few rain drops fell during the glide home, but nothing serious. Later in the day, tornadoes occurred in the western half of Oklahoma.I should have glided at work today instead of gliding for donuts. The threat of rain made the decision for a morning glide a good one, but new store personnel made today's purchase a bit more frustrating! The Segway HT worked great as usual, but later in the day a new commitment was decided on because I usually eat several donuts from the dozen I bring to work!

Gliding for food has helped with the daily glide habit, but it doesn't help when stepping on the scale. Although I am committed to a "meals on wheels" glide for donuts next week, I'd rather just glide around the block than purchasing food as a destination during the glide.

So today's frustration with donut purchases and higher weight numbers did help with the idea of divorcing myself from the idea that "food halfway through a glide" makes a glide more purposeful. A lunch glide at work or a glide to an event where food is served would not be affected. Stay tuned for the results!;x44U C n ) \  F v + Du6cYK}7m)_ľc\@Post Porch Party Glide@Amzokc992&?t0@Early Morning Low Carb Glide@Bmzokc??8,?.@Hot, Windy Work Glide@Amzokc881%?@House Tour Meeting Glide@Amzokc;;4(? %ޝ@Neighborhood Chat Glidey@Amzokc::3'??@Quick GlideY@Amzokc..'?Ț@Colonial House Glide@Amzokc770$?wl@Gliding to the Health Club@@mzokc==6*?UJT_@Snack Glide@@mzokc..'?>@Newcomers Party Glide@@mzokc881%? @Misty Cold Front Glide-@@mzokc992&?,4@The Unparty Glide@@mzokc44-!?0ݜ@The Weekly Work Glide@?mzokc881%?E#@TechTV Celebration Glide@?mzokc;;4(?l֞@Mother's Day Glide@>mzokc55."?&~@Mini Dinner GlideB@>mzokc44-!? Y]@Angus Burger Work Glide@>mzokc::3'?=@Another Museum Glide?@>mzokc770$?s@Museum Print Preview Glide@>mzokc==6*?ƒ_@After Work Glide @=mzokc33, ?qܛ@Food Glide@=mzokc--&?~c@Sunday Afternoon Glide>@=mzokc992&?ffff@Cold, Windy "March of Dimes" Gliden@=mzokcEE>2?7}@Rainy Glide Evening@<mzokc66/#?}_@Heavenly GlideJ@<mzokc11*?*<@It's Elementary@<mzokc22+?(\@Aromatic Glide@;mzokc11*?6i@A nice way to end the day@;mzokc<<5)?N'ښ@Sunday Glide for Goodiesn@;mzokc;;4(?!8@Great Weather Downtown Glidet@;mzokc??8,?%@Mist and Fog Glide to the Art Fest@:mzokcEE>2?ųQ~@Museum and Art Fest Glide@9mzokc<<5)?]@Art Festival Glide and Parkm@9mzokc>>7+? wA@Windy Work GlideX@9mzokc33, ?@Bombing Anniversary Glide@9mzokc<<5)?A@Windy Health Club Glide @8mzokc::3'?]cߙ@Roberta Flack Jazz Glide@8mzokc;;4(?&@BK Work Glide@8mzokc00)?|@Late Night Catechism Glide@8mzokc==6*?+H|@North Post Office Glide@8mzokc::3'?o\@Low Carb GlideF@8mzokc11*?ᐖq;@Neighborhood Cold Front Glide@8mzokc@@9-?\@Super Sunday Glide@7mzokc55."?Bp@Easter Egg Hunt Glide@7mzokc881%?V)Qܘ@Good Friday Glidee@7mzokc44-!?@Movers and Shakers Glide@7mzokc;;4(?z5l@20 Minute Neighborhood Glide@6mzokc??8,?b{@Speed Check Glide@6mzokc44-!?Y%Z@Mr. Toad's Wild Ride;@6mzokc770$?43@Lake Hefner Battery Check Glide@6mzokcBB;/?Kr@Pampered Glide@0mzokc11*?LR-@IAO, Mantel, and Bricktown GlideG@5mzokcCC<0?1_ߗ@Chihuly Museum GlideV@3mzokc770$?@Cool, Refreshing Work Glide@5mzokc>>7+?`,E@Donut Vacation Glide4@5mzokc770$?~{@Pharmacy Glide@5mzokc11*?(Z@Perfect Neighborhood Glide@3mzokc==6*?LVALR RR When driving home this evening I noticed a new art show at IAO. It seemed a perfect place to glide this evening. The art at IAO was fun as usual. With the perfect evening weather, an added glide to Bricktown made for a fun night. Two security guys downtown asked questions about the Segway HT and one of them got to demo it. Gliding by the new theaters was a thrill too; great progress on the construction. It's going When driving home this evening I noticed a new art show at IAO. It seemed a perfect place to glide this evening. The art at IAO was fun as usual. With the perfect evening weather, an added glide to Bricktown made for a fun night. Two security guys downtown asked questions about the Segway HT and one of them got to demo it. Gliding by the new theaters was a thrill too; great progress on the construction. It's going to be a real home run, especially since it's across the street from the ballpark!

Mantel had their patio open tonight. It was pleasant to park the HT and enjoy a chardonnay while chatting with the wait staff. Open air dining is Bricktown at it's best, although I did stay away from the food this evening. The glide home was speedy and comfortable. A real magic carpet ride this evening through the downtown area!Cool, refreshing and sunny! A perfect day for a glide at work. The HT was loaded into the car this morning for the lunch glide. Gliding through the parking lot, the HT was stored inside until early afternoon. Several were jogging on the trail system. I pulled off the trail for each person and mentioned that they had the right to stay on the pavement. Everything was flawless (and the food was delicious too!) A mini glide around the driveway after lifting the HT from the car at home was a nice way to end the day.Well, I announced the "donut vacation" to Brown's Bakery today. This mornings "meals on wheels" glide in honor of tonight's Seg America activities was to pick up the donuts to give "meals" to those at work. This fit in perfectly with the lunch that was given to all of us today by management!

The plan is to skip the glides to Brown's as their product (when consumed) reduces performance of the Segway HT. Three donuts a week puts on a lot of weight, and that slows me down. Now if only I could purchase them occasionally and not be tempted to enjoy them!A visit to the eye doctor today resulted in a prescription to be filled, a perfect reason to glide on the Segway! Eckerd Drug gives good service and tonight I walked the HT through the store. Within seconds the manager came over and said he had not seen one in person. My comment, "would you like to ride," was met with an affirmative response. While I waited for the prescription to be filled, the manager rode around and was very pleased with the HT.

I answered more questions in the parking lot while leaving, then glided east and decided to visit the Paseo area to enjoy the beautiful weather. A group of folks in a Paseo parking lot included several bikers. I stopped and answered their questions. Several stepped on the HT and enjoyed riding around. I asked if the location was a biker club. No, it's the local AA group! They enjoyed their glides and I could not have met a nicer group of people.

Gliding back through the art district of Paseo, a few shops had their lights on and the colorful paintings and art were visible while gliding by. The return home was smooth and just the right amount of wind, temperature and humidity. It's great to glide throughout Oklahoma City.bLVALf f+ rr~Today was ideal for checking the Segway HT batAfter raining for part of the day, the late afternoon was clear and beautiful. Before dusk, about a dozen folks were out walking around the neighborhood. Gliding on the Segway was a great way to separate the work day from a quiet evening at home. TAfter raining for part of the day, the late afternoon was clear and beautiful. Before dusk, about a dozen folks were out walking around the neighborhood. Gliding on the Segway was a great way to separate the work day from a quiet evening at home. The "no food" glides result in taking different directions than normal. Gliding down some of the steeper streets is a perfect demonstration of the holding power of the Segway HT and the "no free wheeling" that makes the HT feel more like an escalator!After raining for part of the day, the late afternoon was clear and beautiful. Before dusk, about a dozen folks were out walking around the neighborhood. Gliding on the Segway was a great way to separate the work day from a quiet evening at home. The "no food" glides result in taking different directions than normal. Gliding down some of the steeper streets is a perfect demonstration of the holding power of the Segway HT and the "no free wheeling" that makes the HT feel more like an escalator!How fast can a letter be delivered to the post office? This evening a glide to the postal location near the memorial took only 6 minutes via streets. The return glide mostly by sidewalk took 10 minutes. Next speed check glide will be to the post office I normally glide to. Why not save time and pick the closest location based on glide time. The Segway HT is perfect for these short trips that take about the same time as driving the car.This morning's glide got me singing a song from "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride," "Nowhere in Particular!" Enjoying a mile ride on the Segway HT through the neighborhood was loads of fun, because of the lack of destination. It was purely a glide for fun and not food. The fresh air and sunshine made for a healthy ride too!Today was ideal for checking the Segway HT batteries by gliding around Lake Hefner. Just over 10 miles, the glide was completed in one hour with just a slight breeze. Avoiding stops, demos and keeping the speed about 10 mph made for a perfect glide.

The previous two attempts were different. I would glide at 11 to 12 mph and then have a shut down that forced me to push the HT for a half mile the first time and about a 1/4 mile the last time. I would restart and glide more, something learned later that we should not do.

Today, everything went perfectly! Even a short detour didn't prevent gliding back to the car with power to spare. The battery gauge dropped accurately during the entire adventure. Since the glide around the lake was an hour in length, one could judge the gauge accurately. Gliding a bit faster at the start and slower at the end is normal. With temps in the low 60's with a bright sun, it couldn't be more lovely to enjoy the views of the lake and all the people who were enjoying themselves hiking, walking, bike riding, rollerblading, sailing, motorboating, fishing, golfing, picnicking and eating in the wonderful lakeside restaurants!LVAL# ƼThe weather turned cold and misty for this morning's Easter egg hunt. It didn't sThis Easter day was super, as I was able to squeeze in a glide on the Segway HT to see the George Washington exhibit for the last time on the last day. Before the glide, lunch at "Twelve Oaks" was enjoyed with 11 This Easter day was super, as I was able to squeeze in a glide on the Segway HT to see the George Washington exhibit for the last time on the last day. Before the glide, lunch at "Twelve Oaks" was enjoyed with 11 of us from work. After the glide, Lyric production's "Show Notes" with the music of Burt Bacharach plus dinner at "Mimi's Cafe." It's been a busy day and a nice glide to the museum helped with enjoyable relaxation.The weather turned cold and misty for this morning's Easter egg hunt. It didn't stop me from using the Segway HT to travel over to the community park where hundreds of eggs are placed on the lawn for all the kids to "hunt." About 50 kids. dozens of neighbors and the Easter bunny show up for this annual event

A nice glide around the park sidewalk was the icing on the cake. It's always fun to enjoy some coffee, lemonade, donuts and picture taking for our neighborhood publication. Happy Easter everyone!The rain stopped this afternoon, and that resulted in a beautiful evening to glide around the neighborhood. I glided towards Cheever's for a glass of wine, but the street was too crowded to cross without a signal light.

How much better to just enjoy viewing the lovely yards, all neat and trim for the Easter weekend. Gliding and greeting neighbors made this Good Friday one to remember. I gave a demo to one couple who happened to be walking down the street by my home. The lawn was freshly cut and weeds removed. The comments about the yard were very positive. The Segway HT demo was a success as well.Tonight's glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" was a real "movers and shakers" night! Several members of our county government were enjoying the fun and conversation on the roof top of the museum. OKC is just the right size to meet government officials at various events and chat about what's happening.

I was told by our county officials that the city has bought their second Segway HT from an older gentleman named John who no longer needed his. (See ) They tested the Segway HT and found it in perfect condition. I mentioned that Segway LLC would roll out the red carpet if they found anything wrong, so not to hesitate to call them for assistance.

The rooftop experience was more exciting than usual because of a Chihuly buffalo sculpture covered with glass jewels and Chihuly glass horns that was on exhibit. The museum had one on the roof top patio and the other in the lobby! I did not bring the camera tonight, but the museum will have them on display for the next 30 days, so taking a photo will be a must! The shocking side story is how the person in charge of getting the Chihuly buffalo to the museum came riding in with a Segway HT today. Museum staff were quick to bring that to my attention tonight!

The evening continued with some demos on the sidewalk before enjoying a dinner in the Museum Cafe. After gliding home, a couple of demos were given to a couple who were out walking and enjoying the balmy temps. They are being transferred to Hong Kong and wanted to step on the HT because of the need to consider alternative transport when they arrive. It was a great evening of gliding and fun!LVALD , ,3(Lots of wind today during the glide on the Segway HT to the health club. But I didn't get too winded during the exercise run inside! What was Lots of wind today during the glide on the Segway HT to the health club. But I didn't get too winded during the exercise run inside! What was a long glide last year now seems fairly short and easy. It's great when the HT can be used for improved health, both personal and environmental.Tonight's warm dry windy 70's made perfect glide weather for the season's last "Oklahoma City Philharmonic Pops Concert." Roberta Flack was the guest star and the last half of the concert was filled with delicious jazz served nice and hot! The return trip on the Segway HT was cool with the south wind blowing in my direction. The result was that magical feeling and lack of sound when the air is hardly moving at all. A stark contrast to the spectacular concert and jazz music we enjoyed tonight.It was a beautiful warm windy day while gliding to Burger King for lunch. Only a few people ran on the trail. Steering off the trail and mentioning to each runner they have the right away makes everyone smile.

Segway LLC called today and mentioned to not use 3-in-one oil on the threads of the control shaft locking ring. A drop or two of dish detergent is best. Sure enough, the feel during the tightening process feels just right with the soap treatment. Future glides will be more pleasureful with the handlebar staying put!It was a triple treat glide tonight as the Segway HT was enjoyed for travel to the weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline." Next, it was time to glide to the wonderful Broadway production "Late Night Catechism" at the Civic Center Music Hall. It was the first time that the HT was locked to the stainless steel columns that support the glass structure that surrounds the "Lincoln Center" quality theater built inside the old music center. The "Little Theater" where tonight's production was held is not so perfect. Thank goodness the production was first rate!

After "Sister" ended the class, I glided to the Tower Club for some refreshments and conversation. The HT was a perfect method of travel for this unusual evening of learning, entertainment and fun.It was time to check how long it takes to glide to the north post office. Results: six minutes each direction. Add a minute to stop and drop in the mail plus another minute to get the HT ready and put away. This was faster timing compared with last week. There are more signals to slow the glide down when gliding from the memorial location.

The Segway HT performed perfectly. With low humidity and near 70 degree temps, you couldn't ask for better weather.With the food supply in the house low, a glide to Carl's Jr was a pleasant surprise. They have started serving a low carb burger. It's their "Six Dollar Burger" wrapped in lettuce! Absolutely wonderful! The Segway HT comment from a government official visiting Carl's was wonderful too. He mentioned that he had rode the HT during the debate on the EPAMD laws in OK. It was close, but the passing of the law two years ago gives us the freedom to glide where it's safe. I expressed my appreciation that the law was passed. The glide home through the neighborhood was cool and fast.The before dusk glide through the neighborhood turned chilly as temps dropped from the 60's to the low 50's. Gliding on the Segway HT was a blast while leaf pods were falling from the oak trees. Some construction workers asked questions, but my hands were so cold by the end of the glide, that staying out wasn't the best idea. Wearing gloves would have been just right as the glide was about 30 minutes and covered a lot of the neighborhood.LVAL_ ___ A double treat tonight as the Segway HT was enjoyed to attend "Cocktails on the Skyline" plus three food treats at the "Festival of the Arts." Between the two events, demos were given to two charming ladies who were visiting fA double treat tonight as the Segway HT was enjoyed to attend "Cocktails on the Skyline" plus three food treats at the "Festival of the Arts." Between the two events, demos were given to two charming ladies who were visiting from New Jersey. I took photos and was able to catch up with one of their relatives serving "Strawberry Newport" at the art fest. It was another great evening of friendly conversation, great food and enjoyable gliding on the HT.Terrible hail and thunderstorms ripped through parts of OKC today, but it didn't stop the annual arts festival. Since the artists were not too keen on competing with the HT last year, I glided on the service road to park the HT near the headquarters building. The food and art were excellent as always. Before leaving, I stopped in and chatted with the officials. One of them mentioned that "wheeled devices" were not allowed in the art area this year. I explained that I preferred to park the Segway HT and eliminate most of the questions that are constantly asked. However, some individuals have a handicapped placard attached and use the HT for mobility. They said that would be fine. It's nice to help others in advance of their need.

The return glide home was on near deserted streets as usual. With no rain after 7 pm, this evening's glide was a great adventure.Tuesday, April 20, 2004: This is one of those rare nights where the web log entry was made just after midnight. Today's Segway HT glide started at home with a quick "run around the block" then finished with a lengthy glide at work during the lunch hour. The glides were enjoyed during the daylight hours, before driving from work to the annual "Angels and Friends Party" tonight at the arts festival. After the party, I chatted with the person who is responsible for all the great new icons in the downtown area: Clocks, fountains, and new businesses. It was a neat time to learn and participate in providing input for a better downtown OKC. The HT usage was mentioned often and a late night stop at the Deep Deuce Grill was the reason for the delayed blog entry. It was neat to learn of a great new place in town for a fine dinner when gliding downtown!A mist in the air gave the late afternoon a somber appearance. Gliding to the Oklahoma City National Memorial to slowly glide on the sidewalk outside the memorial allowed for refection and prayer for the victims and survivors. It was nine years ago today that the bombing took place. The feeling within the city has improved greatly the past few years. The city is experiencing a revival of new buildings and activities. The Segway HT fits right into the new downtown areas.

After returning to the neighborhood, a quick glide to Taco Bell made it easy to purchase a snack for dinner. The major food feast starts tomorrow in OKC and with it, the yearly rain storms!; LVALO OFoggy and misty weather didn't stop me from putting on a rain coat and ridAbsolutely perfect weather made for a great two hour glide through downtown. The main reason for hopping on board the Segway HT was to enjoy some treats at the Festival of the Arts. The HT was locked to the post backstage while purchasing food. With the sun shining brightly, the HT could be seen through the food vendor tents on the east side. The security office is nearby, so lots of police wander near the HT during the festival.<br><br>The other night I saw a tower from the museum that I hadn't noticed before. Being nearby, a glide to the tower was easy. The Absolutely perfect weather made for a great two hour glide through downtown. The main reason for hopping on board the Segway HT was to enjoy some treats at the Festival of the Arts. The HT was locked to the post backstage while purchasing food. With the sun shining brightly, the HT could be seen through the food vendor tents on the east side. The security office is nearby, so lots of police wander near the HT during the festival.

The other night I saw a tower from the museum that I hadn't noticed before. Being nearby, a glide to the tower was easy. The tower was in the OG&E building area and had been there some time.

The "tour" of downtown continued into Bricktown to view the new paver walkways in front of the fountains being installed at the theater/canal project. It's exciting to see what is happening to our downtown, especially when riding on the HT.

The extended glide ended in our neighborhood with the batteries giving out while gliding up a hill. I restarted and glided down to recharge a bit. Two power bars appeared within a block or two! The return glide home was safe with plenty of power.Foggy and misty weather didn't stop me from putting on a rain coat and riding the Segway HT to the "Festival of the Arts." For the third time I glided down the alley and locked the HT to a post backstage. The food and entertainment was enjoyable as usual, however my departure was a bit unusual.

After unlocking the HT and gliding about 15 feet backstage, a gentleman called out to me. I thought he was going to ask a question as so many have. Instead, I was told that I could not use the HT anywhere on festival grounds. (He was the top official in charge.) I explained how I used the alley to access the backstage "parking post." I continued how I asked the folks in the headquarters building if I could park it inside. After mentioning the letter from the city and my use of the alley he seemed almost apologetic. He said it would be ok to continue to use the alley and backstage area to park the HT. I mentioned that there may be individuals who have a disability and would be displaying a handicap placard if they needed to glide on festival grounds. During these first years of Segway use, some explaining will be needed for everyone to understand how owners are using them responsibly.LVAL  WDinner time is so nice for gliding. The fragrance of barbeque drifts through the air while enjoying the new spring foliage. That wonderful aroma got the taste buds going, so a change of plans for a quick snack of one CDinner time is so nice for gliding. The fragrance of barbeque drifts through the air while enjoying the new spring foliage. That wonderful aroma got the taste buds going, so a change of plans for a quick snack of one Carl's Jr Famous Star satisfied the urge for more food. On the way a lady stopped her SUV and asked, "What is that called?" We chatted for awhile and then it was back to the early evening glide. Very restful and pleasant!Getting on the Segway HT and just gliding around the neighborhood was a great way to end the day. Crisp comfy temps made the glide this evening extra special. I got to chat with some of the neighbors and check out how well the lawn was mowed from every angle. A storm had passed through an hour before, so the streets were no longer wet after a dry wind pushed out the storm. Spring weather can provide surprises, but today was enjoyed by most everyone.The annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon was fortunate to have a beautiful day of weather this morning. I decided to relax at home and watch the runners from the dining and living room window areas.

It was also the last day for "The Festival of the Arts" and one more chance to glide for goodies. Salmon, chocolate and bread pudding were favorites enjoyed again today. While food has been rejected as a recent reason to glide, the festival is too good to miss! I gave several demos on the way home, including one to Mr. Brewer's son. The Brewer family is responsible for Bricktown's great outdoor entertainment.Absolutely perfect weather made for a great two hour glide through downtown. The main reason for hopping on board the Segway HT was to enjoy some treats at the Festival of the Arts. The HT was locked to the post backstage while purchasing food. With the sun shining brightly, the HT could be seen through the food vendor tents on the east side. The security office is nearby, so lots of police wander near the HT during the festival.

The other night I saw a tower from the museum that I hadn't noticed before. Being nearby, a glide to the tower was easy. The tower was in the OG&E building area and had been there some time.

The "tour" of downtown continued into Bricktown to view the new paver walkways in front of the fountains being installed at the theater/canal project. It's exciting to see what is happening to downtown OKC, especially when riding on the HT.

The extended glide ended in my neighborhood with the batteries giving out while gliding up a hill. I restarted and glided down to recharge a bit. Two power bars appeared within a block or two! The short return glide home was safe with plenty of power.LVAL9 9Last year we enjoyed perfect weather for The March of Dimes "Pasta Party." The party went on as schedule at 6 PM, but I drove the car due to the weather. Sudden thunderstorms with a light rain for downtown made it too wet for the glide. Only 3 of us from work showed up due to the rain, but other companies employees came out in force for the family event.<br>
Arriving home early, I glided around the neighborhood between rain storms. The Segway HT got a bit wet for a good cleaning. I especially like the way wet streets clean the tires. It does require some drip drying after use in the rain! The 15 minute glide was lots of fun with the added raincoat plus just enough dusk sunlight to illuminateLast year we enjoyed perfect weather for The March of Dimes "Pasta Party." The party went on as schedule at 6 PM, but I drove the car due to the weather. Sudden thunderstorms with a light rain for downtown made it too wet for the glide. Only 3 of us from work showed up due to the rain, but other companies employees came out in force for the family event.

Arriving home early, I glided around the neighborhood between rain storms. The Segway HT got a bit wet for a good cleaning. I especially like the way wet streets clean the tires. It does require some drip drying after use in the rain! The 15 minute glide was lots of fun with the added raincoat plus just enough dusk sunlight to illuminate the streets nicely.A failed RAID array at work was the reason for arriving to work at 6:15 AM. That meant arriving early for "Cocktails on the Skyline!" What a great afternoon and evening after a easy glide to the museum. Lots of Segway HT questions were answered and a toast to "Robert" was made about 7 PM (he departed our planet in his sleep after enjoying dinner at the museum cafe last Saturday.) All the activity made the evening very memorable.

After leaving the rooftop many enjoyed the Chihuly art work and museum cafe. An delicious appetizer of salmon, mussels, caviar and fresh shrimp was a treat with chardonnay wine. The HT was parked outside during dining, as the museum closes at 9.

The glide home was smooth and mild, with dreamy temps that soothed the soul and body while gliding along. Such Segway perfection is truly heavenly.A glide at work today was unique. As I headed into the "wet land" area, a group of school kids from Duke Elementary were enjoying the foliage. They moved in unison from the middle of the path and formed a perfect group on each side as I slowly glided through. After a very windy glide to Burger King for lunch, I stopped at the post office to mail a couple of letters. A lady stopped me as I exited and had lots of questions about the HT. She mentioned that a Segway HT would have helped during her disabling arthritis. Advanced medication taken every few weeks keeps her pain free today. She did not want to try the HT.

The extremely windy glide back went smooth and steady. The students from Duke were further down the path, but it looked like a full day of study for them as I used the grassy side of the path to pass this time.

A quick glide around the block at home helped end the day as the wind continued to blow leaves around the neighborhood.ALVAL ̒T Thh_After a tiring day at work (still recovering from a head cold) the HT was a welcome pause. With 20 minutes before NOVA, I headed out to check the progress on the Habitat homes being built on the east side of the neighborhood. The Segway HT allowed me to traveAfter a tiring day at work (still recovering from a head cold) the HT was a welcome pause. With 20 minutes before NOVA, I headed out to check the progress on the Habitat homes being built on the east side of the neighborhood. The Segway HT allowed me to travel to the homes and slowly glide on the street to enjoy various views of the construction. Craftsman style triangular brick columns were added since the last viewing. The homes are looking great! The return HT glide was completed in time to view the TV prAfter a tiring day at work (still recovering from a head cold) the HT was a welcome pause. With 20 minutes before NOVA, I headed out to check the progress on the Habitat homes being built on the east side of the neighborhood. The Segway HT allowed me to travel to the homes and slowly glide on the street to enjoy various views of the construction. Craftsman style triangular brick columns were added since the last viewing. The homes are looking great! The return HT glide was completed in time to view the TV program.When one is "under the weather," gliding on the Segway HT would normally not be at the top of the list. The HT did provide needed assistance today to make a short glide to KFC for chicken that has in the past, comforted one during illness.

Perfect temps in the 70's and a bright sun in the late afternoon made the glide refreshing and healing. Rather than staying in bed all day, gliding on the HT a short distance gives a sense of order and normalcy in the midst of an abnormal day.Weather turned perfect today, so attending an art event in Norman was top on the list. Fitting in a neighborhood glide after 6 PM worked out perfectly. The previous owners of my home were strolling down the street as the glide was started. We enjoyed an extensive conversation as they walked back to their home on the east side. It was one of those few times where the Segway HT was operated at walking speed. They mentioned a future move to Florida at the end of the month, so the timing of the glide was perfect. I wished them well as a truck stopped and the guy stepped out and asked Segway questions. He is the youth pastor at St. Lukes and a HT demo was enjoyed. After the demo I enjoyed gliding up and down multiple streets with heavenly weather for about 15 minutes, The neighborhood glides continue to be very enjoyable.It was windy and downright cold this morning for the annual "March of Dimes WalkAmerica." Taking photos of my coworkers was a perfect task for the Segway HT. Just as last year, officials came running over to warn me that I could not glide on the street during the "walk." I mentioned that I had no intention of gliding on the street, as I take photos from the sidewalk (or step off the HT and walk to a good photo op.)

Everything went as planned, except the addtional cold (43 degrees at the start) shortened battery life. I skipped the state capital area and headed to our check point. After taking additional photos, a quick glide home allowed me to use the car to return to the check point and then take volunteers to the finish line where cold coffee and pizza awaited our runners. (I knew the microwave oven would come in handy today, but it didn't fit on the HT.)LVAL  What a pleasant Mother's Day for a glide! A quick neighborhood glide to Taco Bell for a single item was just enough for dinner. It was the first time that the Segway HT was parked outside next to a building feature that hid the HT from the mainWhat a pleasant Mother's Day for a glide! A quick neighborhood glide to Taco Bell for a single item was just enough for dinner. It was the first time that the Segway HT was parked outside next to a building feature that hid the HT from the main street. With the handlebars visible in the window, it was easy to keep an eye on the HT while ordering the single item for take out. I did shut the HT off to prevent an easy get away! The return glide was a pleasant glide through the community.It's been a busy day at home with no time to drive anywhere. A mini electric powered glide on the Segway HT brought me to Carl's Jr for another delicious "Low Carb Burger." I had to chuckle when seeing the sign that said "Angus Beef" in the corner - considering yesterday's glide.

One of the hosts took his break as I was leaving. That usually indicates a desire to try the HT. He did enjoy a demo and operated it perfectly around the parking lot. The early afternoon glide was traffic free, as was the parking area too. Great weather made the mini glide a perfect one.It was a great day to glide at work and I took full advantage of the new menu at Burger King and ordered the "Angus" burger. 1/3 pound of pure beef, but not as tasty compared to a Whopper. The Segway HT ran real tasty today as the wind could not stop the ease of use and enjoyment of the glide.

One concern about the trail at work are the new signs that indicate a 5 year project to turn mowed grass areas into native prairie grass. One area is between my trail enter/exit and work. I will have to modify where I glide as the grass grows. If it gets too difficult for anyone to access the trail, an access path will be needed. The prairie grass will make the glide more interesting and beautiful.The Segway HT continues to be great transport to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the OKC Museum of Art each Thursday. The HT was parked inside the coat room during the fun. "Hiding" the HT made departing a lot easier, as no one asked questions or requested demos tonight!

I took note of some serious lack of curb cuts last night and called the city today to suggest that the hospital area install curb cuts at each corner! It's amazing how Oklahoma City has grandfathered businesses to allow them to not install the curb cuts. Hopefully more improvements will be made.Enjoyed a great glide to the preview of "The Print Show" at the OKC Museum of Art tonight. The entry area was crowded with people, so the Segway HT was locked up in front of the cafe where diners could keep their eye on it. An extra treat was a "private" preview of "Fishes of Oklahoma: Illustrations by Rudy Miller." Mr. Miller and staff from Bass Pro Shop made the event extra special.

Parking the HT outside brought more attention to it than the normal coat room location. The result was demos and more demos. And how could I say no when museum management encouraged some of the guests to glide! (All demos were on the empty wide outdoor sidewalk area.) Thank goodness for daylight savings time, as there was plenty of light to glide home.LVAL, ,, A warmer windy day made the work glide a very pleasant one. With temporary chiller equipment taking up the walk space next to the building, I am leaving the HT in the car. It's cool enough for the batteries but the extra walk to the car at noonOne of the fun adventures of gliding around the neighborhood are the streets that occasionally are filled with cars. It's a party! So while I am not invited, being on a Segway HT gives one a perfect opportunity to get a birds eye view of the goings on. Tonight was a classic example when I spotted a beautiful outdoor patio celebration or fund raiser. (Yes, these events can be quite costly - so doOne of the fun adventures of gliding around the neighborhood are the streets that occasionally are filled with cars. It's a party! So while I am not invited, being on a Segway HT gives one a perfect opportunity to get a birds eye view of the goings on. Tonight was a classic example when I spotted a beautiful outdoor patio celebration or fund raiser. (Yes, these events can be quite costly - so don't feel sorry for me for not attending!)

The glide around the community was a breeze, and a warm one at that. The evenings are back to warm dry 70's. I stopped and chatted with one of the residents who was watering the garden. Their sidewalk was in exceptionally broken condition and seeing the HT handle the glide was quite impressive. Another enjoyable glide ended with plenty of sunshine.A warmer windy day made the work glide a very pleasant one. With temporary chiller equipment taking up the walk space next to the building, I am leaving the HT in the car. It's cool enough for the batteries but the extra walk to the car at noon can be warm.

With the trail area prarie grass project, I needed to try a better way to reach the trail. A gravel/grass area next to a fence turned out to be perfect. The grass isn't growing well between the fence and parking lot, so it makes a nice "trail" to the trail. Speed limits of nearby roads has increased from 25 to 35, so crossing them takes a bit more caution. There are plenty of empty breaks between cars for crossings that are nearly deserted.

BK served a nice hot meal before climbing on the HT for a stop at the US post office and a stamp roll purchase. The return glide started with very windy conditions, but became calm before reaching the wet land area. The Segway HT made the lunch hour more enjoyable than the normal drive to lunch. It was a great day to glide!Tech Live had a great report tonight about the Segway's being used by the police in the Chicago Airport. "No incidents at all" with the "wacky scooters!" That report on TechTV got me in the mood for a "celebration glide" around the neighborhood. Imagine, no incidents during the past year with that busy Chicago airport! The safety of the HT continues to amaze and results in some of the safest motorized transport available.

The glide around the neighborhood was lots of fun, with a stop to talk to our resident photographer. He wants photos from the Easter egg hunt and this weeks newcomers party. The HT makes it easy to glide right over and take the photos. Hopefully the weather will hold up later in the week.LVAL EGliding to the health club added to the exercise of the day. Getting out in the fresh air and sunshine helped give energy to the workout too! The glide seemed a bit longer than usual; recent glides haveGliding to the health club added to the exercise of the day. Getting out in the fresh air and sunshine helped give energy to the workout too! The glide seemed a bit longer than usual; recent glides have been somewhat short. The HT was locked up inside during the workout. No demos requested and the return glide was steady and speedy. Battery power held up well with the recent full discharge and recharge.With the HT low on power, the planned glide to the "Miller in May" hometour was put on hold until next year. The car worked well, but I really missed the ease of viewing the homes by Segway HT.

After the second race of the triple crown, I enjoyed a glide on the HT to Taco Bell for a couple of snack items for dinner. Weather has been nearly perfect, some would say, "Just right!"The annual newcomers party to greet those who moved into our neighborhood was a perfect place to glide. The Segway HT, locked to a lamp post across the street was visible from the beautiful estate where the party was held. The food and drinks were served next to the pool and spa. Those challenges were avoided by all but one who hit his head on the fence while falling into the spa. One of our residents is a brain surgeon who carefully wrapped the mans head with bandages before he was taken to the hospital. As one of the newcomers, it's a party he'll never forget!

Just after sunset, the party continued at Dooley's Tower Club. I glided home for the helmet before continuing on the HT. The Segway was locked at the entry door during the evening's festivities. Before going home, a few demos were given in the parking lot. It was a tiring evening, as the next morning I awoke on top of the bed and found that the HT had not been plugged in. So no full charge for Saturday's home tour glide.The beautiful 80 degree sunny weather suddenly disappeared when a thunderstorm and cold front spread across the state. The late afternoon glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" was darn right cold at 51 degrees! With the mist and cold, everyone was inside the museum cafe enjoying the cuisine and bar.

I locked the Segway HT outside the cafe in the bike rack because of the wet tires. Conditions inside were so crowded that one glass of chardonnay was plenty! The glide back home was mist free. After today's return to "winter," I am ready for summer!One of the fun adventures of gliding around the neighborhood are the streets that occasionally are filled with cars. It's a party! So while I am not invited, being on a Segway HT gives one a perfect opportunity to get a birds eye view of the goings on. Tonight was a classic example when I spotted a beautiful outdoor patio celebration or fund raiser. (Yes, these events can be quite costly - so don't feel sorry for me for not attending!)

The glide around the community was a breeze, and a warm one at that. The evenings are back to warm dry 70's. I stopped and chatted with one of the residents who was watering the garden. Their sidewalk was in exceptionally broken condition and seeing the HT handle the glide was quite impressive. Another enjoyable glide ended with plenty of sunshine.rLVAL 3 E ǐA warm eveningMemorial Day weekend features many things to do in the metro area. The Paseo Art Festival was a perfect place to glide and many asked Segway HT questions today while I was walking around the exhibits. I glided into the area on a side street to park the HT at the Galileo bar and cafe. A few deMemorial Day weekend features many things to do in the metro area. The Paseo Art Festival was a perfect place to glide and many asked Segway HT questions today while I was walking around the exhibits. I glided into the area on a side street to park the HT at the Galileo bar and cafe. A few demos were given before leaving the exhibit area.

The warm weather brought tornadoes this evening on the north side of the metro. They are approaching as I type, but the current path is about 8 to 10 miles north. With speeds of 25 mph, you do not want to outrun a tornado with a Segway HT!A warm evening was on tap for our "Progressive Porch Party." The homes were all a block or so from mine, so there was no need for the Segway HT. After the event, I enjoyed an evening glide through the neighborhood and chatted with a few folks who remained on the last porch of the party. Several mentioned to me of seeing neighborhood kids on Segways lately. It may be some business owners enjoying quality family time by hauling them home. Whatever the reason, it's great to hear that more HTs are being purchased and enjoyed.It was hot, it was windy, and it was work to fight that hot wind during the lunch time glide. One guy on a bicycle plus a jogger were on the trail today and I passed them both! The return glide was pleasant through the wet lands area. The great news today was seeing the grass cut where I usually travel to the path. The Segway HT won't have to traverse through dug up areas or tall prarie grass on future work glides.An early evening meeting in the neighborhood for next October's home tour was a perfect reason to use the HT. I put my notebook in a Wal-Mart bag and hung it over the handlebars. The Segway HT was locked to a compost pile metal grid in the backyard of the hostess. It was a safe location until the meeting was over about an hour later.

(The normal Thursday museum glide was skipped as I stopped after work for a quick visit to the museum rooftop before returning home for the meeting.)The Segway HT slowed to walking speed this evening as I chatted with a couple walking on our neighborhood streets. It was a perfect time to share some of the speed limiting safety features, especially the 4 mph key. The evening neighborhood glide continues to be a refreshing before or after dinner treat. It's good to get out into the fresh air and away from the television!A pleasant 15 minutes was spent on the Segway HT gliding up and down the streets looking at about half the homes in the community. With the photo project for the home tour, I'm searching for those "just right" angles to aim the camera. It gives purpose to a fun glide when time is limited before viewing the second night of PBS Colonial House.With PBS starting their "Colonial House" miniseries, it was fun to glide around our colonial homes in the community. Of course they look more like Mt. Vernon! The sunlight was just right tonight during the glide, as the homes on the south side of the street were well lit. It's good to know when to take photos, as a major photo shoot is required later on for the home tour. The Segway HT will be perfect for the task. Tonight's 20 minute glide was a great test of viewing how those photos will be framed.LVAL c '(The hot weather has arrived and with it, wonderful dry breezes in the afternoon. The desert like heat is one of the climate zones that occur in the area. Gliding on the Segway HT is sweat free during the dry heat. An extra long glide thrThe hot weather has arrived and with it, wonderful dry breezes in the afternoon. The desert like heat is one of the climate zones that occur in the area. Gliding on the Segway HT is sweat free during the dry heat. An extra long glide through the neighborhood this evening was accented with several demos. Another stop occurred at the Habitat For Humanity homes that are now finished and looking great. Hot or cold, gliding on the HT continues to be a great way to end the day.The power went out in half the house tonight, but not on side with the computer, TV and Segway HT circuits! Of all the nights not to glide, this one came close. I attended a fund raiser and went shopping before the rain started falling. The weather cleared enough after dark for a nice night glide around the neighborhood. The headlight worked great and made the street bumps easy to see. Hopefully the power will return soon to the other side of the house. With no 220 volt circuits, sleeping in the basement is a great solution to stay cool.With a thunderstorm passing though the metro during dinner, it was quite a bumpy ride. Tornadoes occurred in the state, but none locally. After the rain storm, I enjoyed a beautiful sunset glide through the neighborhood. Several areas were bathed in sunlight and that made the Segway glide extra special. The air was warm and humid on one street, but cool and refreshing on another. The HT glide became more enjoyable with each new street. Another great adventure!What started as a simple glide around the neighborhood this evening turned into a race. I saw another Segway being operated in the community and started gliding toward the person. However, when both parties are using red keys the result is never catching up! Zooming around a nearby street the HT was gone and my guess is the person zipped up the driveway and didn't want to chat. It's been difficult to meet any of the people I see gliding in the city. Totally un-Oklahoman! Oh well, maybe they are embarrassed to be gliding without a helmet! (Or could it be that I look too geeky wearing mine?) Whatever the reason, it's just a matter of time before we cross each other's glide paths.With the threat of thunderstorms and a dark gray sky, I ventured out for a nice glide around "Perle Mesta Park." A lot of hand waving plus hearty shouts of "good evening" were met with smiles. Although the air conditioner was on when I drove home, an evening HT glide can help during the cool down if the house is too hot. This evening's glide was a pleasant time with the Segway HT while touring different areas in the nearby neighborhood.It's not what you think! I enjoyed using the $1.00 off coupon for the "Low Carb Breakfast Bowl" at Carl's Jr. Since I normally don't use the Segway HT to visit Carl's on a Saturday morning, there were lots of questions about the HT. The glide to Carl's is mostly through the neignborhood, and the early morning sunlight was especially beautiful today. The leaves on the trees are extra green with the sunlight shining through them.

On the glide back home, I spotted an unpotted plant on the road. It probably fell from a nursery truck. The little petunia was rescued and planted in the backyard. To think that the HT helped save a plant's life today - isn't that nice!

Later in the day I skipped taking the HT to Tulsa. Worked out to be ok, as I could hardly see the stage because of tears of laughter during the Broadway production of "The Producers." Downtown is not the best scenic glide location in Tulsa.BLVAL а - hhA major storm arrived this afternoon and dropped temperatures into the 60's. Gliding during the cool of the evening doesn't happen much in the summer, so to take advantage of the cold front was a must.<br><br>After gliding to Carl's Jr, I chose their new Low Carb Chicken Wrap. It's like the "Low Carb" Six Dollar Burger, but wA major storm arrived this afternoon and dropped temperatures into the 60's. Gliding during the cool of the evening doesn't happen much in the summer, so to take advantage of the cold front was a must.

After gliding to Carl's Jr, I chose their new Low Carb Chicken Wrap. It's like the "Low Carb" Six Dollar Burger, but with chicken. A bit too skimpy for me, I'd order the burger next time. Anyway, the return glide wasn't skimpy at all. Although the streets were littered with twigs and leaves from the storm, the Segway HT travelled over it all (with some careful steering around the larger pieces of foliage. Both the snack and glide were a treat!On a night before the full moon, a glide through the neighborhood this evening was a delight. The earlier 94 degree temps dropped into the high 70's making the ride a pleasant one. The moon shown brightly while windows glowed allowing views into home interiors. A fitting transition from an evening of shopping to one of relaxing at home. Once again, another great glide on the Segway HT.An artistic metal mailbox caught my eye the other day at the Paseo Art Festival. This afternoon I strapped a cloth carry bag around the control shaft to bring the mailbox home. The HT was parked at Gailieo again while enjoying food, beverages and conversation. I chose the horizontal mailbox, but after arriving home it was clear that the vertical design would be best. With only a few minutes to spare, a quick drive with the car was necessary to exchange the box. Both the Segway HT and the car worked perfectly for each task. I hope to install the vertical mailbox soon.There are some days that are made for a Segway glide; this was one of them. Big fluffy white clouds with a clear blue sky made the neighborhood glide extra special. Dry warm air was extra comfortable while traveling on the streets wearing shorts and tee shirt. A large cottonwood tree produced a carpet of snowy white fluff on the grass of one home. The scent of barbeque was in the air giving a hint of the meals that would be enjoyed this evening. Along with local Memorial Day activities and special telecasts from the nation's capital, the Segway HT glide helped to celebrate the freedom we have to enjoy the blessings of our great land.Memorial Day weekend features many things to do in the metro area. The Paseo Art Festival was a perfect place to glide and many asked Segway HT questions today while I was walking around the exhibits. I glided into the area on a side street to park the HT at the Galileo bar and cafe. The folks from Bear Rock Woodwork mentioned visiting my website and enjoying the photos from last years art festival! A few demos were given before leaving the exhibit area.

The warm weather brought tornadoes this evening on the north side of the metro. They are approaching as I type, but the current path is about 10 to 12 miles north. With speeds of 25 mph, you do not want to outrun a tornado with a Segway HT!LVAL m mm͸ Arriving home just after midnight, I climbed on the Segway HT and enjoyed a room-to-room indoor glide! This evening, a glide to the Taco Bell drive-thru helped save time to view tonight's final Stanley Cup Playoff game. During intermission, I reviewed today's neArriving home just after midnight, I climbed on the Segway HT and enjoyed a room-to-room indoor glide! This evening, a glide to the Taco Bell drive-thru hArriving home just after midnight, I climbed on the Segway HT and enjoyed a room-to-room indoor glide! This evening, a glide to the Taco Bell drive-thru helped save time to view tonight's final Stanley Cup Playoff game. During intermission, I reviewed today's news coverage and one news piece showed the Segway HT in use at our airport! Will Rogers World Airport purchased FIVE HT's to speed up operations. The 2 hour inspection walk can now be conducted in 45 minutes. The airport police are now testing the HT for their use.Bruce Gordon brought his Segway HT over to my parents home this morning. He glided up the curved walkway to announce his arrival! I was able to enjoy a red key glide on the streets of the neighborhood while Bruce took photos and movies with his new  Pocket PC with phone, Arriving home just after midnight, I climbed on the Segway HT and enjoyed a room-to-room indoor glide! This evening, a glide to the Taco Bell drive-thru helped save time to view tonight's final Stanley Cup Playoff game. During intermission, I reviewed today's news coverage and one news piece showed the Segway HT in use at our airport! Will Rogers World Airport purchased FIVE HT's to speed up operations. The 2 hour inspection walk can now be conducted in 45 minutes. The airport police are now testing the HT for their use.Bruce Gordon brought his Segway HT over to my parents home this morning. He glided up the curved walkway to announce his arrival! I was able to enjoy a red key glide on the streets of the neighborhood while Bruce took photos and movies with his new  Pocket PC with phone, mp-3 player and PC capability. I heard a slight click sound during sharp left turns, so he will need to check if an adjustment is needed. It was very thoughtful of Bruce to help me keep the daily web log filled with Segway glides instead of a nonuse day. The fun of daily HT usage continues and with Segway sales dealers, local users groups and friends who own HT s, the ability to glide daily while on travel is easier than ever!The need for a short glide this morning didn't stop me from getting on the Segway HT for a quick glide around the block. It was a unique time to check how the yard looked and enjoy a nice cooling breeze at the same time.The lack of wind made "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the OKC Museum of Art a spectacular place to be this evening. The Segway HT was parked in the coat room after an enjoyable glide directly from home to museum. The patrons consumed the excellent fine wines and liquors, plus new frozen drink specialties tonight. The festive crowd enjoyed themselves as usual. A quick glide home couldn't be more pleasing, especially in daylight hours.A major storm arrived this afternoon and dropped temperatures into the 60's. Gliding during the cool of the evening doesn't happen much in the summer, so to take advantage of the cold front was a must.

After gliding to Carl's Jr, I chose their new Low Carb Chicken Wrap. It's like the "Low Carb" Six Dollar Burger, but with chicken. A bit too skimpy for me, I'd order the burger next time. Anyway, the return glide wasn't skimpy at all. Although the streets were littered with twigs and leaves from the storm, the Segway HT travelled over it all (with some careful steering around the larger pieces of foliage.) Both the snack and glide were a treat!LVAL ! !As I viewed the flag draped coffin of President Reagan on TV being carried on the caisson, the rain stopped outside here in OKC for a quick glide around the neighborhood. I couldn't help but think of the "caisson" song while gliding on the Segway HT and how life continues rolling As I viewed the flag draped coffin of President Reagan on TV being carried on the caisson, the rain stopped outside here in OKC for a quick glide around the neighborhood. I couldn't help but think of the "caisson" song while gliding on the Segway HT and how life continues rolling along. While the nation mourns, we can rejoice that the world enjoys more freedom today than before the cold war. That freedom allows goods, services, ideas and beliefs to spread freely across the planet. The HT keeps on rolling because of freedomAs I viewed the flag draped coffin of President Reagan on TV being carried on the caisson, the rain stopped outside here in OKC for a quick glide around the neighborhood. I couldn't help but think of the "caisson" song while gliding on the Segway HT and how life continues rolling along. While the nation mourns, we can rejoice that the world enjoys more freedom today than before the cold war. That freedom allows goods, services, ideas and beliefs to spread freely across the planet. The HT keeps on rolling because of freedom, and "...the best is yet to come."With a rain storm arriving in the afternoon, the wind shifted just enough for the dreamy scent of fresh baked bread to drift into the neighborhood. Gliding on the damp streets was made more enjoyable with a fantastic fragrance as if Thanksgiving dinner was on the table. The relaxation of gliding on the Segway HT helped separate a frustrating work day from the glorious enjoyment of viewing the many homes and gardens in the community.What a pleasure to be in Southern California to celebrate my parent s 60th wedding anniversary and attend the grand opening of  Segway of Orange County! Owners, Jim, Liz, Dick and Janice hosted a great time for everyone who stopped by for a demo. Many Segway Chat members joined in the fun giving demos. SC Member Jim Gassor let me take his Segway HT for a glide, and that was today s  glide of the day! Plenty of photos were taken to post later. To top it off, I won the bottle of champagne - a fitting treat to help celebrate the wedding anniversary. With the weather warm and clear, it was a perfect day to glide in Anaheim. During your next visit to So. Cal, stop by Segway of Orange County at 1187 North Tustin Avenue and enjoy a glide on the Segway! (www.Segwayof A hot, dry and windy day didn't encourage me to make dinner. So it's off to Carl's Jr on the Segway HT for a delicious Low Carb Six Dollar Burger! Since they are so popular, the burger seemed a bit smaller today. Nothing small about the glide through the neighborhood, it was first class all the way. The trees and lawns made glidA hot, dry and windy day didn't encourage me to make dinner. So it's off to Carl's Jr on the Segway HT for a delicious Low Carb Six Dollar Burger! Since they are so popular, the burger seemed a bit smaller today. Nothing small about the glide through the neighborhood, it was first class all the way. The trees and lawns made gliding on a hot day very comfortable and lovely to look at. The HT handle grips are delightful to hold to gain stability during the occasional bump in the road. Large tree roots raise the riding surface momentarily, so it's always important to hold on and watch where you are going. Despite weather warnings, all is clear this evenA hot, dry and windy day didn't encourage me to make dinner. So it's off to Carl's Jr on the Segway HT for a delicious Low Carb Six Dollar Burger! Since they are so popular, the burger seemed a bit smaller today. Nothing small about the glide through the neighborhood, it was first class all the way. The trees and lawns made gliding on a hot day very comfortable and lovely to look at. The HT handle grips are delightful to hold to gain stability during the occasional bump in the road. Large tree roots raise the riding surface momentarily, so it's always important to hold on and watch where you are going. Despite weather warnings, all is clear this evening.A glide to Brown's Bakery this morning was the first in many weeks. With this, the national day of mourning, bringing some fresh baked goods to work to share with others brought a bit of joy to our workday. The speed of the Segway HT helped complete the task quickly and efficiently. The Wal-Mart bag continues to be the container of choice to hang on the handlebars for the glide home. With the daily glide completed early, I had time to watch the services after work. As the sun sets on the California hills, I bid a fond farewell to one who was my Governor and President for many years. Freed from earthly sickness, he is now free to glide on the heavenly streets of gold.The regular "Cocktails on the Skyline" glide was one the more unusual evenings in Oklahoma City. I waved "hi" to the driver of an extended limo while dismounting from the HT at the front of the museum. While power assisting the HT into the museum coat room, a gentleman with a "I Love Chihuly" button asked to ride the Segway HT. I responded by telling him that no demos were allowed in the museum. Within seconds museum staff arrived and informed me that Allen Brown, the designer of the museum, would certainly be allowed to glide! So the demo began in the coat room and soon proceeded into the main entry area. After a minute or two a group of people walked toward us and Allen reached out his hand while on the HT to shake hands with Dale Chihuly! He and his party were exiting the building after attending a benefit for the major benefactors who donated for the purchase of the Chihuly collection. Our museum is now the proud owner of the largest collection of Chihuly art anywhere in the world.

After a relaxing evening on the roof top and dining in the museum cafe, one of the regulars wanted to let his girlfriend glide. The one demo led to about a half dozen others! I didn't get home until after 10, but I did bring the high intensity light to aid in travelling home. With balmy temps in the low 80's, it was a perfect glide home to cherish the memories of a great evening of food and fun. LVALh  M  What started as a simple early glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for the annual members meeting, turned into a four hour adventure. The HT was parked in the coar room for the annual meeting and reception. I must have been in a rush after parking the HT, because I noticed my house keys were not in my pocket when returning to the coat room. Sure enough, the keys were left iWhat started as a simple early glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for the annual members meeting, turned into a four hour adventure. The HT was parked in the coar room for the annual meeting and reception. I must have been in a rush after parking the HT, because I noticed my house keys were not in my pocket when returning to the coat room. Sure enough, the keys were left in the cable lock! Hopefully that will never happen again.

Since it was only 6:30 PM, a glide to Chelino's for Mexican food continued the extended glide. Great food and drink is made more enjoyable while viewing the canal boats filled with tourists. After dinner, a glide to check out the progress on the 16 movie theater complex could not have been timed better. I spotted...The hour before dusk is a great time to glide around the neighborhood. With cooler weather this evening, It was great to zoom up and down the streets and sidewalks. I waved at several passing motorists who accept my glides as quite normal. With mini hills in our area, gliding up and down add to the fun.The need to cool down after work started with a bit of shopping by car. Upon arriving home, it was time to board the Segway HT for a glide to Braum's. Yummy chocolate frozen yogurt helped ease the frustration of a busy day at work. Sitting inside the air-conditioned comfort while spooning each bite assisted in the cool down process. If only the HT could be at work to exit from frustrating situations. This evening's glide turned out to be a real treat!The weather made it a spectacular day to glide to the health club to work out and enjoy the spa. It was one of those days where complete comfort occurred during all aspects of the journey. Tee shirt and shorts going and long sleeve shirt and jeans returning. The Segway HT performed perfectly too. Truly a day for HT fun under the sun!A hot, dry and windy day didn't encourage me to make dinner; so it's off to Carl's Jr on the Segway HT for a delicious Low Carb Six Dollar Burger! Since they are so popular, the burger seemed a bit smaller today. Nothing small about the glide through the neighborhood, it was first class all the way. The trees and lawns made gliding on a hot day very comfortable and lovely to look at. The HT handle grips are delightful to hold to gain stability during the occasional bump in the road. Large tree roots raise the riding surface momentarily, so it's always important to hold on and watch where you are going. Despite weather warnings, all is clear this evening.;y=B | : d  + _  r . ] L z3S o(W5cc\@Forgetful Health Club Glide@Xmzokc>>7+?"-<@Strawberry Shake Glide@Xmzokc992&?)FM@Arby's and Tower Glide@Wmzokc992&?Z b@500 Days of Segway@Vmzokc55."? tݤ@The 500th Consecutive Day Glide@XmzokcBB;/?^c.@Deer Valley Glidea@Rmzokc44-!?<@12.0 Software Mountain Glide@Umzokc??8,?}@Provo River Glide@Umzokc44-!?uL@Braums Breakfast Glide @Rmzokc992&?[[>@Not Exactly a Famous Star Glided@QmzokcBB;/?_B{ @Battery Replacement Glide@Qmzokc<<5)?b@Glide tonight for Tomorrow@Qmzokc==6*?SYޣ@Security Glide@!Pmzokc11*?@Holiday Breakfast Glide@ Pmzokc::3'? Ce@4th of July Fireworks GlideSlmzokc>>7+?dq@Historic Clock Dedication Glide@PmzokcBB;/?ot?a@Neighborhood Evening Glide@Omzokc==6*?(?@Museum, Demos and Bricktown Glide@MmzokcDD=1?d@Galileo and Isis Glide@Omzokc992&?@Lovely Cool Evening Glide@Omzokc<<5)?g:ߢ@Braum's Ice Cream Glide@Omzokc::3'?N۾@Glide to the Health Club!@Nmzokc;;4(?=@Enjoyable Taco Bell Glide@Nmzokc<<5)?m@Chick-Fil=A Glide@Nmzokc44-!?jZ@Las Colinas Glide @Nmzokc44-!?A 9@Texas Photo Glide@Lmzokc44-!?@Irving and Las Colinas Texas Glide@KmzokcEE>2?z*p@Verizon Glide<@Lmzokc00)?߼ZС@Time to Outglide the Rain@Jmzokc<<5)?:@Picture Perfect Glide@Jmzokc881%?2@Segway Sunset Glide@Imzokc66/#?~@Thursday Night Glide@Imzokc770$?֮q^@Museum, Chelino's, and Fountain GlideY@ImzokcHHA5?A=@Pleasant Neighborhood Glide2@Gmzokc>>7+?jT@Frozen Yogurt Cool Down Glide@Gmzokc@@9-?www@Glide For HealthQ@Gmzokc33, ?!-ܠ@Hot, Dry and Windy Glide@Gmzokc;;4(? ףp@Mourning Donut Glide@Fmzokc770$?SA@Dale Chihuly Visit / Allen Brown Glide@FmzokcIIB6?*0;z@As The HT Keeps Rolling Along5@Emzokc@@9-?]@Bakery Fragrance Glide@Emzokc992&?G>@There's No Place Like Home Glide@ DmzokcCC<0?$\@Sharing the Glide @Dmzokc66/#?UJ@Segway of Orange County Glide)@Emzokc@@9-?Wޟ@Glide Around The Block@Dmzokc992&? C%@Ideal Museum Glide@Dmzokc55."?*;L@Cool Carl's Glide@Dmzokc44-!?(g@Moonlight Glide@ Cmzokc22+?$]@Memorial Day Art Glide?@Cmzokc992&?pS;@Perfectly Warm Glide@Cmzokc770$?<@Paseo Art GlideP@Cmzokc22+?Q@Demos at Dusk@Bmzokc00)?[[ߞ@Night Glide!@Bmzokc..'? þ@Sunset Glide@Bmzokc//(?8e@Neighborhood Race@Bmzokc44-!?֮q~@Perle Mesta Park Glide@Bmzokc992&?oLVALЧ What started as a simple early glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for the annual members meeting, turned into a four hour adventure. The HT was parked in the coat room for the annual meeting and reception. I must have been in a rush after parking the HT, because the house keys were not in my pocket when returning to the coat room. There they were; left in the cable lock! Hopefully that will never happen again. Upon leaving a few demos were given to some of the attendees.<br><br>Since it was only 6:30 PM, a glide to Chelino's for Mexican food continued the extended glide. Great food and drink made dinneA wonderful sunset with rays appearing from behind the clouds made the evening glide a dreamy experience. Green foliage lit up with those sun rays. Demos were given to some of the residents, whilA wonderful sunset with rays appearing from behind the clouds made the evening glide a dreamy experience. Green foliage lit up with those sun rays. Demos were given to some of the residents, while the fragrance of dinner cooking added to the sensory adventure. With recent rain storms today, everything seemed cool and refreshing. What a pleasure to glide each day or night on the Segway HT.The weekly thursday night glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" ended up being a bit warmer on the rooftop this evening, so I stepped inside and enjoyed viewing the Chihuly and Print exhibits. A lady at work mentioned how perfect the margaritas are in the Museum Cafe. I enjoyed one margarita before getting on board the Segway HT for the glide home. The margarita and the glide home couldn't be more perfect!What started as a simple early glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for the annual members meeting, turned into a four hour adventure. The HT was parked in the coat room for the annual meeting and reception. I must have been in a rush after parking the HT, because the house keys were not in my pocket when returning to the coat room. There they were; left in the cable lock! Hopefully that will never happen again. Upon leaving a few demos were given to some of the attendees.

Since it was only 6:30 PM, a glide to Chelino's for Mexican food continued the extended glide. Great food and drink made dinner more enjoyable while viewing the canal boats filled with tourists. A demo to an out of state visitor was greatly appreciated. Next, a glide to check out the progress on the 16 movie theater complex could not have been timed better. The new fountains were running for the first time! A mini tour of the pump room and control basement was provided by the designer who I recognized from an earlier meeting on another Segway HT adventure. The fountains will be tested for the next 30 days before the dedication. It will be fun to glide by and check the progress of the fountain programming with music.

Battery power ran a bit low before arriving home, but plenty of dusk light allowed a few demos to the neighbors and their visitors. The younger riders did well, even when the HT was let go and the handlebar hit the ground for the first time. The hit was against grass, so no scrapes to the handlebar at all! The entire four hour event reminded me of great glides of the past, and it isn't even summer! LVAL) ))) With the the sky still showing light after 9 PM, this afternoon was a great time to start taking photos of the neighborhood The television graphics of thundThe television graphics of thunderstorms across the state give residents a preview of coming rain. There was just enough time to glide to Carl's Jr this morning for a Low Carb Breakfast Bowl (it's really yummy!) The rain started falling when pulling up into the drivThe television graphics of thunderstorms across the state give residents a preview of coming rain. There was just enough time to glide to Carl's Jr this morning for a Low Carb Breakfast Bowl (it's really yummy!) The rain started falling when pulling up into the driveway, so the timing was perfect. The thunderstorm that followed was a real drencher, and an umbrella was needed for the task to add chlorine tabs to the pool. With all the rain, the gardens are looking better than ever and that adds to the Segway HT gliding adventure.The television graphics oThe television graphics of thunderstorms across the state give residents a preview of coming rain. There was just enough time to glide to Carl's Jr this morning for a Low Carb Breakfast Bowl (it's really yummy!) The rain started falling when pulling up into the driveway, so the timing was perfect. The thunderstorm that followed was a real drencher, and an umbrella was needed for the task to add chlorine tabs to the pool. With all the rain, the gardens are looking better than ever and that adds to the Segway HT gliding adventure.With the the sky still showing light after 9 PM, this afternoon was a great time to start taking photos of the neighborhood home exteriors for the annual house tour exhibit. Since the sun hid behind clouds during some of the photo shoot, I will retake the pictures. The Segway HT made the task much easier, as I glided to the beginning of the street and took the photos in order of street number. By gliding around the homes on street and sidewalk, I could select the best angle for maximum photo composition. The extensive trees are making the task a bit harder, but the results are more beautiful. It will take several glides to accomplish the task, but that is what the HT is all about. One barking dog didn't care for my taking photos, but the owner found it amusing that their pooch reacted to the HT.

On a side note, it was nice to receive a letter from Segway LLC with coupons to give to interested customers. $50 for them and $50 for me if they purchase a Segway HT. LVAL Today I stopped by the Las Colinas Association to find out who to write to encourage the city to complete the sidewalks. After this evening, I am not the only one who has noticed the lack of finished sidewalks in Irving, Texas!<br><br>This evening I tried to glide on the northwest side of Las Colinas. The sidewalks were in old like condition, with cave-ins and dropoffs quite the norm. No sidewalks exist at the college, and the roads are 45 mph at that point, so no Segway access unless one wants to attempt steep grassy slopes. I really is frustrating that one main section is missing.<br><br>Others were frustrated tooToday I stopped by the Las Colinas Association to find out who to write to encourage the city to complete the sidewalks. After this evening, I am not the only one who has noticed the lack of finished sidewalks in Irving, Texas!

This evening I tried to glide on the northwest side of Las Colinas. The sidewalks were in old like condition, with cave-ins and dropoffs quite the norm. No sidewalks exist at the college, and the roads are 45 mph at that point, so no Segway access unless one wants to attempt steep grassy slopes. I really is frustrating that one main section is missing.

Others were frustrated too. Bus fare is about $1.25 to 2.25 and some Austin residents were steamed over that. They were upset over the missing sidewalks on North MacArthur Blvd. next to North Lake College too.

I made the best of it by enjoying all the sidewalks I could find and ended up at one the areas premiere locations to dine. The parking lot was full and I pulled up with the Segway HT to valet parking. The valet guys got their demos and I asked them if there would be a wait later this evening. I got a positive response and will enjoy dining there later on. They also mentioned how the sidewalks appear and disappear where they live.LVAL Well, I have a bone to pick about Las Colinas, Texas and the lack of enough sidewalks to safely get from my hotel to the training center about two miles away. Everything starts out OK, but soon the sidewalks end or streets have too much traffic to glide safely.<br><br>One highlight of the evening gliClimbed on board the Segway HT this afternoon to take some photos of the missing sidewalk sections in Las Colinas, Irving, Texas. Talked to some folks about the HT and gave a demo too.<br><br>The "live chat" with Ron from Segway LLC is occurring aClimbed on board the Segway HT this afternoon to take some photos of the missing sidewalk sections in Las Colinas, Irving, Texas. Talked to some folks about the HT and gave a demo too.

The "live chat" with Ron from Segway LLC is occurring as I type; might as well be productive while waiting for answers to our questions. Last night I dropped by a Brookstone store, but no Segway HT's are able to be sold by that chain in Texas. Hopefully that will change soon so more folks can see a HT.Well, I have a bone to pick about Las Colinas, Texas and the lack of enough sidewalks to safely get from my hotel to the training center about two miles away. Everything starts out OK, but soon the sidewalks end or streets have too much traffic to glide safely.

One highlight of the evening glide made up for the hassle, Verizon has some of the most spectacular corporate offices nearby and the glide on their sidewalks is a world standard of excellence. Just look at the small photo I found on the web.

The sidewalks were wide with heavy traction surface. Another treat was underground parking (really undergrass) where all the cars (except for a small visitor center lot) are completely hidden. It made you think that the car wasn't even invented! So here I was gliding around a dream property with no place to go. As soon as the lengthy glide reached the property boundary, the sidewalks ended.

A nearby golf course and gated housing is a giant barrier that divides the area from easy access routes. One is forced to take the car on a freeway access road or on a major street one mile out of the way that doesn't have sidewalks running the distance.

I did get to demo the Segway HT at the Benihana nearby. An inline skater also was impressed when seeing the HT in action during the hour long glide. While I may not be able to use the HT to get to training, there are plenty of nice sidewalks to enjoy using the HT each day./ LVAL? The glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for "Cocktails on the Skyline" was the start of a great evening of demos and lots of conversation. One lady had a bike at the museum door, so when the HT was rolled in to the coat room, she asked why her bike couldn't be stored inside too. The museum personnel said that the Segway was small enough to be stored in the coat room and she would have to leave her bicycle outside. I enjoyed a speedy elevator ride to the roof top for the beautiful sunset and conversaton from neighbors who live just down the street. Many questions about the HT and PBS productions were answered.<br><br>While leaving the museum, a gentleman in a motorized wheelchair was very interested in the HT and had a number of questions. Once outside it was demo time as five people enjoyed a mini glide. Near the library, a van full of folks climThe glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for "Cocktails on the Skyline" was the start of a great evening of demos and lots of conversation. One lady had a bike at the museum door, so when the HT was rolled in to the coat room, she asked why her bike couldn't be stored inside too. The museum personnel said that the Segway was small enough to be stored in the coat room and she would have to leave her bicycle outside. I enjoyed a speedy elevator ride to the roof top for the beautiful sunset and conversaton from neighbors who live just down the street. Many questions about the HT and PBS productions were answered.

While leaving the museum, a gentleman in a motorized wheelchair was very interested in the HT and had a number of questions. Once outside it was demo time as five people enjoyed a mini glide. Near the library, a van full of folks climbed out to view a new lit fountain. More questions were answwered. The rest of the glide to Bricktown was fairly calm, but one security guy who had ridden the HT in the past mentioned to others how great the HT is. The theater, fountain and Sonic Cafe area was off limits; the construction is looking great.

It's always nice to stop and chat with the lady who parks cars. She is back on her feet after an operation. She loves to see the HT and has a wonderful outlook on life. Across the street, the outdoor bar at Mantel was an inviting place, until the loud music started, so I skipped it tonight. With no light left in the sky, the HT light provided lots of visibility on the way home. With all the adventure tonight, battery life was a bit low, so I took it easy and had plenty of power for the glide home. Quite an evening and lots of fun for everyone.pLVAL nůůŎI enjoyed a great glide to the health club today to workout and enjoy the steamroom and spa. Weeds are about a foot high in sidewalk sections dI enjoyed a great glide to the health club today to workout and enjoy the steamroom and spa. Weeds are about a foot high in sidewalk sections during the route; the HT travels right through and around them. With temps staying in the low 80's, the summer glides continue to be comfortable.I enjoyed a great glide to the health club today to workout and enjoy the steamroom and spa. Weeds are about a foot high in sidewalk sections during the route; the HT travels right through and around them. With temps staying in the low 80's, the summer glides continue to be comfortable.How nice to be back home again where the streets are free of traffic in the neighborhood. Today has been a day of rest and internet research so a quick bite for fast food was a perfect reason to glide on the Segway HT. Weather was warm, dry and comfy - far less humidity than Dallas. I parked the HT outside and ate while enjoying the view out the window. The glide home was ideal with little traffic and beautiful trees and landscaping to view.An early morning glide to Chick-Fil-A was enjoyed for a chicken biscuit. The Segway HT performed perfectly on the sidewalks between the hotel and fast food location. It's been a lot of fun to have the HT on the trip and even with missing sidewalk sections, there have been plenty of locations to enjoy.

Late night update: With the HT loaded into the car, the drive back to OKC was fairly fast at 3 1/2 hours. Arriving back just before dusk, the sunset over the downtown area was especially beautiful. A quick glide around the street at home helped check that the HT made the trip safe and sound. What's nice is the grass is greener at home!I put the Segway HT into the car for the drive to training today. After the class was over, I enjoyed giving some demos to several of the class members. Then it was off to the "downtown" section of Las Colinas. High granite curbs made it difficult to glide. Narrow paths at the bridge over the canal plus missing sidewalk sections slowed the glide, but not the wonder over a city built with a elevated transport system that looks a bit like a monorail from a distance. The small cars that travel the elevated fixed rail hardly operate during the day. It's probably easier to just walk to the car and drive to the other buildings.

What is nice during the glide was the lack of horn honking. While the drivers drive fast, they always gave me the right away and were never pushy. Texans remind me a lot of Oklahoma folk, they are generally friendly, especially for a large city such as Dallas - Fort Worth. I do hope that improvements in infrastructure can be accomplished to maximize pedestrian access. With the excessive quanity of cars, they really need to off load single riders onto other transportation systems however possible.

Upon returning to the hotel, I enjoyed a glide towards the west to test distance for a planned glide tomorrow. The return was a bit exciting when the HT slowed with a battery shutdown. Perfectly safe, it's just a surprise when you have to step off and restart after 10 to 20 seconds. These "shut downs" are due to 15 months of usage plus hill climbing before reaching the end of the planned glide.LVAL> G MMȠFriday, July 02, 2004. It's been months since I entered a weblog entry after 11 PM local time resulting in an auto date stamp the next day. Catching up on recorded movies tonight, I completely forget about the time!<br><br>The glide this early evening was a nice start to the 4th of July weekend. Just a nice quiet cruise around the neighborFriday, July 02, 2004. It's been months since I entered a weblog entry after 11 PM local time resulting in an auto date stamp the next day. Catching up on recorded movies tonight, I completely forget about the time!

The glide this early evening was a nice start to the 4th of July weekend. Just a nice quiet cruise around the neighborhood to enjoy the red, white and blue decor on homes. The residents enjoy decorating their porch or garden with holiday decor at various times of the year.

The temps rose sharply today, but even in the 80's, the motion of the Segway HT makes the glide much cooler while enjoying the refreshment of dusk and the large overhaFriday, July 02, 2004. It's been months since I entered a weblog entry after 11 PM local time resulting in an auto date stamp the next day. Catching up on recorded movies tonight, I completely forget about the time!

The glide this early evening was a nice start to the 4th of July weekend. Just a nice quiet cruise around the neighborhood to enjoy the red, white and blue decor on homes. The residents enjoy decorating their porch or garden with holiday decor at various times of the year.

The temps rose sharply today, but even in the 80's, the motion of the Segway HT makes the glide much cooler while enjoying the refreshment of dusk and the large overhanging trees.It was such a nice evening that I glided up to Galileo and the new Isis Bar for a glass of chardonnay on the Galileo patio. Inside the Isis Bar they have an unusual decor, and that made it the place to stop for a snack. The olive plate could have been served during the age of Cleopatra!

A HT demo was given before leaving for home. The Segway HT did not have the light attached, so I departed while there was plenty of light for gliding. How nice to relax and glide during the setting of the sun!The weather remains in the mid 70's with cool, cloudy conditions. A great time to enjoy a refreshing glide around the neighborhood. I waved at several of the neighbors while passing through the area. The only problem was forgetting the helmet during the first seconds of the glide. Putting on deet for the skeeters threw me off schedule to remember to don the safety glasses and helmet. No matter, I zoomed back home within 100 feet to get the missing safety equipment. The glide was perfect as usual.A treat seemed in order after a lengthy day at work. What better treat than ice cream at Braum's. The Segway HT glide was fast and efficient. The HT was cabled to a nice parking spot while the delicious flavors were decided upon. While enjoying "Cookies and Cream," a walk around the floor of the store allowed viewing the fresh fruit and vegetables among the freezers of rich quality ice cream.

Rather than a quick return home, I glided north to the "Back to the Future" project where the historic gold dome is being turned into a new retail and food location. Slowly gliding around the building and the abandon bank facilities gave a new perspective to the historic quality.

Gliding on the streets of a nearby historic community completed tonight's adventure. Battery levels are holding up well for the neighborhood glides. A few rain drops fell before the glide ended, but no storms upset the enjoyment of another successful glide around town.6LVAL#P P{ The weather couldn't be more perfect for a Christmas treat in July, the wonderful musical, Annie! Lyric Productions has done it again with another hit, and the Segway HT was able to be enjoyed to travel to and from the Oklahoma City Civic Music Hall for all the fun. Annie is a favorite of mine and this production was extremely enjoyable. Just as there are different HT modelThe weather couldn't be more perfect for a Christmas treat in July, the wonderful musical, Annie! Lyric Productions has done it again with another hit, and the Segway HT was able to be enjoyed to travel to and from the Oklahoma City Civic Music Hall for all the fun. Annie is a favorite of mine and this production was extremely enjoyable. Just as there are different HT models, the movie, TV special and play of Annie are just a bit different too. They all have one thing in common, "Tomorrow." The next glide is never more than a day away!

The HT performed perfectly just as the actors and actresses did for this production! Streets were clear for a smooth ride home. The Segway HT is one hit like "Old Man River," it just keeps rolling along! What started off as a normal glide around the neighborhood turned into a patrol glide. As I enjoyed each street, the same car seemed to be touring the area. The look of the car and it's occupants were certainly not at home in our community. They could have been searching for treasure among the trash cans (our folks leave pretty good stuff laying around on trash day.) What ever the reason, I turned to get their license plate and glided home to jot it down. I never saw the car again. It was a good purpose for gliding around, especially with the safety helmet that looks more like a patrol helmet. The Segway HT would double as a nice security vehicle for neighborhoods instead of a golf cart. It was another nice evening to glide around on the HT.With lots of projects to do on the last day of the three day weekend, gliding for breakfast was a time saver. The "Low Carb Breakfast Bowl" is a nice bacon, ham and cheese omelette with a sausage patty center. Gliding to Carl's Jr is always a fun experience because the staff at the fast food eatery are extremely friendly and always glad to greet the guests. It was a great early morning glide and most of the projects accomplished today were completed successfully.Today was a historic occasion in our community. Our Oklahoma Centennial clock was dedicated as part of our annual 4th of July bike parade and breakfast. Just like last year, I enjoyed gliding on the patriotically decorated Segway HT. Handy for taking photos, the HT helped carry two large casseroles of breakfast burritos fresh and hot from the oven.

The clock dedication ceremony was attended by our most distinguished residents, including our oldest at 94 (who was born in the community so he has witnessed a lot of change in the city!) I left the HT in balance mode during the ceremony at the corner of 13th and Shartel where the clock is located. I took about 100 photos of all the activities; it was a lot of fun for everyone. Happy 4th of July!

LVAL U An early morning glide at times does have consequences. Today I reached into my pocket for cash at Braums and I felt only coins! Thank goodness they took the credit card. The glide to Braums is an enjoyable one, especially when a delicious breakfast buritto, hash browns and great decaf coffee are waiting for you at the end of the glide. Returning home by a different route is easy and tAn early morning glide at times does have consequences. Today I reached into my pocket for cash at Braums and I felt only coins! Thank goodness they took the credit card. The glide to Braums is an enjoyable one, especially when a delicious breakfast buritto, hash browns and great decaf coffee are waiting for you at the end of the glide. Returning home by a different route is easy and today was no exception. Folks are out running and working in their yards. It's a perfect time to say "Good morning!" and wish everyone a happy day. Returning back home, the Segway HT makes checking the yard for debris a breeze. A stray plastic cup was removed and glided into the trash container in the rear driveway. Today's HT glide was a nice start to a fun filled weekend of activities.A cool front brought the temps down to near spring like conditions! A glide to Carl's Jr for the Low Carb Six Dollar Burger took a bit longer. The place was more crowded than ever. I couldn't even park the Segway HT in the normal place, someone had a mountain bike cabled up in the location.

Before returning home, I stopped by some new home construction in the area. It's nice to see new homes appearing on some of the empty lots. There was a yard sale going on nearby and the HT was a perfect way to check out the merchandise. It was pleasant to glide around the neighborhood on a cool summer evening!Well, it's not quite what you think! The car needed a new battery and had to be left overnight at the Goodyear company for a quality Delco replacement. So this morning I drove down with the car that can hold the HT, then drove the smaller car home. Using the Segway HT, I returned to the repair location and put the HT into the larger car for the trip home. It was an easy solution to getting the car back from a remote location over a mile away.The weather couldn't be more perfect for a Christmas treat in July, the wonderful musical, Annie! Lyric Productions has done it again with another hit, and the Segway HT was able to be enjoyed to travel to and from the Oklahoma City Civic Music Hall for all the fun. Annie is a favorite of mine and this production was extremely enjoyable. Just as there are different HT models, the movie, TV special and play of Annie are just a bit different too. They all have one thing in common, "Tomorrow." The next glide is never more than a day away!

The HT performed perfectly just as the actors and actresses did for this production! Streets were clear for a smooth ride home. The Segway HT is like "Old Man River," it just keeps rolling along! zLVAL ̔This morning was bright and clear, a refreshing time to step onto "Marty the HT" and glide to the Deer Valley ski area and take some photos. I had to laugh when seeing the sign informing guests of lift tours starting on Wednesday, I was enjoying a "lift" on the Segway HT today!<br><br>The adventure continued by gliding over to "The Stew Pot" area and then continued on the streets that are normally driven to my parents home. The HT zoomed right up the hills with the greatest of ease! The glides the past two days have brought back memories of using my ownThis morning was bright and clear, a refreshing time to step onto "Marty the HT" and glide to the Deer Valley ski area and take some photos. I had to laugh when seeing the sign informing guests of lift tours starting on Wednesday, I was enjoying a "lift" on the Segway HT today!

The adventure continued by gliding over to "The Stew Pot" area and then continued on the streets that are normally driven to my parents home. The HT zoomed right up the hills with the greatest of ease! The glides the past two days have brought back memories of using my own HT last year in this area.

The HT was loaded back into the station wagon for the ride to Provo where Chris (SegwayUtah) soon arrived to take "Marty" home. We chatted about the Segway HTs and then glided/drove off in different directions. How enjoyable to see Chris again and get acquainted with the city of Provo. He is fortunate to live in a very Segway friendly town.

I continue to be impressed on how much additional power the HT has with newer batteries. I look forward to upgrading my own HT as soon as new battery technology is announced. An early morning glide at times does have consequences. Today I reached into my pocket for cash at Braums and I felt only coins! Thank goodness they took the credit card. The glide to Braums is an enjoyable one, especially when a delicious breakfast buritto, hash browns and great decaf coffee are waiting for you at the end of the glide. Returning home by a different route is easy and today was no exception. Folks are out running and working in their yards. It's a perfect time to say "Good morning!" and wish everyone a happy day. Returning back home, the Segway HT makes checking the yard for debris a breeze. A stray plastic cup was removed and glided into the trash container at the rear driveway. Today's HT glide was a nice start to a fun filled weekend of activities.LVALlTIt was a busy day with projects at home, but not busy enough to climb aboard the Segway HT this evening to enjoy some of the fun with the crowds at the annual 4th of July Fireworks at Bricktown in downtown OKC. The advantage of using the HT to get downtown was clear when lines of traffic and curbs of people meant slowing down for all the crowds. It took just a bit longer than usual to gain access to the center of Bricktown, but what a difference from normal. All the streets were blocked off so no cars could enter, but that didn't stop my gliding right in to enjoy the fun. When the crowds were packed in by the band and food stands, I stepped off the HT and used power assist to keep it in front of me like a stroller. With so many folks, no one asked questions! Maybe the single red, white and blue ribbon decoration on the front hid the HT from view. Anyway, it was only a half block of walking before climbing back on. I saw a sign for burgers and beer at Lotus, so I pulled the HT up the steps and enjoyed the food while viewing all the people. Crowds like this are normal at Disneyland, but downtown OKC? Our city is amazing and the new public funded arena, ballpark, music hall, and many other venues are bringing people out to downtown like it was the only place to go and be seen.<br><br>With just minutes before the start of the fireworks, I glided to the Reno street bridge over the canal. It was a perfect spot to enjoy the fireworks. Both parties standing to the left and right of me had several questions about the HT, even while tucked away against the bridge rail and out of the way. Afterwards I glided some of the streets and decided to visit Maker's for an additional refreshment before gliding home. The air is a bit smoky so I only stayed for a little while. Upon leaving one gentleman had lots of questions about the HT. His wife had several operations that make it difficult for her to walk distances.<br><br>The glide home was a bit more stressful with the battery gauge showing a lower amount of power than> LVALN normal. Slowing down increased the range with plenty of power remaining when arriving home. I even took the HT on a few more streets to check how long the battery would last. About 5 blocks later it was time to return home and secure the Segway HT for the night. All worked fine and another July 4th celebration was enjoyed via the Segway HT.^LVAL6 tttThis morning was bright and clear, a refreshing time to step onto "Marty the HT" and glide to the Deer Valley ski area and take some photos. I had to laugh when seeing the sign informing guests of lift tours starting on Wednesdays, I was enjoying a "lift" on the Segway HT today!<br>Arriving back to OKC before the sunset, I enjoyed a great glide tonight to Galileo for the celebration of the 500th consecutive glide day. It was March 3, 2003 for the first glide event after the Segway HT arrived. A short glide Arriving back to OKC before the sunset, I enjoyed a great glide tonight to Galileo for the celebration of the 500th consecutive glide day. It was March 3, 2003 for the first glide event after the Segway HT arrived. A short glide for fun before plugging the HT in for a full charge. Tonight the glide to Galileo for a refreshing beverage and Wednesday night poetry. A few demos were given to interested guests. One of them took my picture in front of the cafe.What a difference newer batteries make when gliding on hills. The Segway HT (that Chris calls "Marty") performed fantastic. The glide was smooth and steady without any major slow downs except on the first small desent to avoid overcharge. For about 40 minutes the blue buttoned HT zoomed up and down the various hills in the neighborhood. I glided the area last year with both the 10.0 and 11.0 software. 10 was definitely the fastest while 11 showed a blinky straight face on some hills. Today, the straight face only occurred during the first desent. A couple of stick shake rattles occurred on the first hill, but no more after that. Overall an excellent glide and another wonderful photo opportunity.Thanks to SegwayUtah, another great glide day occurred today.

Visiting my parents to celebrate my mother's birthday was a memorable Segway event last year. This year jet transport without the HT shortened the travel time. However, a few days ago I checked the calendar and discovered that I would be ending a perfect record of continuous daily glides at 496 days. To miss the 500 mark was worth asking friends in Utah for some advice. Chris (SegwayUtah) was most accomodating by offering the use of his Segway HT during the trip. What fun to meet him today and take photos of his new i170 model. Just look how great he looks on the latest Segway HT while enjoying the luxury of the extra wide double lane bike trails in Provo, Utah.

Soon we were enjoying those double lane bike paths built next to the Provo River area. Folks were fishing from the bridge, and bikers past us as we enjoyed the glide with the river far below. It was a great experience to enjoy a city that features some of the neatest HT glides.

It's a treat to be visiting the great state of Utah again during the wonderful summer months when everything is so green and beautiful. Getting to use the HT is a great blessing and I appreciate it greatly. LVAL This day marks the 500th day of Segway ownership! A glide to Brown's Bakery was a nice way to start the day. The Segway HT was parked outside while donuts were purchased. Everyone who asked questions about the HT today got the added extra information about the 500th day since delivery and the continuous daily glides.<br><br>At work someone mentioned a newspaper article about a new dealer, "Segway of Oklahoma." I read the article and called the dealer later in the day to encourage them to check out SegwayChat and I wished them well.<br><br>An lengthy glide tonight added to the 500th day anniversary celebration. It was a hot glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. One of the theater patrons took my picture before I walked the HT into This day marks the 500th day of Segway ownership! A glide to Brown's Bakery was a nice way to start the day. The Segway HT was parked outside while donuts were purchased. Everyone who asked questions about the HT today got the added extra information about the 500th day since delivery and the continuous daily glides.

At work someone mentioned a newspaper article about a new dealer, "Segway of Oklahoma." I read the article and called the dealer later in the day to encourage them to check out SegwayChat and I wished them well.

An lengthy glide tonight added to the 500th day anniversary celebration. It was a hot glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. One of the theater patrons took my picture before I walked the HT into the coat room. The rooftop was extremely crowded due to a special event. Several asked about the Segway, and I was able to share the excitement. Demos occurred when leaving the museum and later in the Bricktown area. A glide to the fountain area near the new theaters was a disappointment because it was shut off.

Patio dining locations were closing after 9 PM this evening so I glided inside to Da Boat for their great food. The consistent quality of the food and service made it a perfect choice. The glide home was warm (87 degrees) but comfortable enough to enjoy. Gliding around the outside of the house before putting the HT away was a nice "cool down" after the glide. Milestones don't happen everyday, but on the Segway HT, everyday feels like a milestone day!G LVALW An after work get together is always fun to attend, but the clothes get a little smoky. A perfect reason to air the clothes and enjoy more fun at some of the local smoky locations near home. It started tonight with a glide to Arby's for some roast beef with the smoky flavored BBQ sauce. Next was a glide to the Tower Club for a beverage, but first a glide around the entire tower and their unique parking structure. The building is in a state of disrepair and was a An after work get together is always fun to attend, but the clothes get a little smoky. A perfect reason to air the clothes and enjoy more fun at some of the local smoky locations near home. It started tonight with a glide to Arby's for some roast beef with the smoky flavored BBQ sauce. Next was a glide to the Tower Club for a beverage, but first a glide around the entire tower and their unique parking structure. The building is in a state of disrepair and was a bizzare place to glide. The Segway HT raised me to a point where it seemed I could hit my helmet on the roof of the parking structure, but there was plenty of clearance.

At the Tower Club I parked behind the door and fastened the cable to the door hinge. It wasn't too busy, so the smoke was ok. I only stayed a short while and continued the glide through the nearby community. Temps lowered into the low 80's and it was pleasant to enjoy the fresh air at last!nLVAL DA glide to the OU Center for Healthy Living is a great way to start the week with a healthy attitude. However in my rush to leave the house I found that some brain exercise is needed too. I forgot a change of clean clothes in my gym bag and to top it off, the locker key was lost during the visit. It's only a $5 charge for a lost key, but it's notA glide to the OU Center for Healthy Living is a great way to start the week with a healthy attitude. However in my rush to leave the house I found that some brain exercise is needed too. I forgot a change of clean clothes in my gym bag and to top it off, the locker key was lost during the visit. It's only a $5 charge for a lost key, but it's not like me to lose anything!

The glide on the Segway HT was a flawless dream. Several cars slowed and the drivers took an lengthy look at the glide. Wearing the helmet seems to say "transportation" to onlookers. Folks respect HT usage when it replaces car transit. Even with the lost key, it turned out to be a nice day to glide and get healthy.A hot day turned cool two ways. A cold front brought cooler temps and a glide to Braums brought refreshment with their popular burger, fries and shake special. After cabling the HT to the lamp post, the square containers of ice cream were carefully examined for the proper selection of shake flavor. Any of their hand dipped ice creams can be selected for the shake and is it ever delicious!

Traveling north for a longer glide home added to the enjoyment of feeling the cooler air while shade from the tree canopies that hang over the neighborhood streets added to the comfort. It was a perfect glide during the late afternoon to make time for evening entertainment.Arriving back to OKC before sunset, I enjoyed a great glide tonight to Galileo. With temps in the 90's during the day, the home was very warm and needed extra cool down time. No better way to "wait" then to board the HT for the celebration of the 500th consecutive glide day. It was March 3, 2003 for the first glide after the Segway HT arrived. (A short glide for fun before plugging the HT in for a full charge.) Tonight I started by gliding inside the house; a real trip down memory lane as the first glide after unpacking the HT was in the home. Next stop: a glide to Galileo for a refreshing beverage and to sample Wednesday night poetry readings. A few demos were given to interested guests. One of them took my picture in front of the cafe. The return glide home was smooth and very enjoyable as always. A quick scanning of the lawn area with the HT light showed a few pieces of trash to be thrown out. A down-to-earth way to end a great glide to celebration the technology.

A big "Thank you" to Segway LLC for inventing and building the HT. "Segway Star Awards" go to Jim Gassor, Bruce Gordon and Chris Walker who made sure the daily glides continued when my own HT wasn't around. The past 16+ months have been a blast and prove the exceptional quality and staying power of the Segway HT. LVAL This was a Jekyll & Hyde day in more ways than one. Our normal clear air was replaced by (let's be honest) SMOG. The government and media can call it an "ozone alert" or a "clean air alert" but Californians would be honest and say "smog."<br><br>To help a bit with the smoggy day, I used the Segway HT to glide to the Lyric production of "Jekyll & Hyde" this evening. I mentioned to the Civic Center management that they were doing their part for clean air by helpThis was a Jekyll & Hyde day in more ways than one. Our normal clear air was replaced by (let's be honest) SMOG. The government and media can call it an "ozone alert" or a "clean air alert" but Californians would be honest and say "smog."

To help a bit with the smoggy day, I used the Segway HT to glide to the Lyric production of "Jekyll & Hyde" this evening. I mentioned to the Civic Center management that they were doing their part for clean air by helping with the coat room storage!

The performance was excellent, but the ending wasn't pleasant. I felt strange gliding home as if I had experienced a live crime scene. Battery power is beginning to "hyde" too, as over 500 days of glides have been enjoyed on the original batteries. The evening temps were perfect and removed any chill from the theater production. All in all a great night for gliding and getting grossed out with the special effects on stage.Last night's margarita was ok, but not as wonderful as the one last week in Park City, UT at Baja Cantina. So a glide to Galileo was enjoyed tonight to taste the difference. The Segway HT glide was "no sweat" with a direct route taken to save time. There was a bit of a wait for service, but the refreshing beverage was worth it! One lady started playing a guitar while the last of the sunset disappeared into the dusk.

While the Galileo margarita tasted better, it was not up to the Baja Cantina standard. Thank goodness that the HT performs consistently and always makes each day a bit happier. The search for the "perfect" margarita will continue on another day!It's getting very warm in July and a glide to Chelino's to sit on the patio and enjoy viewing the canal boats while sipping a margarita was a great idea. The #4 dinner combination is a treat with taco, enchilada, tamale and tostada! (It's not too much because there are no beans or rice.) Guests and employees asked questions about the Segway HT while dining.

After dinner, I glided by the theater construction and the Bricktown Ballpark (while the Redhawks were playing.) While visiting with the parking lot lady the subject of the Segway dealer in OKC was brought up. She knows Dave and will ask him about the HT next time she sees him! We talked for awhile before I glided home with heavy heat. No sweat, but the heat brought on thirst and it was good to get home for a cool drink of water. Having a wonderful location to glide such as Bricktown makes gliding in Oklahoma a lot nicer!Z;pp-d S  B g  P  x 9 WJ =~@k'XX ?f 9XK\@Quick Braums Glide@omzokc55."?8Z6@Dealer visit and glide@omzokc992&?7Տ@Oktoberfest Post Office Glidej@omzokc@@9-?6E9@Montgomery Sign Glide@nmzokc881%?5e ߫@Millet to Matisse Glide@nmzokc::3'?4Qß@70's Postal Glide'@mmzokc44-!?331@Labor Day Sonic Glideo@mmzokc881%?2Su@Bricktown Canal Glide@mmzokc881%?1z^@Back to the Neighborhood Glide]@lmzokcAA:.?/O3@Steep Hill Battery Glide@lmzokc;;4(?.>@PBS Demos in Branson@lmzokc770$?-#v@Morning Donut Glide@kmzokc66/#?,1j[ު@Evening Cicada Glide@kmzokc770$?+:b@Postal and Trash Container Glide@kmzokcCC<0?*F @Photo and Fire Glide@kmzokc770$?)y@Quick Snack Glide @jmzokc44-!?(h:b_^@MDA Boot Glidep@jmzokc11*?'= ף>@Three Wine Glide@jmzokc33, ?&!Ce@Bakery Glidev@hmzokc//(?%|@Hot Taco Bell Glide|@hmzokc66/#?$Nܩ@Salad Dressing Glide\@hmzokc770$?#-M@The Photo Glide Continues7@hmzokc<<5)?"`!8䛩@Photo Shoot Glide@imzokc44-!?!>R}@Short and Sweet,@hmzokc22+? MR]_@Umbrella Glide@imzokc11*?:-?@Old Library Glide@imzokc44-!?DO@Beer and Buffalo Wings Gliden@gmzokc??8,?_@On the Beaten Path'@gmzokc55."??ݨ@Arby's and Braum's Glide@gmzokc;;4(? μ@Fastest Fast Food Glidea@fmzokc::3'?u@Library Bookpassing Ceremony Glide@fzimmerFF>2?ŝ~@Wine Down Glide:@emzokc22+?Qß^@Mantel Margarita Glide@emzokc992&?r>@Frozen Yogurt Glide@^mzokc66/#?!N&i@Interview and Post Office Glide@dmzokcBB;/?֮@No Salad Glided@dmzokc11*?mڧ@Byron's Taco Bell Glide@dmzokc::3'?Ϋ缧@Cloudy Work Glide'@dmzokc44-!?<+ɟ@Birthday Celebration Museum Glide}@_mzokcDD=1?0@Sunset Bricktown Glide@^mzokc992&?Z^@KFC Glidei@_mzokc,,%?lM>@Counting Homes and Cheever's Margarita Glide`[^mzokcOOH<?[D9@Blue Moon Glide Continues@_mzokc<<5)? P@Astro Blue Moon Glidea Rmzokc881%? 8&ަ@Dough Nut Glide@^mzokc22+? TY\@Misty Cocktail Glideg@]mzokc770$? q@Rain and Bell Glide@]mzokc66/#? Y~@Glide to Vote!@]mzokc11*?7\@Perfect Weather Lunch Glide@\mzokc>>7+?<@Air Conditioned Glide@\mzokc881%?%@Cool Summer Glide@\mzokc44-!?F7@Drive Thru Glide^@[mzokc33, ?oߥ@Museum and Maker's Glide@[mzokc;;4(?@Jekyll & Hyde Glide@[mzokc66/#?WS@Glide to Margaritaville@Ymzokc::3'?D~@Dinner Glide to Chelino's@Ymzokc<<5)?OLVALV iIf it's Thursday it must be "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the OThe need for a quick dinner item was the perfect reason for a quick glide to Taco Bell and the drive thru. A cold front and cloudy weather made the trip nice and cool. ServiThe need for a quick dinner item was the perfect reason for a quick glide to Taco Bell and the drive thru. A cold front and cloudy weather made the trip nice and cool. Service was speedy and friendly. Soon the Segway HT returned to the residental streets for the glide home.The short and quick trip on the HT made this fast food visit extraThe need for a quick dinner item was the perfect reason for a quick glide to Taco Bell and the drive thru. A cold front and cloudy weather made the trip nice and cool. Service was speedy and friendly. Soon the Segway HT returned to the residental streets for the glide home.The short and quick trip on the HT made this fast food visit extra speedy.If it's Thursday it must be "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art! Gliding to the museum was critical to help clean the air and reduce ozone. Using the Segway HT with it's clean electric motor transport makes sense, especially when the destination is about a mile or two away.

The rooftop was hot, so after one chardonnay, I rode the elevator to the ground floor for dining in the Museum Cafe. it was the first time I enjoyed the filet mignon (absolutely fabulous!) The cafe makes a great margarita and that was enjoyed as part of the task to find the best tasting margarita in OKC. Demos were given at the museum sidewalk when leaving.

After dinner a glide to Bricktown was topped off by another margarita at Maker's and some demos outside before gliding home. A blinky red stick shake e-stop occurred on the final street due to decreased battery performance. With a new Segway dealer in town it will be nice to give them some business when new batteries are required. One great reason for this web log is an actual log of every glide to prove the batteries last for at least 500 full and partial glides! Great job Segway LLC!This was a Jekyll & Hyde day in more ways than one. Our normal clear air was replaced by (let's be honest) SMOG. The government and media can call it an "ozone alert" or a "clean air alert" but Californians would be honest and say "smog."

To help a bit with the smoggy day, I used the Segway HT to glide to the Lyric production of "Jekyll & Hyde" this evening. I mentioned to the Civic Center management that they were doing their part for clean air by helping with the coat room storage for the HT!

The performance was excellent, but the ending wasn't pleasant. I felt strange gliding home as if I had witnessed a live crime scene. Battery power is beginning to "hyde" too, as over 500 days of glides have been enjoyed on the original batteries. The 11 PM temps were perfect and removed any chill from the theater production. All in all a great night for gliding and getting grossed out with the special effects on stage.mLVAL ȇA perfect weather day made a lunch time glide absolutely fantastic. The Segway HT stored in the car until noon time was removed for the two mile glide to Burger King. After lunch, two employees of BK enjoyed demos. With low wind, sunny, dry and cool warmth, the glide could not be better. I glided off the trail for many waA perfect weather day made a lunch time glide absolutely fantastic. The Segway HT stored in the car until noon time was removed for the two mile glide to Burger King. After lunch, two employees of BK enjoyed demos. With low wind, sunny, dry and cool warmth, the glide could not be better. I glided off the trail for many walkers and runners. Everyone smiled and enjoyed seeing the HT and were having fun on the trail. Battery power held up well compared with some of the heavy wind glides earlier in the year. When the opportunity to glide in great weather arrives, it's a special day to step onto the HT and make the most of it. Today was the day!A perfect weather day made a lunch time glide absolutely fantastic. The Segway HT stored in the car until noon time was removed for the two mile glide to Burger King. After lunch, two employees of BK enjoyed demos. With low wind, sunny, dry and cool warmth, the glide could not be better. I glided off the trail for many walkers and runners. Everyone smiled and enjoyed seeing the HT and were having fun on the trail. Battery power held up well compared with some of the heavy wind glides earlier in the year. When the opportunity to glide in great weather arrives, it's a special day to step onto the HT and make the most of it. Today was the day!Wow, another cool day in OKC. Gliding to Bricktown this evening for dinner at Lotus was as if the air conditioning had been turned on. Several asked questions about the Segway HT. Many mentioned the new dealer in town. One gentleman asked questions while I was eating on the patio. I enjoyed a unique item, a perfect filet sitting on top of bread pudding and drenched in spectacular BBQ sauce, Yum! Lotus serves a great margarita too. While dining at Lotus can be a bit pricey, the value and enjoyment is worth it!

The battery power held up well on the glide home. Several folks stopped to ask questions with one couple stopping their car in the middle of the street. That led to another demo before completing the glide and charging the HT.Today was a delight for the middle of summer, a cool overcast day that was rainy last night and misty this evening. It was a surprise to get damp while gliding on the Segway HT. Because of the weather, the thought of a nice roast beef sandwich at Arby's couldn't be a more pleasant choice. Just the thought brought out one dog that started to chase the HT. Yelling, "No, No, No" stops the dogs cold and lets them know who is boss! Arby's has pleasant food, but the sidewalk surfaces on the way are rough to travel. There should be some sidewalk updates when the new Walgreens is built. On the way back I mentioned to a lady getting some car repair that I used the Segway HT for an entire day when the car broke down in Colorado last year (it's all in the web log!)

The hunt for a great margarita continued by stopping for about 40 minutes at Dooley's Tower Club. It was nice and quiet this evening, a change of pace from the live entertainment when I have stopped by in the past. The margarita was excellent and one of the nicest appearances with the finished drink. Conversations were lively and that added to the enjoyment of the glide. With temps in the 60's, I enjoyed an extended glide around the neighborhood before calling it a night. A pleasant way to end the day!qLVAL ʉCool cloudy weather with a slight mist descended upon the metro for "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. The roof top temps were perfect with hardly any mist. AWith Krispy Kreme stock down and Brown's Bakery donut prices and quality up it was time to get another dozen and Brown's! The Segway HT was a dream as I zoomed by the school playground. I parked the HT by the window while selecting donuts inside. With the large plate glass it's easy to keep an eye on the Segway. Imagine my suprise today whenWith Krispy Kreme stock down and Brown's Bakery donut prices and quality up it was time to get another dozen and Brown's! The Segway HT was a dream as I zoomed by the school playground. I parked the HT by the window while selecting donuts inside. With the large plate glass it's easy to keep an eye on the Segway. Imagine my suprise today when I turned around and saw a lady appearing to move it or try to step on it! I ran to the door and asked, "What are you doing?" She explained that it had fallen and needed to be put back in place. Sure enough, there was a small blem on the bottom of the front handlebar bumper where none existed before. I thanked her and mentioned it was a first!Cool cloudy weather with a slight mist descended upon the metro for "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. The roof top temps were perfect with hardly any mist. An enjoyable evening of conversation and relaxation made this event extra special. The misty glide on the HT was just right for comfortable travel.

On the way home I glided through the new Metro Transit station where 18 bus waiting areas provide a center-of-the-city transfer station. The facility is state of the art and a real knock out in appearance. Only 2 fancy bike stands exist for a total of 4 bicycle parking! There's plenty of decorative low fencing where a hundred Segway HT's could be locked up, so no problem for years to come. I had lots of fun gliding round and round the area since no other vehicles were in the area. The grand opening should occur any day now.When it stopped raining I hopped on board the HT for a glide to Taco Bell. An all day rain is very rare in July, but the rain did stop long enough to enjoy a quick dinner glide to pick up a burrito and bring it home before attending the Lyric Theater production tonight. Gliding on the Segway HT just after a rain is a delightful experience. Fresh air, cool and damp from the falling rain rushes around the face as the HT glides quickly on the spotlessly clean streets. It's nice to take advantage of rainy day glides whenever possible.One of the greatest uses of the Segway HT is to climb aboard and use it to travel to the election polls. The freedom to glide because of the great efforts of Segway LLC and our government officials came home today by using the HT to vote. The weather continued to be cool, just right for the glide to cast a ballot after stepping off the HT and walking it to the sign in area. A few questions from the voters were answered with a mention of the new dealership in the Oklahoma City area.

Normally we stand eight inches taller when riding the HT. Today, those who used their Segway HT's to vote felt a bit taller than usual when gliding back home, knowing that our patriotic duty was fulfilled by casting our ballots for the politicians of our choice.LVAL aThis afternoon a glide to Carl's Jr and Braums featured demos and the viewing of a CarlAs a few drops of rain stopped falling, a glide to Braums made dinner time more fun! Upon arriving I pulled up to the lamp post and forgot to bring the lock after removing it for photos last night! No problem, I wheeled the HT into the store just like last year and put it under the table. A quick order of Cappuccino Chunky ChoAs a few drops of rain stopped falling, a glide to Braums made dinner time more fun! Upon arriving I pulled up to the lamp post and forgot to bring the lock after removing it for photos last night! No problem, I wheeled the HT into the store just like last year and put it under the table. A quick order of Cappuccino Chunky Chocolate Frozen Yogurt made this trip a delicious one.

The return trip through a different historic neighborhood provided diversiity in travel. No sense travelling the same streets when variety is the spice of life. With all the flavors of frozen treats at Braums, Segway HT adventures to this landmark need never be boring!With 90 degree temps, gliding on the HT provided the needed breeze of the day. An enjoyable stop on the way to Bricktown were the fountains downtown. A dedication plaque with a sundial stands near the complex of fountains. The sound and refreshing moving water is a relaxing place to visit and one other visitor asked questions about the Segway HT. Soon he stood on the HT platform and enjoyed a mini demo where the fountains are raised. No way would I let others ride where the HT could be driven into the water without a curb or barrier!

A large poster for the DreamWork's movie "Shark Tale" is hanging on the new theater complex that will open by October 1 in time for the preview. The fountains were not operational tonight, but visible progress is occurring and its fun to glide by on the HT to check it out. That shark poster reminded me of the plan to have a whale mural in Bricktown!

I chatted with the parking lot lady across from Mantel before gliding home. The weather is so hot that patio dining at Mantel was closed. While gliding north the sunset provided a warm glow in the Oklahoma sky, a perfect time to glide through the neighborhood before arriving home.With Krispy Kreme stock down and Brown's Bakery donut prices and quality up it was time to get another dozen at Brown's! The Segway HT gave a dreamy glide as I zoomed by the school playground. Parking the HT next to the window made it easy to keep an eye on the Segway while selecting donuts inside. Imagine my surprise today when I turned around and saw a lady appearing to move it or step on it! I ran to the door and asked, "What are you doing?" She explained that it had fallen and needed to be put back in place. Sure enough, there was a small blem on the bottom of the front handlebar bumper where none existed before. I thanked her and mentioned it was a first!

Weather continued to stay cool for the glide home. The past few days are some of the coolest mid summer weather on record, what a treat. And "speaking" of treats, the donuts were thoroughly enjoyed by the folks at work. The glazed chocolate cake donut is a heavenly delight! They never last long and neither does the glide on the Segway HT.LVAL ˣ ɣ&&&This evening a photographer and journalist from Historic Living magazine stopped by for a photo sAs a few drops of rain stopped falling, a glide to Braums made dinner time more fun! Upon arriving I pulled up to the lamp post and forgot to bring the lock after removing it for photos last night! No problem, I wheeled the HT into the store just like last year and put it under the table. A quick order of Cappuccino Chunky ChocoAs a few drops of rain stopped falling, a glide to Braums made dinner time more fun! Upon arriving I pulled up to the lamp post and forgot to bring the lock after removing it for photos last night! No problem, I wheeled the HT into the store just like last year and put it under the table. A quick order of Cappuccino Chunky Chocolate Frozen Yogurt made this trip a delicious one.

The return trip through our other nearby historic neighborhood provided diversiity in travel. No sense travelling the same streets when variety is the spice of life. With all the flavors of frozen treats at Braums, Segway HT adventures to this landmark need never be boring!The plan to make tonight's "Cocktails on the Skyline" glide short ended with a most delightful conversation with friends from our PBS station, OETA. Temperatures could not be more perfect with clouds to keep the hot sun shaded and cool. The evening turned into a celebration with two lovely ladies in our group celebrating birthdays! The party on the rooftop continued in the fabulous Museum Cafe. I moved the Segway HT from the coat room to the stainless steel bike rack outside the large glass windows of the cafe.

While some HT questions were answered, the emphasis of the evening centered around the birthday celebration. Wonderful wine, food and conversation ended with a delicious fruit pie! The HT brought me home in time for The Tonight Show, but not before getting chilled during the glide. The summer continues to be cool and comfortable! Gliding on the HT is real cool too.A KFC coupon became a ticket to glide for an inexpensive but delicious meal this evening. The entire adventure took about an hour including the parking of the Segway HT under the tall bar stool counter at the KFC. With few walk in customers there is always a place to park the HT inside. The return glide featured lower humidity than yesterday, very pleasant!After the bill was paid, I boarded the HT just after midnight and answered a bunch of questions from the folks sitting at the outdoor tables at Galileo. The bright "Blue Moon" shone bright in the south-south-east sky. Very few cars were on the streets on the way home. The temperature, about 80 degrees with a balmy 75% humidity, provided delightful glide weather at night! The Segway HT performed perfectly, so one could not say that the HT performance was "once in a blue moon!" With the 17th month anniversary around the corner, the HT continues to be as reliable as ever.

AFTERNOON UPDATE: A bright sunny day brought thoughts of picture taking to mind. A project to snap photos of each home in the neighborhood started a few weeks ago, but time of day proved critical on the appearance of the pictures and I needed to start over. From about 1 PM to 2:30 I took over 160 photos. The Segway HT made it possible to cover more ground and reposition the camera for the best angle. The results were excellent and few retakes will be unnecessary (unless a newer higher resolution camera is purchased.) Only a couple of residents asked who the picures were for. The heat of the sun did make the job a bit tiring, but the HT gave back energy due to ease of travel.LVAL[^cWith a successful Microsoft domain trust completed between two forests at work today, this evening's glide became a perfect way to celebrate the success at work and enjoy Oklahoma City's best margarita found so far.<br><br>I decided to count the homes that remain to photograph. At 270, it should take a couple more glides to complete the task. With 90 degree temps the home count made me thirsty. The nearest place to dine was Cheever's, and what a great choice it is. After a careful glide across a busy street, I sat at the patio and ordered a margarita from Ian Clarke who provided friendly and speedy wait service. The margarita ended up being the best so far in the search for the best margarita in Oklahoma City. While this search is far from complete, it did set a new standard to compare all others. First, the best margarita on the rocks is served in a tall glass with plenty of liquid to soothe a parched tongue. Second, it must not taste like sicky sweet margarita mix. Third, quality spirits are used. Cheever's wins on all three tests for superior taste, quanity and quality! Add to that a spectacular seafood tamale dinner and the combination couldn't be better.<br><br>A few HT demos were held on the patio for neighbors of the surrounding area. Bikers (bicycle type) were dining on the patio as well. The only hassle were two neighbors who came out to smoke. I had to move nearer the street as the prevaling winds were from the south. After dinner the glide home continued the smoothness of the evening's events. The Segway HT handled all the surfaces perfectly and provided safe transport home. The rear view mirror came in handy when one motorist approached from behind. I just parked at the curb and stepped onto the lawn area while they passed. Another car approached where two parked cars made for little passing room. No problem, just glide behind the parked car and the driver can easily pass while I remain stopped in the safest location possible. The Segway HT makes travel safer because of the flexibility andLVAL RbThis afternoon a glide to Carl's Jr and Braums featured demos and the viewing of a Carl's Jr Astro Boy poster in the window. The poster reminded me of the Segway HT video where Dean Kamen mentioned, "Imagine that you woke up and your legs were replaced by wheels." Since youngsters are not legal on the Segway HT, maybe a new animated morning show could be called "Segway Man!" Ok, enough of such foolishness!<br><br>I enjoyed the Low Carb Six Dollar Burger, although it really is a mess to eat. It took several washings with soap and water to get the grease off my hands before stepping back on the HT. Before leaving Carl's, two demos were offered and enjoyed by some of the customers. They weren't too steady at first, but both enjoyed the glide.<br><br>With the warmer weather the glide was hot heading west compared with the cooler shade from the trees when gliding north. The idea of balancing the Low Carb Burger with a single dip at Braums was only a glide away. Soon the HT was locked at the Braums lamp post and I enjoyed a Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream treat. Delicious. A short demo was given upon leaving Braums. Gliding on a different street than normal with the bright sun caught me off guard with a larger than normal bump in the road. No problem, just a nice warning to watch for the rise in the pavement when possible.<br><br>LATE UPDATE: I just finished a glide that only happens "Once in a Blue Moon!" It's extremely rare for a glide to start on one day and finish on the next day, but this is the night of the "Blue Moon!" It all came about because of a post on Segway Chat that mentioned the Blue Moon. So just after 10:30 PM I glided down the street to see the bright full "blue moon" night. Rounding the corner, I proceeded to the clock tower and viewed the moon and historic clock at exactly 10:45 PM CDT. Next stop, Galileo for an enjoyable relaxed patio and nice chardonnay wine. As I glided past the cemetery, a man in a wheel chair proceeded in the opposite direction. He and his lady companion stopped wh LVAL* ile he asked lots of questions about the HT. I shined my light on his chair as an occasional car approached. Safety first comes before Segway talk! He was very interested in the model of light on the HT. After all the questions were answered I proceeded to Galileo.<br><br>The patio was busy and the music pleasant. (Sitting at the street cafe patio buffers the inside volume to just a whisper!) A few smokers created an occasional hint of smoky air. Ah, the smell of freedom for those smokers! Good service and delicious wine made for a delightful hour at Galileo. (The glide home continues on tomorrow's blog page!)LVAL stopping power that allows the rider to zoom to a safe protective spot.<br><br>What a pleasure to enjoy great transportation courtesy of the Segway HT.ALVAL ̼XX]This evening a photographer and journalist from Historic Living magazine stopped by for a photo shoot, demo and interview. They plan to include a Segway HT article for their upcoming "Wheels" edition. I rode the HT on the entry walk, sidewalk and street for various views of the glide. Demos on the street demonstrated how easy the Segway HT is to operate. After a leisurely interThis evening a photographer and journalist from Historic Living magazine stopped by for a photo shoot, demo and interview. They plan to include a Segway HT article for their upcoming "Wheels" edition. I rode the HT on the entry walk, sidewalk and street for various views of the glide. Demos on the street demonstrated how easy the Segway HT is to operate. After a leisurely interview inside, a tour of the historic house showed how many projects have yet to be accomplished. All in good time!

About a half hour later a glide to the post office allowed me to drop some letters into the mailbox and relax in the comfortable evening air. Compared with the heat of the day, the cooling breezes created by the speed of the HT made the evening trip a delight.I thought a quick glide to Carl's Jr would be an easy way to enjoy a salad tonight. They were out of salad! So a Low Carb Six Dollar Burger sounded good and with layers of lettuce the "salad" would be included.

Gliding through the neighborhood on the Segway HT with cool temps made the journey just right. I stopped and chatted with one neighbor who was wheeling the trash container to the curb. He asked about the new Segway dealer in town and about the various models. "Ambassadorship" for Segway continues after 17 months of gliding! One thing for sure, the HT has been an amazing conversation piece.A double treat glide during the late afternoon to both Byrons Liquor Warehouse and Taco Bell saved time. At the last minute I decided to pick up a couple of bottles of Chardonnay, so the 12.0 Segway bag was attached to the handlebar before starting the journey. Upon arrival, I locked the HT to the telephone pole at the entrance. It's the largest security lockup available and with security officers nearby it's a safe location to park.

Next stop, Taco Bell for a taco and burrito. Since the drive thru had cars ordering, a quick stop inside made ordering quick. Walking the HT to an empty wall inside, I left the HT on in balance mode so the weight inside the 12.0 bag would not cause the HT to slip to the floor. I put the food inside the bag before walking the HT to the door and stepping on to open the door. The extra weight made the glide a bit smoother on the way home. Three wines is too much weight and causes side to side sway when hitting bumps in the road. Two wine bottles is perfect! The glide and weather were perfect today too!The clouds brought temperatures down for a comfortable work glide. After the HT was removed from the car, the glide to Burger King took about 15 minutes on scenic exercise trails. Several were walking, running or biking today and as usual, I pulled over and stopped as they passed. During lunch one of my coworkers was seated with his family, so I joined them at the table and had a nice visit.

With no wind, the glide on the Segway HT couldn't be nicer. A stark contrast from the super windy glides during the winter and spring. Last night I left the HT on for a full battery drain before recharing. It really helped give better distance today as the gauge had only dropped by half at the end of the journey. Nice weather and friendly people made this the best day to glide at work in a long time.LVALJ  Extremely heavy rains and a cold front last nThe weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline" held on the rooftop of the Oklahoma Museum of Art is A great morning enjoying the bookpassing ceremony between the old library and the new. Took lots of photos and enjoyed the entire event by Segway HT. Three of A great morning enjoying the bookpassing ceremony between the old library and the new. Took lots of photos and enjoyed the entire event by Segway HT. Three of our mayors plus many local government officials got to view the HT in action. One council person got to ride! Details later after the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.The weekly "Cocktails on the Skyline" held on the rooftop of the Oklahoma Museum of Art is a great place to wind down. Getting there in just minutes on the Segway HT provides a change of pace from driving around town. The rain just missed downtown, so the evening turned beautiful and perfect for both the glide and a nice chardonnay.

Without a light attached to the HT, I left early enough for a glide to the new library to check if everything is prepared for tomorrow's book passing between the old and new library. The glide time from old and new locations is just under 2 minutes. The books will travel much slower!

The glide home reminded me of skiing in winter. The little bit of cold from the cold front and the north wind felt like skiing downhill. What a pleasure to enjoy this cooler weather.

Extremely heavy rains and a cold front last night gave way to a crystal clear afternoon today. Perfect weather and visual conditions encouraged a nice glide on the Segway HT to Bricktown and the Mantel Restaurant. Upon arriving at the parking lot four demos on the HT were enjoyed by those leaving.

One couple were enjoying dinner on the patio, so I went inside and told the hostess that I would like a Margarita served outside. After a short wait a very delicious beverage was served. Similar to Cheever's in appearance, it's a good alternative. Made fresh with no margarita mix, but a bit too much ice for me. Another couple of demos were given as I left.

Taking a quick look at the Bricktown baseball scoreboard before heading home (1 to 1 score) I took a different route near the old public library that is now closed. A book passing will take place on Friday morning and the new library will open August 17th. It should be fun!LVALi A great morning enjoying the bookpassing ceremony between the old library and the new. Took lots of photos and enjoyed the entire event by Segway HT. Three of our mayors plus many local government officials got to view the HT in action. One council person got to ride! <br><br>It all started with the passing of our MAPS penny sales tax that has funded the rebuilding of many of Oklahoma City venues. The downtown library is last on the MAPS projects and what a spectacular facility. I signeWith Olympic video to watch after a Saturday workday, I thought a quick glide to Taco Bell could be fit into the schedule. It ended up be the fastest fast food glide yet. VirtWith Olympic video to watch after a Saturday workday, I thought a quick glide to Taco Bell could be fit into the schedule. It ended up be the fastest fast food glide yet. Virtually non-stop, the entire glide was about 12 minutes, 10 minute glide and a two minute order and pickup at the drive thru window. The quality of the Segway continues to amaze.A great morning enjoying the bookpassing ceremony between the old library and the new. Took lots of photos and enjoyed the entire event by Segway HT. Three of our mayors plus many local government officials got to view the HT in action. One council person got to ride!

It all started with the passing of our MAPS penny sales tax that has funded the rebuilding of many of Oklahoma City venues. The downtown library is last on the MAPS projects and what a spectacular facility. I signed up to attend today's event and rode the Segway HT to the registration tables. I was told to pick any location along the route, and I glided and took pictures along the entire parade route before it all began. One friendly group attracted my attention and I joined the fun by putting the HT behind me while the parade and book passing took place for over an hour.

Once done, I gave a couple of demos then glided to the new library where the over 3000 people were still passing books along the route. The current and previous mayors along with civic officials were the last to hand the books to library staff inside. I enjoyed taking photos and giving demos to several before the event ended. The grand opening will be next week and will be another great event to attend.

Gliding home could not be more pleasant with cool temps. I stopped by new Metro Transit station to visit inside and take photos. Another demo was enjoyed by one of the bus passengers waiting for his bus to arrive. With all the excitement of the day, I forgot a plastic library bag that had a few papers inside, thank goodness the commemorative coin had been put in the back pocket. No loss on this adventure.mLVAL This memorable day featured two historic events. The opening of the Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library concluded the 363 million dollar projects of MAPS. Many of the Segway HT photos posted on my photo web pages have been taken at those fantastic downtown vacation destinations! Two city/county officials asked me, "Where's your Segway?"<br><br>Tonight our community celebrated the completion of an artistic buffalo placed in a nearby neiThis memorable day featured two historic events. The opening of the Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library concluded the 363 million dollar projects of MAPS. Many of the Segway HT photos posted on my photo web pages have been taken at those fantastic downtown vacation destinations! Two city/county officials asked me, "Where's your Segway?"

Tonight our community celebrated the completion of an artistic buffalo placed in a nearby neighborhood park. I glided over to the park on the Segway HT to enjoy the "Beer and Buffalo Wings Party." Both chardonnay and tubs of beer were served along with the "buffalo wings." I took lots of photos of both events today and several folks enjoyed demos during the buffalo event.

Today's events continue to support my often quoted statement: "We are living a million dollar lifestyle in Oklahoma City for a fraction of the price!"I glided over to our neighborhood park tonight to check if the reported buffalo statue had been installed. Nope, and there were a lot of others waliking their dogs and enjoying the park with family members to check out the progress. Tomorrow is the unveiling, so another glide will be enjoyed then.

So, where to glide? Enjoying some of the streets and paths just to the south of the clock tower made sense. Lots of fun to view buildings from a different angle with unusual sun angles during sunset. Sidewalks last night and tonight have been rough. The bounce isn't pleasant compared with the smoothness of the streets. With a Segway HT i series, the size and power helps, but I sure wish the city required businesses to repair the walks. I enjoyed the HT adventure tonight even with a beaten path!A heavy rain let up in the late afternoon in time to glide. A discount coupon for Arby's made it the obvious choice. It gave me a chance to view the construction of a new Walgreens that required removing/destroying 3 historic properties. At least they didn't destroy our gold dome building that exists across the street.

There were a lot of wet locations along the way but it was worth it. While seated inside enjoying a delicious sandwich, employees at Arby's walked to the window and asked lots of questions while staring at the HT. I had to step outside to lower the kickstand, because the HT rolled from a normal standing location.

Next stop, Braum's. Gliding on the Segway HT through the historic neighborhood south of Arby's allows neighborhood street access with no traffic. With unreal low 70 degree temps this glide felt like autumn. Rather than purchasing a single dip at Braum's, I picked a half gallon of Napoleon and had it bagged for the glide home. As I unlocked the HT, two people asked questions. One guy seemed very interested and I mentioned the dealer in town. With ice cream starting to melt, I wasn't about the stop and give demos today! Now while viewing the Olympics, I can enjoy the gold medal quality of Braum's!/LVAL ͝ A AAOI ran out of salad dressing, so a quickPurchasing donuts is more fun after gliding to Brown's Bakery on the Segway HT. Almost a duplication of the glide last Friday, the HT was locked onto the window bars during the transactPurchasing donuts is more fun after gliding to Brown's Bakery on the Segway HT. Almost a duplication of the glide last Friday, the HT was locked onto the window bars during the transaction. Excessive gravel and sand on the street does slow the journey a bit. Better to glide slower and remain safe on slippery surfaces. It's nice to enjoy morning glides whenever possible.A hot day is a perfect day for a glide on the Segway HT. This evening's adventure: Taco Bell for a 7 layer burrito and steak taco. The HT left outside was in clear view from the counter. The small plastic bag of food easily attached to the handlebar. The glides were comfortable with the dry heat. It's nice to hop on board the HT rather than restarting the car, drive and park.I ran out of salad dressing, so a quick glide to Braums this evening solved the problem real fast. The Segway HT got me there with time to spare. I locked the HT at the lamp post and added a banana to the final total. Rather than asking for a larger bag with handles, I carried my own Wal-Mart bag to carry the small bag of food. No ice cream on this journey (although the last dish was enjoyed last night!) I took the long way home that travels along the boulevard, a tree lined street with a center median. For quick stops near the house, the HT made the journey a lot more fun than driving the car.Another 3 streets of homes were photographed today while gliding on the Segway HT. I run out of digital memory in the camera after about 2 hours, the HT lasts a lot longer with the amount of travel required. It appears the entire project will require about 8 hours of glide time, far longer than originally expected. Gliding around the street and sidewalk to find the best angle takes time. If the community were new, then a lack of trees would make the job simple. That is not the case here! With half the battery left, the Segway continues to perform as expected.It's always a pleasure to enjoy some Brown's Bakery Donuts, and today's short glide for sweets on the Segway HT added to the pleasure. Locking the HT to the window bars at the bakery prevented the Segway from slipping down as it did last time. The picnic table preventing easy lockup had been moved, that made access to the side windows very fast and simple. The Wal-Mart bag is a simple solution to getting the box of donuts home. As usual, the donuts are brought to work for many to enjoy. With cool weather the morning glide could not be more perfect.LVAL$ /This most amazing summer of perfect weather in Oklahoma is continuing. A great day for photo taking and I took advantage of it for the upcoming home tour. The 2 hour photo shoot while gliding on the Segway HT started about 2 PM and covered 2 streets. Over 160 photos total with multiple angles of each home to allow for better selection. The ease of changing direction aThis most amazing summer of perfect weather in Oklahoma is continuing. A great day for photo taking and I took advantage of it for the upcoming home tour. The 2 hour photo shoot while gliding on the Segway HT started about 2 PM and covered 2 streets. Over 160 photos total with multiple angles of each home to allow for better selection. The ease of changing direction and testing various locations for the best photos saved time and effort.

I chatted with many neighbors while taking the photos. Of course they wondered what I was up to. It gave me a change to tell them about the photo project. One lady even got a demo on the HT. With 50% humidity at 80 degrees and a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds the glide couldn't be nicer.On and off rain today became a serious threat before the glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. I attached the folding umbrella on the control shaft before heading off to the museum for a fun evening of conversation and refreshment. Without the sun beating down it was extremely refreshing! With dry streets the HT remained dry for parking inside without getting the floors wet. The rooftop stayed dry throughout the event but lightning became a concern for museum officials and everyone departed about a half hour early.

I gave a couple of demos to neighbors who live down the street before enjoying a speedy glide home. On the way rain began to fall. It was the first time I can remember holding an umbrella during the glide. With just a single wetting of the ground, the glide home provided a bit of dampness, but no clothes changes were required. The Segway HT had just enough moisture on it for a nice wipe off with a paper towel. The cool temps during the night glide were worth every drop!The opening of the new Downtown Library is a milestone for the city. The ultra modern structure features black and white photos of historic downtown buildings on interior walls. One of the photos shows a drive up window on the old library. I don't remember seeing that, so I needed to check it out tonight by gliding to the building.

I enjoyed the dry 80 degree temps while zooming downtown. Within minutes the drive up window was located on the north side of the building. It seemed strange to glide around the old 50's building and view the old shelves inside. The contrast between the old concrete cube and the new design spectacular are the clearest indication of what has happened to the infrastructure of the city. Gliding on the Segway HT fits with the new Oklahoma City.

Following the route of last week's book passing, I glided around the new structure and marveled at the clear glass windows that allow a clear view of everything inside with a dark sky and lights inside. Two cars pulled up and the families asked questions about the HT. After a few minutes I asked it they wanted to glide and you would have thought they were at Disneyland! Even the father finally climbed aboard and had one of the best performances. They were very thankful although the kids were asking for more glides. We soon departed our separate ways and another great evening glide was about to finish. Construction at the hospital created a slight detour, but the flexible Segway HT handled it all.SLVAL y yooPerfectly clear weather made the completion of the photo shoot very successful. The Segway HT provided transportation to get close to the homes for the best picture possible. During the glide a lot of sirens were noticed and I hoped my home wasn't involved. It wasn't, but another resident did have a fire in their library. After taking the photos I glided Perfectly clear weather made the completion of the photo shoot very successful. The Segway HT provided transportation to get close to the homes for the best picture possible. During the glide a lot of sirens were noticed and I hoped my home wasn't involved. It wasn't, but another resident did have a fire in their library. After taking the photos I glided past the home and gave demos to the firemen and took their picture. Across the street one of the real estate brokers I know was holding an open house. I stopped by to say hi and answered Segway questions to several who were gathered by all the fire truck. With all the extra gliding the batteries ran out, but a quick restart brought the HT all the way home.A busy day can leave little time to glide. The library closed at 5 PM, so plans were changed to a quick Taco Bell snack glide. This was one of those days when it would be real easy to skip the adventure. However, the feel of those Segway wheels under your feet make the effort worth every minute.

A busy drive thru car lane made the decision to walk inside a must after leaving the HT outside. A take out order was ready in seconds. Minutes later the busy day continued at home with the memory of a nice HT glide.An early morning glide to Carl's Jr turned into a donation glide. The Oklahoma City firemen were on the street, each one carrying a boot. The annual Muscular Dystrophy Association "Boot Drive" is on, and I was able to drop some money into the boot after enjoying a Low Carb Breakfast Bowl. The fireman asked several questions about the Segway HT. I showed the HT balancing action and asked if he would like a demo. He didn't want a demo today, but continued to ask questions and expressed positive comments. Today's food glide turned into a special event and a unique opportunity to give a little something to help others.If it's Thursday it must be "Cocktails on the Skyline!" Sometimes it feels like a tour of Europe when enjoying daily glides on the Segway HT. Oklahoma City has some exotic destinations that feel like the sidewalk cafes in Paris, and the OKC Museum of Art on Thursday night is one of those locations.

With 90 degree temps and a hot wind it was time to change into lighter clothing before climbing aboard the HT for travel to the museum. A quick stop at the coat room for HT lockup and a combing of the hair is all that was required before ascending to the roof top. Neighbors and friends were present for conversation and fun. When the evening is exceptional, multiple trips for more refreshment is a natural. This ended up to be a landmark night as three chardonnay wines were enjoyed before departing. Don't worry, the HT handled the transportation back home without a hitch. The glide back home couldn't be more pleasant with little traffic and reduced wind. Thursday nights are always pleasant, and this night couldn't be more perfect.LVAL # #+ B BBBBBBThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.<br><br>After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell The Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

After returning from BransoThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell for food! The HT was removed from the car for the glide. It had plenty of power for the journey. What fun to be gliding on fairly level surfaces. FullThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell for food! The HT was removed from the car for the glide. It had plenty of power for the journey. What fun to be gliding on fairly level surfaces. Full speed travel makes the use of the HT almost perfect.With a full double charge I attempted the steep hill that caused slow downs yesterday. With that extra charge the problem was going down the hill! The HT tilted back to the point that I was ready to step off tThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell for food! The HT was removed from the car for the glide. It had plenty of power for the journey. What fun to be gliding on fairly level surfaces. Full speed travel makes the use of the HT almost perfect.A quick glide to Brown's Bakery for a dozen donuts was an enjoyable way to start the day. Not much traffic, although one truck blocked the view during a turn so any cars approaching from behind were watched for. Another great day to bring donuts to work!Just before dusk I glided on the Segway HT to pick up a dinner snack at Taco Bell. During the return to home cicadas were heard in the trees. It's one of the few times in the downtown area when such a symphony could be heard loud and clear. With temps in the 80's, the glide was refreshingly warm and comfy. The streets were almost deserted and why not; the Republican convention, fall TV previews and a return to school are keeping a lot of folks off the streets. More freedom to glide!Before gliding to the post office this evening, I grabbed the wheeled trash containers and pulled them to the garage area while riding on the Segway HT. It's a quick and handy way to speed up the weekly task, especially when three containers were used today. With that job completed, I glided north to the post office carrying some mail to send. Travel to these non-food locations are fat free and low carb! With a 75 degree temperature, the glide was at an ideal comfort level. Truly a pleasant glide.Perfectly clear weather made the completion of the photo shoot very successful. The Segway HT provided transportation to get close to the homes for the best pictures possible. During the glide a lot of sirens were noticed and I hoped my home wasn't involved. It wasn't, but another resident did have a fire in their library. After taking the photos I glided past the home and gave demos to the firemen and took their picture. Across the street one of the real estate brokers I know was holding an open house. I stopped by to say hi and answered Segway questions to several who were gathered to check that everything was alright. With all the extra gliding the batteries ran out, but a quick restart brought the HT all the way home.d LVALi ~ It all started with a glide to the Oklahoma City MuseuThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.<br><br>I enjoyed a nice afternoon at the Silver Dollar City theme park. With all the crowds it wouldn't be the best place to glide, however the ZcoiL shoes made climbing on The Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

I enjoyed a nice afternoon at the Silver Dollar City theme park. With all the crowds it wouldn't be the best place to glide, however the ZcoiL shoes made climbing on the inclines much easier.

After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell for food! The HT was removed from the car for the glide. It had plenty of power for the journey. What fun to be gliding on fairly level surfaces. Full speed travel makes the use of the HT almost perfect.With a full double charge I attempted the steep hill at the east entry to the Welk Resort that caused slow downs yesterday. With that extra charge the problem was going down the hill! The HT tilted back to the point that I was ready to step off the back! After using the battery for awhile, the Segway HT handled going down the hill just fine. Going up the ultra steep hill does occur at half speed. Other than the battery test, the glide was for fun. One demo occurred at the north parking lot for one of the camera men. I took photos from some of the higher parking lots of the enThe Segway HT was used as a baggage cart early this morning to transfer the clothes and various luggage bags from hotel to car.

I enjoyed a nice afternoon at the Silver Dollar City theme park. With all the crowds it wouldn't be the best place to glide, however the ZcoiL shoes made climbing on the inclines much easier.

After returning from Branson it was time for a glide to Taco Bell for food! The HT was removed from the car for the glide. It had plenty of power for the journey. What fun to be gliding on fairly level surfaces. Full speed travel makes the use of the HT almost perfect.With a full double charge I attempted the steep hill at the east entry to the Welk Resort that caused slow downs yesterday. With that extra charge the problem was going down the hill! The HT tilted back to the point that I was ready to step off the back! After using the battery for awhile, the Segway HT handled going down the hill just fine. Going up the ultra steep hill does occur at half speed. Other than the battery test, the glide was for fun. One demo occurred at the north parking lot for one of the camera men. I took photos from some of the higher parking lots of the entire area. Gliding is a nice change of pace from the day's activities.The Segway HT was pulled from the car today for a bit of gliding around with demos for the production staff of a new PBS special being filmed in Branson today and tomorrow. It was fun to share the HT with a few of the folks that were here to enjoy the presentation. Even the general manager of the Welk Resort got in on the fun and took the HT for a spin. I continued my glide with lovely 80 degree temps.LVAL\ \Spectacular weather provided a perfect backdrop for photos of historic homes while travelling on the Segway HT. Some of the pictures from previous glides needed to be retaken and it worked out during a glide to Sonic. A two for one burger coupon was reason enough to glide for fast food. Nice to skip the cookiSpectacular weather provided a perfect backdA perfect temperature in the 70's made for ideal gliding weather for a glide to the post office this evening. The glide downtown was very speedy oA perfect temperature in the 70's made for ideal gliding weather for a glide to the post office this evening. The glide downtown was very speedy on fairly empty streets. A lot of folks were walking on the sidewalks and enjoying the comfortable conditions. Another great glide on the Segway HT.Spectacular weather provided a perfect backdrop for photos of historic homes while travelling on the Segway HT. Some of the pictures from previous glides needed to be retaken and it worked out during a glide to Sonic. A two for one burger coupon was reason enough to glide for fast food. Nice to skip the cooking on Labor Day. One glitch occurred when checking out the repairs on one street. A large stone kept the tire from spinning after stepping on. Stepping off the HT then steering away from the stone solved the problem. The HT handled the situation perfectly. The glide home was smooth sailing the rest of the way.It all started with a glide to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for a delightful brunch at the Museum Cafe. The service and cusine make any day extra special. After lunch the first stop was to visit the new library but no sign indicated the holiday schedule. Such a shame, because there were a lot of folks waiting for the library to open and it did not. A number of people on bicycles wanted to enjoy the library as well. Everyone left and a glide to see all the new construction at Bricktown could not have been a better choice. Before arriving a man was pushing a lady in a wheelchair. We chatted for awhile and the lady wanted to try the HT. No problem! Although she cant stand for a long time due to Cerebral Palsy, she did a much better job of gliding than most folks who try out the HT.

The new movie theater complex, fountain area and Sonic walk-in cafe are almost complete. Only one more month to go, however the sidewalks with brick and stone accents are finished now. Gliding slowly on the canal walks provided a perfect view, especially with a blue sky and large white and gray fluffy clouds. The battery held up for the glide home. Another great day on the Segway HT._LVALuuA new sign is on the horizon in doThe annual Oktoberfest in Choctaw each year is "must attend" event, so I enjoyed a glide this morning to the Post Office so the night would be free for the celebration in Choctaw!<br><br>The sunrise during spring and fall changes makes gliding more difficult during early or afternoon glides. Today I lThe annual Oktoberfest in Choctaw each year is "must attend" event, so I enjoyed a glide this morning to the Post Office so the night would be free for the celebration in Choctaw!

The sunrise during spring and fall changes makes gliding more difficult during early or afternoon glides. Today I looked in every direction for cars, but unique sun rays made it difficult to see an approaching car. No problem, but it did provide a wake up call to never let ones guard down.

These late summer glides are being enjoyed with perfect weather. I will to remember the warmth during the cold of winter!A new sign is on the horizon in downtown Oklahoma City and a great view of the sign can be found from the rooftop of the Museum of Art. Tonight's Segway HT glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline" was an enjoyable glide with warm dry weather. Neighbors on the rooftop commented about the Segway article that appeared in Historic Living magazine. After enjoying sunset and beverages, I stepped aboard the HT to check out the old Montgomery Ward building that is being converted into a residental and commercial establishment. With the MAPS projects complete, downtown is getting a face lift from all the private party projects throughout the area.Some days are more hectic than others and today was THE day! It started out fantastic as Historic Living magazine did a 4 page spread on my Segway HT adventures. I visited the publisher today and picked up copies to send to my parents and others. Folks at work loved reading the article and commented how great the photography was. Hopefully I can provide a link to a PDF file in the near future.

Late in the day I received sad news that my mother had a heart attack and was being hospitalized out of state. I got details from relatives, posted news to prayer warriors and went home a bit later than usual. God gave me great peace over the situation and since I couldn't do anything from this distance decided to attend tonights art preview at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, "Millet to Matisse."

Parking the HT outside due to the crowds, I left my helmet in the coat room and enjoyed some brie, salmon and caviar! Viewing the art was therapeutic as the darken rooms glowed with famous art works from the past. With painting as my mother's favorite hobby, I knew she would be happy that I didn't skip the preview. The majority of the art was painted in the mid 1800's, how quickly time passes and how important that we enjoy everyday while it lasts.

The HT glide home provided another restful break after a telephone call that came while still in the museum. Mom's successful surgery to implant a shunt now provide the needed blood flow to restore heart function. Just as we must take care of the Segway HT batteries, we must exercise, eat well and get proper rest for good health. I appreciate everyone's prayers and good wishes during the days ahead. Just as See's Candies is called "A Happy Habit," a daily glide on the Segway HT gives me and those watching a joyful smile. LVAL Ж  { ff,,Rain this morning cancelled an early morning glide. The need to attend an employee party in Bricktown this evening gave me just enough tWith the State Fair now running it seems strange to yet attend, but exciting thiWith the State Fair now running it seems strange to yet attend, but exciting things are happening in Bricktown, so I wanted to cherish the moment. Details soon...Rain this morning cancelled an early morning glide. The need to attend an employee party in Bricktown this evening gave me just enough time for an hour long glide and a stop at "Cocktails on the Skyline." The Segway HT glide and the rooftop experience was nice relaxing moment before the excitement of Bricktown.A glide to Brown's Bakery this morning for donuts was just the beginning of Segway HT use. This evening demos were given to guests before enjoying a tour of downtown OKC and dinner at Redrock on Lake Hefner. One guest who enjoyed an HT glide at work last year got to ride on the red key. I demonstrated the top speed and flexible handling by gliding in front of the house. A nice dual glide day with friends from work.The need to relax and get away from telephone, computer and television occurred with a glide to Galileo in the Paseo district after dusk. The warm windy evening made dining perfect. Several asked questions about the Segway HT. A few comments were received about the magazine article as well. A five cheese pizza and glass of wine reduced tension and verified the decision to visit tonight. Just before leaving, lighting could be seen in the distance. Looking at the weather map from home showed that it was located about 50 miles away. The warm wind continued for the glide home, a wonderful memory to remember next winter.With Monday Night Football on ABC there was just enough time to hurry down to Taco Bell on the Segway HT. The drive thru provided extra fast service, although the lady seemed a bit shocked at my presence compared to the lower seated patrons who drive cars.

Streets were empty for the fast glide home. Made it home in time for the beginning of the game. Looks good for Green Bay tonight!With the sun starting to set, a quick glide to Braum's for the #3 burger, fries and shake special allowed travel without having to attach the light. One lady asked a number of questions about the Segway HT while waiting to select an ice cream flavor for the shake. After unlocking the HT, the glide back home was enjoyed with the extra satisfying feeling that Braum's is famous for.I drove by Dave's Sports Center today and brought them one of the Historic Living magazines with the Segway HT article. I enjoyed a pleasant visit and saw the series "i" and "p" HT's in the store. The midnight blue model featured a special rack for a golf bag. How fortunate to have a Segway HT dealer only 7 miles from downtown.

A glide to the Overholster Mansion was a bit of a disappointment this afternoon. The facility was closed. At 90 degrees it was hot, but no sweat. The 12 plus mph speed is a cool experience.The annual Oktoberfest in Choctaw each year is "must attend" event, so I enjoyed a glide this morning to the Post Office so the night would be free for the celebration in Choctaw!

The sunrise during spring and fall changes makes gliding more difficult during early or afternoon glides. Today I looked in every direction for cars, but unique sun rays made it difficult to see an approaching car. No problem, but it did provide a wake up call to never let ones guard down.

These late summer glides are being enjoyed with perfect weather. I will have to remember today's comfort during the cold of winter!=r)S A Ϳ  ? v & Q  t - n W_Wă;n,`#avgE:@Postal - Paseo Glide@mzokc770$?uLh/!@2 Year Anniversary Glide@mzokc;;4(?tbԌ@Brown's Construction Glide@~mzokc==6*?sr@Phone Glide@~mzokc..'?r2T6.@Sunny Donut Glide@@~mzokc44-!?qͫIw@Gliding in the sixties)@~mzokc992&?p5mʸ@Time to Glide@~mzokc00)?o= Y^@New Year Hot Chocolate Glide_@ |mzokc??8,?n*%J@Last 2004 Glide@ymzokc22+?mX@Quick Donut Glide>@}mzokc44-!?lCpH@Cold Glide to Vote@}mzokc55."?kCZF;@Windy Bakery Glide,@}mzokc55."?jdݻ@Mesta Park Holiday Home Glide@}mzokc@@9-?i0@Ice Rink Glide@}mzokc11*?hț@Sunny Thanksgiving Glide7@ |mzokc;;4(?g6ߴ@Back to the Bakery@|mzokc55."?eG@50 State Vote - 50 Degree Glide@|mzokcBB;/?dX^@Halloween Eve GlideW@|mzokc66/#?cvy;@Halloween Party Glide@ {mzokc881%?b+@Bone Soaking Glide3@{mzokc55."?a9xޱ@Damp Taco Glide'@{mzokc22+?`0b@Early Dinner Glidet@{mzokc55."?_!8z@Mansion Glide)@{mzokc00)?^*;L]>@Downtown Glide"@{mzokc11*?]Œ@Important Glide@ wmzokc22+?\ܰ@Breakfast Time@zmzokc11*?[:m@Architectural Glide@zmzokc66/#?Z$@Home Tour Glide@zmzokc22+?YǛ{@Neighborhood Dusk Glide@zmzokc::3'?X؍9_@Pioneers to Preservation Glide@zmzokcAA:.?Wt>>@Antenna Glide@ wmzokc00)?VA t@Sun Glide@wmzokc,,%?UdҴ@Neighborhood Update Glide@wmzokc<<5)?T@Donut Celebration Glide@wmzokc::3'?S%W@Thoroughly Modern Glidel@xmzokc::3'?Q)gPd^@Balmy Damp Neighborhood Glide@xmzokc@@9-?P,Œ>@Back home glide to Braums@xmzokc<<5)?O`,@No Glide Today@xmzokc11*?NJ׮@Morning Glide to the Overholster@ vmzokcCC<0?MO$@Windy Post Office Glide@vmzokc::3'?LF@Mattison Avenue Publishing Demos>@umzokcCC<0?Kz*}@Time for Donuts@vmzokc22+?J_^@Sonic Full Moon Glide@vmzokc881%?I6Щ>@Bricktown Dream Glide\@umzokc881%?H8N@Pool Clean Glide@tmzokc33, ?Gz*@Photo Redo Glidec@tmzokc33, ?FM1ݭ@Wrong Order Glidey@tmzokc44-!?Dl+@Cool Sunset Glide@tmzokc44-!?C7?@Trilogy Celebration Glide.sW mzokc<<5)?B~@Postal Cafe Glide@rmzokc44-!?A\@Library Cafeteria Glide/@rmzokc::3'?@d(8@House Check Glide@qmzokc44-!??,R@Sticky Shoe Glideq@qmzokc44-!?>@A Wonderful Bricktown Dinner Glide@qmzokcEE>2?=4ݬ@Speedy Museum Glide:@omzokc66/#?<R@Brown's Bakery for Donuts@omzokc<<5)?;Kr@Windy Galileo Glideq@omzokc66/#?:>7+?LVAL] With the State Fair opening it seems strange to not be there, but exciting things are happening in Bricktown, so I wanted to relive the moment.<br><br>It started at noon with a drive to the dedication of the "United Fund Plaza" a great fountain and patio area that borders the canal and new 16 screen movie theater complex. It's a beautiful change to the area so gliding to see it tonight seemed to be the right idea. Only one problem, the fountain wasn't running this evening. Not all was lost, as I chatted with a securityWhile working on the sorting of photos for the upcoming home tour I needed to check out the order of some of the photos. While the neighborhood historical book helps, it wasn't enough. Thanks to the Segway HT the ease of gliding around toWhile working on the sorting of photos for the upcoming home tour I needed to check out the order of some of the photos. While the neighborhood historical book helps, it wasn't enough. Thanks to the Segway HT the ease of gliding around to take a few photos and check where some of the homes were really helped. It was a nice pause from sitting behind the computer as well. The HT bumped along on one street that is without question our roughest in the downtown residental area.Enjoyed another nice neighborhood glide on the HT to Taco Bell this evening for a couple of hot food items. Walked inside for cooler service as the outside temps were a bit warm. An added feature of tonights visit were the sticky floors at the condiment counter. The extra sticky stuff on the shoes did improve the grabbing power of the Segway HT mat on the way home!With the State Fair opening it seems strange to not be there, but exciting things are happening in Bricktown, so I wanted to relive the moment.

It started at noon with a drive to the dedication of the "United Fund Plaza" a great fountain and patio area that borders the canal and new 16 screen movie theater complex. It's a beautiful change to the area so gliding to see it tonight seemed to be the right idea. Only one problem, the fountain wasn't running this evening. Not all was lost, as I chatted with a security person to find out how to enter the parking lot with the car when it opens in a couple of weeks (it's a hidden entry a few blocks from the theater!)

Next Segway HT stop, patio dining at Mantel. The steak was cooked to perfection with taste to match. After dining I glided east and north to the "Deep Deuce Grill" to check out their margarita. The quality is right up there with Cheevers and the Museum Cafe. When leaving several folks gathered around the HT before I left, however with low batteries I didn't give any demos. Saving power worked well, as one bar remained after returning home. Recent charging with cold batteries is helping extend range.LVAL Some careful thought of where to glide this evening brought the new downtown library to mind. I wanted to donate a "Norma" book because they didn't have the book in their computer index. I put the book (seventh printing) in a Taco Bell bag and enjoyed the glide to the library.<br><br>New bike racks were recently installed, so the Segway HT had a nice place to be locked up. I gave the book to staff at the counter and chatted with the city police officer who has a permanent location to sit near the front door. He asked if I put a lock on the HT. I told him about being able to store the HT inside at several locatWhen the air conditioners went out at work this evening, driving home was delayed by a couple of hours while computer systems were shut down. That worked out since the weather tonight could not be more perfect. Dry, slightly warm with a comfortable breeze. The great feeling became heavenly while gliding on the Segway HT on near empty streets. A leWhen the air conditioners went out at work this evening, driving home was delayed by a couple of hours while computer systems were shut down. That worked out since the weather tonight could not be more perfect. Dry, slightly warm with a comfortable breeze. The great feeling became heavenly while gliding on the Segway HT on near empty streets. A letter needed to be mailed, so a quick glide to the post office turned into a dream while continuing near the museum cafe. With Tuesday - Saturday hours until 10 PM, I had plenty of time to enjoy a lovely dinner in the upscale restaurant. The heavenly weather continued on the glide home and the streets were free of cars to make the adventure perfect.Some careful thought of where to glide this evening brought the new downtown library to mind. I wanted to donate a "Norma" book because they didn't have the book in their computer index. I put the book (seventh printing) in a Taco Bell bag and enjoyed the glide to the library.

New bike racks were recently installed, so the Segway HT had a nice place to be locked up. I gave the book to staff at the counter and chatted with the city police officer who has a permanent location to sit near the front door. He asked if I put a lock on the HT. I told him about being able to store the HT inside at several locations and he replied that "...even if you worked at the library you couldn't bring it inside!" I said it would be nice if he had a better view of the bike rack and his response was, "I wouldn't be able to tell if anyone was stealing them!" Maybe a remote alarm is an answer to help "watch" the HT. I enjoyed walking around the library and found an organizational book to check out. It's all done by scanning bar codes on the book and library card.

The Boulevard Cafeteria was an excellent stop on the way home. Delicious fried chicken and corn bread were on the menu and provided a nice dinner before eating some green salad at home. Education and eating; two great reasons to step on the HT and glide.LVALW With the Star Wars Trilogy purchase tonight, I felt like celebrating with a glide to Byron's. The adventure turned into a trilogy of it's own! "Part one" started normally enough with a pleasant glide through the neighbohood with another dry and warm evening. Upon arriving the first obstruction occurred. Water was dripping heavily from the roof and landed in the exact spot where I have locked up the HT in the past. This time the HT had to be locked with the back end facing the street, I moved a nearby traffic cone to help folks stay clear of the HT. <br><br>The HT questions became "part two" of the adventure as patrons driving away asked questions from their open windows as they left the parking lot. One lady at the register said her husband wants a Segway HT. I told her about the article in this months Historic Living magazine and suggested she type "mzokc" and "Segway" in Google to view various HT web pages. After I grabbed a Gazette weekly newspaper, cashiers continued to ask questions and several people stood near the HT to ask their questions!<br><br>Placing the goods on the ground while unlocking the cable lock, a simple pull of the cable lock started "part three" as the keys went flying and could not be found on the ground. I looked carefully until one of the employees came outside and mentioned they saw the keys slip under the cement traffic barrier. Sure enough, the keys were on the other side laying in the water. He picked them up and handed them to me. I wasn't about to put the wet keys in my pocket, but the 12.0 bag was attached so I slipped the keys into the outside compartment made of net so they would dry. The bottles and newspaper were placed into the bag and I enjoyed a quiet glide home. it wasn't exactly Star Wars, but everyday is an adventure on the Segway HT. The icing on the cake was tonight's enjoyment of a nice glass of Chardonnay while viewing the crystal clear DVD of Star Wars part IV.sLVAL  ˎ++œAfter a busy day working out at the health club, attending the Lincoln Terrace Historic Homes tour and cleaning the pool, it was time for a rest. A glide on the Segway HT to Taco Bell drive thru for a cAfter a busy day working out at the health club, attending the Lincoln Terrace Historic Homes tour and cleaning the pool, it was time for a rest. A glide on the Segway HT to Taco Bell drive thru for a couple of food items made dinner time more relaxing. Viewing the neighborhood homes while gliding on the HT was fun tonight because recent photo editing has increased awareness of the details in each home.After a busy day working out at the health club, attendAfter a busy day working out at the health club, attending the Lincoln Terrace Historic Homes tour and cleaning the pool, it was time for a rest. A glide on the Segway HT to Taco Bell drive thru for a couple of food items made dinner time more relaxing. Viewing the neighborhood homes while gliding on the HT was fun tonight because recent photo editing has increased awareness of the details in each home.With the historic home tour just a few weeks away it's time to finish the photos that will be on display. A two hour photo shoot using the Segway HT helped get most of the needed photos today. Stopping and chatting with neighbors is part of the fun and a couple of demos and a garage sale stop provide needed rest. An early morning glide or drive will be necessary to correct a few home photos that are not working with an early afternoon sun.

On the way home I noticed a line up of cars in nearby Mesta Park. Sure enough, Mesta Festa 2004 was on at full strength. Since batteries were running low, I plugged the HT in at home and drove over to enjoy the music, food and brews. What a great Saturday glide with enjoyable weather. If use of the Segway HT brings good weather then the upcoming Segway Fest in Florida should certainly chase the hurricanes away.Each glide adventure takes on a unique character, and tonight it was the order taker's turn to make this another evening to remember. I used a dollar off coupon to order a low carb six dollar burger, but a low carb chicken arrived instead. Back it went because the last time the chicken was bland and skimpy. Soon the correct order arrived. Ah...BEEF, it's what's for dinner! Never accept a substitute, and that goes with the Segway HT too! The sales staff enjoys seeing the Segway HT and are always friendly. I've been able to give them some demos and tonight I demonstrated the operation in the parking lot before returning home.A cold front brought an autumn like chill in the air for tonight's glide to Cocktails on the Skyline at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. With the State Fair continuing for a few more days, traffic remains light on city streets. Perfect glide conditions with no cars! The Segway HT continues to be locked inside the coat room when the tires are dry and clean.

With the sun in perfect alignment east to west, we couldn't see the sun setting at the horizon because of one building positioned directly west of the museum. The effect became magical as the entire downtown was bathed in orange light, but the sunlight did not hit those of us standing on the rooftop. With such great conditions there were an unusual number of neighbors from my historic neighborhood enjoying the roof top experience. Some mentioned the recent Segway HT article and one couple asked if I would participate in another photo shoot with the buffalo statues. The idea sounds fun and should give everyone a good laugh.

Gliding on the HT remained cool on the way home. The slight chill seemed strange after a perfect summer of warm glides. The beauty of summertime in OKC are the comfortable conditions late at night. Today's cool change to fall temperatures appears to be right on time.NLVALФ fA magical eveningI was able to give demos to the folks at Mattison Avenue Publishing this morning. They certainly deserved it after writing the great Segway HT article for the September edition of Historic Living magazine. Almost all of them enjoyed red key speed (with helmet) in their smooth parking lot and it is a rare occasion for me to give red key demos! They loved gliding on the Segway HT. I enjoyed some glide time during the demonstration as well.<br><br>My request for a PDF of their article was received today. It's a fine example of the articleI was able to give demos to the folks at Mattison Avenue Publishing this morning. They certainly deserved it after writing the great Segway HT article for the September edition of Historic Living magazine. Almost all of them enjoyed red key speed (with helmet) in their smooth parking lot and it is a rare occasion for me to give red key demos! They loved gliding on the Segway HT. I enjoyed some glide time during the demonstration as well.

My request for a PDF of their article was received today. It's a fine example of the articles from Mattison Avenue Publishing. They publish magazines for many of the quality communities throughout the Oklahoma City metro area.

The following PDF file is 1.4 MB in size and will take time to download. Use high speed internet access if possible.
Click here to download

Some rain during sunset prevented a dry glide to the museum this evening. I drove instead. After the presidential debate the Segway HT was removed from the car for a glide around the neighborhood.A magical evening glide to Bricktown made Monday night extra special. Weather continues to be dry with a gentle warm wind, perfect! Space for the Segway HT next to Chilenos made outdoor dining a dream. While sitting and enjoying a margarita and dinner, I was able to view the ballpark, theatres, canal boats, stadium, convention center, hotels and other restaurants with a sunset in the background! Hearing new chimes from the theater area reminded me to glide on by to check the progress.

The fountain fully flowing in front of the new 16 screen Harkins Theaters let everyone know it won't be long for movie time! Gliding slowly with the HT provided closeup views of employee training and final construction. Sonic is now open and it should be a great glide during tomorrow's full moon. On the way home I gave a demo to another parking lot attendant. The HT glided smoothly north, but one shut down did occur a few homes before arriving. With older batteries the HT has a nice bit of gentle leftover power to continue the glide with a key start. Another great evening and a super way to brighten up Monday./LVAL ~ =SSI was able to give demos to the folks at Mattison Avenue Publishing thEvery day when donuts are brought to work it feels like a celebration! So why not celebrate with a glide to the bakery to obtain those donuts. With tonight's debate the need for aEvery day when donuts are brought to work it feels like a celebration! So why not celebrate with a glide to the bakery to obtain those donuts. With tonight's debate the need for an early glide was critical. The folks at work always enjoy the celebration to enjoy selecting the donut and the pleasure of consuming the delicious morsels that Brown's Bakery bake.With the morning temperature at 47 degrees, I enjoyed a brisk glide to the Overholster Mansion this morning. With the cold front if felt more like winter, even with a jacket. It made for a refreshing glide on the Segway HT with a busy schedule that limited today's glide time. Today is the 580th day of stepping on an HT everyday without one missed day. 19 full months of continuous adventures. With winter approaching it's time for an occasional pause in the adventure. Details tomorrow.Attending the opening of the movie theater in Bricktown today and with tonight's "Art on Tap" at the museum, how come I glided to the post office? Time, battery power and a windy cold front.

The need to visit the post office made a Segway HT glide a perfect late afternoon adventure. The battery indicator was down by half after the two mile glide. The other travel adventures today were by car.There are days when a box of donuts makes the day a bit more special. After a quick glide to Brown's Bakery this morning, the choices were made while the HT remained locked up outside. The donuts made the trip home in a Wal-Mart bag hanging from the handlebars. Everyone who enjoyed a delicious donut at work today was very pleased. I remain pleased with the experience of daily gliding on the Segway HT after almost 19 months!Patio dining downtown with a full moon made a lot of people happy tonight. It all started with a slightly buggy glide on the Segway HT to the new Sonic in Bricktown. Before I could order a "Super Sonic Cheeseburger" two of the security folks were asking about the HT and commented that funds have been allocated for the purchase of two for Bricktown canal security! Of course they needed to have more than a demo, but a bit of instruction as well. The lady's knee was sore, so she didn't glide. Her coworker enjoyed his glide on the wonderful interlocking paver stones that remind me of the driveway created at the previous home in Yorba Linda. (The workers were sweeping in sand tonight by the theater - how I remember that job!)

After the demo I enjoyed cashing in my free coupon for a raspberry limeade when ordering the cheeseburger. The ordering station is outside or you can enter to eat inside through a large opening in the wall. Sitting outside by the fountain is enjoyable, until someone walks by with a cigarette and asks questions about the Segway HT. (It's not the questions, it's the smoke!) Anyway, the sound of chimes filled the air from the towers next to the fountain and I marveled at the experience. The Harkins Theaters will open in three days, so several people walked by and asked HT questions. Since "dinner" was finished, a few more demos were given and I enjoyed gliding with the chimes.

The glide home was a touch chilly without as many bugs. The north wind must have brought them in, because it's normally bug free in downtown. There was plenty of power for a non-stop glide to reach home by the light of the silvery moon!LVAL S SS͝ ˘ }A summer like evening with a great sunset ended up the perfect backdrop for a glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline." Too perfect to rush home, the glide on the Segway HT continued to Bricktown for plenty of chatting and a demo for the security folks. A summer like evening with a great sunset ended up the perfect backdrop for a glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline." Too perfect to rush home, the glide on the Segway HT continued to Bricktown for plenty of chatting and a demo for the security folks. It helped to mention that Segway is offering the free three day trial. Saved my battery power for a slow glide home. Batteries are holding up well with the warm temps, but age has affected HT range. One advantage, I do glide slow and easy more often!After attending a fund raiser downtown today, I picked up another yard sign. The short but important glide tonight on the Segway HT provided quick transport to the sidewalk area of the home where a Bush/Colburn sign was placed between sidewalk and curb. The neighbors dogs began barking wildly (those dogs must like Kerry!) Gliding a few blocks further with the HT completed the fun of viewing the neighborhood.Thank goodness it was after dark. What would the neighbors have thought of my holding on to a UHF antenna while gliding through the neighborhood tonight? It was to bring the debates to the people at the Overholser Mansion who were completing the tour project. They don't have cable, so the antenna allowed the viewing of television.

A demo of the Segway HT was given after the antenna delivery. The HT brought me back home in time for the debate too! With rain starting about an hour later, the glide remained dry and comfortable.A record making rainfall for two days provided a vacation from gliding. Today's bright sunny morning made an early glide to take neighborhood photos a nice adventure. With a low sun angle, none of the photos were usable. What a pleasure to enjoy the HT again.Gliding to take photos of a few of the homes for next weeks home tour will continue to help finish the photo project. I gave a demo at the Overholster Mansion to someone who is helping complete work for the tour.

It's been fun to view the photos of SegwayFest 2004 being held this weekend in Florda. I miss being there, maybe next year! day when donuts are brought to work it feels like a celebration! So why not celebrate with a glide to the bakery to obtain those donuts. With tonight's televised presidental debate the need for an early glide was critical. The folks at work always continue the celebration by selecting the donut and the further pleasure of consuming the fresh delicious morsels that Brown's Bakery bake.

The Segway HT glide did bring a few more questions than normal as the HT was unlocked for the return home. Thank goodness for flextime that allows for a pause in the schedule to answer the unique details that each person needs to determine how the Segway HT can fit into their life.LVALe eeeeRJThe first Broadway musical of the 2004-2005 season is being enjoyed this week at the Civic Center Music Hall. Tonight's glide started early enough, until I looked at the ticket after arrriving at "Cocktails on the Skyline!" Whoops! Only 27 minutes before the curtain goes up! Just enough time to enjoy chardoThe first Broadway musical of the 2004-2005 season is being enjoyed this week at the Civic Center Music Hall. Tonight's glide started early enough, until I looked at the ticket after arrriving at "Cocktails on the Skyline!" Whoops! Only 27 minutes before the curtain goes up! Just enough time to enjoy chardonnay at sunset on the rooftop, glide to the theater, snack on carrot cake at the theater coffee bar and get to the seat 5 minutes early. The glide home at 65 degrees and 94% humidity was balmy and pleasant. Modern travel is a lot different than how they got around during the musical "Thorougly Modern Millie!"The need to arrive early at work made a morning donut glide out of the question. Sure enough, it was raining tonight so keeping an eye on the weather radar allowed an evening glide on the Segway HT around the neighborhood. The streets were damp with 67 degrees and 85% hunidity making the glide very comfortable and pleasant. The HT tires were clean upon returning home after the 2 to 3 mile glide. Taking advantage of comfortable autumn weather now will help create a memory to remember during the cold winter months.A bit of vacation time out of state ended late last night, so an early morning glide to Braums for breakfast got the work day off to a good start. I wondered how 74 hours without stepping on the Segway HT would affect my glide. No problem! The only hassle was the traffic light that allowed cars to pass through the crosswalk, so I glided to a safer spot to cross the street. The lock was removed last week for the demo glides, so I power assisted the HT into Braums and left it by the register window out of the way of everyone. Breakfast was tasty and the return glide was traffic free. A short cut into cul-de-sac gave a unique path on the return home. It's good to be back on the HT again after a very successful challenge of working around the weather during the daily glide days.This blog entry marks the first no glide day. If you are reading the blog in reverse (page one first) then you have just finished reading about the 580 days without a missed day. For those reading from the most recent entry, then you have 580 daily entries left to read!

A bit of history: The first two weeks were given their own page. From that point on, daily entires were made. The objective of the blog is to document the use of the Segway HT when used on a daily basis. None of the glides are a commute to work. Most take place in Oklahoma City, however there are several weeks of entries from various locations in the US. When I couldn't use my Segway HT during the 580 days, I was able to use another person's HT.

When the Segway HT arrived I made a simple commitement. I did not want the HT to be left in the garage or closet, so I decided to step on it everyday and enjoy using it. The past 19 months have been a blast and the Segway HT has performed beyond expectations.

Recently "Historic Living" magazine did an article. They mentioned that I glide "nearly every day." Until today it was "every day." Now the article is correct! More details and a summary of glide locations will be forthcoming. Of course future glides will be entered into the blog, but now I can skip a day when weather or circumstances make it difficult to glide. Future "no glide" days will not have a blog entry. Enjoy the blog!M LVAL] The last day of the year could not be more beautiful. With temps in the 70's, a glide around the neighborhood with a nice look at the roundabout construction plus a Taco Bell treat made a great afternoon even nicer. A package needed to be redelivered to a house down the street, a perfect job for the HT.Next I glided on streets near the new roundabout (or traffic circle) I was able to get the Segway HT onto the new concrete of the circle. Since no cars could apThe last day of the year could not be more beautiful. With temps in the 70's, a glide around the neighborhood with a nice look at the roundabout construction plus a Taco Bell treat made a great afternoon even nicer. A package needed to be redelivered to a house down the street, a perfect job for the HT.Next I glided on streets near the new roundabout (or traffic circle) I was able to get the Segway HT onto the new concrete of the circle. Since no cars could approach on the unfinished and blocked roadway, being able to glide in the circle was a solo event with no one to block the path. A road of dirt worked well after exiting the roundabout.

The journey to Taco Bell through neighborhood streets took a lot of power, but the warmer day helped the range. The straight face on Blinky did indicate a bit of a slow down, however new batteries in 2005 should solve that problem. It should be fun to have a 20 mile range.LVAL? ?ʯ000A summer like evening with a great sunset ended up the perfect backdrop for a glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline." Too perfect to head home, a glide on the Segway HT continued to Bricktown for plenty of chatting and a demo for the security folks. HA summer like evening with a great sunset ended up the perfect backdrop for a glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline." Too perfect to head home, a glide on the Segway HT continued to Bricktown for plenty of chatting and a demo for the security folks. How great to mention that Segway is offering the free three day trial. Saved my battery power for a slow glide home. Batteries are holding up well with the warm temps, but age has affected HT range. One advantage, I do glide slow and easy more often!A quick glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito made a Monday morning a bit brighter and more delicious! Questions about the Segway HT were answered and the sunny weather made the glide perfect.After gliding to start the videos for our tour this morning, another architectural tour was enjoyed with a glide to the first homes using the Segway HT. I gave demos to about a half dozen folks, but the HT wouldn't start for the glide home. About 50 key taps got the HT going again, but not without some loss of desire by the demo folks. The rest of the tour throughout the Oklahoma City area occurred by car.The need to travel to the carriage house to deliver another DVD occurred this morning. The Segway HT worked great for the delivery and for taking some photos and to turn off the equipment late in the day. Perfect weather today for walking or using the HT. A great home tour this year!To check if the Overholser was open tonight I hopped aboard the Segway HT for a nice glide through the neighborhood. No mansion tour tonight, so continuing on the HT on a few streets made for a pleasant glide through the area when it is looking it's best. Tomorrow starts the annual historic homes tour for two days. It should be a pleasant weekend.

A glide to this evening's Bricktown Oktoberfest was considered, but cooler temps are reducing the 19th month old battery range so the car was used instead. At $5 parking the batteries would almost be paid for in a year if one used Bricktown paid parking every Friday and Saturday night for a year.After driving to "Cocktails on the Skyline" and enjoying a chardonnay on the museum rooftop, I headed home to get ready for the the Segway HT glide to "Pioneers to Preservation: The Legacy of Heritage Hills." This is the exhibition that explores the social history, architecture and successful preservation of the Heritage Hills neighborhood. The photographs that were shot during the past few months using the Segway HT were on display using DVD players and SONY televisions. (Technical note: photos must be saved with 480 lines of vertical resolution for display on NTSC televisions!)

The HT was cable locked in a nice hidden outdoor location before enjoying the exhibit inside. The efforts of Preservation Oklahoma Incorporated made the entire exhibit a success. Dr. Bob Blackburn, the executive director of the Oklahoma Historical Society gave an very informative talk on the architecture, social history and successful preservation of our neighborhood. He mentioned how electric trolley cars made the expansion to the neighborhood possible. It was fun to think how the Segway HT would have changed society and the development of the Oklahoma City area if available 100 years ago.

The HT was ready and waiting for the glide home after an enjoyable evening of history and socializing. The ability to use the Segway HT for the photo shoot made a difficult project a lot easier. Thanks to Segway LLC for inventing such a labor saving device. It's historic!LVAL ̵A  Halloween eve was designated as a trick or treat night, so many showed up at the door for candy. One neighbor mentioned the pumpkins down the street, one pumpkin for each letter in the word, "SOONERS." Reason enough to jump on board on Segway HT to see the artistic display. Five addHalloween eve was designated as a trick or treat night, so many showed up at the door for candy. One neighbor mentioned the pumpkins down the street, one pumpkin for each letter in the word, "SOONERS." Reason enough to jump on board on Segway HT to see the artistic display. Five additional pumpkins were carved with artistic perfect design. Several photos were taken of the display from the HT. Happy Halloween!

On Thursday I was asked to attend a halloween party tonight in our historic neighborhood. What fun to glide over on the Segway HT, lock it to the fence in the back yard and enjoy the fun of seeing the costumes and chatting with the neighbors. Towards the end of the evening the sheep (while Little Po Peep took photos) enjoyed a mini glide on the HT. I pulled the HT up to the patio until it was time to leave. The HT brought me home safe and sound. A great evening of fine weather and fine friendship.What started as a nice glide to Braum's for a breakfast burrito ended up as the wettest glide yet. Slow service at Braum's didn't help, as a few extra minutes could have made the difference. The storm moved in quickly while travelling home. I stopped for a minute under cover during the start of the storm and things began to clear. Another wait under a tree helped, but now the rain fell so hard that changing clothes would be necessary.

With no idea how long the storm would last I thought, "why not brave it and continue glide in the heavy rain." By the time I arrived home the Segway HT and I were fully soaked. Being able to change clothes made the experience a learning lesson without losing much time. However, if I used the HT to glide to work, a change of clothes at the work location would be a must.The rain ended so a HT glide to Taco Bell for a single taco allowed for more time to enjoy the World Series. The Segway HT was left outside and drew attention. A gentleman visiting from Sonic (who's wife works at Taco Bell) enjoyed a demo in the parking lot. Great fun and good food, what fun!After driving back from a spectacular home tour in the Linwood neighborhood, I enjoyed a glide to Taco Bell for a dinner item. The autumn leaves, windy weather and 80 degree temps made for a perfect day. Waved to a lot of my neighbors while on the Segway HT. No one asked about the HT during the tour (I enjoyed using the HT during last year's Linwood tour on 10/19/03.)An afternoon glide to the Overholser Mansion to chat with the docents didn't materialize as expected. A sign on the door indicated the mansion was closed today, but would reopen for "Ghost Stories" tonight. The spectacular weather made the glide worth getting out and enjoying the beautiful day.A summer like evening with a great sunset ended up the perfect backdrop for a glide to "Cocktails on the Skyline." Too perfect to rush home, the glide on the Segway HT continued to Bricktown for plenty of chatting and a demo for the security folks. (Even saw one of my co-workers and his wife.) It helps to mention that Segway is offering the free three day trial. Saved my battery power for a slow glide home. Batteries are holding up well with the warm temps, but age has affected HT range. One advantage, I do glide slow and easy more often!LVAL Щ ' 'LToday was the last day to visit the skating rink downtown. A cold front brought temps down to the high 40's, a chilly reminder of why I like to glide in warm weather! A nice hot chocolate while watching the skaters made the glide worth it. Lots of questions about the Segway HT were asked before gettinToday was the last day to visit the skating rink downtown. A cold front brought temps down to the high 40's, a chilly reminder of why I like to glide in warm weather! A nice hot chocolate while watching the skaters made the glide worth it. Lots of questions about the Segway HT were asked before getting a couple of cookies. The HT performed perfectly for a quick demo for the snack shop staff. The return glide turned colder as the winds from the north were bitter cold. Smooth surfaces allowed keeping ones hands in warm pockets while gliding safely. Plenty of battery power remained for the glide home.Sunny weather made a HT glide around the neighborhood a perfect Thanksgiving Day treat. Breathing in the fresh air, viewing the fall leaves and soaking in a bit of sun helped increase the appetite for dinner. Yum! However, a single serving today should reduce weight for better Segway HT performance tomorrow!Days of wet weather and a bit of travel have delayed using the HT until this morning. What better way to celebrate the return to gliding after 17 whole days of HT abstinence than a Brown's Bakery glide. It was not just any glide, as the entire street in front of Brown's is gone! The city is replacing the old 5 street intersection with a traffic circle. That will make future travel in the area real interesting. I enjoyed viewing all the construction and the massive old trolley rails that were laying on the street. Those rails have not been seen since paved over years ago. Being off the HT for 16 days didn't make today's glide feel any different. I guess after about 600 Segway HT adventures the glide becomes very natural.An overnight cold front brought temps down to 50 degrees during my glide to the polls to vote. The Segway HT rolled nicely inside the church door, very visible from the voting booth. Two lines formed to split the alphabet and wait time was only a minute or two. The HT is a great way to travel to vote. No matter if you walk, run, drive, or glide - don't miss the opportunity to vote.Halloween eve was designated as a trick or treat night, so many showed up at the door for candy. One neighbor mentioned an outstanding display of pumpkins down the street including one pumpkin for each letter in the word, "SOONERS." Reason enough to jump on board on Segway HT to see the artistic display. I left the HT nearby in balance mode while taking photos of the artistic display of pumpkins. Happy Halloween!

LVAL N <  o1111Today was the last day to visit the skating rink downtown. A cold front brought temps down to the high 40's, a chilly reminder of why I like to glide in warm weatWednesday, January 12, 2005 - I might be a day late posting this, but the donuts were delivered to work on time after an early morning glide. With streets still under construction the Segway HT manouvered around the mess Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - I might be a day late posting this, but the donuts were delivered to work on time after an early morning glide. With streets still under construction the Segway HT manouvered around the mess and made it to Brown's Bakery on time. Fresh and delicious baked goods were loaded on the HT for the glide home. With a cold front arriving Wednesday night, the time to glide was before the freezing cold the following day.Tuesday, December 21, 2004. I almost fell asleep forgetting to post the glide to Brown's Donuts. A holiday food fest at work was a perfect reason to include donuts. A completed street allows cars to enter the parking lot from the south side, but all other ways to approach Brown's were impossible, except by Segway HT. The ability to glide down a sidewalk with no street whatsoever made this a very unique adventure. It's nice to see work progressing on the new roundabout that will replace the traffic light. A nice morning to glide before colder weather arrives tonight.Today's adventure: a cold 26 degree glide to vote for a tax increase. About 90% voted for the increase, so I wasn't alone! What will the money go to? $55 million in improvements to the horse barns. No better way to use the Segway HT than to make OKC a better place to visit. The horses and owners should love it. Who knows, maybe some HT's will be included to help move security at the fair grounds and horse barns.A windy morning made for a brisk glide to get donuts for the folks at work. The Segway HT worked hard to move me along, but the HT came through perfectly. The roundabout (traffic circle) is progressing faster now that the rain has stopped for awhile. Brown's Bakery experienced a slow down before the holidays due to the construction. It slows me down having fun watching all the rebuilding. Workers stop to look at the HT, so I don't want to stop progress! An occasional glide during sunny winter weather is a nice reminder of spring, summer and autumn.It's time for the annual Mesta Park home tour, and the HT provided cool transportation in the 50's. With lower temperatures and an older used battery, Blinky has a neutral face more than ever. The Segway HT still was the way to go tonight. OU is leading the way too! Nice.The big after Thanksgiving shopping day started with a 6 AM drive and ended by driving home by 10 PM, however fitting in a glide on the Segway HT was an added treat on a great weather day.

The downtown Braum's Ice Rink opened up today and even has a live web cam. That encouraged me to glide over and enjoy a couple of chocolate cookies and egg nog. Several folks asked about the HT and the ZcoiL shoes.

Unlike last year, I did not use the HT to attend the annual Bricktown Christmas tree lighting ceremony tonight. Weather remains great, but decreased battery life would require charging while in Bricktown. With new free 5 hour parking spaces at Harkins Theaters, driving the car to Bricktown is almost perfect. Enjoying some food items at Sonic and getting emotional at my second viewing of "The Polar Express" added to the Christmas activity. The night ended with Christmas shopping at Bass Pro Shop. Happy Holidays everyone! LVALC Sunday, February 20, 2005 - A beaIt was 2 years ago today that the Segway HT arrived, and a nice way to celebrate was to visit Boulevard Cafeteria for a Veggie Plate. A recent change in diet to lower cholesterol has forced a change a diet to vegetables, fruit and beans. The weight has dropped and the helmet was a bit loose tonight! Tonight's weekly glide is a joy and more fun than the first glIt was 2 years ago today that the Segway HT arrived, and a nice way to celebrate was to visit Boulevard Cafeteria for a Veggie Plate. A recent change in diet to lower cholesterol has forced a change a diet to vegetables, fruit and beans. The weight has dropped and the helmet was a bit loose tonight! Tonight's weekly glide is a joy and more fun than the first glides 2 years ago!

It seems amazing that 580 days of gliding without missing a day started just 2 years ago. It proved the fantastic quality of the HT and how great it works in the downtown area.

I am looking forward to newer battery technology later this year along with the return of warmer weather. There is nothing like a nice glide on a balmy day.Sunday, February 20, 2005 - A beautiful day to glide to the downtown post office and to check out the construction at the Brown's Bakery roundabout. With about a week between winter glides, I am finding it effortless to step onto the Segway HT and enjoy the glide. A bunch of letters were dropped into the mailbox downtown and then zoomed by the museum for an alternative travel path.

Returning back to the roundabout, the colorful paver sidewalks still under construction are beautiful and very functional. Wide enough for side by side HT travel, they are years ahead of their time. With a solid cement base, the surface should remain smooth. I glided around the circle and on some of the finished sidewalks before returning home. A very enjoyable glide indeed!A beautiful weather day is just too good to pass up gliding on the Segway HT! It's been awhile since gliding, but it felt fine today while zooming around the neighborhood testing the distance a new portable phone could be used. Coverage was about one block, so I put the phone away and enjoyed a longer glide around the neighborhood. Blinky looked a bit more colorful, almost as if the rest did him good! These 70 degree days will last one more day, then it's back to winter again!A bright sunny morning made the glide to Brown's Bakery almost perfect. Construction continues on the roundabout, but the Segway HT made the trip fine on the broken sidewalk panels while the street remains dirt. Massive sidewalks are being installed around the circle of road, it should be great for gliding on the HT.The weather warmed up this afternoon for an irresistible glide on the Segway HT through the neighborhood after arriving home early. What a treat to enjoy the warm clear air and sunshine on a normally cold and wintery day. Hopefully this nice weather will continue for more glides on the HT soon.Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - I might be a day late posting this, but the donuts were delivered to work on time after an early morning glide. With streets still under construction the Segway HT manouvered around the mess and made it to Brown's Bakery on time. Fresh and delicious baked goods were loaded on the HT for the glide home. With a cold front arriving Wednesday night, the time to glide was before the freezing cold the following day.                                                                                                                                                       ) ) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))) )!) ")!#)"$)#%)$&)%')&()'))(*))+)*,)+-),.)-/).0)/1)02)13)24)35)46)57)68)79)8:)9;):<);=s>s?s@sAsBsCsDsEsFs Gs Hs Is Js KsLsMsNsOsPsQsRsSsTsUsVsWsXsYsZs[s\s]s ^s!_s"`s#as$bs%cs&ds'es(fs)gs*hs+is,{| } ~   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345  !"#$%&'() * + , - ./012345678 " # $ % &'()*+,-./012345678 9!:";#<$=%>&?'@(A)B*C+D,E-F.G/H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7PQRSTVXZ [ \ ] ^_`abcdefghijklmnop q!r"s#t$u%v&w'x(y)z*{+|,}-~./012345678444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444444444444 4!4"4#4$4%4&4'4(4)4*4+4,4-4.4/404142434445464748494:HHHHHHHHHH H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H!H"H#H$H%H&H'H(H)H*H+H,H-H.H/H0H1H2H4H6H8H9H:ZZZZZZZZ  Z  Z  Z  Z  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  Z!!Z""Z##Z$$Z%%Z&&Z''Z((Z))Z**Z++Z,,Z--Z..Z//Z01Z22Z33Z44Z55Z66Z77Z88Z99Z::p;p<p=p>p?p@pApBpCp Dp Fp Gp HpIpJpKpLpMpNpOpPpQpSpTpUpVpWpXpYpZp [p!\p"]p#^p$_p%`p&ap'bp(cp)dp*ep+gp-hp.ip/jp0kp1lp2mp3np4op5pp6qp7rp8  @ @ @ @ @ @sp9tp:up;vp<wxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()                                                                                                                                                       ) ) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))) )!) ")!#)"$)#%)$&)%')&()'))(*))+)*,)+-),.)-/).0)/1)02)13)24)35)46)57)68)79)8:)9;):<);=s>s?s@sAsBsCsDsEsFs Gs Hs Is Js KsLsMsNsOsPsQsRsSsTsUsVsWsXsYsZs[s\s]s ^s!_s"`s#as$bs%cs&ds'es(fs)gs*hs+is,{| } ~   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345  !"#$%&'() * + , - ./012345678 " # $ % &'()*+,-./012345678 9!:";#<$=%>&?'@(A)B*C+D,E-F.G/H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7PQRSTVXZ [ \ ] ^_`abcdefghijklmnop q!r"s#t$u%v&w'x(y)z*{+|,}-~./012345678444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444444444444 4!4"4#4$4%4&4'4(4)4*4+4,4-4.4/404142434445464748494:HHHHHHHHHH H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H!H"H#H$H%H&H'H(H)H*H+H,H-H.H/H0H1H2H4H6H8H9H:ZZZZZZZZ  Z  Z  Z  Z  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  Z!!Z""Z##Z$$Z%%Z&&Z''Z((Z))Z**Z++Z,,Z--Z..Z//Z01Z22Z33Z44Z55Z66Z77Z88Z99Z::p;p<p=p>p?p@pApBpCp Dp Fp Gp HpIpJpKpLpMpNpOpPpQpSpTpUpVpWpXpYpZp [p!\p"]p#^p$_p%`p&ap'bp(cp)dp*ep+gp-hp.ip/jp0kp1lp2mp3np4op5pp6qp7rp8  @ @ @ @ @ @sp9tp:up;vp<wxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()LVAL ) Saturday, March 12, 2005 - A lovely warm day provided a nice atmosphere for a glide on the Segway HT through the neighborhood. The start of the glide was a bit slow, as starting the HT in a dim location meant that perhaps the black key was used instead of the red one! A quick key Saturday, March 12, 2005 - A lovely warm day provided a nice atmosphere for a glide on the Segway HT through the neighborhood. The start of the glide was a bit slow, as starting the HT in a dim location meant that perhaps the black key was used instead of the red one! A quick key change corrected the error and red key speed soon returned.

Plenty of waving to other drivers occurred while travelling towards St. Lukes Church. The return trip on different streets glowed with the sunset rays of the sun on the pavement. A nice way to end the daylight hours.I enjoyed an afternoon glide on the Segway HT with cloudy sun and temps in the mid 60's. Destination: the post office to mail a letter. The enjoyable glide continued by visiting the Paseo Art area. Outside patio areas were empty, but I could see folks dining inside Galileo.

The return glide became very windy, but the HT made the trip a joy. A lot of waving to passing cars and neighbors at their homes turned the travel into a bit of an exercise event.It was 2 years ago today that the Segway HT arrived, and a nice way to celebrate was to visit Boulevard Cafeteria for a Veggie Plate. A recent change in diet to lower cholesterol has forced a change to a diet of vegetables, fruit and beans called for in the diet book, "Eat to Live." The weight has dropped and the helmet was a bit loose tonight! Tonight's weekly glide is a joy and more fun than the first glides 2 years ago!

It seems amazing that 580 days of gliding without missing a day started just 2 years ago. It proved the fantastic quality of the HT and how great it works in the downtown area.

I am looking forward to newer battery technology later this year along with the return of warmer weather. There is nothing like a nice glide on a balmy day.uLVAL  >Sunday, April 3, 2005 - A short Sunday late afternoon glide in the neighborhood was perfect due to the spectacular weather. Being about 30 pounds lighter than last year made this glide special as I rarely wear shoSunday, April 3, 2005 - A short Sunday late afternoon glide in the neighborhood was perfect due to the spectacular weather. Being about 30 pounds lighter than last year made this glide special as I rarely wear shorts and T-shirt. The Segway HT is an excellent way to get an afternoon sunbath while travelling in various direction to avoid overexposure. The HT performed perfectly and I look forward to more good weather glides.Heavy winds from the south made the glide from the car repair location this morning a slow go at times. With hills and older batteries, the HT kept going, but a bit slower than usual. However the glide on the Segway HT solved the problem of no transporation after dropping the car off for repair. Using the HT works great for this purpose and long distance batteries will allow an expanded range of car repair locations.It was darn right cold today for the annual Easter Egg Hunt in our community, but that didn't stop me from gliding over on the Segway HT and enjoying the fun. It made for perfect transportation for the short distance to the city park where the hunt was on for the brightly colored plastic eggs filled with candy and treats. However, whoever thought that ice water would be a good beverage at 46 degrees? Hot chocolate would have been fantastic. The HT brought a bit more fun to the event in spite of the cool weather. Have a joyous Easter day!The last day to see the museum exhibit "Kidsize: The Material World of Childhood" made for a perfect glide in fantastic weather. The exhibit of historic and modern design cribs, strollers, chairs and kid sized furniture even featured some scooters and child sized transportation. The HT was stored in the coat room so my own transporation would be ready to take me back home. Gliding on the Segway HT allows everyone to enjoy new adventures where getting there brings back childhood memories of transit that's fun.A lot of activity is taking place today in Downtown connected with the upcoming college basketball games and the Oklahoma Motorcycle Expo. It made the glide to Bricktown a lot more exciting. The roundabout is now finished for 3 of the 5 streets that connect to it. I enjoyed gliding around the paved portion of the circle on the way to downtown and back. With a 20 mph posted speed limit, I could almost merge with traffic (however, no cars in view today.)

A quick stop at the Museum to say hi was the first stop. Battery levels looked good, even at 62 degrees - so it was off to Bricktown for a glide by the movie theaters, canal and ballpark. Lots of bikers waved and shouted greetings as I passed by. The wrecking teams have started to remove the nearby Walnut Avenue bridge (what a glide that was) for a new 4.3 million dollar replacement.

The glide back home proved a couple of things. First, that Segway HT batteries are still in great shape after weekly winter glides instead of daily ones. Second, a loss of 14 pounds in the last 6 weeks certainly helps battery life. I am now at 164 lbs on the "Eat to Live" diet. Only 9 more to go for the "ideal" weight. With maximum weight at over 200 in years past, it's a treat to be slim and trim on the HT.DLVALЖ ``Today's glide worked perfectly. The Segway HT performed perfectly for a glide downtown for the annual March of Dimes WalkAmerica. I locked the HT to a light pole and plugged the HT into a live socket at the base of the light. How nice to charge while waiting for longer life batteries. With our company food table neaToday's glide worked perfectly. The Segway HT performed perfectly for a glide downtown for the annual March of Dimes WalkAmerica. I locked the HT to a light pole and plugged the HT into a live socket at the base of the light. How nice to charge while waiting for longer life batteries. With our company food table nearby, several were able to keep their eye on the HT during the walk/run.

The recent weight loss gave me energy to run about two thirds of the 6 mile course. While the muscles were a bit sore, it was a pleasure to return home standing up on the HT. The added charge allowed full speed travel for the entire glide.Sunday, April 24, 2005 - (Missing post reentered.) A glide around the neighborhood after the annual marathon gave me an opportunity to check out the distance that the runners enjoyed while passing through the residental area. It was fun to glide by the Symphony Show Home and get some positive reaction from the valet parking team. The Segway HT made the "run" in record time!A perfect crisp cool sunny weather day made for a perfect glide to the annual Festival of the Arts. Parking in the alley area worked again this year. Since losing close to 40 pounds from some of the heaviest weight last year made selecting the food choices a bit harder, but they were super tasty! While on the Segway HT several folks called out "Segway!" Always a fun way to scoot around town, this glide featured the added fun of visiting the roundabout while cars zoomed by. I am glad for the perfect sidewalks at the traffic circle as the roadway, while safe, is not the place to glide compared with a standard street. The HT worked perfectly throughout the downtown area for today's adventure.Saturday, April 9, 2005 - The need to deliver some CD-ROM's of photos to a local resident was ideal for using the Segway HT to get there. Fast, fun and perfect to help complete the task with a bit more time for an extra glide towards the east. While gliding back home I remembered where some missing photos were and those were able to be recovered and added to the collection. The HT doing the work of transport allowed the mind more power to remember those pictures!

Just after dusk a second glide to deliver the updated disc gave me the opportunity to glide through the western section of the community. Neighbors were outside pushing baby strollers and ready for a friendly howdy. One of the visitors was able to get her test glide on the HT. That led to a discussion of the recent weight loss and Z-CoiL shoes. What an ice breaker the Segway HT continues to be.#LVAL H ?As the temperatures soared over 90 degrees tThe annual Paseo Art Festival is held each Memorial Day weekend, a perfect event to travel to on the Segway HT. I parked and locked the HT at Galileo and walked the festival streets to enjoy all the fun. A ceramic spoon rest made a gThe annual Paseo Art Festival is held each Memorial Day weekend, a perfect event to travel to on the Segway HT. I parked and locked the HT at Galileo and walked the festival streets to enjoy all the fun. A ceramic spoon rest made a good purchase and was pocketable for the glide home. The plan is to visit again by car for ease of transport of larger items. With a storm well to the south, the temps in the mid 70's made the late afternoon adventure a comfortable one.As the temperatures soared over 90 degrees today, the idea of using the Segway HT to help speed the work tasks came to mind. Lawn sprinklers required checking and the trash container needed to be wheeled to the curb. The HT made the job easier to quickly zoom over to see the sprinkler coverage while the zone was active. Afterwards a glide around the neighborhood was ended by grabbing the large wheeled trash container and gliding it to the curb while riding on the HT. A nice way to make a hot day more refreshing.The postal department had a food drive today, but when I found that the postman had already been at my door early in the morning, it was time to hop aboard the Segway HT and deliver the can goods to another part of the neighborhood. While I didn't find my postman, it wasn't too long before another mail truck was spotted and the cans were delivered. The mail carrier asked if I liked the HT and of course the answer was affirmative. With a perfect weather day I took some extra time to glide towards the roundabout and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. After running over 6 miles yesterday, having the Segway HT to glide to the Symphony Show Home was a blessing! While it is painful to walk today, there is no problem hopping on board the HT for a nice glide through the neighborhood to see the wonderful job the decorators have done to make the 1918 home look spectacular.

I locked the HT to a lamp post about a half block away. The helmet and an old pair of sunglasses were attached while visiting the house. Everything was untouched upon arriving back for the glide home. As aches and pains occur as a part of getting fit with too much exercise, the HT provided welcome relief today!The Segway HT performed perfectly for a glide this morning for the annual March of Dimes WalkAmerica. I locked the HT to a light pole and plugged the HT into a live socket at the base of the light. How nice to charge while waiting for longer life batteries. With our company food table nearby, several were able to keep their eye on the HT during the walk/run.

Rather than using the HT for picture taking as in previous years, I decided to run instead of ride. A heart rate monitor and iPod shuffle helped me keep up the pace. The recent weight loss gave me energy to run about two thirds of the 6 mile course. While the muscles were a bit sore, it was a pleasure to return home standing up on the HT after a delicious lunch. The added charge at the light pole allowed full speed travel for the entire glide home.RLVAL   )xxA need for a brunch/pot luck item for the morning of the 4th of July was met by using the Segway HT to glide to Brown's Bakery early in the day. Forgetting to bring a plastic shopping bag did not cause any difficulty as the box could bA need for a brunch/pot luck item for the morning of the 4th of July was met by using the Segway HT to glide to Brown's Bakery early in the day. Forgetting to bring a plastic shopping bag did not cause any difficulty as the box could be easily carried by hand while holding onto the HT control with the left hand. The baked goods are so spectacular at Brown's that everyone who gets a bite will enjoy the 4th just that much more.

Have a Happy 4th of July everyone!Monday, June 20, 2005 - A return glide to pick up the car at Dave's Tire was uneventful - but perfect weather made the trip easy and fun. Now if I can only remember to enter my blog entry on the same day all will be OK! The HT battery life is holding up nicely for short distance glides, like today's 3 mile adventure.

Getting the Segway HT in and out of car continues to be simple, although I am glad not to do it everyday!Friday, June 17, 2005 - When sitting at PF Chang's China Bistro tonight I suddenly remembered the blog, so please excuse this late entry.

An early Friday morning glide from Dave's Tire allowed a quick return home via clean, quiet electric transportation. The HT comes in so handy when dropping the car off for repairs. With excessive rains last night, a single muddy spot on the sidewalk near the State Capitol brought a bit of shimmy to an otherwise perfect glide for the nearly 3 mile adventure back home. I left the other car for alignment after testing the perfect results this afternoon. A Segway HT glide to retrieve the second car won't be necessary until next week.The need to mail Father's Day cards expanded into a lengthy glide today with a stop at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. I should have known what to expect when several showed interest in the HT. Three demos were given, one at the Post Office and two others near the hospital on the way home.

Parking the HT in the Museum coat room is a tradition and luxury. While the Segway HT can be locked up outside, the staff continue to allow me to walk the HT from the door to the coat room, a distance of about 25 feet.

Just before arriving home, a glide on the roundabout (or traffic circle) walkways gave an detailed look at construction in progress. Recent rains must be slowing things down, as landscaping and street lighting is sorely needed. Once again the HT proved it's reliability and safety during today's adventure.Tonight's meeting of "Vegetarians of Oklahoma" gave me a great reason to get on the Segway HT and glide! After all, the dining choice of Galileo's made the glide easy in every way. Perfect distance, great patio parking and Vegan choices on the menu made for a great evening. A touch of rain during dinner was only a cooling trend as a few drops reached the group. With temps in the 80's, I experienced beautiful evening dining with new friends that have similar dining interests.

Tee shirt weather after dusk made the glide home ideal. The attached light helped insure that the HT glide continued in safety. While battery life is shorter after over 600 glides, there was plenty of power to safely travel the entire trip without recharging.*~Av: S  Y  G  y 0 l ' `#gWO  YZ@Chili Ice Rink Glide@mzokc770$?@November Evening Glide7@mzokc992&?%ם@Red Leaf Glide@mzokc11*?#a@Autumn Foliage Glide@mzokc770$?k@Glide for Donuts@mzokc33, ?$@Ghost Glide@mzokc..'?ALҿ@Transmission Repair Glide@@mzokc<<5)?M<+_@Lottery Search Glide'@ mzokc770$?q2I@Historic Home Tour Glide@ mzokc;;4(?{@Mesta Festa Glide@mzokc44-!?6N@Wrong Way Glide@mzokc22+?nQ @Voting Glide@mzokc//(? k@One Way Glidej@mzokc00)?ߦ@Gas Gouge Glide@ mzokc22+?q2I5.@Ice Cream Social Glide@mzokc992&?jv@Donut Garden Glide@mzokc55."?q2 @Postal Delivery Glide@mzokc881%?.@Evening Photo Glideh@mzokc66/#?+w@Half Baked Glide@mzokc33, ?5|@Whole Wheat Glide@mzokc44-!?6(@Roll Out the Barrel glide@mzokc<<5)?@Clockwise Glidey@mzokc22+?8c:@Replacement 4th of July Glide@mzokc@@9-?Ukט@Donuts for the 4th$@mzokc55."?l@Return Glide@ mzokc//(?Hֹr!@Tire Replacement Glide@ mzokc992&?(}_@Post Office and Museum GlideA@mzokc??8,?g>@Galileo Vegan Glide @mzokc770$?/@Cool Paseo Glide@mzokc33, ?Bp@Garden Glide@mzokc//(?ߦ@Food Bank Glide,@mzokc22+?@Show Home Glide@mzokc22+?#a@WalkAmerica Glide and Run6@mzokc<<5)?@P@Quick glide through the neighborhoodz@mzokcGG@4?~#;@Festival of the Arts Glide@mzokc==6*?}i@CD-ROM Glidej@mzokc//(?| @Short and T-shirt Glide@mzokc::3'?{Qx@Head Wind Glide@mzokc22+?z(g@Cold Easter Egg Glide!@mzokc881%?y k@Kidsize Glide@mzokc00)?x )@Biker/Basketball Glide@mzokc992&?wyV4@Sunset Glide6@mzokc//(?LVAL ``ȈSunday, July 17, 2005 - After an exhausting day of organizing the home and fixing aIf it's Friday, then whole wheat donuts are available at Brown's Bakery! A great reason to hop on board the Segway HT and glide over for a dozen. The landscaping is looking great at the roundIf it's Friday, then whole wheat donuts are available at Brown's Bakery! A great reason to hop on board the Segway HT and glide over for a dozen. The landscaping is looking great at the roundabout (traffic circle) and makes the journey a lot more fun. Using a Wal-Mart bag made carrying the donuts back home a lot easier. With my weight at 155, the HT is performing better than ever.Sunday, July 17, 2005 - After an exhausting day of organizing the home and fixing a broken sprinkler, it was time to take out the trash, by Segway HT. The 110 gallon barrel rolls nicely down the drive while pulling it with one hand and keeping the other on the HT steering control. After the delivery, a nice glide around the neighborhood added some rest and relaxation to the day. Too bad the HT can't be used on the stairs inside to help with the organization project!Saturday, July 9, 2005 - After a photo shoot for a new book on the historic homes of our community it was time to glide! Wearing a formal suit was required while standing in front of the home for the professional shot. While still dressed up, I decided to take a nice clockwise spin around the neighborhood and enjoy a relaxing adventure on the Segway HT. The HT brought a little excitement back to the day - and it was needed, especially on the weekend when I remained in Oklahoma City while lucky HT owners were enjoying a barbecue at Dean Kamen's house during today's Segway Fest! All the best to those who were able to attend. An extreme thunderstorm and rain that ended just 15 minutes before the annual 4th of July neighborhood parade prevented most from attending the event. The extensive trees overhanging the streets still remain very drippy, so gliding wasn't a pleasant thought. I did drive and take a few photos.

A nice glide around the neighborhood this afternoon was a good replacement to check out the flags and bunting that many neighbors had on display. Since I unplugged the HT during the storm, power was diminished as the original batteries don't store power like they used to! However, the Segway HT performed like a champ during the adventure. The donuts will be brought to work tomorrow, and that will make a dozen folks very happy. Hope you enjoyed a Happy 4th of July!A need for a brunch/pot luck item for the morning of the 4th of July was met by using the Segway HT to glide to Brown's Bakery a couple of days before the brunch. Forgetting to bring a plastic shopping bag did not cause any difficulty as the box could be easily carried by hand while holding onto the HT control with the left hand. The baked goods are so spectacular at Brown's that everyone who gets a bite will enjoy the 4th just that much more. The fridge should keep them fresh for a couple of days .

Have a Happy 4th of July everyone!gLVAL : ****ȌƋWith gas prices over $3 in Oklahoma, it's time to abandon those cars and ride the Segway HT instead. Two choices for Sunday brunch nearby are Boulevard Cafeteria and Museum Cafe. Since Boulevard was closed, the glide continued to the Museum for a nice CaeWith gas prices over $3 in Oklahoma, it's time to abandon those cars and ride the Segway HT instead. Two choices for Sunday brunch nearby are Boulevard Cafeteria and Museum Cafe. Since Boulevard was closed, the glide continued to the Museum for a nice Caesar salad and salmon. After lunch, stopping by the Museum gift shop for a new mouse pad worked great. The HT worked great too, although the batteries need to be replaced for lengthy glides or the cool days of winter in that will start inWith gas prices over $3 in Oklahoma, it's time to abandon those cars and ride the Segway HT instead. Two choices for Sunday brunch nearby are Boulevard Cafeteria and Museum Cafe. Since Boulevard was closed, the glide continued to the Museum for a nice Caesar salad and salmon. After lunch, stopping by the Museum gift shop for a new mouse pad worked great. The HT worked great too, although the batteries need to be replaced for lengthy glides or the cool days of winter in that will start in just a few months.Sunday, August 28, 2005 - An enjoyable evening's glide to the annual Ice Cream Social topped off an great weekend. I hung a camera around my neck and carried a mono-pod on the HT to the social to take pictures (and enjoy some ice cream too!) The Segway HT was locked at the back of the home for safe keeping. The photo shoot was a success and a single beer and seconds on ice cream made for a refreshing evening.Friday, August 26, 2005 - An early morning glide to Brown's Bakery became a garden tour as the city completes the landscaping of the roundabout (traffic circle.) The Segway HT was placed by the front door and I left the helmet on the HT platform to keep people from stepping onto the HT.

The drivers still stop and look when gliding about the city. The whole wheat donuts disappeared at work in about the same time as HT travel to the bakery!Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - A letter delivered to the wrong address was reason enough for me to hop on board the Segway HT and glide to the correct address where the mail was correctly delivered. The journey continued through other parts of the community to enjoy the freshly washed foliage and fresh air. The rains this past week are more reminiscent of Seattle, it's been a nice change of pace.

Maybe if the USPS would use HT's for mail delivery their accuracy would improve!A perfect way get some photos is to climb aboard the Segway HT and glide! This evening's adventure allowed me to test the camera quality without running all over the community. The results are extremely sharp and the HT is a sharp way to get around. Evening temps were in the low 90's with dry weather and fluffy white clouds to enjoy. A great time to glide.A hot day made for a heated glide Sunday afternoon to mail some letters at the post office and attempt to purchase a museum ticket for an upcoming event. The letter delivery occurred without a hitch but the museum couldn't sell me a ticket because the new staff didn't know how to ring up the sale! I must ring them up on Monday to purchase a ticket! Oh well, 50% success in the heat provided the "half baked" adventure.

With two weeks since the last glide due to a nice vacation, the HT performed like a champ and did not disappoint. Gliding on the Segway HT in summer heat provides a cooling breeze and a simple twist of the wrist allows shading the face while waiting for the signals to turn green.GLVAL Ж ( ƒkOklahoma will become the 40th state to have a lottery, so a glide today to find the nearest lotto retailer resulted in a different adventure. The nearest gas stations were only a few blocks away and the appearance of the Segway HT did result in a few questions about the HT.Oklahoma will become the 40th state to have a lottery, so a glide today to find the nearest lotto retailer resulted in a different adventure. The nearest gas stations were only a few blocks away and the appearance of the Segway HT did result in a few questions about the HT. The glide brought me close to Braum's, so an oatmeal raisin single ice cream scoop was enjoyed.

Both the fuel retailers will start selling scratch off tickets on October 12th. Powerball tickets will come later. Add two more glide destinations that won't be fattening!Over 17K was raised for the neighborhood for this years tour. The Segway HT helped make the video presentations possible as the photos were taken last year for the annual tour. Today I enjoyed gliding to the tour homes twice. The first glide for touring through each home. The second glide to take video, both still and while in motion. The batteries did completely discharge on the way home, but a restart gave enough power to finish. Activities like the tour make owning the HT worth every penny.The annual Mesta Festa, music, beverage and entertainment city park event occurred today, and gliding to the event is an expected occurrence. The residents ask about the Segway HT and love to see it in operation. Seeing neighbors from the nearby historic neighborhood is always fun and memorable.

Later in the day I glided back on the HT to pick up the HDV camera to capture a few video clips for future editing. With recent recordings at Oktoberfest, State Fair, and the Apple Store grand opening, it's a winner. I look forward to gliding to downtown locations for future video recordings. With a recent increase in .mac web storage, stay tuned to view the action.Folks were driving the wrong direction in the roundabout this morning during the donut glide to Brown's Bakery. Now don't worry, I was in the store when it occurred, but it did clearly indicate that you need to look both ways when on the Segway HT, even on one way intersections.

The whole wheat donuts I purchase at Brown's continue to be a favorite treat at work. With the finished roundabout, gliding to Brown's is nicer than ever. Landscaping is almost finished and the sidewalks are clean. With the weight at 155, gliding is easier than ever. There is less strain on the HT and that is helping with battery life. Fewer donuts are helping my life too!Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - Oklahoma elections are frequent affairs, so keeping the Segway HT charged is handy for a trip to the polls. Today's election was for a 5 cent per gallon tax increase on gasoline. The voters shot it down 4 to 1, but not before a nice glide during 90 degree heat. The HT stood quietly in the hall while voting. With the conditions of our roads and bridges, it won't be too long before a rider on a Segway HT is the only safe weight allowed!Monday, September 7, 2005 - Everyone needs to have the car repaired once in awhile. Segway HT to the rescue! I enjoyed a nice speedy glide about 2.5 miles to the auto repair to pick up the car. Since the street I used has lots of stop signs, very few people travel the route. The 4 lane street made gliding a lot easier as there is plenty of room for the occasional car to pass while zooming to the destination. After putting the HT into the trunk, I drove straight to work to save time. Practical and fun, the Segway continues to provide local transportation without waiting for someone else to give me a taxi ride.'LVAL  (CWhat an afternoon to glide! With temps in the low 80's it couldn't be nicer. The leaves were in a blast of color, so looking up at them made the Segway HT the only way to travel. With the added platform height I could glide right up and touch some of the lower leaves. Folks are out in force gathering and cleaning those leaves from their lawns. The HT made viewing nicWhat an afternoon to glide! With temps in the low 80's it couldn't be nicer. The leaves were in a blast of color, so looking up at them made the Segway HT the only way to travel. With the added platform height I could glide right up and touch some of the lower leaves. Folks are out in force gathering and cleaning those leaves from their lawns. The HT made viewing nice because I didn't stop to slow down progress on the leaf pick up projects.

Another plus with today's glide: viewing a rooftop of a material I had considered. Today's viewing made it clear that I should not switch materials, it wouldn't be right for my rooftop. Being a bit nosy looking at roofs in the neighborhood on the HT is easier than driving by in the car!Saturday, November 5, 2005 - Great afternoon weather and bright colorful autumn foliage made for a perfect glide around the neighborhood. The brilliant leaf color makes gliding on the HT absolutely perfect. No car or bike can duplicate the ability to look up and enjoy the colorful trees while slowly moving forward. An added treat was seeing big studio film trucks in an adjacent neighborhood. Using two historic homes, they were filming a haunted thriller movie for release next year. One of the guys noticed the Segway HT and mentioned it to his coworkers. I chatted with the neighbors including one of the ladies who owns one of the homes. It was a memorable experience and one of the reasons why owning a Segway HT continues to be fantastic.A nice morning glide for whole wheat donuts at Brown's started the day just right. With 50 degree temps, the old batteries are feeling their age, but the Segway HT zoomed over to the bakery in fine form. While construction on the roundabout is finished, the side streets and sidewalks are now getting repairs. The area is looking good and should be humming with new businesses by next spring. More reason to enjoy gliding on the HT.It's Halloween party time in the neighborhood. Time to rev up the Segway HT for a ghostly glide. Tonight's gathering is a favorite with our resident movers and shakers. Almost everyone shows up in some kind of costume and has a great time. I gave one HT demo before the glide home, staying on the sidewalk and monitoring the glide closely. The batteries for the light needed some additional charging. With no auto traffic it was a safe night to glide through the mysterious looking historic neighborhood.The lottery glide took a back seat when the HT became car repair transport. I lifted the Segway HT into the trunk for the drive to get the repairs started. What a surprise when the GM repair man was showing off his new Toyota Prius. The hybrid car is electric to about 35 mph before the engine takes over 100%. After a discussion about the car repairs to be done I enjoyed a nice glide home. Not seeing any lottery posters at nearby gas station, I skipped that purchase until driving by after work. I won nothing today. Maybe an HT glide will increase the chance of winning! LVAL ( This afternoon got down right cold at about 34 degrees. Before dusk, I bundled up for a glide to the Braum's outdoor Ice Rink for a refreshment. A hot chocolate gave warmth while viewing the skaters. A lady fell on the ice and the fire department was called, so more treats were enjoyed while waiting for the outcome. I don't who did tThis afternoon got down right cold at about 34 degrees. Before dusk, I bundled up for a glide to the Braum's outdoor Ice Rink for a refreshment. A hot chocolate gave warmth while viewing the skaters. A lady fell on the ice and the fire department was called, so more treats were enjoyed while waiting for the outcome. I don't who did the most damage to their body, her fall - or me after eating chili, cookies and egg nog! With the cold north winds blowing, the Segway HT glide home turned very bitter. The gloves made the adventure bearable, but low battery power slowed the glide. That helped the wind chill factor and the slThis afternoon got down right cold at about 34 degrees. Before dusk, I bundled up for a glide to the Braum's outdoor Ice Rink for a refreshment. A hot chocolate gave warmth while viewing the skaters. A lady fell on the ice and the fire department was called, so more treats were enjoyed while waiting for the outcome. I don't who did the most damage to their body, her fall - or me after eating chili, cookies and egg nog! With the cold north winds blowing, the Segway HT glide home turned very bitter. The gloves made the adventure bearable, but low battery power slowed the glide. That helped the wind chill factor and the slower glide meant no pushing of the HT today!Monday, November 14, 2005 - An evening community meeting during one of the last warm evenings made for a perfect reason to glide. The Segway HT was recognized by a policeman speaking to our group! He and other policeman rode the HT at the mall about 2 years ago. I parked the HT outside near his police car and sure enough, it was still there when leaving the meeting. The now cooler batteries did have less power on the return trip. The HT slowed on a hill but remained steady and safe. As winter nears it's fun to take advantage of good weather whenever possible.